June 24th, 2009, 07:32 PM
Alrighty guys, I'm still looking over the teams at the moment so hang tight for that. However, for those who want to read over the rule book, down below is the link.
Map Pack (
Rule Book (Updated)
Halo Custom Edition League Administrators
AIM: STLRamsFan1k
Xfire: stlramsfan
Xfire: rook1337
Fluffy Ducky:
Xfire: fluffyducky
Xfire: kumajor
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions at all.
If you decide you want to donate money for our cause then please send any donations via PayPal to Any penny helps, the more money donated and the BIGGER the prize.
If you do donate any amount at all, please contact Rams via PM.
Welcome to another year of the
Halo Custom Edition League!
Last time the league was ran; there were some major bumps on the road with the tournament. There were some good times and there were some not so good times. Hey, no league is perfect and in hopes of having a good time this summer we hope that we can keep the goof ups to a minimum. Never the less we’re pleased with how far the league has some since being founded in 2005. Nothing like bringing back the old days!
Unlike recent years, there will be teams of 2. That’s right, this year the tournament will consist of 2 on 2 Match-Ups. Now why is that? This is because the number of players is considerably lesser and plus, we’re much older now and of course some of us actually have lives. There were plans of this being a 1 on 1 league but felt it would be more fun if there was a partner involved in the game. Some people (such as myself) do much better if they have some help.
Also something new is the addition of prizes! That’s right, there will be prizes given out. The current prize is $25 to each player on the winning team. There was some consideration of giving out a small prize to the runner up but at this point there are no such plans.
And first things first to those who are new to the league: This league is meant for Halo Custom Edition regulars ONLY. If you’ve never played the game before then you will not be allowed entry to the league. The weapon setup for this league is standard weapons. Things like modifications, all heavies, all vehicles are not in this league (Coldsnap and Hugeass are some examples). If this isn't what you're looking for then do NOT join. If you would like a copy of the official gametypes, feel free to contact Rams or another league official.
Until then, we would advise you to review these rules and feel free to ask any questions at all.
Table of Contents
Page 4- Rosters
Page 6- Server and Vent Information (PLEASE READ)
Page 7- League Format
Page 8- Game Set-up
Page 10- Penalty Policy
Page 11- Cheating Policy
Page 12- Free Agents and Non Players
Page 13- Common Sense Guidelines
Page 14- Server Crash Guidelines
Page 15- Prize
Page 16- FAQRosters:
Deadline for submitting rosters is “July 5th, 2009”
To register your roster, you must sign up at the thread, PM us, or email us at
What is required:
Team Name and Tags (please ensure that your name and tags do not copy another team)
At least 2 players, this is a 2v2 league. One backup is recommended.
Time zone for the team (time zone for each player as well is recommended but not required)
Name: Huge Itchy Virus -HiV-
To remove or add a player:
To make things easier for the admins, we would require that you send us a format similar to the below.
Email Name: -HiV- Remove (or add)
Mr. Beepbeep
+ Mr. Rep
- Gator
You pretty much get the point I would assume... If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at or PM an admin.
Banned Tags:
[HCEL]- These are your league officials
[SPEC]- These are reserved for spectators
[FILM]- These are reserved for filming players
[REF]- These are served for anyone (who is not from either team) who has volunteered to help ref
Face tags- While we know the face clan will be upset with this, we ask you not to have anything such as {|}*-*{|}. This is so we can be more sure about the player being who they claim they are.
Banned Names:
Anything that may offend someone
Names with letters we cannot type into the server application. Please save us the headaches.
Server and Vent Information (PLEASE READ):
HCEL Server Information:
No pass (smar during games)
New York Based Server
We are using the server known as the Bunghole. Donated servers are appreciated and encouraged! Just ensure that your server is suitable for playing, we may even test out your server before coming to a conclusion to use it or not.
We use a server application programmed by rec0 which gives us more control over the server (plus some other goodies along with it). The application is able to see through any aliases you have joined under.
And if you want this application on your own server, check out We hold no responsibly over any damages the application may cause to your server or computer.
Please keep in mind that the application ONLY works for Halo Custom Edition. Any other version and it will not work.
Password: hcel2009
You MUST be present in the vent during your games. This is in order to help our cause in preventing ringers this season. If you don’t have a microphone, you must still be present in the vent. While it may be a hassle at first, please understand that we want to ensure that the league is played fairly and plus to prevent any previous problems we had with identifying ringers and imposters.
If you have any problems/questions regarding vent, contact an admin immediately!
League Format:
- Once all the teams are put together, we will separate the teams into two Conferences. One called the West and the other called the East.
- We will hold a thread for each round in the HCE section of Modacity (unless we get a another section).
- There will be a given deadline for a date to be decided. Plus note that other teams are planning their games as well so plan accordingly so your time doesn’t conflict with others! If both teams pass the deadline, Rams or another admin will assign a date for the two teams.
If an admin assigns a date:
-If both teams no show, a coin will be flipped to determine a winner.
- One person from one team while no one from the other, the person that showed up gets the win.
You should get the point… If you have any remaining questions, please ask.
Team Discussions:
A thread will be posted on the forums for each round.
a. Times must be confirmed at least one day in advance. On game day, if a team is missing people or something, teams must play with less people/forfeit/etc.
If both teams have an agreement to delay the game then you must give the time and day to the admins via PM or email. This is so it'll give us a chance to plan. However, please don't keep delaying the game to the point that it holds up the entire league. Admins have the power to overturn a delay if they feel that it is holding up the league.
b. Teams should discuss times with their opponents, and present the information to the officials/admins on the forums or PM.
c. There is ONE Total Maplist. Each maps we will eliminate maps that are popular. This is so we can allow some of the less known maps a chance to shine. (CTF, Slayer, KOTH, and Oddball are the allowed gametypes).
d. Teams should have an even game as much as possible, 2 starters per team. Only one back up is allowed at this point. If you come in with less, don’t blame us. It is your responsibly to ensure that your players can play.
e. If a disagreement has come up regarding anything (forfeit, player cheating, and so on), we reserve the right to settle the dispute. We even reserve the right to overturn a win call.
Game Setup:
Series Format (Final after votes are in):
The matches will be a Best of Three with the Finals being a Best of Five. There will be one overtime round if necessary. Keep in mind that a tie can lead to a third match. Which means, if you win one, then tie one, you’ll have a third match. You must have more wins after the set amount of rounds. If for some reason it is tied, we will go to overtime (discussed later on).
Server on Game Day:
Server Name: HCEL 2009: “Team” vs. “Team”
Server Password: smar (rams backwards). This will never change!
Servers will be reserved at least 30 minutes to an hour ahead of time. This is so admins can set up the server for the scheduled game.
No assault
Multi Flag
Flag at home to score
3 Caps
30 minutes Time limit
50 Kills
TK on
Killing specs, admins, and refs is prohibited.
30 Minute Time Limit
3 Minutes
ONE Ball
Giving ball to specs, admins, and refs is prohibited.
30 Minute Time Limit
King of the Hill:
3 Minutes
Moving Hill
TK on
30 Minute Time Limit
After each game we will go to c3ll for a team koth game. This game is merely to allow bathroom breaks, lunch breaks, whatever. If both teams insist on just going straight to the next game then we will do so. Regardless if you win or lose, this game has no effect on the series what so ever.
If for some reason the match is still tied. There will be a sudden death match played on one of the original maps by bungie to keep everyone mostly happy. If both teams agree to which map should be played in overtime that would be great.
How Overtime will be setup is simple:
1 Capture
No Time limit
Standard Weapons
25 kills
No Time limit
Standard Weapons
1 Minute to Win
No Time Limit
Standard Weapons
King of the Hill
1 Minute to Win
No Time Limit
Standard Weapons
Game type Decision Process:
-CTF in first overtime of the league
- Slayer in the next
- Oddball
- Then KOTH
- Repeat
And whoever wins this game is considered the winner of the series.
Penalty Policy:
The following offenses will result in a kick from the game (as in you can’t return to the match) and can result in a disqualification from the league depending on the offense.
Kickable Or Ban Offense:
- Killing admins, refs, specs, basically anyone who isn’t on either team on purpose.
- Botting, wall hacking, any type of cheating will be an automatic disqualification.
- Switching teams to disrupt the game.
- Having more than 2 players playing (having one as a spec is fine if there is room).
Warnings (Three warnings will mean a kick from the match);
- Flooding chat
- Suggesting cheating (should be common sense)
- Picking a fight with another member (joking is fine)
Referees mainly, but League officials in general will keep track of these offenses.
If you feel that an official is being bias, unfair, ect. Please keep it up with one of the top league admins which include Rams so far.
Cheating Policy:
Please note that we are very strict about cheating. If you are caught cheating or have a reputation of cheating, you will be kicked out of the league. No questions asked. We do catch cheaters and will ban them on the spot. Even outside of a league game. So do us all a favor and play fair.
If any of your teammates are caught cheating during a game, they will be kicked of the league. We don’t care for any excuses, as this is the internet. We can’t tell if you’re telling the truth or not. So please be aware of that.
Double Teaming or Imposter- The player caught double teaming will be suspended from the league (as well as being banned from the server). Your team will be given a .5 loss. If your team is caught again, your team is out. It is your responsibility to know who your players are.
Free Agents and Non Players:
Free Agent Policy:
You are feel to adjust your roster until July 5th. When that date passes, you are not allowed to “sign” free agents to your team. To make ourselves clear:
Non Players:
League Officials- These folks are in charge of the games. Listen to what they say and there will not be any problems. They will have the [HCEL] tags on (except if it’s Dr.). If a player comes in with a [HCEL] tag and the server does not announce the player as an admin, he’s most likely a fake.
Spectators - If you would like to watch the games then please contact an admin prior to the game. We have a three limit rule. If you are doing something useful for us, (Ref, film, or whatever) then we will be more willing to let you stay. We ask that you do NOT help any of the players in the games. If you are caught helping a team, you will be banned on sight for the reminder of the game.
If you are kicked from a game, do not join again unless you are the designated player for the next map or whatever.
Filming – This would be greatly appreciated. We would like to have at least one filming player for each game at the most. One editor is suggested but not required.
Common Sense Guidelines:
a. Anything goes in game, however no camping in secret places (i.e. top of maps, pushing out of barriers, etc.).
b. Please keep the game civil. No one, under any circumstances, may insult the opposing team purposefully (Unless it is known to be playful) - the offending player may be subject to a ban, if multiple players then the team may be DQ'ed. Swearing is fine as Halo can get frustrating. However, don't flood the chat swears as you will be warned and kicked from the game if you continue. We’re usually pretty chill about things. Just don’t piss us off. J
c. Keep the complaining to a minimal, if you have suggestions or concerns. Please contact an admin.
Server Crash Guidelines:
As you all know, we have a server application called rec0’s application. The server application may cause the server to crash during game if a command has been executed. This has not happened before but in case this happens:
Before a match has started- We will just promptly restart the server and set everything back up.
During a game- If more than half of a game has been played, then the team that was winning gets the win. If tied, it will be considered a tie.
We ask anyone that has access to the server application to not use any commands unless you have to. /t is the only command you can use. No team is allowed to use /afk (as much as that is useful) in order to better prevent a server crash. However, that will be an exception ONLY for slayer games if you have more than 10 kills. Please use it sparely however.
Right now the prize is set to $25. Each player will get $25 or a gift card to a place of their choice. It isn’t a huge number we know. However, you can change that by donations via PayPal to Any penny helps and will make your experience more worthwhile if you donate. Even two bucks will help, if everyone in the league donates, the total would add up rather fast! Something to consider as we have budgets that we have to follow as well…
Q: Is it a possibility to add members from eliminated clans during the playoffs?
A: No, not even from forfeited teams this season.
Q: Will you check prior to a match that a player isn't double teaming?
A: Originally we had planned to check after the match. However, thanks to rec0's application we are now able to check prior to a match. So you are assured that we will check each player before the match has started.
Q: I’ve never played Halo Custom Edition but I play Halo PC, can I play?
A: No, this is a league meant for the regulars on Halo Custom Edition. Not that you’ll cause problems, we just want to keep this within the already small community that we have.
Q: Are you competing against HPT?
A: Not at all. We could personally careless about the HPT. This is a tournament meant for Halo Custom Edition and only for fun.
Q: What if we DDOS you guys again?
A: Why would you? And better yet, why do you even care? We’re not competing against anyone; this league is meant for fun and with a little prize for the heck of it. So any reason to DDOS us would be not only dumb and immature. If you do happen to DDOS, please note that I will investigate and report you to authorities. It is against the law so don’t try me. Charges will be considered if an event of a DDOS as you are wasting not only our time but possibly money.
Thank you all for reading and we hope you have another great season with us! If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask!
-Halo Custom Edition League Administration
Down below are the rosters as well as some server and vent information. If I didn't include you, just gimme a holler and I'll fix it right up. From now on, email your roster to or PM myself or another admin. Just saves me time from having to search through pages of posts. :)
Password: hcel2009
You MUST be present in the vent during your games. This is in order to help our cause in preventing ringers this season. If you don’t have a microphone, you must still be present in the vent. While it may be a hassle at first, please understand that we want to ensure that the league is played fairly and plus to prevent any previous problems we had with identifying ringers and imposters.
**If you have any problems/questions regarding vent, contact an admin immediately!**
HCEL CE Server Info:
No pass (smar during games)
New York Based Server
Break Maps ONLY:
Dualing Keeps
Fission Point
Casualty gorge
Space XL
Training Day
Fissure Falls
Isolation (Wrong one is in map pack.. :gonk:)
The Narrows
Lava Flows
Tributary of Lost Souls
Deadline for submitting rosters is “July 5th, 2009”
27 Teams Registered (Updated 7/05/09 at 10:59 PM EST):
Team io[
Team Alcohol
Tag: Ta-
Ta-Jeager (plushiemushie)
Ta-Lager (zoato)
Ta-Vodka (morkon)
Team Name: FIWDIL (Fuck it, we do it live)
rhombie- xfire:rhombie
flimzy- xfire:bloodyeti
python- xfire:chmelewski
Team name : tB`
Team Chicken and Waffles [cW]:
Rook - rook1337
Cheefa - mastacheefa
Epic - chaos72
~Support Kommande Structure~
Team Name: Ascension Gaming
Tag: A^
Team Name: .mpeg
FF7:Weapons - Team name
ff7 - team tags
Ruby - Josh (drpwn1337pro)
Emerald - Higuy (higuy5)
Kings of Destruction [KOD]:
Team PHPwnage.
Tag: Pwn
Players: AdmiralBacon, TomClancey
clan: dP` (Backups to be decided)
Note: Jally's team
Players: Inferno and m13120
MLG_1nf3rn0 - wankzta
MLG_m13120 - m13120
Team Name: SURPRISE!
Tag: OH!
zerk - bel2z3rk
flem - flemmm
Team: Death 2 teams
Tag: [name].d2t
Boss (kumajor)
Team ZomB:
Tag: ZomB
PlaguedZomB - xfire: church897 (-7:00 AZ timezome)
Brandin917 - xfire: envy917 (-7:00 AZ timezome)
InvaderVeex - xfire: invaderveex (no idea timezone)
Team Name : hdM` - hay der moit
FoXeH - spooft3r
Campyy - campypants
Team Name - Pokémon
Charizard (`CaSs!~) Xfire: mets6986
Blastoise (EvilLilElmo) Xfire: evillilelmo
Team Name: Old School
Tag: øs`
Water (Xfire: iseeu)
Shazim (Xfire: shazaam345)
FBI (Still deciding on backups):
[FBI]duCky - fluffyducky
Team Name: FLY
Tag ƒLY , Were hard to hit ^^
ƒLYswater {Xfire=3volvedcom2}
TS~ - Trial Shittys
Name - Xfire
h00d - soh00d
fiasco - fiasco117
vigil - vigil0
yianni - yianni123
(Undecided backups)
Filthy Fucking Fascists -FFF-
-FFF-Duce - ilduceprimo
-FFF-Mass - iammassacre
Hry's Team
Team name: Rentafence Sucks
Clan tag: [RS]
Team Teh Gathering
Phil phil123victory
Wolf onabie
Munkee punkapina
That's what I call, participation. :cool:
Map Pack (
Rule Book (Updated)
Halo Custom Edition League Administrators
AIM: STLRamsFan1k
Xfire: stlramsfan
Xfire: rook1337
Fluffy Ducky:
Xfire: fluffyducky
Xfire: kumajor
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions at all.
If you decide you want to donate money for our cause then please send any donations via PayPal to Any penny helps, the more money donated and the BIGGER the prize.
If you do donate any amount at all, please contact Rams via PM.
Welcome to another year of the
Halo Custom Edition League!
Last time the league was ran; there were some major bumps on the road with the tournament. There were some good times and there were some not so good times. Hey, no league is perfect and in hopes of having a good time this summer we hope that we can keep the goof ups to a minimum. Never the less we’re pleased with how far the league has some since being founded in 2005. Nothing like bringing back the old days!
Unlike recent years, there will be teams of 2. That’s right, this year the tournament will consist of 2 on 2 Match-Ups. Now why is that? This is because the number of players is considerably lesser and plus, we’re much older now and of course some of us actually have lives. There were plans of this being a 1 on 1 league but felt it would be more fun if there was a partner involved in the game. Some people (such as myself) do much better if they have some help.
Also something new is the addition of prizes! That’s right, there will be prizes given out. The current prize is $25 to each player on the winning team. There was some consideration of giving out a small prize to the runner up but at this point there are no such plans.
And first things first to those who are new to the league: This league is meant for Halo Custom Edition regulars ONLY. If you’ve never played the game before then you will not be allowed entry to the league. The weapon setup for this league is standard weapons. Things like modifications, all heavies, all vehicles are not in this league (Coldsnap and Hugeass are some examples). If this isn't what you're looking for then do NOT join. If you would like a copy of the official gametypes, feel free to contact Rams or another league official.
Until then, we would advise you to review these rules and feel free to ask any questions at all.
Table of Contents
Page 4- Rosters
Page 6- Server and Vent Information (PLEASE READ)
Page 7- League Format
Page 8- Game Set-up
Page 10- Penalty Policy
Page 11- Cheating Policy
Page 12- Free Agents and Non Players
Page 13- Common Sense Guidelines
Page 14- Server Crash Guidelines
Page 15- Prize
Page 16- FAQRosters:
Deadline for submitting rosters is “July 5th, 2009”
To register your roster, you must sign up at the thread, PM us, or email us at
What is required:
Team Name and Tags (please ensure that your name and tags do not copy another team)
At least 2 players, this is a 2v2 league. One backup is recommended.
Time zone for the team (time zone for each player as well is recommended but not required)
Name: Huge Itchy Virus -HiV-
To remove or add a player:
To make things easier for the admins, we would require that you send us a format similar to the below.
Email Name: -HiV- Remove (or add)
Mr. Beepbeep
+ Mr. Rep
- Gator
You pretty much get the point I would assume... If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at or PM an admin.
Banned Tags:
[HCEL]- These are your league officials
[SPEC]- These are reserved for spectators
[FILM]- These are reserved for filming players
[REF]- These are served for anyone (who is not from either team) who has volunteered to help ref
Face tags- While we know the face clan will be upset with this, we ask you not to have anything such as {|}*-*{|}. This is so we can be more sure about the player being who they claim they are.
Banned Names:
Anything that may offend someone
Names with letters we cannot type into the server application. Please save us the headaches.
Server and Vent Information (PLEASE READ):
HCEL Server Information:
No pass (smar during games)
New York Based Server
We are using the server known as the Bunghole. Donated servers are appreciated and encouraged! Just ensure that your server is suitable for playing, we may even test out your server before coming to a conclusion to use it or not.
We use a server application programmed by rec0 which gives us more control over the server (plus some other goodies along with it). The application is able to see through any aliases you have joined under.
And if you want this application on your own server, check out We hold no responsibly over any damages the application may cause to your server or computer.
Please keep in mind that the application ONLY works for Halo Custom Edition. Any other version and it will not work.
Password: hcel2009
You MUST be present in the vent during your games. This is in order to help our cause in preventing ringers this season. If you don’t have a microphone, you must still be present in the vent. While it may be a hassle at first, please understand that we want to ensure that the league is played fairly and plus to prevent any previous problems we had with identifying ringers and imposters.
If you have any problems/questions regarding vent, contact an admin immediately!
League Format:
- Once all the teams are put together, we will separate the teams into two Conferences. One called the West and the other called the East.
- We will hold a thread for each round in the HCE section of Modacity (unless we get a another section).
- There will be a given deadline for a date to be decided. Plus note that other teams are planning their games as well so plan accordingly so your time doesn’t conflict with others! If both teams pass the deadline, Rams or another admin will assign a date for the two teams.
If an admin assigns a date:
-If both teams no show, a coin will be flipped to determine a winner.
- One person from one team while no one from the other, the person that showed up gets the win.
You should get the point… If you have any remaining questions, please ask.
Team Discussions:
A thread will be posted on the forums for each round.
a. Times must be confirmed at least one day in advance. On game day, if a team is missing people or something, teams must play with less people/forfeit/etc.
If both teams have an agreement to delay the game then you must give the time and day to the admins via PM or email. This is so it'll give us a chance to plan. However, please don't keep delaying the game to the point that it holds up the entire league. Admins have the power to overturn a delay if they feel that it is holding up the league.
b. Teams should discuss times with their opponents, and present the information to the officials/admins on the forums or PM.
c. There is ONE Total Maplist. Each maps we will eliminate maps that are popular. This is so we can allow some of the less known maps a chance to shine. (CTF, Slayer, KOTH, and Oddball are the allowed gametypes).
d. Teams should have an even game as much as possible, 2 starters per team. Only one back up is allowed at this point. If you come in with less, don’t blame us. It is your responsibly to ensure that your players can play.
e. If a disagreement has come up regarding anything (forfeit, player cheating, and so on), we reserve the right to settle the dispute. We even reserve the right to overturn a win call.
Game Setup:
Series Format (Final after votes are in):
The matches will be a Best of Three with the Finals being a Best of Five. There will be one overtime round if necessary. Keep in mind that a tie can lead to a third match. Which means, if you win one, then tie one, you’ll have a third match. You must have more wins after the set amount of rounds. If for some reason it is tied, we will go to overtime (discussed later on).
Server on Game Day:
Server Name: HCEL 2009: “Team” vs. “Team”
Server Password: smar (rams backwards). This will never change!
Servers will be reserved at least 30 minutes to an hour ahead of time. This is so admins can set up the server for the scheduled game.
No assault
Multi Flag
Flag at home to score
3 Caps
30 minutes Time limit
50 Kills
TK on
Killing specs, admins, and refs is prohibited.
30 Minute Time Limit
3 Minutes
ONE Ball
Giving ball to specs, admins, and refs is prohibited.
30 Minute Time Limit
King of the Hill:
3 Minutes
Moving Hill
TK on
30 Minute Time Limit
After each game we will go to c3ll for a team koth game. This game is merely to allow bathroom breaks, lunch breaks, whatever. If both teams insist on just going straight to the next game then we will do so. Regardless if you win or lose, this game has no effect on the series what so ever.
If for some reason the match is still tied. There will be a sudden death match played on one of the original maps by bungie to keep everyone mostly happy. If both teams agree to which map should be played in overtime that would be great.
How Overtime will be setup is simple:
1 Capture
No Time limit
Standard Weapons
25 kills
No Time limit
Standard Weapons
1 Minute to Win
No Time Limit
Standard Weapons
King of the Hill
1 Minute to Win
No Time Limit
Standard Weapons
Game type Decision Process:
-CTF in first overtime of the league
- Slayer in the next
- Oddball
- Then KOTH
- Repeat
And whoever wins this game is considered the winner of the series.
Penalty Policy:
The following offenses will result in a kick from the game (as in you can’t return to the match) and can result in a disqualification from the league depending on the offense.
Kickable Or Ban Offense:
- Killing admins, refs, specs, basically anyone who isn’t on either team on purpose.
- Botting, wall hacking, any type of cheating will be an automatic disqualification.
- Switching teams to disrupt the game.
- Having more than 2 players playing (having one as a spec is fine if there is room).
Warnings (Three warnings will mean a kick from the match);
- Flooding chat
- Suggesting cheating (should be common sense)
- Picking a fight with another member (joking is fine)
Referees mainly, but League officials in general will keep track of these offenses.
If you feel that an official is being bias, unfair, ect. Please keep it up with one of the top league admins which include Rams so far.
Cheating Policy:
Please note that we are very strict about cheating. If you are caught cheating or have a reputation of cheating, you will be kicked out of the league. No questions asked. We do catch cheaters and will ban them on the spot. Even outside of a league game. So do us all a favor and play fair.
If any of your teammates are caught cheating during a game, they will be kicked of the league. We don’t care for any excuses, as this is the internet. We can’t tell if you’re telling the truth or not. So please be aware of that.
Double Teaming or Imposter- The player caught double teaming will be suspended from the league (as well as being banned from the server). Your team will be given a .5 loss. If your team is caught again, your team is out. It is your responsibility to know who your players are.
Free Agents and Non Players:
Free Agent Policy:
You are feel to adjust your roster until July 5th. When that date passes, you are not allowed to “sign” free agents to your team. To make ourselves clear:
Non Players:
League Officials- These folks are in charge of the games. Listen to what they say and there will not be any problems. They will have the [HCEL] tags on (except if it’s Dr.). If a player comes in with a [HCEL] tag and the server does not announce the player as an admin, he’s most likely a fake.
Spectators - If you would like to watch the games then please contact an admin prior to the game. We have a three limit rule. If you are doing something useful for us, (Ref, film, or whatever) then we will be more willing to let you stay. We ask that you do NOT help any of the players in the games. If you are caught helping a team, you will be banned on sight for the reminder of the game.
If you are kicked from a game, do not join again unless you are the designated player for the next map or whatever.
Filming – This would be greatly appreciated. We would like to have at least one filming player for each game at the most. One editor is suggested but not required.
Common Sense Guidelines:
a. Anything goes in game, however no camping in secret places (i.e. top of maps, pushing out of barriers, etc.).
b. Please keep the game civil. No one, under any circumstances, may insult the opposing team purposefully (Unless it is known to be playful) - the offending player may be subject to a ban, if multiple players then the team may be DQ'ed. Swearing is fine as Halo can get frustrating. However, don't flood the chat swears as you will be warned and kicked from the game if you continue. We’re usually pretty chill about things. Just don’t piss us off. J
c. Keep the complaining to a minimal, if you have suggestions or concerns. Please contact an admin.
Server Crash Guidelines:
As you all know, we have a server application called rec0’s application. The server application may cause the server to crash during game if a command has been executed. This has not happened before but in case this happens:
Before a match has started- We will just promptly restart the server and set everything back up.
During a game- If more than half of a game has been played, then the team that was winning gets the win. If tied, it will be considered a tie.
We ask anyone that has access to the server application to not use any commands unless you have to. /t is the only command you can use. No team is allowed to use /afk (as much as that is useful) in order to better prevent a server crash. However, that will be an exception ONLY for slayer games if you have more than 10 kills. Please use it sparely however.
Right now the prize is set to $25. Each player will get $25 or a gift card to a place of their choice. It isn’t a huge number we know. However, you can change that by donations via PayPal to Any penny helps and will make your experience more worthwhile if you donate. Even two bucks will help, if everyone in the league donates, the total would add up rather fast! Something to consider as we have budgets that we have to follow as well…
Q: Is it a possibility to add members from eliminated clans during the playoffs?
A: No, not even from forfeited teams this season.
Q: Will you check prior to a match that a player isn't double teaming?
A: Originally we had planned to check after the match. However, thanks to rec0's application we are now able to check prior to a match. So you are assured that we will check each player before the match has started.
Q: I’ve never played Halo Custom Edition but I play Halo PC, can I play?
A: No, this is a league meant for the regulars on Halo Custom Edition. Not that you’ll cause problems, we just want to keep this within the already small community that we have.
Q: Are you competing against HPT?
A: Not at all. We could personally careless about the HPT. This is a tournament meant for Halo Custom Edition and only for fun.
Q: What if we DDOS you guys again?
A: Why would you? And better yet, why do you even care? We’re not competing against anyone; this league is meant for fun and with a little prize for the heck of it. So any reason to DDOS us would be not only dumb and immature. If you do happen to DDOS, please note that I will investigate and report you to authorities. It is against the law so don’t try me. Charges will be considered if an event of a DDOS as you are wasting not only our time but possibly money.
Thank you all for reading and we hope you have another great season with us! If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask!
-Halo Custom Edition League Administration
Down below are the rosters as well as some server and vent information. If I didn't include you, just gimme a holler and I'll fix it right up. From now on, email your roster to or PM myself or another admin. Just saves me time from having to search through pages of posts. :)
Password: hcel2009
You MUST be present in the vent during your games. This is in order to help our cause in preventing ringers this season. If you don’t have a microphone, you must still be present in the vent. While it may be a hassle at first, please understand that we want to ensure that the league is played fairly and plus to prevent any previous problems we had with identifying ringers and imposters.
**If you have any problems/questions regarding vent, contact an admin immediately!**
HCEL CE Server Info:
No pass (smar during games)
New York Based Server
Break Maps ONLY:
Dualing Keeps
Fission Point
Casualty gorge
Space XL
Training Day
Fissure Falls
Isolation (Wrong one is in map pack.. :gonk:)
The Narrows
Lava Flows
Tributary of Lost Souls
Deadline for submitting rosters is “July 5th, 2009”
27 Teams Registered (Updated 7/05/09 at 10:59 PM EST):
Team io[
Team Alcohol
Tag: Ta-
Ta-Jeager (plushiemushie)
Ta-Lager (zoato)
Ta-Vodka (morkon)
Team Name: FIWDIL (Fuck it, we do it live)
rhombie- xfire:rhombie
flimzy- xfire:bloodyeti
python- xfire:chmelewski
Team name : tB`
Team Chicken and Waffles [cW]:
Rook - rook1337
Cheefa - mastacheefa
Epic - chaos72
~Support Kommande Structure~
Team Name: Ascension Gaming
Tag: A^
Team Name: .mpeg
FF7:Weapons - Team name
ff7 - team tags
Ruby - Josh (drpwn1337pro)
Emerald - Higuy (higuy5)
Kings of Destruction [KOD]:
Team PHPwnage.
Tag: Pwn
Players: AdmiralBacon, TomClancey
clan: dP` (Backups to be decided)
Note: Jally's team
Players: Inferno and m13120
MLG_1nf3rn0 - wankzta
MLG_m13120 - m13120
Team Name: SURPRISE!
Tag: OH!
zerk - bel2z3rk
flem - flemmm
Team: Death 2 teams
Tag: [name].d2t
Boss (kumajor)
Team ZomB:
Tag: ZomB
PlaguedZomB - xfire: church897 (-7:00 AZ timezome)
Brandin917 - xfire: envy917 (-7:00 AZ timezome)
InvaderVeex - xfire: invaderveex (no idea timezone)
Team Name : hdM` - hay der moit
FoXeH - spooft3r
Campyy - campypants
Team Name - Pokémon
Charizard (`CaSs!~) Xfire: mets6986
Blastoise (EvilLilElmo) Xfire: evillilelmo
Team Name: Old School
Tag: øs`
Water (Xfire: iseeu)
Shazim (Xfire: shazaam345)
FBI (Still deciding on backups):
[FBI]duCky - fluffyducky
Team Name: FLY
Tag ƒLY , Were hard to hit ^^
ƒLYswater {Xfire=3volvedcom2}
TS~ - Trial Shittys
Name - Xfire
h00d - soh00d
fiasco - fiasco117
vigil - vigil0
yianni - yianni123
(Undecided backups)
Filthy Fucking Fascists -FFF-
-FFF-Duce - ilduceprimo
-FFF-Mass - iammassacre
Hry's Team
Team name: Rentafence Sucks
Clan tag: [RS]
Team Teh Gathering
Phil phil123victory
Wolf onabie
Munkee punkapina
That's what I call, participation. :cool: