View Full Version : [HL2] So the up and coming ep3.
July 3rd, 2009, 05:37 AM
what do we expect, what do we want more of, what dont we want?
More g man, he has got to be the best villian ever.
more alynx <3
more super gravity gun
less time in vehicles.
also do you think Gman is the best villian ever?
July 3rd, 2009, 06:27 AM
If at any time Freeman speaks, or Alyx says "I love you" I will save the game and exit, never to play it again.
also do you think Gman is the best villian ever?
I don't know why, but I don't see him as a real villain. I see him as more of a task master. Villains want to kill you, or make you do something evil. Gman just wants you to do your job, which is whatever the highest bidder wants. (reference to his quote: "I've had some interesting offers for you...")
July 3rd, 2009, 06:37 AM
Yeah, I thought the G-Man was your boss. :/
July 3rd, 2009, 06:49 AM
he totally is a villian.
he's pulling the strings, fucking shit up and making consequences no one was prepared for <:mad:>
that and he just talks so fucking evil.
riiiiise and shhine docctorr free-man,
wake up and smelllllll the ashess.'
accents the wrong syllables and shit.
he's fucking bad ass.
also he's an evil boss, did anyone take the portal in half life 1?
pretty fucked up bro.
July 3rd, 2009, 07:40 AM
Play HL1
He might be pulling godron's strings, but he's got his own puppet masters too.
Also for ep3:
a bit of QQ'ing over Eli (OMGSPOILERZ)
a nice driving section (I like them, must be my halo background, but do it on ice or water or something this time to mix things up)
Combine running scared and trying something desperate (didn't they loose all their striders on the entire European continent? Weren't they trying to send a message and were quite happy vaporising the citadel and starting a lolhuge portal storm?)
A HUGE puzzle, I'm talking about running around all over the fucking place to stop/create imminent doom.
Alyx dies (hopefully they'll make me actually feel bad about it like eli did (I had mantears))
FINAL BATTLE, I'm talking about gordon, a few dozen rebels, a hunkerd down position and THE COMBINED ARMIES OF MORDOR OUR BENEFACTORS
July 3rd, 2009, 08:56 AM
Update the hell out of the source engine. Make it a longer game.
July 3rd, 2009, 09:33 AM
They have been bring back a few things from the beta. I hope they bring back the hydra (
July 3rd, 2009, 10:01 AM
The hydra was stupid.
I want to see more aliens too.
July 3rd, 2009, 10:09 AM
Part of Valves we make love to you long time stance, (how could you nto like halflife wtf bro)
July 3rd, 2009, 12:12 PM
Less alyx for the love of Christ (SHUT THE FUCK UP WOMAN)
a bit of QQ'ing over Eli (OMGSPOILERZ)
a functioning driving section (I like them, must be my halo background, but do it on ice or water or something this time to mix things up)
Combine running scared and trying something desperate (didn't they loose all their striders on the entire European continent? Weren't they trying to send a message and were quite happy vaporising the citadel and starting a lolhuge portal storm?)
A HUGE puzzle, I'm talking about running around all over the fucking place to stop/create imminent doom.
Alyx dies (hopefully they'll make me actually feel bad about it like eli did (I had mantears))
FINAL BATTLE, I'm talking about gordon, a few dozen rebels, a hunkerd down position and THE COMBINED ARMIES OF MORDOR OUR BENEFACTORS
If at any time Freeman speaks, or Alyx says "I love you" I will save the game and exit, never to play it again.and definitely this.
July 3rd, 2009, 01:33 PM
- More of Alyx (Episode One levels of involvement at least, it's fun to have someone tagging along in SP)
- More cooperative puzzle solving with NPCs
- Barney
- Another Dark Energy Gravity Gun section
- If we get the Charger back, I want longer driving sections than Episode Two had
- That clever counterweight puzzle that go cut from Episode Three
- Another landmark on the horizon. It was the Citadel and the Portal storm in the past, but we need another one.
- More Kelly Bailey music
- Kickass final battle, even more kickass than Episode Two's conclusion
Do Not Wants
- Fighting Striders with rockets when we can use Magnussons instead (Seriously, they're much more fun and awesome, don't go back to rockets unless there's a twist of some sort).
- Weapons falling into my lap in the first five minutes. It fucks with the pacing, Valve's approach in all three HL2 games so far has been excellent.
- Freeman talking. He's silent for a very good reason.
July 3rd, 2009, 03:18 PM
New Zombie variations
More bug bait
More epic battles with vortigaunts
Less of Eli, oh wait
A new weapon possibly
New Aliens
A new vehicle for driving areas
A new puzzle similar to ravenholm (my favorite part of Half Life 2)
Dont Want:
To see Gordon
To hear Gordon
A shitload of striders
July 3rd, 2009, 07:52 PM
Obviously Alyx is going to say "I love you", it'll be right near the end when Gman shows up after Alyx has done what he wanted and it's nap time for Gordon. E: OH AND BARNY, BARNY I MISSED YOU WHERE DID YOU GO I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOOOOOOOOU ps. alyx is a chattermouth cunt who needs to get the fuck back to the kitchen, hth~
July 3rd, 2009, 08:46 PM
I suspect everyone dying, and then leading the game in to Half-Life 3. : /
July 3rd, 2009, 08:57 PM
-no super gravity gun
Do not want
-super gravity gun
That thing is an overpowered boring as fuck load of shit, and I hated every second of every segment that involved it.
July 3rd, 2009, 09:00 PM
-no super gravity gun
Do not want
-super gravity gun
That thing is an overpowered boring as fuck load of shit, and I hated every second of every segment that involved it.
You didn't enjoy using combine ragdols as weapons?
You didn't like ripping shit off walls and fucking every man and his dog up sideways with it?
You didn't enjoy shutting breen up by wrecking his breenscreens?
You must be the only person in existence who didn't like those sections.
July 3rd, 2009, 09:02 PM
You didn't enjoy using combine ragdols as weapons?
You didn't like ripping shit off walls and fucking every man and his dog up sideways with it?
You didn't enjoy shutting breen up by wrecking his breenscreens?
You must be the only person in existence who didn't like those sections.
I also seem to be the only person in existence who hated the Halo Wars cutscenes.
Hating things everyone else likes is what I do.
July 3rd, 2009, 09:08 PM
I also seem to be the only person in existence who hated the Halo Wars cutscenes.
Hating things everyone else likes is what I do.
Knock it off. Conform now.
July 3rd, 2009, 09:52 PM
what do we expectIt to come out in our lifetime or have some information released about it soon.
what do we want more ofThe same speed-run-friendly game we always get.
what dont we want?The game to be cancelled or come out so late that the Source engine has lost it's place up in the list of greatest engines.
Oh you mean for the actual game itself? Well...I want whatever will make it as enjoyable as it always has and forever will be.
July 3rd, 2009, 11:01 PM
I can't really think of what to expect story-wise. Earth has been fucked pretty badly and possibly even irreversably by Xen wildlife and the Combine. If Earth wins against the Combine, then what? Also, while Portal tech on the Borealis is an obvious answer, what mysteries could the Borealis hold that would warrant Eli wanting it destroyed outright?
July 3rd, 2009, 11:42 PM
The humans now understand portal tech.
If they can capture a citadel, they have access to the entire wealth of knowledge the combine possessed.
The future looks pretty good for earth if they can beat our benefactors back to hell.
July 4th, 2009, 07:48 AM
I'd actually like to see the character from portal somehow involved, whether it just be a bit-part, an explanation or something. You know, a 5 second "hey, I used to work here then that damned machine killed everyone and now I'm just wandering around with this portal gun fucking shit up, yo."
July 4th, 2009, 09:55 AM
I'd actually like to see the character from portal somehow involved, whether it just be a bit-part, an explanation or something. You know, a 5 second "hey, I used to work here then that damned machine killed everyone and now I'm just wandering around with this portal gun fucking shit up, yo."
Yeah, thinking about it, Chell's page on the Combine OverWiki ( has a quote from Gabe Newell saying that she will be somehow involved with HL2's main characters, but then again that's an uncited source so it may be vandalism.
I can imagine you meeting her when she saves your life by using the portal gun to drop shit on a combine advisor.
July 4th, 2009, 11:42 AM
Also for ep3:
I like Alyx. :shrug:
July 4th, 2009, 11:43 AM
- Longer story to compensate for absurdly long wait
- Substantially better graphics engine. Source has been around for too long imo.
- New, lengthy puzzles.
- Interaction with Portal technology.
- Fighting alongside Dog, instead of watching yet another scripted sequence.
- Massive final confrontation that puts the ending of Episode 2 to shame.
- A boss fight on the scale of Nihilanth from HL1
- Vortigaunts :iamafag:
- An actual reason to use the Crossbow
- Melodramatics (I'll accept the love story, but nothing overblown).
- The motherfucking see-saw puzzle. Nobody likes it.
- Zombies emerging from pools of toxic waste for the umpteenth time.
- Any repetitous puzzles of any kind.
- Lengthy Super-Gravity-Gun sequence.
July 4th, 2009, 04:52 PM
- Vortigaunts :iamafag:
- An actual reason to use the Crossbow
Yes! I love fighting with Vorts and the crossbow (Vorts + crossbow battle = epic winstuff?).
- The motherfucking see-saw puzzle. Nobody likes it.
- Zombies emerging from pools of toxic waste for the umpteenth time.
- Lengthy Super-Gravity-Gun sequence.
- I love those puzzles, much better than a simple "find the switch" task
- They should keep doing this in places. It's less interesting to have zombies always showing up on solid ground, them "sleeping" in ooze and water makes them interesting.
- The Dark Energy Gravgun is awesome. Perhaps it could be what is needed to fight an Advisor, which would shake things up a bit.
July 4th, 2009, 07:42 PM
- Longer story to compensate for absurdly long wait
It's episodic, hth~
- Substantially better graphics engine. Source has been around for too long imo.
They've been updating the engine with every episode, compare HL2 to ep1 and ep1 to ep2. Yeah. (just because it's not crysis level graphics doesn't mean it's bad, the gameplay in HL2 is far better than crysis's was vOv)
- New, lengthy puzzles.
- Interaction with Portal technology.
please god no portal gun, this is HL2 not portal!
- Fighting alongside Dog, instead of watching yet another scripted sequence.
Who cares if it's scripted, it looks cool (but real time fight would be nice)
- Massive final confrontation that puts the ending of Episode 2 to shame.
- A boss fight on the scale of Nihilanth from HL1
Nihilanth was a fucking grind, I hated every moment of it.
- Vortigaunts :iamafag:
- An actual reason to use the Crossbow
It pins bad guys to walls and is a 1 hit kill for anything smaller than a hunter?
- Melodramatics (I'll accept the love story, but nothing overblown).
I'll accept the love story when Alyx dies and gordo goes on like nothing happend.
- The motherfucking see-saw puzzle. Nobody likes it.
I do~
- Zombies emerging from pools of toxic waste for the umpteenth time.
It's a trademark trick, it's not meant to be like "WOWZAM", it's meant to be "yep, it was a zombie trap"
- Any repetitous puzzles of any kind.
- Lengthy Super-Gravity-Gun sequence.
July 4th, 2009, 07:46 PM
Well :maddowns: to you both : (
July 4th, 2009, 10:52 PM
I'll accept the love story when Alyx dies and gordo goes on like nothing happend.Keep in mind that the whole thing is, Gordon is you. Alyx is just there, it's up you to fill in the emotional void left by the pawn that is a mute scientist in a hazmat suit. With guns.
The motherfucking see-saw puzzle. Nobody likes it.
I'd like it more if the see-saw puzzle ended up catapulting whatever is on the end to be raised. But that want would more or less be a result of me playing too much Gmod. :iamafag:
Also, I wonder just how the game is going to start and how your inventory will be filled. In HL1, your weapons and suit were confiscated by the G-Man when he met you and were put into stasis. Thus, when you were dropped into the train by him at the beginning of HL2, you had nothing. HL2, all you had was the gravity gun at the end of the game. It was promptly given to you by Alyx when you were found at the beginning of Ep1. End of Ep1, train crash, you obviously lost your possessions and got knocked out. Alyx finds you, the g-gun, and gives it back.
End of Ep2, Gordon has everything. Unless they pull something like the helicopter going down at the beginning of Ep3 (I see it coming from a mile away), I wonder how you'll start off?
July 4th, 2009, 11:00 PM
it was taken by the floating blob when they murdered the greatest man thats ever lived :smith:
July 4th, 2009, 11:03 PM
it was taken by the floating blob when they murdered the greatest man that's ever lived :smith:
Works for me. I was so sad at the end of that game they could have taken all my weapons from me and I wouldn't have noticed. Oh wait- they sort of did. I wanted to crowbar the shit out of that thing. :(
July 4th, 2009, 11:17 PM
Works for me. I was so sad at the end of that game they could have taken all my weapons from me and I wouldn't have noticed. Oh wait- they sort of did. I wanted to crowbar the shit out of that thing. :(
IIRC I don't think they were actually taken. You were immobilized by advisors twice in Ep2, and the second time, the game ended and never gave control back to you.
July 4th, 2009, 11:47 PM
You're not going to leave a base like White Forest and fly to a combine hotspot like the Borialis without packing some serious heat first.
I'd like to see some new weapons tbh. Maybe some experimental shit like you found in HL1 before leaving black mesa.
July 5th, 2009, 12:17 AM
Gauss cannon needs to return tbh.
July 5th, 2009, 01:56 AM
Gauss cannon needs to return tbh.
Llama Juice
July 6th, 2009, 08:15 AM
All I want is more than 4 hours of gameplay.
July 6th, 2009, 10:30 AM
Why does everyone miss the point of the episodic gameplay?
The tradeoff of gameplay length is made for having the games released more frequently with engine improvements for less than the cost of a full retail game.
Yeah, Valve is taking a while on the releases, but do you realize how long it's been since the end of Half-Life 2? How long we would have been sitting here twiddling our thumbs waiting if they didn't release episodes 1 and 2, and instead decided to just cram everything into one game and release Half-Life 2.5?
Don't wish for longer game length. It'll make us all wait longer.
July 6th, 2009, 12:42 PM
I dunno if anyone has looked at the dates. But:
Half-Life 2 was released in 2004
Half-Life 2: Episode 1 was released in 2006
Half-Life 2: Episode 2 was released in 2007
They have, so far, released a game every 2 years or so. Episode 2 being the obvious exception. But even then, it was only three months from the new year. So I feel that we really haven't been waiting long enough to be complaining about a release date.
The only thing I'm complaining about is that we have heard absolutely nothing about it from Valve. They have given us zero info. Which makes me angry. Throw some concepts at us, give us some viral websites, do something!
July 6th, 2009, 02:25 PM
my guess is that it will be announced later this year, then released sometime in 2010
July 8th, 2009, 12:24 PM
I just want to see what the fuck is going down with GMan and those giant worms that appear to be waay more advanced than butterflies
July 8th, 2009, 01:18 PM
The difference between the episodic and classic style-release schedules is that we would have had a 12+ hour game in 2010. Instead, we have probably about the same amount of gameplay, in the same amount of time, but spread out AND with technological increases. If episode 3 is short and doesn't come out before 2010, you can call my analysis as false. :) But based off what we've seen so far, it makes perfect sense, and we're not waiting any longer than we normally would have.
July 9th, 2009, 05:04 AM
When you look at other episodic games like Sam and Max or Strong Bad, they have a pretty much monthly release cycle.
Implication that the same ammount of effort is required to produce a HL episode as a S&M/SB episode.
July 14th, 2009, 10:31 AM
What I want:
- Updated Source Engine
- Better puzzles than the freaking see-saws (Yes Valve you made a Physics engine, we know
- Final boss battle that is the mother of all boss battles
- Crowbar! :v:
- Alyx (I think she's a good sidekick)
- Better controls for the vehicles
- A level that was scarier than Ravenholm, don't get me wrong, the fast zombies scared the crap out of me the first time.
Do Not Want:
- To hear Freeman speak
- Portal/HL2 Interaction (Just seems stupid to me)
- The three rocket limit on the rocket launcher
July 14th, 2009, 11:41 AM
Hell, while we're at it, I want a quick throw button for grenades. The ridiculous amount of time required to equip grenades, arm a grenade, and throw a grenade, coupled with the fact that you can only carry 5, means I never used grenades outside of the special segments intended for them.
Pyong Kawaguchi
July 14th, 2009, 11:44 AM
July 15th, 2009, 03:20 AM
New weapons would be nice.
More scary shit (not jumpy scary - actually scary).
Suit being visible from FP (borderline on this - would look better but might take away from the whole "you're the person in this world" feeling).
Tie up loose threads.
It'll probably end up being good, no matter what changes end up being implemented. I just hope that they don't leave an obvious hole for a sequel - that would be annoying :<.
Pyong Kawaguchi
July 15th, 2009, 03:22 AM
I want some somewhat creepy violent scenes, the kind that will make you piss yourself when you are sleeping and you think about it.
July 15th, 2009, 03:58 AM
Needs more high stress situations like Ravenholm was... well atleast that like, last stand you do. It was so crazy, and creepy. Endless waves of zombies and like, not many places to run to.
Also, I swear if I have to do anything like the strider battle again, I'll kill babies. :maddowns:
As cool as it was, I hated having to kill the Hunters before I could do anything with the Striders. Would have rather taken on a ton of Striders.
July 15th, 2009, 04:58 AM
Eh. Without the Hunter escorts, the battle would have been a lot less tense. Less urgency and less difficulty, mainly. Artificially compensating with more Striders wouldn't have been a good solution, the battle would be reduced to a one-note Magnusson chucking marathon.
It's good as it is, where you have to pick off the smaller enemies to open a window to take down the big baddie. More variety and it wears far less on the player's patience.
July 15th, 2009, 05:54 AM
I dunno about you guys but shooting the magnussons was a fucking pain in the ass. I wanted to shoot a rocket at it and be done with it. >.>
July 15th, 2009, 01:05 PM
I dunno about you guys but shooting the magnussons was a fucking pain in the ass. I wanted to shoot a rocket at it and be done with it. >.>
You could have done that too... I had to do it several times.
July 16th, 2009, 06:15 AM
As cool as it was, I hated having to kill the Hunters before I could do anything with the Striders. Would have rather taken on a ton of Striders.
Hunters forced you to fight smarter. You couldn't just hop out of the jeep, punt bomb, pistol bomb, get back in the jeep, get another bomb, rinse repeat. You had to deal with the little black guys (or be very careful with the bomb) before you could splat the big yellow guys.
tl'dr: It put some fighting into a gravgun aiming challange.
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