View Full Version : Custom Skies

July 4th, 2009, 02:20 AM
Well I searched everywhere, and can't find anything about custom skies anywhere. Now I know somebody will tell me to go look at some tutorial I've already seen/read. Any sky tutorial on custom skies is very vague. If someone can point me in the right direction on this topic, would be greatly appreciated.

July 4th, 2009, 02:24 AM


July 4th, 2009, 02:28 AM


...that is like the worst tutorial on skies, all it tell you to do is how to add planets, that's exactly what I meant by vague, I just got my ass kicked by stupidity. Can anyone say "Irony"?

July 4th, 2009, 04:05 AM
Lol, irony indeed dumbass. What the hell exactly do you want to know how to do? Try to be less vague the next time you post a thread and demand answers from us.

If you want to know how to set the model up, rip one of Bungie's skys and look at that. If you want to know how to set up the tags and stuff, there are several tutorials in Ghost's tutorial list (http://ghost.halomaps.org/tutorials/) which cover setting up a basic sky tag - you can experiment from there and see what things do what. Anything else, just toy with it and see if you can get it working.

Btw, welcome to Modacity! Hope your welcome was warm enough.

July 4th, 2009, 12:24 PM
Does anyone even realize that only one of the custom sky tutorials on Ghost's tutorial list actually work! Even then that tutorial goes back to the fucking PDF on halomaps that makes zero sense! By zero sense I mean who ever made that tutorial doesn't realize that making planets is nothing. And I have already tried ripping the GBX model that Bungie made. And really that's not enough it actually makes it more confusing with the ring in it.

Whoever also made the sky tutorial talks about all this other stuff and does explain about animating. That tutorial just isn't explaining what I want to hear just telling me how to add fucking planets into a fucking night sky! Now yes it may show what I have to do in Guirilla/Kornman but I never make it that far, so in all how the fuck am I to model this? How do I add my own images like mountains?

July 4th, 2009, 12:31 PM
Lol, irony indeed dumbass. What the hell exactly do you want to know how to do? Try to be less vague the next time you post a thread and demand answers from us.

If you want to know how to set the model up, rip one of Bungie's skys and look at that. If you want to know how to set up the tags and stuff, there are several tutorials in Ghost's tutorial list (http://ghost.halomaps.org/tutorials/) which cover setting up a basic sky tag - you can experiment from there and see what things do what. Anything else, just toy with it and see if you can get it working.

Btw, welcome to Modacity! Hope your welcome was warm enough.
^^ that.

CaptDumb tutorials give you a base, you gotta build it up, your going to have to teach yourself most of it, experiment, trial and error. They arent going to teach you everything. Its like modeling, theyll teach you how to model a pistol, youll model an m16.

July 4th, 2009, 01:10 PM
Whats so hard?
Import a sky.gbx_model into max, then adjust planes,domes or whatever geometry you want. Adjust bitmaps and such, recompile and mess with the settings in the shader if needed.

Do you have a specific question?

July 5th, 2009, 11:08 AM
You're in luck, I'm going to be making a custom sky tutorial soon that goes over photoshop methods and how to set it all up from max to cache building.

July 5th, 2009, 01:19 PM
Stuff like adding custom bitmaps is stuff you should learn from other places. A sky tutorial isn't going to teach you how to use the max material editor and get bitmaps ingame, you can learn that from other tutorials.

But to answer your question, if you want stuff like mountains, its exactly the same as planets. its just images applied to a plane.

July 5th, 2009, 01:52 PM

Okay well this is what I had - now I have no sun (Like there is now lensflare in the sky), No clue how to add clouds.

And whatever else anyone can notice go ahead and point it out, the two planets are already fixed (The Black Plane is in fact suppose to be a planet, I messed up on the alpha) The Mountain has been changed already.

The sky is in the tutorial map.

It would be better to reference back to something, and not the same tutorial.

July 5th, 2009, 01:55 PM
Is it me or is he yelling at ppl who are trying to know exactly what he wants to know so they can help him? Also his posts gets angrier and angrier as I go down the list.

That tutorial by theGhost works wonders and makes sense to me, so really don't know what you're talking about. That tutorial + importing the bungie skies = pretty much all you need to know to make a first sky. After that, experiment on quality and complexity.


NEVER try making your first sky how you want it to look, you should always get the basics down with simple structures before going for complex shit.

July 5th, 2009, 04:12 PM
Is it me or is he yelling at ppl who are trying to know exactly what he wants to know so they can help him? Also his posts gets angrier and angrier as I go down the list.

That tutorial by theGhost works wonders and makes sense to me, so really don't know what you're talking about. That tutorial + importing the bungie skies = pretty much all you need to know to make a first sky. After that, experiment on quality and complexity.


NEVER try making your first sky how you want it to look, you should always get the basics down with simple structures before going for complex shit.

No people don't know what I exactly want to know...the exact reason I YELL is because people try to assume things or don't listen. The only sky tutorial that works on Ghost's List is not by Ghost. Even then that tutorial is not a well made tutorial because I can't go back if I have any questions. I have to come to forums like these where I get criticized by people who think they know everything that I want to get done.

And when people think I'm a "noob" because the date on me joining is June 2009.

That is the exact reason why I yell and if you don't like me "yelling" then shut the hell up and move along. It's the fucking internet deal with it.

July 5th, 2009, 04:30 PM
This thread: "that isn't a tutorial that is just telling me what to do!"

In all seriousness, you're obviously the type of person who has to have someone tell you exactly what to do in order to be able to do anything. My words of advice are to work your way out of this mode of thinking, because you probably aren't going to get much help. Do you see how they told you to add in planets? Well, most people expect the one reading the tutorial to be able to put two and two together and see that the same basic concept can be applied to most if not all things in the skybox. If you want some clouds, import bungie's, or make a plane, paint some clouds, and give them an alpha map so that only the cloud shape displays in-game. It's the same concept as the planets and mountains.

Try and find some things out on your own. Explore a bit. Many people had to find out these kinds of things on their own, and you demanding a tutorial that meets your standards and getting angry over there not being one is an insult to those people. Go find out yourself if you need the information that bad.

July 5th, 2009, 04:35 PM
Rooster is correct. You need to learn to figure out things without someone telling you EXACTLY how to do it. Just think logically about how something is done and apply that to anything else you want to do.

Scooby Doo
July 5th, 2009, 05:24 PM
tbh, i would say for mountains or clouds: make a series of planes(or mb cylinders with the faces flipped facing inward and no cap faces) in 3ds and just uv your images onto them. then, in photoshop, you just need to make an alpha channel and adjust it to your liking. make sure u open the bitmap in guerilla and change it to compress with explicit-alpha and recompile the bitmap.

now, as far as an animated sky:

model whatever it is your animating an uv whatever bitmaps you want, make an animation, and export it. then in guerilla you have to open the model_animations tag and adjust it to do be continuous or whatever. i don't have HEK on this comp, but you should already have an understanding for this before working on your sky.

i'm not sure what you are trying to do, but i suggest you use bluestreak gbx model importer and import some skies and look at those models. it's basically a big dome with some planes/objects/etc around the dome that make up your sky. of course, you have markers and such as well.

good luck...mb this helped you, idk.

July 5th, 2009, 05:59 PM
what exactly are you trying to do Capt?

July 6th, 2009, 04:32 AM
You dont need tutorials. Just help from people who know what they are doing because you could figure out how the sky works simple by studeing the tags which are involved in a .sky. Oh and maybe importing the .gbxmodel's and animations.