View Full Version : 1.8 problemo

July 4th, 2009, 04:20 PM
Okay so when I try to update halo to 1.8, it says there is a problem with your game installation. you may need to reinstall the game to fix it.
this happens every single reinstall i try, it always stops when its 40% complete .
what do i do my friends, i want to play halo

July 4th, 2009, 04:37 PM
Are you keeping the same update file? If so maybe you need to redownload the 1.8 update. If your letting it auto update then i don't know what the problem is.

July 4th, 2009, 04:40 PM
Are you running Windows Vista or above? If you are, did you run the updater with administrative privileges?

Did you ever actually install the game, or did you just copy the whole CE folder to a new location?

I've never actually experienced this problem myself, but I would assume it would have to do with the installer not being able to locate the current installation or version number.

What if you were to try running the Halo CE Setup? Does it give you the option to play the game? What if you uninstall the game and reinstall, then run the update that you can download from Halomaps.

July 4th, 2009, 04:50 PM
Use the original Strings.dll, this happened to me when I left the version-changer version of it in.

July 4th, 2009, 04:58 PM
My new pc, installed it fine before. Then I accidently clicked on a "Bonus Screensaver" file on this MJ torrent I downloaded and my computer flipped shit. AVG started being a little shit for brains and gave me some bogus "OMG SPYWARE" background. But I fixed that.

I had to reinstall halo though. So I reinstalled it and when I tried updating to 1.8 (through the game itself) it stopped and gave me that bullshit answer. Then I got someone to send me his version of 1.8, same thing. Then I downloaded 1.8 from halo maps and I got the same thing again. It also keeps deleting my haloce.exe everytime I try updating so I'm thinking that might be the problem.

July 4th, 2009, 05:33 PM
Try getting someone else's strings.dll, haloce.exe, and haloceded.exe

Then, go in your registry to HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Microsoft Games/Halo CE

Look for a key with the version number in it. Edit the value and change it to 1.08.

Then launch Halo and everything should be fine. You basically just manually update it.