View Full Version : How to make $50's a day on NeoBux. (Not instantly)

June 25th, 2009, 10:04 PM
This is a guide on "How to make $50's a day on NeoBux." No cheating programs are used, only the person is required.

You may have heard of the popular ptc site, neobux, that pays you to click ads. This is a guide for how to make REAL money with them, without paying them a thing.

The only catch is you won't be making $50/day right off the bat. You will be making a few cents when you first start. The name of the game is called PATIENCE. Now, with this method, I won't be investing any money to earn money. If you have money to invest, by all means, do it and you'll see results faster than mine.

The key to making money on NeoBux is through referrals. It's simple, if you don't have referrals, you won't make money. You can rent referrals directly from NeoBux. The referrals are real people and cost 30 cents a month each. Some will be active and some won't. To "recycle" a non-active referral for an active one you have to pay 8 cents. It may seem like a lot, but it's worth it. If you don't recycle inactive referrals, you will lose money.

When you reach 75 cents by clicking on your own (if you don't invest money), you can purchase your first 3 referrals. This is where most people go wrong. It takes a few days to earn the 75 cents on your own and people are so eager to buy referrals that they just purchase as soon as their account reaches $.75. When people do this they do not realize that they do not have enough money to maintain their rented referrals and their referrals eventually are taken away because they can't pay for them. Before you rent referrals you should earn $3 by clicking on your ads and then transfer it to your rental balance. This way you have $1 per referral and you will easily be able to recycle them if they are not active or pay to keep them for one more month. It will take a while to get $3 on your own, but this way you will be able to keep your referrals and exchange the inactive ones for active ones without the fear that you will not be able to pay for them.

Autopay is another must. As soon as you rent your first 3 referrals turn autopay on. Referrals cost 30 cents a month to keep. Instead of you paying for the referral, they pay for themselves as long as you have autopay turned on. What it does it subtract one of the advertisements your referral views each day and puts it towards the 30 cents that referral needs to stick around for another month. So you get one less penny from each referral, but they will be your referral as long as they are active.

Cashing out too early is a huge problem for people that use neobux. When you request a payment it is INSTANTLY transfered into your alertpay/paypal account. In order to see if neobux is indeed legit (which it is) many people will earn a dollar by clicking and then cash it out. Woo-hoo. You now have a WHOLE DOLLAR in your paypal account. That dollar should have been put towards buying referrals. With this strategy you will be putting $3 into your rental balance before you buy 3 referrals. So $1 per referral. I actually would not cash out until I start reaching +1000 refs. Keep renting referrals by increments of 3 (you can rent by higher increments later as your referrals make you more money) and continue until you have 500 referrals. This will take quite some time. This is where most people flake out. When you reach 500 referrals, stop buying referrals and just maintain the ones you already have. Keep doing this until the money builds up to about $100 and you can use $90 of it to pay for golden. $100 won't take very long at all to get once you have 500 referrals and once you upgrade to golden your earnings will DOUBLE. This is the great part. Golden costs $90 a year but instead of getting half a cent for every advertisement your referral views, you get 1 cent. Your earnings double. That's all there is to it.

Keep renting new referrals after you upgrade to golden and don't cash out. Remember, you haven't cashed out at all, and you shouldn't until you have 2000 referals. But when you do cash out, you will be able to cash out about $50 a day. And that's the end of the strategy.

P.S. It will also help you in your neobux adventure to get direct referrals, with the use of a referral link, such as the one below. Please sign up under me. You don't have to, but I would appreciate it, in exchange for the info.

Sign up here

http://images.neobux.com/imagens/banner/ (http://www.neobux.com/)

Credits - jobobalAlso, I have permission from the p0lar and Timo to post this.

June 25th, 2009, 10:25 PM
I seriously need proof that this is legit. Did you recieve that much or what?

June 25th, 2009, 10:29 PM
Here is proof:




Is that enough?

Currently I am following his guide, I have right now 0.05 cents.

However I have 43.50 on other websites in total. So...yeah.

June 25th, 2009, 10:31 PM

June 25th, 2009, 10:34 PM

NeoBux is a well trusted website, many people have gotten INSTANT payout, all with different amounts of pay.

Seriously look at the urls I posted


June 25th, 2009, 10:36 PM
Yeah... no. :|

Never trusted these kinds of things and I never will. My income is decent enough anyway.

June 25th, 2009, 10:41 PM
Yeah... no. :|

Never trusted these kinds of things and I never will. My income is decent enough anyway.

Here is proof:




Is that enough?

Seriously do people not read anymore? those are VALID checkouts, look at the photos.

June 25th, 2009, 10:43 PM
I'll check it, chode

not now of course

June 25th, 2009, 10:50 PM
Oh, I can read just great. The problem lies with the fact that I trust other people about as much as I'd trust a wild lion not to rip my lungs out after poking it with a stick.

June 25th, 2009, 10:52 PM
Oh, I can read just great. The problem lies with the fact that I trust other people about as much as I'd trust a wild lion not to rip my lungs out after poking it with a stick.

I am not trying to flame you or whatever, but if what you say is true:


Then you don't trust Paypal?

BTW that isn't my invoice.

June 25th, 2009, 10:54 PM
Alright, so it works

Honestly though, I get enough as it is, I can't be bothered with this. I don't need any more.

June 25th, 2009, 11:10 PM
Better source of income. (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=GET+A+JOB)

June 25th, 2009, 11:15 PM
Better source of income. (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=GET+A+JOB)

Lol, LMGTFY is a great site.

I tried a site similar to this (NeoBux) and made like $6, then it was shutdown. It takes too long to be honest, but I'll try it again anyway.

June 25th, 2009, 11:25 PM
I'll try it but I'm going to be massively applying for internships and such over the summer so this can be a back-project.

June 25th, 2009, 11:27 PM

NeoBux is a well trusted website, many people have gotten INSTANT payout, all with different amounts of pay.

Seriously look at the urls I posted

:|Hmm, ok so there's no referral bullshit so you're right wrong.

Pyramid schemes do pay out. Just less and less the further you are down the pyramid.

June 25th, 2009, 11:28 PM
Hence the name, obviously.

June 25th, 2009, 11:34 PM
According to his guide, you can make a whole whopping $0.75 in "a few days," which then means that in order to make a measly $3.00 would take almost a week, or more! Then you have to try and sucker people in to clicking your referral link and getting them to sign-up. Totally not worth it. If my mental math is correct, I could make about $15 over my whole summer. Yeah, no thanks, I'm following legionaire's advice.

Also, this post isn't meant to sound harsh, this is just my opinion.

June 25th, 2009, 11:36 PM
He could have just sent that to himself? Or he may have sent it to another acount of his... :|

Not hard to make things up on the Internet.

June 25th, 2009, 11:46 PM
I might try a site out like this I'll ask you more about it over xfire..

$$ please

June 26th, 2009, 12:21 AM
theres also moola.com :D
you can play games and bet your money
if you get lucky your whole wallet can double :D
i have $10 in my paypal from a cashout a few months ago, im 84 cents short of cashing out again :3

June 26th, 2009, 01:35 AM
Just so you know... your proof really isn't all that -- proofy. One was from its own website... the screenshot could be doctored or from one of the owners... the other two websites looked shady themselves...

There was a money making website that a friend asked if it really worked because he was having a hard time with money. I told him it looks like a scam. Sure enough, they over-billed your credit card. That's not what's going on here... but you know.


Yeah it's almost definitely a scam somehow -- if you look through several of those pages -- you'll see just about every reference to "Scam" is promoting NeoBux -- you might think that's a good thing until you see that every so often they're word-for-word copies. Sooooooo they're almost definitely all FROM NeoBux... which means they have some reason to cover up Google searches for "Neobux Scam"

Most likely they just spammed as many difference sources with press releases to game Google.

I mean it's pretty hard to go down 7 pages of Google and only see blogs and articles about something... and no forum talk what so ever.

June 26th, 2009, 04:35 AM
It's a Ponzi scheme.

The money that is being "made" is supposedly coming from advertisement clicks, right? But why would any business pay for clicks from such a site? Everybody on the site is clicking away at ads like crazy, but none of them are doing it because they are actually interested in what the ads offer, so the traffic is worthless to a business. So, what does that mean? The ads aren't legit. They're self-sponsored and/or referrals to other pay-to-click sites. They are not making any significant amount of money from their "ads", yet they are still "paying" their members to click on them.

So, how does the owner make money? He makes it from people who deposit their own money so they can rent referrals and upgrade their membership faster. People hear about how great the site is from other members who have made real money, so they feel safe to deposit their own money to speed up their profits. This money is enough for the owner to cover day-to-day cashout requests from members. Since they are not really making money from the ads, though, but are paying members for clicking on them, they do not have enough money to cover all of their members' account balances.

That is where the problem arises. When the site is popular and new registrations are plentiful, the site runs fine and dandy. When new registrations eventually slow down, though (and they will...they have to...the number of potential customers is not infinite), there won't be enough new members coming in investing the money which is used to cover the cashout requests, and older members' account balances will continue to increase. There will be a liquidity crisis, and more and more people will start requesting cashouts which they can't fulfill, until the entire thing completely collapses.

The fact that some people actually make money from it does not mean it isn't a scam/sham. That's how Ponzi schemes work; in the early stages, some people will actually make money from it, and rave about how great it is and entice new members to join. It can't go on forever, though. NeoBux has lasted this long (a little over a year I think?) due to it having a better structure and setup than past click-to-pay scams, but that is only slowing down the inevitable collapse which is to come. Basically, if you know how to make money in their system AND you are lucky enough to withdraw it before it collapses, then it can be good for you. If you don't get so lucky, though, you can really get fucked.

Oh and FWIW I've never heard of this site before I read this thread. I just did a little research.

June 26th, 2009, 09:33 AM
These websites are just a huge waste of time and a pain in the ass when you actually want to get a pay out. I'd rather just get a job and make more money by doing less easy stuff for 8 hours a day, beats clicking ads for 8 hours a day.

June 26th, 2009, 12:53 PM
It works great for the people on top, and everyone below them just does the work that gets the people on top more money. Yes, some people will make hundreds of dollars. That doesn't mean that you will.

June 26th, 2009, 04:38 PM
If it relies on other people, regardless of what you think it is, it IS a pyramid scheme. They all work the same exact way, and anyone who falls for it on the bottom gets shit on by the person on top.

June 26th, 2009, 04:53 PM
If it relies on other people, regardless of what you think it is, it IS a pyramid scheme. They all work the same exact way, and anyone who falls for it on the bottom gets shit on by the person on top.

NeoBux (of the user using NeoBux) does not rely on other people, as you can rent referrals.

What I meant above was that you don't need to sign up, other people that have already signed up ARE the referrals. Signing up just helps the others out.

June 26th, 2009, 05:43 PM
NeoBux (of the user using NeoBux) does not rely on other people, as you can rent referrals.
If you'd read my post you'd see that it actually does rely on other people. They just don't make it obvious. The whole notion that outside advertisers pay the site for hosting their ads and bringing them traffic is not true. The only real money going into the system is coming from people who invest their own money in an attempt to speed up their profits. Therefore, anyone who is making money on the site is doing so off the backs of other members.

June 26th, 2009, 05:48 PM
This is just another scheme site. Locked.

Please don't post this kind of stuff anymore.

June 26th, 2009, 06:15 PM
Before you PM me about SnaF locking this CodeBrain, I was about to too - this thread wasn't going anywhere.