View Full Version : Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

June 19th, 2009, 09:46 PM
All I can say is WOW.

Film was jam packed with action, the effects were incredible. The plot did get a bit stale in the middle and my only bad point about the action is bits happened extremely fast and it was hard to see everything that happened. Megan Fox's acting was pretty rubbish imo but great eye candy.

Also I'm amazed its out in UK before America, even though I bet it was all made in USA (CGI bits)

June 19th, 2009, 09:48 PM

English Mobster
June 19th, 2009, 09:49 PM

June 19th, 2009, 10:00 PM
Fuck you Limited, rubbing it in our faces like that.

I don't need to be reminded that you UK(ers?) get to see the movie before us in the US.

June 19th, 2009, 10:28 PM
Is it more of the same shit they did in T1 or have they realised nobody gives a fuzzy green turd about the human characters?

June 19th, 2009, 10:43 PM
Ever since I saw Megan Fox's thumb I can't get over it. It ruined the movie for me :(

June 19th, 2009, 10:57 PM
i still aint seen number1 vOv

June 19th, 2009, 10:57 PM
Ever since I saw Megan Fox's thumb I can't get over it. It ruined the movie for me :(

I don't really bother with celebrity-related bull, so you're going to have to explain that one for my benefit...

June 19th, 2009, 10:58 PM

I don't really bother with celebrity-related bull, so you're going to have to explain that one for my benefit...
Her thumb.

June 19th, 2009, 10:58 PM
apparently her thumb looks more like a big toe then a thumb.


just thought i'd drop this here.

June 19th, 2009, 10:58 PM
Megan Fox's acting was pretty rubbish imo but great eye candy.
You were expecting something else? :p

June 19th, 2009, 11:15 PM
Her thumb is fine, its just bent away from the camera so it looks odd. :)

June 19th, 2009, 11:36 PM
i still aint seen number1 vOv
Don't, you will only be dissapointed :ohdear:

June 19th, 2009, 11:59 PM
Her thumb is fine, its just bent away from the camera so it looks odd. :)

I suppose it's the same for this too?

June 20th, 2009, 12:29 AM
Is it more of the same shit they did in T1 or have they realised nobody gives a fuzzy green turd about the human characters?

Hey don't be replacing the original T1 for terminator with transformers :(.

June 20th, 2009, 01:01 AM

I'll just leave this here.

June 20th, 2009, 02:34 AM
It says a lot about the film when a talentless idiot like Megan Fox is getting more attention than you know.. the plot? the 30 foot robots? THE IMPORTANT CHARACTERS??

English Mobster
June 20th, 2009, 02:59 AM
It says a lot about the film when a talentless idiot like Megan Fox is getting more attention than you know.. the plot? the 30 foot robots? THE IMPORTANT CHARACTERS??
Imagine... What if they do a subplot where she gets pregnant?
Seeing how the directors/writers/whatevers tend to focus on how they can kill Transformers the most, that seems like something they would do. Add a third retarded "hero".
And give the baby superpowers which can stop Megatron.
(My prediction for the movie btw)

Fakeedit: That, or they kill Optimus Prime. Both of those seem to be the best ways they would try to kill Transformers.

June 20th, 2009, 04:44 AM
Don't, you will only be dissapointed :ohdear:
My god, you're up two-for-two. Keep truckin'.

Seriously, there are plenty of movies out there that are twice as entertaining that won't rot your brain faster than four gallons of game fuel and a hyperactive cathode ray tube.

June 20th, 2009, 08:32 AM
Well its clear the stars of the film are the transformers, which is why I went to see it. Lots of action, robots transforming and kicking the crap out of each other.

The thing about megan's thumb is true by the way. She has a great body but the face of a slapper, reminds me of a character in Eastenders.

June 20th, 2009, 01:01 PM
Well, I for one loved the first movie, and the second one looks just as epic in my eyes :) I'll be seeing this as soon as possible, at least I hope so.

June 21st, 2009, 05:31 PM
I downloaded it off bittorrent before it releases stateside. Great movie.

June 23rd, 2009, 06:50 AM
I just saw the movie earlier.

It was rather nice, lots of things blowing up. Good effects. Stale plot, which is to be expected.

English Mobster
June 23rd, 2009, 06:51 PM
Going to see it tonight at midnight.

June 23rd, 2009, 06:59 PM
I liked Ebert's review .http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090623/REVIEWS/906239997

I turned off the first one after 15 minutes , so I'm a lttle bias . Still funny though.

"If you want to save yourself the ticket price, go into the kitchen, cue up a male choir singing the music of hell, and get a kid to start banging pots and pans together. Then close your eyes and use your imagination."

June 23rd, 2009, 07:08 PM
Seeing it tomorrow

El Lobo
June 23rd, 2009, 07:15 PM
Ever since I saw Megan Fox's thumb I can't get over it. It ruined the movie for me :(

Wow. Idiot.

She has a great body but the face of a slapperWhat does "face of a slapper" mean?

Seeing this tonight at midnight I think.


June 23rd, 2009, 07:35 PM
I liked Ebert's review .http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090623/REVIEWS/906239997

I turned off the first one after 15 minutes , so I'm a lttle bias . Still funny though.

"If you want to save yourself the ticket price, go into the kitchen, cue up a male choir singing the music of hell, and get a kid to start banging pots and pans together. Then close your eyes and use your imagination."

What did he think of the first movie?

June 23rd, 2009, 08:13 PM

June 23rd, 2009, 10:12 PM
What does "face of a slapper" mean?
a slapper is a prostitute or slut

not huge on her myself to be honest, very few famous women i would even bother to speak to if i had the chance

June 23rd, 2009, 11:09 PM
Michael Bay is never going to make a movie better than The Rock. It's as simple as that. It's a fucking law of nature. Believe it.

Now by no means was The Rock a Citizen Kane in its own right, but it had Sean Connery, Ed Harris, Michael Biehn, David Morse, great music, and a fraction of a story that could still be discerned by the naked eye. But compared to that movie, Transformers is a god-awful movie franchise based on a five-year-old's playthings, and it's time to get over yourselves; there are much better-looking women than Megan Fox, there are movie robots more entertaining, sci-fi characters better-executed, and CG spectacles far more impressive than a morphing 18-wheeler, there are people who actually know where an explosion fits into the editing process (unlike Mr. Bay in recent years), and there are actors in Hollywood who are more *insert at least mildly positive quality here* than Louis Stevens (see: any randomly-selected human being working behind the scenes on anything). For the mean time, I'll be watching my Pan's Labyrinth, The Dark Knight, and Terminator 2 while I patiently await District 9, The Road, Shutter Island, and Avatar, thank you very much.

You guys on the other hand... If you're looking for comedy, may I suggest Johnny Stecchino. If you want action and drama, go for Saving Private Ryan. If you want all of that, go pull Shaun of the Dead out of your DVD collection. I know you have it. If not, then shame on you. Want upcoming movies to look forward to for comedy and action/drama? Bruno for one, The Hurt Locker for the other (in that order, of course). If you're looking to be enraptured by visuals, well here's a movie that'll be able to blow your mind without first having to turn it off: The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. Now THAT shit'll be guaranteed to send ya on a fuckin' ride, believe you me.

Hell, if you just want some destined-to-be-classic pulp cinema wrapped in an innovative design and featuring great effects, good-looking women, and a whole lot of loud, flashy action sequences just for the excuse of entertainment from the minds of Orci and Kurtzman, go spend your ten dollars on Star Trek while its still in theaters.

June 23rd, 2009, 11:50 PM
very few famous women i would even bother to speak to if i had the chance

Are you fucking retarded?

El Lobo
June 23rd, 2009, 11:51 PM
Are you fucking retarded?



June 24th, 2009, 12:16 AM
Are you fucking retarded?
I agree with him and I assure you I am not retarded in any way.

What brought you to that assumption?

June 24th, 2009, 12:19 AM
I happen to agree aswell.

June 24th, 2009, 12:22 AM
Are you fucking retarded?
i just give no fuck about money, plastic surgery, and bland personalities

i guess i'm fucking crazy or something man i should be locked up

June 24th, 2009, 12:42 AM
i guess i'm fucking crazy or something man i should be locked up
I agree, but not because of your views on celebs. I agree with you on the celebs too.

June 24th, 2009, 01:48 AM
All the Megan Fox talk in here is great because:

1) None of you (including me) would actually ask out a famous female of Megan's caliber.
2) A female of said caliber wouldn't give a second thought about someone of your (my/our) caliber.

Stereotypes and social status are awesome. vOv

June 24th, 2009, 02:06 AM
When you say of her calibre, what precisely do you mean?

I could think of enough women I find more attractive (both famous and not) and more interesting to fill an entire apartment block. So no, I wouldn't ask her out, and I wouldn't care if she didn't give me a first thought, let alone a second one.

June 24th, 2009, 03:56 AM
Saw it tonight. It was alright. No where near as good as the first film though.

English Mobster
June 24th, 2009, 05:29 AM
Once again, a 2 hour, 50 minute advertisement for the U.S. Military.

Also once again, MANY plot holes and WAY TOO LONG focusing on the humans no one care about. Does it even give out Megan Fox's character name? NEVER ONCE did I hear her name, other than "Beautiful".

Lots of cringe-worthy moments. Too many to name.

And one last thing: How the hell can you be dating 2 FUCKING YEARS and not have said, "I love you" ONCE? ESPECIALLY in a high school relationship when the people involved were Sophomores?

June 24th, 2009, 09:45 AM
I guess some people are forgetting something.

This is a summer action movie. Does plot matter? No. Does acting matter? No. Then why watch it? Its got giant robots beating each other up. Any other reasons? Maybe the explosions, but nothing else really. Then why watch it? Because it's summer. This is a summer action movie. They fit their roles perfectly.

I'm going to watch this movie to see things get beat up by giant robots. I'm probably going to be satisfied too (not in that way you pervert).

June 24th, 2009, 10:47 AM
This is a summer action movie. Does plot matter? No. Does acting matter? No. Then why watch it? Its got giant robots beating each other up. Any other reasons? Maybe the explosions, but nothing else really. Then why watch it? Because it's summer. This is a summer action movie. They fit their roles perfectly.Those things matter because there has to be some kind of cake-filler to make sure you don't walk out of the theater sometime between the mildly entertaining parts and beat the clerk with a tire iron and ask for your money back.

I was not impressed with the first one at all. When I finished watching it, I described it as the kind of movie that "you have to see at least once in your life, but never more than once in your life", but in retrospect I'm even questioning that. I mean, the story was unbearably stupid and the dialogue and comic relief could not be listened to without getting your ears sewn shut first. If they wanted to make a movie strictly for entertainment value with fifty-foot rock-'em-sock-'em robots, they could have cut the stale and sour parts out, spent less money on high-billed actors, and made just as much . Christ, they could've had a disclaimer in the beginning that said "This movie is simply an extended 90-minute action sequence and demo for recent ILM rendering programs. Sit back and have a blast!". At least then I could give it some credit and enjoy the experience. Either give it a passable plot or give it a run on cold turkey.

2) A female of said caliber wouldn't give a second thought about someone of your [I](my/our) caliber.
Unless of course you get completely denied by her on camera while trying to shove a huge yellow rose into her cleavage with your pudgy little hands, even though you've still got on a salmon-colored t-shirt that hasn't seen the inside of a washing machine in just under a month.

Then she'd have to apologize on every celebrity news outlet on the internet before she "makes it up to you". Shit, she might have to invite you to her hotel room for a blow just so she can send you back on your way and out of hers.

No where near as good as the first film though.It was worse than the first? My god, fuck the Razzies, Bay should get an Oscar for an accomplishment like that. And no, not Visual Effects, Sound Mixing, and Sound Editing like the first got nominations for (because it's going to lose those to Avatar, anyway), I'm talking about an individual honorary accolade; a laundry list like Michael Bay's deserves a Lifetime Achievement award here.

June 24th, 2009, 11:42 AM
i just give no fuck about money, plastic surgery, and bland personalities

i guess i'm fucking crazy or something man i should be locked up
Retarded or crazy, you're full of shit either way. Mainly because a) anyone who says they don't care about money is full of shit b) anyone who believes all celebrities have had plastic surgery are full of shit c) anyone who thinks that celebrities expose their true personality to the public are full of shit. Everything celebrities do publicly is for them to either make money or keep their jobs.

June 24th, 2009, 12:39 PM
:words:New member of the year nominee because of this post

June 24th, 2009, 12:47 PM
Retarded or crazy, you're full of shit either way. Mainly because a) anyone who says they don't care about money is full of shit b) anyone who believes all celebrities have had plastic surgery are full of shit c) anyone who thinks that celebrities expose their true personality to the public are full of shit. Everything celebrities do publicly is for them to either make money or keep their jobs.

You know your full of shit too?
Some people have enough money to not care about money, think about that? Or some people really don't give a rats ass about money because they hardly make enough of it, so they stop thinking about it.
Lots of celebrities have bad plastic surgery. Lol.

Seems like your the kind of person that would do any actor chick even if all her body has plastic surgery.

teh lag
June 24th, 2009, 12:50 PM
why is it every thread about giant robots has us yelling about money

stop it you guys

June 24th, 2009, 01:33 PM
why is it every thread about giant robots has us yelling about money

stop it you guys
It's one of the great truths: There is a direct correlation between giant robots and money.

I may see it sometime later this week.

June 24th, 2009, 05:47 PM
Saw it tonight. It was alright. No where near as good as the first film though.
Wow, that terrible?

the best post
I cannot rep this post enough, 2 bars is not enough for you!
(must spread rep too :saddowns:)

Everything I expected it to be, and then some. :lmao:

Retarded or crazy, you're full of shit either way. Mainly because a) anyone who says they don't care about money is full of shit b) anyone who believes all celebrities have had plastic surgery are full of shit c) anyone who thinks that celebrities expose their true personality to the public are full of shit. Everything celebrities do publicly is for them to either make money or keep their jobs.
I gota get to class now, but I'll put this quote here so I can pick the shit out of when I get a spare 5 minutes later.

June 24th, 2009, 07:01 PM
Am I the only one who loved the first one here? :confused:

June 24th, 2009, 07:05 PM
Am I the only one who loved the first one here? :confused:
If by "the first one" you mean the first couple of scenes with the SOCCENT survivors, then no.

June 24th, 2009, 07:24 PM
They both were epic. The animation in both was beautiful.

June 24th, 2009, 07:29 PM
Am I the only one who loved the first one here? :confused:

I'm with you. Us Transformers fans have to stick together in these here Modacity parts. SISTAHOOD

June 24th, 2009, 07:44 PM
I bet half of you haven't even see the complete series of the first transformers cartoon. That's what you call epic. But eh, they say the best is not everyone. :)

June 24th, 2009, 10:22 PM
Retarded or crazy, you're full of shit either way. Mainly because a) anyone who says they don't care about money is full of shit b) anyone who believes all celebrities have had plastic surgery are full of shit c) anyone who thinks that celebrities expose their true personality to the public are full of shit. Everything celebrities do publicly is for them to either make money or keep their jobs.
mmyes i am surely full of shit for saying i don't care about money

i mean never mind that i only make the bare minimum i need to move back out next year and then keep myself fed and the rent paid, and am quite happy that way

e/ oh and let's not forget the donations to various sites, the few hundred i blew on games for cash-strapped friends, the fact i basically told my now-unemployed dad he can take whatever the family needs out of my account

*makes assumptions about someone they don't know anything about at all, posts on forums*

June 25th, 2009, 01:06 AM
If by "the first one" you mean the first couple of scenes with the SOCCENT survivors, then no.
Yeah, the movie was great with the robot messing the human shit up. Once they started acting like the people were... important... is when it got godawful.

I'm a fan of transformers, the cartoon (you know, the origional?), not the movie.

June 25th, 2009, 04:09 AM
I saw it and it was just as good as the first movie to be honest. It was DIFFERENT than the first movie, but that doesn't make it worse in any way. Also not sure if this was answered already, yes they mentioned Megan Fox's characters name (Mikaela) multiple times in the movie. Pay attention.

Reaper Man
June 25th, 2009, 05:44 AM
Horrible movie. Shitty attempt at a storyline, relied on special effects to attract people. Jokes were all crude, nothing witty at all. The twin Autobots were verging on racist (gold teeth, what the fuck?). The sound of crashing metal is pretty much ceaseless throughout the movie. A machine that turns off the sun, wtf. Whole movie dragged on for far too long. The only thing that made the movie enjoyable was that I watched it with my girlfriend :v:

June 25th, 2009, 05:53 AM
I might be getting dragged to see it by mine aswell :gonk:

Llama Juice
June 25th, 2009, 09:37 AM
If you go to a Michael Bay film expecting an amazing story then you are retarded, it's that simple haha

I went and saw it last night in IMAX, was it a theatrical work of art? No, of course not. Was it an entertaining movie that had a lot of neat stuff in it? Indeed.

Sometimes it's okay to enjoy a movie because of the special effects and such.... Hell, we're on a Halo forum... I doubt any of you are here because you thought the story in Halo was any good.

June 25th, 2009, 10:07 AM
If you go to a Michael Bay film expecting an amazing story then you are retarded, it's that simple haha.
Hey, The Rock at least had just enough to work around and make a great movie with.

June 25th, 2009, 10:10 AM
I went to go see it with a bunch of friends, and then when we to go get tickets they were sold out. :|
We went and saw Year One, which was kinda funny, not really worth your 10 bucks though until it comes out in DVD. Nothing special.

June 25th, 2009, 11:12 AM
1) None of you (including me) would actually ask out a famous female of Megan's caliber.
Fuck you mang I would.
I'm not scared of some rich chick who gets appraised for her acting only because people think she is good looking.
I wouldn't go out on said date with her, but for no reason wouldn't I ask...

I might be getting dragged to see it by mine aswell :gonk:
what's his name? :3

Reaper Man
June 25th, 2009, 11:23 AM
what's his name? :3
I can answer that one for you: ßðÐŻÍ££å

June 25th, 2009, 11:45 AM
Hell, we're on a Halo forum... I doubt any of you are here because you thought the story in Halo was any good.

*Quietly raises hand*

I saw the movie last night. I tried to take it seriously for all of 10 minutes and then just gave up and enjoyed it. I've decided these movies live in their own surrealistic world where robots have testicles, mothers are incredibly ditsy, and men randomly strip to their thongs. It'll take me a while to forget that last part. If I didn't accept that, I'd have to hate this movie, but since I just decided to go with it I thought it was a pretty damn entertaining explosionathon. It is a summer blockbuster, nothing more. And I enjoyed it as such. :)

June 26th, 2009, 12:54 PM
Saw last night, seeing it again tonight. Was fucking amazing.

June 26th, 2009, 01:25 PM
Saw last night, seeing it again tonight. Was fucking amazing.


June 26th, 2009, 02:58 PM
Saw it last night, was awesome. Giant robots+hot chicks+explosions= (about) 3 hours of jizzing in my pants.

June 26th, 2009, 03:09 PM
3 hours of jizzing in my pants.

:ohdear: I think you're supposed to see a doctor after 2 hours.

June 26th, 2009, 06:59 PM
I saw it. It was amazing.

My only complaint is that the movie uses WAY too much comedic relief. The point is supposed to be relief, not the whole point of the film. Just too much comedy, even in the serious parts of the film.

June 26th, 2009, 07:04 PM
^ I agree up to the part of the comedy. It worked perfect. If it was all serious, it would just be a action movie with out any flavour to it. I seen the movie today. Loved everything.

Who ever said the plot sucks, doesn't know whats the difference between good and bad movies.

June 26th, 2009, 07:45 PM
I know some comedy is needed, but they just went way overboard with it. It's supposed some by comedic relief, not comedic saturation.

June 26th, 2009, 08:14 PM
I, for one, found they did that thing where the camera rotates around the characters/some scene way too much. I was almost dizzy, especially at the part where they kiss at the beginning. Honest to fucking god, just kiss and leave, you don't need to over-dramatize it as much as they did.

June 26th, 2009, 09:35 PM
Who ever said the plot sucks, doesn't know whats the difference between good and bad movies.
Good movies make sense? Good movies rely on a strong story and acting to be worthwhile, rather than fancy CG and Megan Fox? Good movies are the kind which you can watch over and over again and still laugh in all the right places, cry in all the right places, and not just because you're forcing it?

Yeah, looks like you've busted me. I have no fucking idea.

June 26th, 2009, 09:47 PM
Good movies make sense? Good movies rely on a strong story and acting to be worthwhile, rather than fancy CG and Megan Fox? Good movies are the kind which you can watch over and over again and still laugh in all the right places, cry in all the right places, and not just because you're forcing it?

Yeah, looks like you've busted me. I have no fucking idea.

It did have a strong story. No it wasn't because of magan fox. Really, do all guys have to be perverted to watch a movie now? :|
I would still go and watch this movie again. Plus I don't get what you guys mean it doesn't have a strong story. It all makes sense. How is the first one any better? Big bad guy comes, big good guy saves the day, but the thing is, they aren't from that planet.. Think about it, and they both have great story lines.

Yes, the CG was awesome, but it only helped make the film even better better.

June 26th, 2009, 10:00 PM
I may have liked both movies, but I don't consider them to have brilliant plots. :P They are for fun only- any serious attempt to critique them will blow any cinematic usefulness they may allege out of the water. That being said, they're big, they're pretty, and they're entertaining. Oh yeah, and the money part.

June 26th, 2009, 10:11 PM
It did have a strong story. No it wasn't because of magan fox. Really, do all guys have to be perverted to watch a movie now? :|
I would still go and watch this movie again. Plus I don't get what you guys mean it doesn't have a strong story. It all makes sense. How is the first one any better? Big bad guy comes, big good guy saves the day, but the thing is, they aren't from that planet.. Think about it, and they both have great story lines.
*shits out patchy story about random teen social outcast becoming hero, winning girl of his dreams; calls it anything other than utterly generic*

June 26th, 2009, 10:15 PM
Then you missed the point. Its about earth about to be overtaken by aliens and having earths sun be blasted to bits, and then some other aliens help the humans to stop these bad aliens and not take over the world + destroy the sun. :\

June 26th, 2009, 10:17 PM
you dont understand that thats a terribly generic plot we've all heard dozens of times before?

What the fuck?

June 26th, 2009, 10:20 PM
It did have a strong story. No it wasn't because of magan fox. Really, do all guys have to be perverted to watch a movie now? :|
I would still go and watch this movie again. Plus I don't get what you guys mean it doesn't have a strong story. It all makes sense. How is the first one any better? Big bad guy comes, big good guy saves the day, but the thing is, they aren't from that planet.. Think about it, and they both have great story lines.

Yes, the CG was awesome, but it only helped make the film even better better.

Yes! What's the point of a movie if it doesn't have a hottie :rolleyes:.

-Spoilers and Nerd Talk-: Skip if you never watched it.

I'm still kinda confused on some parts because in the first movie megatron could beat the crap out of optimus prime but optimus prime could take on 3 deceptacons plus megatron until megatron cheap shot him with his sword. I get the whole thing though when optimus prime got upgrades from that one other robot and could take on The Fallen and Megatron (I was like Super Saiyan! at this part.)

June 26th, 2009, 11:03 PM
you dont understand that thats a terribly generic plot we've all heard dozens of times before?

What the fuck?

Then they should have added zombies and most of you would have liked it. :|

Sometimes the normal 'good guy' 'badguy' thing is better then makeing something that might not even apeal to all audiences.

June 26th, 2009, 11:16 PM
Then they should have added zombies and most of you would have liked it. :|

Sometimes the normal 'good guy' 'badguy' thing is better then makeing something that might not even apeal to all audiences.

And that's exactly the way the movie executives are thinking. Broad based, but not all that high-brow, and it makes a lot of money. Complex and thought-provoking= possibly great movie, but not a lot of money. Hence movies like Transformers.

June 26th, 2009, 11:30 PM
Then they should have added zombies and most of you would have liked it. :|

Sometimes the normal 'good guy' 'badguy' thing is better then makeing something that might not even apeal to all audiences.
nope sorry

i guess i just like a few grains of intelligence in my entertainment, oh well

June 27th, 2009, 12:35 AM
Well same here, but just because they didn't do that with this one, doesn't make it a bad plot IMO. Of course it's al opinions so I'll end here.

June 27th, 2009, 01:23 AM
I don't know what you guys are complaining about, I thought the movie was fantastic.

You scrubs just go in with the wrong mindset. It's a robot action movie; they got that part spot on. Everything else is stuffing for the chicken. =|

June 27th, 2009, 01:27 AM
The point is that if they'd made it PURELY as a robot action movie, no problems. Trying to attach a soppy teenage love story to it kinda ruins that.

June 27th, 2009, 01:30 AM
The love story was actually there more for puns than it was for the love theme itself tbqh. But you get soppy love stories in everything...if you're going to complain about it in this movie, then complain about it in 80% of modern music too; it's just as soppy there.


June 27th, 2009, 01:31 AM
I don't like 80% of modern music, so there you go.

June 27th, 2009, 01:33 AM
Touché, neither do I.

But still...love parts weren't too often in the movie...Optimus Prime more than made up for any human shortcomings of the movie, especially the forest scene...that was pure badass.

Reaper Man
June 27th, 2009, 02:02 AM
Who ever said the plot sucks, doesn't know whats the difference between good and bad movies.
Yeah, 2 years of studying film, didn't mean shit. :ohdear:

It's a horrible and predictable movie.

June 27th, 2009, 02:10 AM
Horrible, no. Predictable, yes. It's a classic story, they must've taught you the classic plots that are retold through the centuries in your 2 years of studying film, yes?

Reaper Man
June 27th, 2009, 02:20 AM
Horrible, no. Predictable, yes. It's a classic story, they must've taught you the classic plots that are retold through the centuries in your 2 years of studying film, yes?
The story isn't classic. The structure of the film is that typical overused (I forget the specific name) equilibrium followed by disequilibrium followed by new equilibrium.

There was a pathetic attempt at a backstory, otherwise the only thing that caught attention was the crude humor and the special effects.

June 27th, 2009, 02:24 AM
It's a good vs. evil with the usual structure. It sells.

Like I said earlier, if you go in with a "this is going to be a great movie with intriguing plot intricacies and fantastic philosophical viewpoints" mindset then you're doing it wrong.

Just remember that the movies critics hail as great are usually flops, and the ones that they bash are huge successes. Honestly, the only reason Dark Knight got high marks was because Heath Ledger died.

June 27th, 2009, 03:12 AM
your kidding me.

The dark knight was fantastic.

June 27th, 2009, 03:19 AM
Just remember that the movies critics hail as great are usually flops, and the ones that they bash are huge successes. Honestly, the only reason Dark Knight got high marks was because Heath Ledger died.

That's because people in general are retards and can't follow anything with a plot deeper than a fishpond.

June 27th, 2009, 03:30 AM
Ya the joker was one hell of a character. I liked how he always had a plan for everytime he was in a pickle. Wow why did i say pickle? Anyways Transformers 2 was a good movie. I give it 4.5/5.

June 27th, 2009, 03:37 AM
That's because people in general are retards and can't follow anything with a plot deeper than a fishpond.
Righto fellas i think we've just about exhausted arguments over the plot and where starting to go round and round in circles, time to give it a rest.

back to movie discussion or are we done here?

June 27th, 2009, 06:59 AM
Was going to see this last night but got stuck seeing Sister Keeper instead :/

June 27th, 2009, 08:58 AM
That's because people in general are retards and can't follow anything with a plot deeper than a fishpond.
I dont know about yours, but my fish pond is 9 feet deep.:ohdear:

Reaper Man
June 27th, 2009, 09:41 AM
That's because people in general are retards and can't follow anything with a plot deeper than a fishpond.

June 27th, 2009, 03:38 PM
Seen it twice in theaters now, still not seeing what everyone's complaining about. It was a good movie, it wasn't the greatest but it was pretty good. The plot was perfectly fine, obviously not as good as some of the great story lines out there, but it didn't have to be.

I think you guys are missing the fact that it's an ACTION movie about GIANT ROBOTS, and that's it. It doesn't need a fucking good plot.

June 27th, 2009, 03:59 PM
Saw last night, seeing it again tonight. Was fucking amazing.

June 27th, 2009, 07:39 PM
badass movie for sure! just saw it a few hours ago.

June 28th, 2009, 12:26 AM
I'm going to see it on Tuesday, I doubt I'll be disappointed, even though many of you think that the movie sucks. Each to their own decision, eh?

June 28th, 2009, 12:33 AM
Just got back from the theatre. Was amazing, will probably be seeing it again soon

June 28th, 2009, 01:23 AM
Seen it twice in theaters now, still not seeing what everyone's complaining about. It was a good movie, it wasn't the greatest but it was pretty good. The plot was perfectly fine, obviously not as good as some of the great story lines out there, but it didn't have to be.

I think you guys are missing the fact that it's an ACTION movie about GIANT ROBOTS, and that's it. It doesn't need a fucking good plot.

this to the 9th power.

June 28th, 2009, 02:50 AM
I saw it twice. I wasn't disapointed.
I really didn't pay attention to the plot.
btw I loved the special effects.

Reaper Man
June 28th, 2009, 07:53 AM
I think you guys are missing the fact that it's an ACTION movie about GIANT ROBOTS, and that's it. It doesn't need a fucking good plot.
The Iron Giant had a great plot. Hth.

June 28th, 2009, 11:39 AM
The Iron Giant wasn't really that much of an action movie. More of a drama.

June 28th, 2009, 03:31 PM
The Iron Giant was a drama.

(FTFY) True dat.

About Transformers- I found 90% of the sex jokes in the movie retarded and pointless.

What was even more retarded was the whole "parent trap" thing. When the world depends on me to save it i'm leaving my parents to die, sorry Mom and Dad! I have to save a gazillion lives, yours don't matter so much when if I save you we all die anyways!

June 28th, 2009, 05:57 PM
Horrible movie. Shitty attempt at a storyline, relied on special effects to attract people. It's an action movie. What the hell else are they gonna use?
Jokes were all crude, nothing witty at all. They were funny sooo who really cares?
The twin Autobots were verging on racist (gold teeth, what the fuck?). How would you know what race a damn robot is?
The sound of crashing metal is pretty much ceaseless throughout the movie. A machine that turns off the sun, wtf. Whole movie dragged on for far too long. The only thing that made the movie enjoyable was that I watched it with my girlfriend :v:Why would you go to an almost strictly action movie expecting an incredible storyline. Enjoy for it's action scenes sometimes. EVERYTHING you like shouldn't always be based on story line.

Will post my opinion on the movie later.

Rob Oplawar
June 28th, 2009, 06:21 PM
in dis thread
saw it last night
effects were spectacular
action was good
story actually wasn't bad
i approve
outa dis thread

June 28th, 2009, 08:10 PM
I don't really care if the story is all that consistant(allthough it does make it better), the movie is about giant robots fighting eachother, that's all I'm expecting.

Also about Megan Fox's toe-thumb, mabey her thumb was cut off and they used her toe as a replacement?, seeing as about 90% of the time that's how they replace a thumb it would make sence.(allthough there could be some more reasons I can't think of...)

E: The 90% is really just a guess, I wouldin't be surprised if I was wrong.

Reaper Man
June 28th, 2009, 11:31 PM
They were funny sooo who really cares?

How would you know what race a damn robot is?
Firstly, those who appreciate good humor.

Secondly, note the "ghetto" accent/slang, gold teeth and illiteracy. Now. Apply those three attributes to a stereotype.

What do you get?

As for action movies. Well, Iron Man was an action movie, but it was great. Had an awesome story line, subtle humor (and crude humor, but not just one or the other). It also had robots fighting it out. Transformers had the potential to be a great movie.

June 29th, 2009, 12:27 AM
The Iron Giant had a great plot. Hth.
fucking yes

June 29th, 2009, 12:37 AM
Just got back from seeing it. Was mixed.

Overall, it was significantly better than the first one. THe whole scale was much better, and the fact that it had a plot allowed me to enjoy it better.
The semi-racism was fucking stupid and annoying. It wasn't as bad as some people thought it was, but some parts still made me facepalm and go "ugh".
The action scenes were much better, as were the characters they actually developed. The ancient decepticon turned autobot was pretty cool, but none of the other new characters really had much going for them.

Overall, better than the first one, but still not that great. Earns a B- in my book.

June 29th, 2009, 01:18 AM
Wow it was not racist at all unless u purposely associated it with blacks. Wow cause they spoke slang and had a gold tooth your first thought is racist? Fucking stupid.

June 29th, 2009, 01:55 AM
Firstly, those who appreciate good humor.

Secondly, note the "ghetto" accent/slang, gold teeth and illiteracy. Now. Apply those three attributes to a stereotype.

What do you get?

As for action movies. Well, Iron Man was an action movie, but it was great. Had an awesome story line, subtle humor (and crude humor, but not just one or the other). It also had robots fighting it out. Transformers had the potential to be a great movie.
So you saw illiteracy, ghetto slang, and gold teeth and thought "black people should be offended"?
That, sir, is racist.
Mudflap was played by a black guy and skid was played by the voice of spongebob.
When they made the characters, they didn't set a personality. Thats the direction that the voice actors took it.
They simply wrote and designed them according to the actor given personalities.

What they were trying to do was parody posers. If you remember, they learn from the internet, posed as the ghetto characters they are. They were more a reference to the poser/wiggeresque character than the black character that everyone sees instantly.

Besides, no one cried racism at Transformers 1 with the "sup lil bitches"

June 29th, 2009, 01:57 AM

June 29th, 2009, 02:11 AM
Also, its a movie. I don't really see why everyone was butthurt over it.

Movies have had worse things in it.

Plus it was pretty goddamn funny.
E: butthurt isn't a word to firefox.

June 29th, 2009, 03:01 AM

So you saw illiteracy, ghetto slang, and gold teeth and thought "black people should be offended"?
That, sir, is racist.That's exactly what i'm saying. It's a fucking robot with a ghetto like personality. How is that racist? Who's to say optimus isn't black and iron hide isn't asian or megatron isn't hispanic. Who cares they're fucking robots is all i'm saying. Associating them with blacks in turn FORCES you to think that it's racist when really it isn't.

June 29th, 2009, 04:14 AM
Easy fellas, we already had a thread on this stereotype crap for this movie.

it was a collective facepalm.
Lets not make another.

As you where.

English Mobster
June 29th, 2009, 04:33 AM
Sorry, it was bugging me.

But anyway, to be on-topic, I'm not sure if I want to see this again or not. If I see it again, I know I'll just be distracted by the love story and wishing I could skip ahead like I could on a DVD (and I LOVE watching every little last bit of things, I NEVER skip game cutscenes, so this is saying something).
So I'll just wait for it to come out on DVD.

June 29th, 2009, 03:51 PM
Anyone know if the rumor about the movie being edited for North American and Australia is true?

E: Dont have link, its word of mouth stuff...

June 29th, 2009, 05:30 PM
I thought it was a good movie that everyone has to see at least ONCE in their life. Not good enough to require multiple times like I would with Dark Knight, and Back to the Future. Oh, and btw I can't stand the human scenes I just want to see giant robots smashing the crap out of each other with cool sounds. I might go and see it again if I can get a version with almost all sections without robots cut out of the movie.

June 29th, 2009, 07:49 PM
For people waiting to buy it on DVD:

I hope you have at least 2.1 surround, because this movie needs bass to do it justice.

June 29th, 2009, 08:50 PM
It needs bass to watch it at all. Without a good home theater system, the movie isn't worth it. Lol.

June 29th, 2009, 09:24 PM
I can't find the score anywhere. :gonk:

June 29th, 2009, 09:51 PM
The human scenes were really retarded. The ONLY joke I found actually funny was the little decepti-traitor humping Meg's leg.

Revenge of the Fallen...The Fallen was in the show for about what? 5 minutes total? Also, the Fallen, well..., fell victim to death way to quick.

June 29th, 2009, 10:22 PM
The human scenes were really retarded. The ONLY joke I found actually funny was the little decepti-traitor humping Meg's leg.

Revenge of the Fallen...The Fallen was in the show for about what? 5 minutes total? Also, the Fallen, well..., fell victim to death way to quick.
But he was just being playful :(

June 29th, 2009, 11:35 PM
Who cares! It was an awesome fight scene nonetheless!

June 30th, 2009, 07:35 AM
Revenge of the Fallen...The Fallen was in the show for about what? 5 minutes total? Also, the Fallen, well..., fell victim to death way to quick.

Wouldn't the fallen be megatron and all the deceptacons and that other bad dude?

English Mobster
June 30th, 2009, 07:54 AM
No, the Fallen was that old evil dude who was on Mars or Jupiter or something like that.

June 30th, 2009, 09:20 AM
Oh I get it, "The Fallen" is his name?

June 30th, 2009, 10:32 AM
Oh I get it, "The Fallen" is his name?
The "Fallen" was once part of a race of Primes that protect crybroton and sentient beings from harm. But then this "Prime" found out that he can go against the rules and work for himself to gain power. That's how the deceptions had started. Then he put megatron as the leader of the deceptions so that he wouldn't get killed by the last Prime. Optimus.

See? :p

June 30th, 2009, 06:58 PM
No, the Fallen was that old evil dude who was on Mars or Jupiter or something like that.

It was one of Saturns moons.

June 30th, 2009, 07:09 PM
You would think the Decepticons had some history of deception :/

June 30th, 2009, 07:43 PM
Who cares! It was an awesome fight scene nonetheless!

Optimus VS the 6 other nameless decepticons was more awesome.

June 30th, 2009, 07:56 PM
LMAO I forgot that the sinking of the aircraft carrier reminded me of a scene in the traiiler for 2012. Each transformer had more than 10000(or was it 1000?) moving part while transforming.

I like the jetfire(i think that was the name...they renamed some of the transformers from the original series so I'm not completely sure) stargate opening into the final battle and watching him kick ass.

CGI took up 140 Terabytes of storage and took about 72 hours per frame. That is just redickulouslee large

June 30th, 2009, 08:11 PM
Wow! Holy crap!

June 30th, 2009, 08:17 PM
The "Fallen" was once part of a race of Primes that protect crybroton and sentient beings from harm. But then this "Prime" found out that he can go against the rules and work for himself to gain power. That's how the deceptions had started. Then he put megatron as the leader of the deceptions so that he wouldn't get killed by the last Prime. Optimus.

See? :p

Ahh yes, movies was a tad hard to follow at times, so much going on D: Was awesome tho.

Optimus VS the 6 other nameless decepticons was more awesome.

I think I agree with you here. :)

July 1st, 2009, 12:10 AM
Well, I just saw the movie, and I must admit, I loved it. Everything was well done, and I didn't think the movie ever got stale. I know some of you disagree, but hey, it's just my opinion :P
Also, that girl that played the pretender (Decepticon in the form of a human) was quite good looking

July 1st, 2009, 12:16 AM
Her name is Isabel Lucas and she is a famous Australian Actress from the Aussie TV series Home and Away. :)

July 1st, 2009, 09:35 AM
Man she gave Megan Fox a run for her money... But the fox still won the battle.

July 1st, 2009, 09:36 AM
Saw this film on Sunday, and I loved the CG gfx, although the story lacked a bit. It was all good fun.

I remember when I used to watch Home and Away like 7 years ago lol

July 1st, 2009, 09:50 AM
In the first movie, it was more about showing off their weapons and firing behind cover, but this time around, they've got some up-close brawling and fist-fighting and it seemed really fluid, particularly Bumblebee vs. Rampage and the forest scene.

My only gripe was killing off Sideways so early in the film and leaving Sideswipe pretty much out of the movie after his first kill, with one line of dialogue. The Audi R8 and the Corvette Stingray were easily the top cars in the movie. Also, the sounds used in the movie: epic. I don't know what Ebert was talking about when he thought the movie sounded like a kid banging pots around but I could easily tell when Arcee was firing her gun or when Starscream shot a missile out; it was brilliant.

July 1st, 2009, 10:22 AM
Her name is Isabel Lucas and she is a famous Australian Actress from the Aussie TV series Home and Away. :)
Yeah, after watching the movie, I wikied her up, to get some info :)

My only gripe was killing off Sideways so early in the film and leaving Sideswipe pretty much out of the movie after his first kill, with one line of dialogue.
I know, eh? Same goes for Jolt, the one who transformed into the Chevy Volt. And those characters looked extremely badass in their robot forms, from what I got to see. However, from what I've read, Jolt was only put in near the end, to advertise the Volt.

July 1st, 2009, 10:22 AM
I went to see this one because of Megan Fox... It was okay movie, pretty long, though. I forgive the plot because of the super awesome Michael Bay style.

July 1st, 2009, 01:11 PM
I saw it again last night, much better on the second viewing. I just wish we got to see Soundwave in his robot form. The toy looks awesome. Hopefully TF3 will be more transformers character based like the old cartoon. It was good having them as supporting characters in the first movie, but they can hold their own as characters now that they've been established.

July 1st, 2009, 01:29 PM
Transformers 3 is said to come out on July 4th 2011, according to Paramount. However, Michael Bay only agreed to that release date thinking that they meant July 4th 2012. Either way, I'm excited to see what they have in store. It's also been said that they were thinking of having more of the triple changers, or maybe Unicron. Both would be quite interesting I think, can't wait to see what they come up with.

July 1st, 2009, 01:48 PM
Well I am pleasantly surprised at movies in the future. District 9 looks great, and the director of district 9 is the same guy doing the Halo movie.

July 1st, 2009, 01:48 PM
Film is amazing. 100 times better than the first one. It is actually one of the best films I have seen. I loved the story line, and effects where amazing, that is the sort of stuff I want to do :P

I went to see it the day it come out.

July 1st, 2009, 07:02 PM
I wouldn't say it's that much better than the first. I need to watch it again, I feel there are parts I missed.

July 2nd, 2009, 03:33 PM
Story wasn't that great but all I really went to see was some giant robot fights. That's something they definitely delivered on :]

July 2nd, 2009, 04:39 PM
First film was better tbh

July 2nd, 2009, 08:35 PM
I agree. :)

July 2nd, 2009, 10:41 PM
Nah, I preferred this one, to be honest.

July 3rd, 2009, 10:31 AM
Went to see it again for 2nd time yesterday. Still was amazed although obviously storyline was same, one thing I completely missed first time round but saw it this time, they put the fucking union jack (British flag) upside down inside the miltary base. :mad::mad:

July 3rd, 2009, 04:15 PM
If it makes you feel any better, US flags are backwards on military uniforms...

July 3rd, 2009, 05:01 PM
Transformers 3 is said to come out on July 4th 2011, according to Paramount. However, Michael Bay only agreed to that release date thinking that they meant July 4th 2012. Either way, I'm excited to see what they have in store. It's also been said that they were thinking of having more of the triple changers, or maybe Unicron.

July 3rd, 2009, 08:59 PM
That would be a rather large step. >_>;

July 3rd, 2009, 09:23 PM
That would be a rather large step. >_>;
Get on MSN ffs! :maddowns:

July 4th, 2009, 01:36 AM
I want to see how they animated the Transformers. It must be ridiculous.

July 4th, 2009, 07:53 AM
If it makes you feel any better, US flags are backwards on military uniforms...
Backwards? Big whoop, flags are naturally backwards from one angle whilst on a flag pole.

Upside down however, is completely different.

I want to see how they animated the Transformers. It must be ridiculous.
Transformers (1) DVD has bonus stuff, they talked about it and showed CGI bits. Hopefully the 2nd DVD will have lots of footage of them doing the animations.

July 5th, 2009, 03:22 PM
I have to say, the first one was MUCH better than this one IMO. I really thought it just wasn't very good.

July 5th, 2009, 04:22 PM
I want to see how they animated the Transformers. It must be ridiculous.

10 hours per frame if I remember right just to animate the Transformers. I believe that in the first movie Optimus Prime had about 10,000 moving parts to animate.

July 5th, 2009, 04:47 PM
10 hours per frame if I remember right just to animate the Transformers. I believe that in the first movie Optimus Prime had about 10,000 moving parts to animate.
10 Hours per frame? Sounds too much, maybe render time was 10 hours per frame.

July 5th, 2009, 08:15 PM
Backwards? Big whoop, flags are naturally backwards from one angle whilst on a flag pole.

Upside down however, is completely different.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the pattern on the Union Jack inverted top-to-bottom (upside down) exactly the same as it is inverted left-to-right (backward)?

July 5th, 2009, 08:29 PM
Yes, yes it is.

Proof. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_Jack)

July 5th, 2009, 11:53 PM
Some quick fiddling in MSPaint disagrees with you.


July 6th, 2009, 12:20 AM
Ironically, the fact that it took me a few seconds to see where it changes means that it's not inconceivable somebody on the set didn't notice it either.

July 6th, 2009, 02:40 AM
Weelllllllllllll, I was looking at the 18th century one...:ehhh:.

I kid.

Meh, didn't take the time to flip it in MS Paint. I actually rotated it in my head, not inverted, which means if you spin it 180 degrees, it will still be the same because the red diagonals are a pinwheel.