View Full Version : Harddrive failure

§partan 8
June 19th, 2009, 03:08 PM
Ya, I think my harddrive died or something. It's only about a year old and its a seagate harddrive. I can hear it spining but i don't hear the needle thingy moving at all. I have everything on that harddrive. All my backup files installed programs account information to everything 3ds max and halo stuff. everything

June 19th, 2009, 03:16 PM
You should be posting this in the Tech Forum dude.

Check all of the connections running from the HDD to the Mobo.

Does it make it to the OS start up graphic, or does it keep rebooting?

Since you're not getting the clackers, it might be a virus or controller board issue.

Try running a live linux distro and repairing the hdd.

*edit: check the pins on the hdd, and check the boot sequence etc.

June 19th, 2009, 03:21 PM
It could be a logical failure.

Give us more symptoms.

§partan 8
June 19th, 2009, 06:18 PM
In the BIOS the hdd doesn't show up. The hdd is my second hdd my first one has the OS on it. It stays at the BIOS screen long when I have the 2nd hdd connected.

So I tried to boot it in Ubuntu and this is what comes up. Any ideas what it means?


Dunno if this has anything to do with it but the hole where the screw goes into is a purplish color. Maybe its burnt I don't know for sure.



June 20th, 2009, 06:44 AM
Looks more oxidized than burned to me.
I doubt that is the issue but that error that came up looks like a logical failure.

June 20th, 2009, 11:35 AM
It's more than likely not the board - just something with the actual platters and sectors. You can put it back together...

Anyway, it seems like you can still see the drive, assuming you have Ubuntu installed on it. That's better than not seeing the drive at all.

The first thing I would do is make an image of the entire drive. That way you'll always have a snapshot of the drive in its current state in case a repair option goes south.

Next, obtain a copy of SpinRite and boot to the CD. If your computer recognizes the drive, SpinRite will too, and it could probably work wonders for you with repairing the drive.

Look here for apps that could help you with this. CAD just had a terrible scenario he found himself in where his entire MBR ended up corrupt, and this saved him.


Take a look at GetDataBack. Hopefully you are using a filesystem that supports the apps...