View Full Version : ... here's another go.

July 2nd, 2009, 07:06 PM
Well... this server really is more of like a how much can a server handle.
But yeah same old same old supersniper running a server crap.
Well this is different I'm sure it's the only server running multi team vehicles.
So if you ever in for a different experience and want to board an enemy vehicles just download the app. choose client and play on my server.

It will run non custom maps for now until I can get it populated.
Then once it has regulars I will slowly add in custom maps.

I think I might use the same admins Freelancer is using idk we'll see but as I said.

Now for the details.

Server name: ! Froster's Time of your life!
Server location: East Coast (Michigan)
Max players: 14 (I cannot handle 16 at the moment)
Mapcycle: Bloodgulch ctf
Apps running: Devicator, SAPP, mtv, arcane (I want to try that heatmaps thing and see if I can get a website going etc...) and yeah that's it. Also i will be using Abyll's stat collector. So you can see how you rank ;)

Well I now want suggestions on maps/gametypes that are good.
Non custom though.

July 2nd, 2009, 07:19 PM
Fun server! :)

Although my ping was a bit higher in your server compared to Freelancer's server, I liked yours better since there weren't as many vehicles (which means less annoyance of people running you over).

My favorite stock/non custom maps for CTF are Danger Canyon, Gephyrophobia, Sidewinder, and Timberland, so please consider adding those. If you do decide to include them, please limit the vehicles to a few warthogs, there's nothing more that I hate than being slowed down by a ghost fire and then being run over.

July 3rd, 2009, 06:44 AM
Nvm, nice c:

July 3rd, 2009, 08:54 AM
Just give me some powahs and we'll have some fun alright?

July 5th, 2009, 01:25 AM
Fun server! :)

I hate than being slowed down by a ghost fire and then being run over.
I have discovered that if you crouch, a ghost can't run you over, unless the player holds space or you are on uneven ground or something.