View Full Version : [WIP]Ferrari (Oh yeah Baby)
June 9th, 2009, 12:56 PM
Basically, Slicer (my brother) is an intermediate Maya user and has practically finished his Media Degree. His internet is failing and he doesn't have an account here so he asked me to post his Ferrari model up here for some feedback and criticism.
This is not my model, I am just posting it for him as asked. No renders. He is currently making a particle effect for smoke going over the car like in a wind tunnel. Tri count is approximately 380,000 tris. Also, how's the topology? ( ( ( (
MetKiller Joe
June 9th, 2009, 01:05 PM
With my limited experience with cars:
Looks pretty good. I'm seeing some errors in the back though (lots of small errors but they make it look like clay).
Also, the poly flow isn't greatest (there is what seems to be a past poly flow, but that was tinkered with and now it seems a bit like a patch-work quilt; there are spots, like the hood, where the poly count seems a bit excessive).
Overall, its a good model.
June 9th, 2009, 02:16 PM
Looks very nice, can we see the un-turbosmoothed mesh please.
June 9th, 2009, 02:40 PM
Really good model, a few small errors but overall the topology is pretty nice. I understand why the topology splits into ngons in some areas instead of continuing the loops. That is to allow the smoothing to continue over the edge without being to tight. This could probably be done in a different way.
I have very limited knowledge of car modeling, and hard surface modeling at that. So I may be wrong. Tell your brother to continue practicing because his work is decent.
Oh, ask him if we could have an unsmoothed wireframe/render.
June 9th, 2009, 03:15 PM
Looks nice to me but I don't know crap.
June 9th, 2009, 05:26 PM
F340? F450?
Either way, the side intakes near the back wheels dont look right. Also the lights at the back are alot more rounder in real life.
Part from that looks like a great model.
June 11th, 2009, 02:51 AM
goddamn maya sub-D surfaces.
there's a few problems with surface continuity, giving those nasty hard edges.
also tell him that he needs to get rid of those centre-vertexes maya always makes in the middle of cylinder caps, shit kills your surface subdivisions.
there's also a few lumpy areas, which is just the result of trying to use too many verts in the base-mesh pre-subdividing, generally, less = better, and gives you far smoother curves.
overall it's a pretty good base mesh, but if this were for any type of game-development, i'd ask you if this was really something you'd want to pursue, since that is going to take a HELLLLL of alot of time to clean up. it's nice for render-purposed, and even then it'll take alot of cleaning up.
fucking maya, all you people need to stop using maya goddamnit. theres a few people here at the studio using maya, and i always end up having to go over their models removing all the crap maya does to models. shit should be fucking banned from use.
June 11th, 2009, 10:34 AM
fucking maya, all you people need to stop using maya goddamnit. theres a few people here at the studio using maya, and i always end up having to go over their models removing all the crap maya does to models. shit should be fucking banned from use.
Can anyone tell me who's Mr. Attitude here?
June 11th, 2009, 11:06 AM
Can anyone tell me who's Mr. Attitude here?
mb, but work is serious business and cleaning up after others sucks balls. I've always been a 3DS MAX guy myself ;).
June 11th, 2009, 06:44 PM
Well, I'm a Maya guy and I hate it when people generalize Maya and it's userbase from their own misconceptions.
June 11th, 2009, 07:02 PM
That guy acts as though he knows everything.. Heh.
"You using this.. your doing it wrong"
This aint the first time, and last time he was wrong, he didnt even know what the guy was using. Lmao.
June 12th, 2009, 02:03 AM
Can anyone tell me who's Mr. Attitude here?
sorry for that little outburst over maya there, i've been worked up a bit because i've been working overtime to fix all the errors that end up in everything made with maya.
maya is a great application, but it does some annoying stuff. constantly. most likely user-error, but i can't help but associate it with the program when everything that comes across my desk in max format is fine, but everything that's in maya format has junk and errors. it becomes easy to generalise when you see this happen every day.
Fear, if you happen to be talking about this ( post, you should also try to read the following post.
Lol, that's the same thing as SubD if I'm not mistaken.
different terminology for the same thing. just because it's called different, doesn't mean it's not the exact same thing.
this guy doesn't act like he knows everything, he just acts like he's got alot more experience with this than you do.
June 12th, 2009, 02:10 AM
Welp, Fear1337 i don't see him saying that because he's using maya he's doing it wrong. He's totally right about the surfaces though. Everything he said about the model was spot on.
June 12th, 2009, 06:58 AM
Well right now I'm just trying to get familiar with Maya. I'm a 3DS user, but I find Maya has a vast number of features which I just couldn't resist checking out like its lighting and particle effects. Also, I find Maya is an easier program to use when modelling organics and terrain.
Anyway, I'm just waiting on Slicer so that he can send me the model. I just need to clay render an unsmoothed mesh of the car with wireframe. I'll get back to yall in a day or two.
June 15th, 2009, 06:07 PM
No, don't clay render. Clay renders hide mistakes.
June 15th, 2009, 09:52 PM
The Ferrari, is looking really good i like it except for the odd errors on the back end of it around the lights.
I am also a Maya user, and i absolutely love Maya, there is nothing wrong with it, you like to use 3ds then that's your choice, everyone has there separate opinions, to be honest i think 3ds has the most complicated user interface out of anything, but that's my opinion, but maybe if i played around with it, id get used to it, but i don't see the point not at this moment in time, I'm happy with Maya.
June 16th, 2009, 12:08 AM
fucking maya, all you people need to stop using maya goddamnit. theres a few people here at the studio using maya, and i always end up having to go over their models removing all the crap maya does to models. shit should be fucking banned from use.
gonna go ahead and say probably almost all of that is user errors... they would probably make the same mistakes with Max. just saying you can make clean meshes in maya. probably not deleting history after using bend modifiers, latices etc...
but you are right about the cylinder and sphere caps. the problem is when you smooth it makes every thing a quad but cylinder/sphere caps are tri's. simply select every other edge and hit delete; turning tri's into quads.
June 16th, 2009, 04:29 AM
Actually, Dom, that's still wrong. When it comes to cylinder caps, you want to get rid of that central vert, because having fans/poles in high poly meshes is really undesirable. The cylinder cap should be recreated to create quad bands across it.
June 16th, 2009, 05:01 AM
^ that is pretty much the rule.
June 16th, 2009, 10:22 AM
Actually, Dom, that's still wrong. When it comes to cylinder caps, you want to get rid of that central vert, because having fans/poles in high poly meshes is really undesirable. The cylinder cap should be recreated to create quad bands across it.
ah i see. doesn't work for sphere's though.
June 16th, 2009, 10:25 AM
sure it does :3 you just need to know how, and keep it in mind in the entire creation process. (basically, make sure your cylinders and spheres have a number of sides which is dividable by 4)
then you can always cap spheres up with quads.
June 16th, 2009, 01:20 PM
sure it does :3 you just need to know how, and keep it in mind in the entire creation process. (basically, make sure your cylinders and spheres have a number of sides which is dividable by 4)
then you can always cap spheres up with quads.
really splitting hairs here but, if you get rid of that verticie on a sphere that will cause it to flatten out. if it's for a game then tri's will be just fine or delete those faces. if ya plan to smooth it, deleting every other edge works just fine.
besides getting rid of that one verticie on a cylinder saves you 2 triangles. not a big deal unless it's a game model.
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