View Full Version : Modern Warfare 2
November 10th, 2009, 04:30 PM
Hello Modacity,
I've noticed around the Internet, including here, that people seem to be rather upset by Modern Warfare 2. In short, it's "just a bad game." I would be concerned, but I must thank you and all of the Internet for not only giving the game gratuitous amounts of publicity by not shutting up about it (which is strange, considering most bad games are usually best ignored and left to die alone), but by playing the game anyway. In fact, some of you have even been kind enough to buy the game you all have been bashing so much! I really must thank you for all the help.
With the success of our "bad, nasty game," we have been able to convince others, such as id Software, that features that took effort are not only unnecessary to add, but are discouraged, because as far as the business world can tell, the worse a game is, the more attention and money it will receive! It's a shame Valve decided to live up to making L4D2 a full sequel, Gabe could be swimming in as much money as I am if he had just done exactly what his ungrateful followers wanted and caused more and more viral ruckus for his game. So, while those perfectly good games wither away, you all can continue to dine on my shit and let it thrive for many years to come, while the entire industry follows our example and pumps out the terrible games that give your meaningless lives something to care about for a change.
So, in closing, you're welcome for Modern Warfare 2, because you clearly love it more than any good game that's out right now.
-Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision and your new daddy
November 10th, 2009, 04:32 PM
This game is p cool yo. Jcap is missin out
Let him play h2vista :v:
I'd forgive IW ruining the multiplayer if they threw this in.
Nah, I would forgive IW if they threw in a helicopter YOU can control in SP or jets.
November 10th, 2009, 04:35 PM
I think MW2 is just going to be another ODST.
It's going to get a bunch of hype but turn out sucking. (I didn't think ODST sucked that bad)
It's going to be played for a little while then people are going to go back to MW.
Just my thought though.
It's happend to many times.
November 10th, 2009, 04:36 PM
ROFL, check out the tags for this thread.
t3h m00kz
November 10th, 2009, 04:39 PM
I think MW2 is just going to be another ODST.
It's going to get a bunch of hype but turn out sucking. (I didn't think ODST sucked that bad)
It's going to be played for a little while then people are going to go back to MW.
Just my thought though.
It's happend to many times.
ODST was overhyped and sucked? No, you're probably thinking Halo 3.
November 10th, 2009, 04:43 PM
This game is p cool yo. Jcap is missin out
I admire you're resiliency when you're clearly the only person who has posted in this thread (recently) that thinks the game is worth it.
November 10th, 2009, 04:45 PM
Console kids don't have a problem with this. The console version is fine. It's just that there is no real PC version for real gamers to play.
One of my LAN buddys.
Inferno Pro: lol guess what i just found out
MadSickHowitzer: what
Inferno Pro: CoD6:MW2 does NOT have lan play
Inferno Pro: how
Inferno Pro: what
Inferno Pro: fuck
Inferno Pro: holy
MadSickHowitzer: that's amazing.
MadSickHowitzer: Really?
Inferno Pro: a online shooter. with no LAN play.
Inferno Pro: thats never been done before
Inferno Pro: epic fail
MadSickHowitzer: yeah...I think the gaming industry is intentionally trying to kill off the PC market
MadSickHowitzer: This is why I pirate. These companies don't deserve profits when they treat consumers like this.
Inferno Pro: indeed
Inferno Pro: the meta critic user rating for MW2 PC is like 1.2 out of 10
Inferno Pro: no one is buyign the pc version
MadSickHowitzer: I really do genuinely believe that they're TRYING to kill the PC market. They don't want anyone making more money in that market.
MadSickHowitzer: They want to boost console sales.
Inferno Pro: prolly
MadSickHowitzer: And EA is nickel and diming the PC market with all this bullshit about taking out features and putting them in future expansion packs
MadSickHowitzer: shit that should be in the ORIGINAL game.
Inferno Pro: valve is still doing a great job with PC gaming though
MadSickHowitzer: Even with Steam. I mean, if you think about it, Steam itself may actually be GOOD for the PC market.
MadSickHowitzer: Way more than initially though.
MadSickHowitzer: t
Inferno Pro: well i dislike steam for being copy protection retarded
Inferno Pro: but valve is doing a good thing
MadSickHowitzer: but it offers so much in the way of connectivity and game purchasing
Inferno Pro: yea
Inferno Pro: but i stilll hate the copy protection
Inferno Pro: i want to be able to LAN on 1 copy of a game
Inferno Pro: and dupe it for my freinds
MadSickHowitzer: Yeah, but that's better than dealing with the bullshit EA and Microsoft are feeding us.
Inferno Pro: and shit
Inferno Pro: im pirating MW2 right now btw lol
MadSickHowitzer: oshi you are so gonna get busted though dude
Inferno Pro: naw im using mega upload
t3h m00kz
November 10th, 2009, 04:46 PM
PC (
Xbox 360 (
Look at the user rating :haw::haw:
Does that site not allow you to see comments of people that rated it low?
November 10th, 2009, 04:55 PM
Does that site not allow you to see comments of people that rated it low?
Not everyone comments. You can simply give it a rating (and your email) and go
November 10th, 2009, 04:57 PM
Rated 0 out of 10.
It's almost as bad as revelations.
t3h m00kz
November 10th, 2009, 04:57 PM
I'm sure at least one person out of 500 people commented.
November 10th, 2009, 05:03 PM
They probably don't show negative comments.
Because IW is paying them.
I commented BTW.
t3h m00kz
November 10th, 2009, 05:16 PM
Yeah, think about it, it's funny how the actual gamers are giving this game all this negative feedback but all the big reviewing sites are all praising it.
what a corrupt system. the companies that make the most money get the best reviews.
November 10th, 2009, 05:19 PM
Phantom pages are back on Modacity!
I'll enjoy pirating this game until they fix the multiplayer aspects of the PC version. I'm sorry but no LAN + no server browser + no dedicated servers = retarded.
November 10th, 2009, 05:23 PM
reviewers = casuals
November 10th, 2009, 06:16 PM
I admire you're resiliency when you're clearly the only person who has posted in this thread (recently) that thinks the game is worth it.
Im like 1/2 done with the campaign and enjoy the mp. I still dont get why people are fussing so much. I am playing xbox though.
November 10th, 2009, 06:19 PM
That's the xbox version.
t3h m00kz
November 10th, 2009, 06:20 PM
And not the PC version.
November 10th, 2009, 06:23 PM
But the game its self is still good. campaign is fun. multiplayer is fun
Pyong Kawaguchi
November 10th, 2009, 06:35 PM
btw guys, when I played this online on xbox, I'd say that the game is half as laggy as cod4 was, and thats on the xbox, which limits bandwidth, and on our manly pc's with tons of bandwidth, it will probably be less.
Most of the time almost everyone is at 4bars
November 10th, 2009, 06:36 PM
But the game its self is still good. campaign is fun. multiplayer is fun
Yep and all people on the pc need is a USB xbox controller and they can enjoy the same experience on the pc as on xbox.:iamafag:
November 10th, 2009, 06:46 PM
Heads up:
Yes, MW2 sucks. We all know.
However, don't think that, just because of that, it's a free ticket to boast about or recommend pirating it.
November 10th, 2009, 06:49 PM
you mean you wont ban us if talk about pirating it here?
November 10th, 2009, 06:51 PM
you mean you wont ban us if talk about pirating it here?
Do. Not. Discuss. Period. x5.
November 10th, 2009, 06:57 PM
Oh man my internet is so slow right now. I bet it's because of this 11gb rar I just off the internet.
November 10th, 2009, 06:59 PM
Last warning.
(sorry about your 11gb,)
November 10th, 2009, 07:03 PM
Are we allowed to talk about teal?
But seriously. How long till we get a server list on EPCgaming or something? I'm sure there will be a hack to set up modified versions of the game that you can freely join into with a 3rd party hack or patch. Then there will be a online server list and dedi's running a "dedicated" hack of the game.
If rec0 is possible I'm sure MW2 hacked dedis are.
t3h m00kz
November 10th, 2009, 07:08 PM
I'm willing to bet nobody will care enough about this game to want to waste their time hacking it, much like H2V
November 10th, 2009, 07:10 PM
No. People actually care about the CoD series. Compare the CoD4 and CoD:WaW community to the H2V community.
Big difference.
t3h m00kz
November 10th, 2009, 07:14 PM
A very good point. Halo's community is more full of dumbass 14 year olds :v:
cept for us right guiz
November 10th, 2009, 07:18 PM
English Mobster
November 10th, 2009, 07:20 PM
I told everyone around me at my school how much this game sucked.
Most of them nodded, and apparently, I wasn't the only one warning everyone. The general consensus seems to be it sucks.
But because they're making money off of it, they will only continue to do things like this.
In unrelated news, my stepbrother (majormajormajorMAJOR IW fanboy) just told me about his plan to work at Infinity Ward when he gets older.
November 10th, 2009, 08:18 PM
but this game rocks
November 10th, 2009, 08:23 PM
I was hoping to see the PC version get bad reviews, but thats not happening so far. However I would be lying to say that I am not actually enjoying the game (xbox 360), I was expecting it to be far worse. It feels like an updated Cod4, hell that's what it is.
I don't play these games for the singleplayer. What IW did to the pc game worries me.
November 10th, 2009, 08:24 PM
I know a kid that got mugged going home right off he picked up his game at midnight release. I heard 4 more stories of this sort. OMG controversial issue right there!: "There shouldn't be midnight launches for games!"
November 10th, 2009, 08:34 PM
I know a kid that got mugged going home right off he picked up his game at midnight release. I heard 4 more stories of this sort. OMG controversial issue right there!: "There shouldn't be midnight launches for games!"
They got mugged by PC gamers who were raging at IW and Activision.
November 10th, 2009, 08:54 PM
I'm willing to bet nobody will care enough about this game to want to waste their time hacking it, much like H2V
Well, there are people who bought the PC version without looking at it at all, and are pissed because they get no dedies.
November 10th, 2009, 08:59 PM
I got the game this morning for my xbox (no way in hell for PC), and i am pretty satisfied. I really like the single player, and from what i played of the MP was fun too.
November 10th, 2009, 09:03 PM
Well Having been doing nothing but playing this game for the past few hours.... I must say $60 well spent. They definitely rushed through the campaign and jumped around far to much and left a lot unexplained. But I still enjoyed the campaign and they DEFINITELY pushed some boundaries, with more than just the Airport scene. But that's what I liked most about it. Multilayer definitely adds some new aspects that provide plenty of entertainment and so far appears to be well balanced. I am thoroughly enjoying it so far, but that's just my two cents.
November 10th, 2009, 09:06 PM
I got the game this morning for my xbox (no way in hell for PC).
Which is funny in two ways:
1) It's exactly the same experience (with customizable graphics zomg)
2) By purchasing it on the consoles, people are giving Activision more and more incentive to treat PC gamers like crap and/or ditch the platform entirely.
I won't fault anyone for buying the game, but don't bullshit me or anyone else by acting like buying it for the consoles doesn't cause any harm for the PC. That's how I see it anyway.
November 10th, 2009, 09:09 PM
Stop enjoying this game. Stop buying this game. Activision is bad. IW is bad. Console gaming is bad.
They know they fucked up and there trying to cover there asses now.
November 10th, 2009, 09:17 PM
i just bought this came for pc so i can play the story
it had to be the best game ive ever played ever
November 10th, 2009, 09:21 PM
They know they fucked up and there trying to cover there asses now.
The fact that he's blatantly lying on VIDEO is just...:ugh:
November 10th, 2009, 09:38 PM
Which is funny in two ways:
1) It's exactly the same experience (with customizable graphics zomg)
2) By purchasing it on the consoles, people are giving Activision more and more incentive to treat PC gamers like crap and/or ditch the platform entirely.
I won't fault anyone for buying the game, but don't bullshit me or anyone else by acting like buying it for the consoles doesn't cause any harm for the PC. That's how I see it anyway.
I know it is the same experience, the reason i went for 360 is because all my friends are play it, rather then playing alone on pc with no one i know, especially when it had a shitload of potential
November 10th, 2009, 09:44 PM
All I heard was "blah blah blah, this makes it so much easier than clicking a server"
This is why I don't own this game.
November 10th, 2009, 09:55 PM
Stop enjoying this game. Stop buying this game. Activision is bad. IW is bad. Console gaming is bad.
They know they fucked up and there trying to cover there asses now.
I didn't know someone could be this goddamn stupid. He tops off ILLEGALLCHEATSMAN, for Christ's sake.
November 10th, 2009, 09:56 PM
This is why I hate fanboys and it relates to what I said earlier about "less than 80% being a disaster". I found this comment on a review of Modern Warfare 2:
At lest you have your fellow writers and editors here to stroke your ego. Bravo, you just wrote a biased review and people congratulated you for it. This game has the best multiplayer on any console, and this sequel really is a major improvement from its predecessor. The have made levels larger and more fair and cut down on the endless grenade fests. Not to mention the whole perk system has been revamped to allow more addicting unlockables. If you want to write about politics, write for the BBC. If you want to write about video games,, I suggest you do it objectively.
Want to know what this website gave Modern Warfare 2? An 80%. 80%.
November 10th, 2009, 10:12 PM
Because, there are people who played the first one more just because it was a fast paced cluster fuck of 64 players, and they loved that. Then there were the people who just enjoyed the game play regardless of how many people were actually in a server. You can't say a game sucks because of their reckless decision to bone PC players. I got it for console because I enjoy the style of game play it brings and I feel they fixed a lot of balance issues with the first one. Overall I'm impressed with their work and I find it quite enjoyable. I'm not a fanboy, I couldn't give two shits. I just happen to like what they gave me. And other people, especially reviewers, who can over look the shitty end of the stick PC players got and look into the actual game play will probably say the same thing.
November 10th, 2009, 10:17 PM
And other people, especially reviewers, who can over look the shitty end of the stick PC players got and look into the actual game play will probably say the same thing.
So far as multiplayer goes, those two things virtually go hand in hand. If you give us an inferior system (in this case, matchmaking) the actual gameplay goes downhill due to lag, host advantage, lack of customization, etc.
November 10th, 2009, 10:17 PM
And other people, especially reviewers, who can over look the shitty end of the stick PC players got and look into the actual game play will probably say the same thing.
I did that when I first played it and that's how I formulated my opinion of the game.
IWnet just makes it worse.
November 10th, 2009, 10:21 PM
So far as multiplayer goes, those two things virtually go hand in hand. If you give us an inferior system (in this case, matchmaking) the actual gameplay goes downhill due to lag, host advantage, lack of customization, etc.
And those an vary depending on where you play a game (or so I can hope >_> that sucks if it's really that bad). But still that doesn't affect the console what so ever so therefore, as far as the reviewer can be concerned, game play is fine. And even still, because the is utter shit is a separate concern entirely to the game play and they need to fix that.
I did that when I first played it and that's how I formulated my opinion of the game.
And that's your own opinion.
November 10th, 2009, 10:23 PM
And those an vary depending on where you play a game (or so I can hope >_> that sucks if it's really that bad). But still that doesn't affect the console what so ever so therefore, as far as the reviewer can be concerned, game play is fine. And even still, because the is utter shit is a separate concern entirely to the game play and they need to fix that.
See that's the thing though. This generation of consoles is the one getting the short end of the stick when it comes to online gaming. You pay $50 for something PC gets for free, your options are more limited, and you are GUARANTEED lag. Just because consoles are used to taking it doesn't make it right.
November 10th, 2009, 10:28 PM
But you see, you're steering away from what I'm trying to get at. The point I'm trying to make is that the game play itself, I feel, was rather successful and much more balanced than in COD4 and overall I think it is a much more entertaining game (in the multilayer aspect anyway) and that matter has nothing to do with the lack of dedi support and the 9v9 cap. The 9v9 cap just removes players enjoyment of, as I said before, a fast paced cluster fuck. That's just your own personal choice not to want to get it because it lacks that feature. I'm not saying any of their choices were smart.
November 10th, 2009, 10:29 PM
And what fucking idiot decided to take out LAN play? That is actually THE WORST thing they did IMO. Removing LAN is like removing split-screen.
It's dumb and stupid and gay and homosexual and queer and fucked up and shit.
November 10th, 2009, 10:30 PM
But you see, you're steering away from what I'm trying to get at. The point I'm trying to make is that the game play itself, I feel, was rather successful and much more balanced than in COD4 and overall I think it is a much more entertaining game (in the multilayer aspect anyway) and that matter has nothing to do with the lack of dedi support and the 9v9 cap. The 9v9 cap just removes players enjoyment of, as I said before, a fast paced cluster fuck. That's just your own personal choice not to want to get it because it lacks that feature. I'm not saying any of their choices were smart.
From what I've seen so far from playing the game was a lackluster SP story, solid SP gameplay, and zero ability to have a good multiplayer experience when I'm forced to play stuff that I don't want to. The multiplayer was somewhat fun, but not fun enough.
November 10th, 2009, 10:32 PM
Nevermind. You seem to be missing what I'm driving at.
November 10th, 2009, 10:37 PM
Heh, I just found BF:BC2 was on pre-order. Thought about getting it on my 360.
Then on their website I saw on their twitter... the xbox 360 will use dedicated severs along with pc. Pre-ordering the limited edition of this now, cod6 is nice but I can't pass up still being able to have my dedicated severs on something that will actually be able to run better than an 8600gt. Plus the ps3 beta will already feature 24 people, so I can imagine this might support bigger games.
November 10th, 2009, 10:38 PM
I was simply addressing the game, not your comment on how some guy decides not to buy the game because he can't be so close to somebody else in a server to anally fuck them.
November 10th, 2009, 10:40 PM
Indeed you were. Misunderstood that last comment, and that is your own opinion.
November 10th, 2009, 10:57 PM
So I went and picked up my copy today, threw the disk in, and get "Modern Warfare 2 cannot be installed yet, because it is not yet released"
I Have the fucking disk. I want my fucking game.
November 10th, 2009, 11:08 PM
So I went and picked up my copy today, threw the disk in, and get "Modern Warfare 2 cannot be installed yet, because it is not yet released"
I Have the fucking disk. I want my fucking game.
Sounds to me like these are all just a bunch of ploys to take the game out of the hands of gamers so that IW can fairy you around where and with who it decides you should play (with).
They do realize PCs aren't just a different platform in make, but also in usability right?
November 10th, 2009, 11:14 PM
Clearly not.
November 10th, 2009, 11:21 PM
So I went and picked up my copy today, threw the disk in, and get "Modern Warfare 2 cannot be installed yet, because it is not yet released"
I Have the fucking disk. I want my fucking game.
That's a new one. Then again, what with Steam having a delayed release on Thursday, I can't help but think it mistook your copy for a downloaded one.
November 10th, 2009, 11:36 PM
I am pulling all game informer magazines from my district from being sold this month at gamestop, and ordered a shit load of last months magazines for the stores looking to push the edge card (I don't want people reading it in the store and thinking that rating was a legitimate rating). I also made those stores take down the marketing of the game and allowing returned new opened versions of the game to purchase something else.
The fact that this game got a 10/10 really really fucking pissed me off.
November 10th, 2009, 11:39 PM
I am pulling all game informer magazines from my district from being sold this month at gamestop, and ordered a shit load of last months magazines for the stores looking to push the edge card (I don't want people reading it in the store and thinking that rating was a legitimate rating). I also made those stores take down the marketing of the game and allowing returned new opened versions of the game to purchase something else.
The fact that this game got a 10/10 really really fucking pissed me off.
How do you do that? You a manager or something?
November 10th, 2009, 11:41 PM
Area manager.
November 10th, 2009, 11:43 PM
Cool. Didn't know we had anyone important at modashitty.
November 10th, 2009, 11:55 PM
Yeah, trulife fucking runs shit...
November 11th, 2009, 01:27 AM
they forgot to take console out of the book :downs:
Pyong Kawaguchi
November 11th, 2009, 01:31 AM
November 11th, 2009, 01:37 AM
also I found this pretty funny
here's IWnet solving all those lag problems we had before!
November 11th, 2009, 01:38 AM
Boy, they really don't care at all :saddowns:
November 11th, 2009, 01:39 AM
How does I press pause key?
E: Oh woops. More embarrassment for me I suppose. :embarrassed:
November 11th, 2009, 01:44 AM
lol @ Hitler movie scene meme for MW2
November 11th, 2009, 01:53 AM
Metacritic PC version (
Look at the two lowest reviews...I think my faith in humanity might be restored.
(for those that cannot be arsed, one professional review gave it a 70%...the other a 50%)
EDIT: I gotta posts some quotes...this is absolutely wonderful.
"It's a surreal experience that is akin to watching one minute of a Bourne film followed by ten minutes of any Bond film featuring Pierce Brosnan. If you like that sort of thing, you'll be in heaven."
"The third-person perspectives are particularly baffling - are they an innovative new way to provide additional gaming content, or is this some subtle suggestion that the next Call of Duty will be shipping with a controller?"
"The matchmaking appears to work largely based on your connection strength. Or, at least, if it's designed to work in any other manner it's broken, because the game thought nothing of placing me against other players that were twenty ranks ahead. I'd like to report on the latency with some actual figures, however they've removed numerical ping and replaced it with a signal bar not unlike that found on a mobile phone, so this arbitrary scale is irrelevant and yields no clues as to what sort of a compensatory game I need to play. My eye-chrometer suggests around 150msec across the board, however."
"Lag? You bet. Within a matter of minutes I'd been fragged by a bouncing avatar that transported itself across the map, and that doesn't include the noticeable banana bullets that occur just too frequently to ignore. Based on this, it's fairly clear to see why they've limited the game to nine per side, I'd hate to see what it looks like with Modern Warfare's original 64 player limit, presumably like a very tedious slide show from a trip to Borneo. It's of absolutely no interest to me how well the rest of the developed world can play this title online, if it's a miserable experience for Kiwi players then Infinity Ward have dropped the ball, plain and simple."
"The reason for this is simple - it's a money grab. The PC population that has supported and nurtured this franchise from inception will now play second fiddle to the greed of a company that has tasted success on the console, and will now seek to reign in all control of their IP to wring every last cent out of."
November 11th, 2009, 02:16 AM
...for the PS3. add achievements.
November 11th, 2009, 02:21 AM
havent all of the call of duties ignored rank when matching you up with other people? i mean not really on pc, but when youre playing on the pc do you really care what level other people are? thats the only gripe i have with that quote. the rest seems pretty spot on
November 11th, 2009, 02:28 AM
havent all of the call of duties ignored rank when matching you up with other people? i mean not really on pc, but when youre playing on the pc do you really care what level other people are? thats the only gripe i have with that quote. the rest seems pretty spot on
Considering one of their primary "selling points" for IWNet is that it will "match you with players of your own rank," I'd say this is a rather egregious fuck-up wouldn't you?
November 11th, 2009, 07:10 AM
just beat the campaign. its was p cool
November 11th, 2009, 07:13 AM
Considering one of their primary "selling points" for IWNet is that it will "match you with players of your own Skill," I'd say this is a rather egregious fuck-up wouldn't you?
Rank dosnt always mean skill.
November 11th, 2009, 07:24 AM
Rank never means skill.
I think the matching is based on K/D ratios and such. I'm not gonna buy this game, how can you perfectly fail a perfect game?
November 11th, 2009, 07:27 AM
its a good game for xbox. go buy an xbox
November 11th, 2009, 07:29 AM
I don't really think there are enough people on pc for a huge playlist. It'll obviously start running out of players and will match you with an extreme skill level difference.
Just like halo wars and when I had gears 2 with no DLC's. I can get matched with someone from a TS of 2 all the way to 35. It sucks.
November 11th, 2009, 07:40 AM
I think the matching is based on K/D ratios and such. I'm not gonna buy this game, how can you perfectly fail a perfect game?
Anyone can kill using martyrdom and noobtubes.
November 11th, 2009, 12:29 PM
Anyone can kill using martyrdom and noobtubes.
Yeah..if you're dumb enough to go right over top of the grenade. And martyrdom isn't even a perk anymore it's a deathstreak, which means you have to die 4 times in a row before you can use it once.
November 11th, 2009, 12:45 PM
This thread title should be changed from The Upcoming CoD: MW2 to: The Released CoD: MW2 or just CoD: MW2
You have to be killed 4 times in a row without killing, and you can use it as many times as you want until you get another kill.
November 11th, 2009, 02:27 PM
The thread name shouldn't be changed by a dumbfuck however.
Stop crying about multiplayer. PC
Also: Campaign was the greatest shit I ever played
Spoiler inside
Throwing a knife in Shepherd's eye was the greatest thing
November 11th, 2009, 03:05 PM
This thread title should be changed from The Upcoming CoD: MW2 to: The Released CoD: MW2 or just CoD: MW2
You have to be killed 4 times in a row without killing, and you can use it as many times as you want until you get another kill.
Which is what I said...
I also agree with Rosco. Minus the campaign part, haven't even touched campaign yet.
November 11th, 2009, 03:15 PM
Everyone that has played this game has told me it was great. Get over yourselves lol.
November 11th, 2009, 03:19 PM
Considering one of their primary "selling points" for IWNet is that it will "match you with players of your own rank," I'd say this is a rather egregious fuck-up wouldn't you?
what im saying though is did it EVER actually match people based on rank in ANY call of duty game? or is that IWNet thing just for MW2?
E: again, im coming from a console stand point. i play this game and cod 4 on the 360.
November 11th, 2009, 04:03 PM
Playing it on the PC, and it works just fucking fine. I have had no problems, aside from only being able to have one account, but that means me and my bro will be able to get weapons faster and such.
Get the fuck over yourselves,
the game is great, the campaign is enjoyable although some things are a bit repetitive, and it's a bit strange how it takes place everywhere somehow, but the actual work of the weapons and gameplay are dead-on amazing and fun. Given I'm not quite done with it yet, it's still a great game and I'm glad I bought it and helped Infinity Ward a bit, because they still are one of the greatest developers in the business (and have the best FP animators by far).
And for fucks sake, change the thread title and stop being a bunch of biased assholes.
November 11th, 2009, 04:09 PM
Anyone who says the campaign's great is easily amused by the action, not story that has more holes in it than Swiss cheese.
Action and cool scenes can't compensate for an incoherent story.
t3h m00kz
November 11th, 2009, 04:18 PM
Playing it on the PC, and it works just fucking fine. I have had no problems, aside from only being able to have one account, but that means me and my bro will be able to get weapons faster and such.
Get the fuck over yourselves,
the game is great, the campaign is enjoyable although some things are a bit repetitive, and it's a bit strange how it takes place everywhere somehow, but the actual work of the weapons and gameplay are dead-on amazing and fun. Given I'm not quite done with it yet, it's still a great game and I'm glad I bought it and helped Infinity Ward a bit, because they still are one of the greatest developers in the business (and have the best FP animators by far).
And for fucks sake, change the thread title and stop being a bunch of biased assholes.
you do not make me want to respect your opinion :downs:
November 11th, 2009, 04:18 PM
And for fucks sake, change the thread title and stop being a bunch of biased assholes.
What is there to be biased about? Before Infinity Ward screwed us, everyone was praising them. This is not a blood-feud that has lasted many generations already.
November 11th, 2009, 04:19 PM
Okay Mr. Jfap/Butthurt/Trole I'm currently on the final ACT of MW2 campaign. After playing it for about 3 hours all I can say is that it is a REALLY damn good campaign. There are so many unique settings and well thought out battles and cool "mini-game" encounters. The gun play is excellent and everything that I had to complain about in CoD4 had been pretty much fixed. Acog scopes now work properly and you actually get to see attachments in campaign unlike the last few CoD games. I LOVE the new anims and the new guns are excellent for the most part. There are plenty of additions and improvements worth talking about but I'll save it.
As for the multiplayer. I'm ignoring it. Without LAN there's no reason for me to even want to play the MP.
And as for the story. It's mediocre. But if you are playing video games soley for the STORY you are fucking idiot. Go read a fucking book and get over yourself.
Hope that helps.
November 11th, 2009, 04:21 PM
Get the fuck over yourselves,
I'm so sorry for having a different view of the game. Really, what can I do to make up for this?
Seriously though, give me a goddamn break. Don't peg me as immature because I refuse to support a game. I don't like the PR shit they pulled, therefore I won't support them on this title.
But if you are playing video games soley for the STORY you are fucking idiot.
Right, because we all know Mass Effect would have been ludicrously successful if it had a mediocre story :raise:
November 11th, 2009, 04:25 PM
Okay Mr. Jfap/Butthurt/Trole I'm currently on the final ACT of MW2 campaign. After playing it for about 3 hours all I can say is that it is a REALLY damn good campaign. There are so many unique settings and well thought out battles and cool "mini-game" encounters. The gun play is excellent and everything that I had to complain about in CoD4 had been pretty much fixed. Acog scopes now work properly and you actually get to see attachments in campaign unlike the last few CoD games. I LOVE the new anims and the new guns are excellent for the most part. There are plenty of additions and improvements worth talking about but I'll save it.
Again, I've said it OVER AND OVER, the fighting and action in the game is awesome. I can see that, but I can also see through it, which too many people fail at doing.
And as for the story. It's mediocre. But if you are playing video games soley for the STORY you are fucking idiot. Go read a fucking book and get over yourself.
Well I guess I am a fucking idiot then because I expected a story to come from campaign. Why don't you just play special ops if you are only in it for fighting enemies? Hell, if the story isn't important, then why even bother having a campaign? Just leave it out for custom bot matches. They built a story with the first game, and they failed to elaborate on it with the sequel.
Oh, and while you are arguing that the story doesn't matter in a campaign, I guess I have to say that the weapon animations and models don't matter in a campaign. The only thing is that animations really do not matter.
November 11th, 2009, 04:26 PM
Some games need it and others don't.
Oblivion and fallout would be shit without storys but games like L4D and and EE just don't need it.
November 11th, 2009, 04:26 PM
I don't like the PR shit they pulled, therefore I won't support them on this title.
Especially after Robert Bowling blatantly lied about the PC version on video. Priceless. Maybe he was put up to it because he's the MP dude, but he represents a group of people who made horrible decisions (not necessarily the developers themselves).
November 11th, 2009, 04:27 PM
Especially after Robert Bowling blatantly lied about the PC version on video. Priceless. Maybe he was put up to it because he's the MP dude, but he represents a group of people who made horrible decisions (not necessarily the developers themselves).
This. So much this.
English Mobster
November 11th, 2009, 04:30 PM
I'm not buying this game.
November 11th, 2009, 04:55 PM
Still having fun, gentlemen?
November 11th, 2009, 04:56 PM
Lol +rep.
November 11th, 2009, 04:59 PM
Campaign is mediocre.
Multiplayer is same old.
November 11th, 2009, 05:04 PM
*Sniff sniff*, why do I smell admin abuse in here?
November 11th, 2009, 05:07 PM
holy shit this game is awful (, incoherent story (, inferno mad (, infinity ward fucking its customers up the ass ( p+the+ass), infinity ward has a negative iq (,
LOL. Mirrors are funny too!
November 11th, 2009, 05:15 PM
Still having fun, gentlemen?
Are those red eyes photoshopped, from the camera or...real :ohdear:?
November 11th, 2009, 05:18 PM
Are those red eyes photoshopped, from the camera or...real :ohdear:?
They're probably just from his soul.
November 11th, 2009, 05:23 PM
They're probably just from his soul.
Lol we agree on 1 thing at least.
November 11th, 2009, 05:25 PM
voted 0 stars for bad thread :<
November 11th, 2009, 05:48 PM
Early estimates peg Modern Warfare 2 has sold 7 million copies in its first day, crushing previous records. (
Take that as you will. All I'll say on the matter is that if this ends up being a signal flare to all other developers that it's okay to ignore the gamers, lower the potential quality of your product, and charge more for it...well we know who to blame here don't we?
November 11th, 2009, 05:50 PM
Never mind, that article has PC figures.
Shit, since when have people been stupid........never mind I asked that.
November 11th, 2009, 05:52 PM
PC sales are estimated at 12% there, making the number of PC sales 840,000 which is actually a fairly small percentage of the total PC (11 million alone play WoW) userbase. We shall see.
Edit: According to a recent survey by the NPD, it is estimated that there are ~67.3 million Americans who use the PC as their primary gaming platform. If that's anywhere close to true, then the Modern Warfare 2 sales comprise a mere 1.2% of JUST American PC gamers. If you want to estimate the percentage based upon "avid gamers," it's closer to 5%.
*NOTE* Any statistics I'm putting here are just based on speculation, so don't take em for fact pls.
November 11th, 2009, 05:57 PM
lol'd at the stats, but to clarify before a shitstorm: 11 million total accounts - China = 5 million or so WoW users.
Still, damn.
November 11th, 2009, 06:28 PM
So, I just read all the posts you guys had concerning it. Looks pretty shitty tbh. I'll get it, but I'm definately not paying for it without knowing if it's gonna be bad. I'm still pissed about the lack of dedi's.
November 11th, 2009, 07:39 PM
So wait the ps3 uses servers but everything else uses P2P? (
November 11th, 2009, 07:45 PM
So wait the ps3 uses servers but everything else uses P2P? (
Xbox Live has server banks as well for the service. I don't think they're dedicated servers for game hosting.
November 11th, 2009, 07:53 PM
Xbox Live has server banks as well for the service. I don't think they're dedicated servers for game hosting.
if they were for game hosting i wonder what kind of outcry the pc community would have.
November 11th, 2009, 08:00 PM
who keeps changing the name of the thread? the game itself is awesome. you guys who are complaining about it are mad about multiplayer server issues. the game is not a piece of shit.
E: and the tags? really? its like a child who cant have something. if they cant have it, everything about it is terrible.
MetKiller Joe
November 11th, 2009, 08:03 PM
So far I'm liking it. Some pretty good action scenes that I felt were original
The airport massacre scene for one.
My complaints so far is that, for the emotions I think they try to convey, it just seems too fast paced and that the guns, while varied, all just seem the same power-wise except the BAR.
Then opening "cinematics" for each level are awesome, and they do something special in each level which sorta breaks the monotony of shoot -> run -> cover -> shoot; my only beef with this, so far (I've just started it), is that they failed to carry the mood set by the opening or at least, in-level, while face-paced the atmosphere just seems to flat-line. /over-analyzation
Can't really give it a rating 'cause I've played so little of the single player, but its more than decent so far.
November 11th, 2009, 08:08 PM
HOW DO YOU GET THIRD PERSON IN MULTIPLAYER?! I've seen videos everywhere but I've never learned how to do it!! Is it only on the consoles or something?!
November 11th, 2009, 08:14 PM
its a playlist on the 360. as in team deathmatch is a playlist, search and destroy is a playlist, 3rd person team deathmatch would lead to a third person game. idk how it is on pcs
November 11th, 2009, 08:22 PM
who keeps changing the name of the thread? the game itself is awesome. you guys who are complaining about it are mad about multiplayer server issues. the game is not a piece of shit.
E: and the tags? really? its like a child who cant have something. if they cant have it, everything about it is terrible.
I'm sure the game is fantastic (or at least fairly good; 40+ reviews can't all be wrong). I'm just holding my stance against the game as a point of principle. I don't like when a developer treats my platform of choice as second-class.
And I agree about the tags. At first they were funny, now it's just... :|
November 11th, 2009, 08:26 PM
i totally understand and agree with you on that jean. im still trying to figure out why the hell theyre screwing the pc over so badly. im just making a point that this game is not terrible and people need to grow up. not having dedicated servers does not instantly make an entire cross platform game shit
November 11th, 2009, 08:34 PM
im still trying to figure out why the hell theyre screwing the pc over so badly.
*shrugs* It's more than likely just a money grab here. They say they're doing this for an "equal experience across all platforms."
I'ma quote a post I made on a different forum in respect to "platform equality"
PC's and consoles are different platforms. Period. There is no good reason to try and combine the two groups because then they lose all their individuality. In this case, that's exactly what Infinity Ward is doing and the PC has lost 99% of what makes it an unique experience. Fair treatment is all well and good, but it can't happen if the game is exactly the same on cross-platform. True equality would mean that the game is tailored SPECIFICALLY to the strengths of each system it's released on instead of forcing all to conform to the strengths of ONE.
November 11th, 2009, 08:37 PM
Oil rig mission.
Breaching events.
So good.
November 11th, 2009, 09:03 PM
The game is good. Stop crying. If you don't like you are more than welcome to leave the thread.
November 11th, 2009, 09:13 PM
Oil rig mission.
Breaching events.
So good.
This although in spec ops those missions are fucking impossible!
November 11th, 2009, 09:16 PM
Good news people. I might end up buying this game!
Unlocked console and FOV changer hack is done and online co-op in spec-ops on a cracked copy has been done!
They are working on dedi's now.
November 11th, 2009, 09:25 PM
Heard rumors that Dedi servers can be activated by modifying a config file.
November 11th, 2009, 09:34 PM
November 11th, 2009, 09:36 PM
Cracked could just mean no Steam. Doesn't mean you didn't buy it! :cop:
Or if you did buy it, I prefer cracked copies anyway because they typically aren't as bloated.
November 11th, 2009, 09:36 PM
The game is good. Stop crying. If you don't like you are more than welcome to leave the thread.
They're also welcome to their own opinions and are allowed to present them within the confines of the rules.
Yes, the game is good, I get that, we all get that. That doesn't change the fact that PC users were fucked over so hard that they'll need to spend a few weeks rebuilding what has been lost. Either that or Infinity Ward could man up and apologize.
November 11th, 2009, 09:38 PM
When dedicated server cracks come out and there are people playing on the dedis I'll go out and buy a copy of the game.
Until then... : pirateslife :
November 11th, 2009, 11:01 PM
So far I'm liking it. Some pretty good action scenes that I felt were original
The airport massacre scene for one.
...My complaints so far is that, for the emotions I think they try to convey, it just seems too fast paced...
This, a thousand times. The emotional scenes are actually very well directed and intense, but a huge portion of the effect is lost due to the story being so fast paced, not enough time to get invested in characters etc.
It's short, but still one of the most intense single-player experiences of all time, and each encounter/minute of play seems carefully crafted. I will say it's too hard on Regular. Even my brother, who beat the previous game on Veteran, was complaining.
November 11th, 2009, 11:07 PM
This, a thousand times. The emotional scenes are actually very well directed and intense, but a huge portion of the effect is lost due to the story being so fast paced, not enough time to get invested in characters etc.
It's short, but still one of the most intense single-player experiences of all time, and each encounter/minute of play seems carefully crafted. I will say it's too hard on Regular. Even my brother, who beat the previous game on Veteran, was complaining.
There were maybe 1 or 2 sequences where I was frustrated but otherwise it's very consistent with difficulty never being too easy or hard. Regular seemed exactly right difficulty wise.
I've got about 3 levels left though.
November 11th, 2009, 11:15 PM
So from what I can gather, awesome gameplay, mediocre story, and the multiplayer, while fun when actually playing it, was implemented badly because IW is trying to make their own knockoff of LIVE.
November 11th, 2009, 11:23 PM
i thought the story was pretty good
but thats partially because im a sucker for betrayals and plot twists
November 11th, 2009, 11:26 PM
So from what I can gather, awesome gameplay, mediocre story, and the multiplayer, while fun when actually playing it, was implemented badly because IW is trying to make their own knockoff of LIVE.
Yeah that's pretty much it.
November 11th, 2009, 11:42 PM
At the risk of having you guys cut off my testicles, I got it for 360, as all my friends did the same (and this IW.Net bullshit didn't help.)
As compared to the 360 version of MW1, here are my first impressions, seperated into the "three pillars":
-Single Player is fun but lacking compared to CoD4. Story is hard to follow and rather senseless, character development is extremely poorly done the few times they try, etc.
-Spec Ops is a blast when you have a competent partner, but I wish there were more unique settings (it's all recylced from the Campaign, and even some of CoD4's Campaign.)
-Multiplayer is fucking awesome in every concievable way.
I'm gonna write a detailed review later for the hell of it, but there you go.
Also, I came when I saw Captain Price. Quite literally.
November 11th, 2009, 11:46 PM
The game is good. Stop crying. If you don't like you are more than welcome to leave the thread.
LOL, this thread was built and is in control by the very same people.
Good news people. I might end up buying this game!
Unlocked console and FOV changer hack is done and online co-op in spec-ops on a cracked copy has been done!
They are working on dedi's now.
This is amazing!
Heard rumors that Dedi servers can be activated by modifying a config file.
Wouldn't be much use if there's no way to connect to the IP or browse the servers.
When dedicated server cracks come out and there are people playing on the dedis I'll go out and buy a copy of the game.
This. I'm installing the game now, but it's taking fucking FOR EVER! It's been 25 minutes since I started the installer and it's only installed 3GB of 11GB of the game! And while looking at the files being installed, they're all giantass video files. What the fuck! Just transfer me the game and give me low-res videos if you have to.
November 12th, 2009, 12:03 AM
There's only 1 GB total of video files. Not much compared to the full size of the game.
November 12th, 2009, 12:09 AM
People say the FOV changer was released but I can't find it anywhere. Inferno, will you send me a link to it?
Pyong Kawaguchi
November 12th, 2009, 12:13 AM
Protip: FOV hack = not released to my knowledge.
MW2 specops coop (lan or online, not sure which) is eta for monday.
MW2 Online (lan or online, not sure which) is eta for some time next week.
November 12th, 2009, 12:58 AM
After playing multiplayer on this game all day, the only complaint I have is the mandatory game chat. I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in ever hearing anything that people on Xbox Live have to say.
November 12th, 2009, 01:14 AM
I don't know what all of you are on about, I'm really enjoying this game. The SP (action wise) is good and the MP is great. Sure, the story seems to be lacking, and the whole purpose of the SP seems to be bombard me with as much visual mayhem and spent bullet casings as hardware-possible but it's not a bad game.
I think you all put so much faith into this game being some messiah of the gaming world that when you found any fault in it you instantly feel like you were stripped of some divine right given to you by virtue of the fact you play games at all.
I think you are all over reacting.
Oh and to the kid who is claiming to be a district manager at gamestop or wherever, have fun losing your job. I don't pretend to be a manager but I have worked closely to management for three years in a company much larger and know first hand that what you did is not something you do or have any real control over, unless for some reason your companies hierarchy ends at your position and you have no corporate office, which is near impossible, you are either lying or stretching the truth to seem cool.
*awaits flames, -rep, etc*
November 12th, 2009, 01:16 AM
You'd be surprised at how...flexible the managers can behave in Gamestop Atty.
November 12th, 2009, 01:48 AM
Just played 3 missions and some multiplayer on the PS3 (I rented it). Its good. Not amazing, as it isn't very different from the first game, but good. The gameplay does feel a bit more fluid and absorbing. It isn't very different, but its a medium sized improvement... aside from the storyline, which was a regression. I'll probably just buy it on the 360 eventually, even just for playing with friends (When I get it fixed >.>).
November 12th, 2009, 02:33 AM
my menu is jacked up, so i cant play this game... tried reinstalling, no go.
updated dx runtimes and shit, there are no new drivers for my video card.
November 12th, 2009, 03:45 AM
I just took a look at the PC reviews on Metacritic for Modern Warfare 2. Interestingly enough, the only two reviews that actually dealt with the PC version (as opposed to a blanket review for all platforms) are the ones at 70% and 50%.
By those figures, the game is a solid 60% on the PC. Iiiiiinteresting.
November 12th, 2009, 03:57 AM
So from what I can gather, awesome gameplay, mediocre story, and the multiplayer, while fun when actually playing it, was implemented badly because IW is trying to make their own knockoff of LIVE.
i dont think it's IW.
all under activision?
dupe de dupe de dupe derp.
November 12th, 2009, 04:00 AM
Actually, realized something interesting by Bodzilla posting.
The 70% and the 50% for the PC were given by reviews based in New Zealand and Australia respectively. What's that? P2P doesn't work well in countries with limited bandwidth? Who would have thought.....
November 12th, 2009, 06:01 AM
Finished playing through the Campaign on Regular difficulty to see what the story was like, I wasn't disappointed. All you naysayers about the story line sucking must not of been paying attention through Modern Warfare, since you probably just missed the tie ins...
I just LOVED the scene where you breach a wall in the prison, and then get punched in the fucking face by Captain Price after he takes perfect advantage of the situation and kills his guard! Awesome way to reveal who the "mystery prisoner" is!
Would I buy the game right now? No, it's not worth $60 for the Campaign, if I could buy single player separately I might pay $20 for it. And since that's not going to happen, I won't be buying it at all until the previously discussed multiplayer issues are fixed on PC.
November 12th, 2009, 12:27 PM
So from what I can gather, awesome gameplay, mediocre story, and the multiplayer, while fun when actually playing it, was implemented badly because IW is trying to make their own knockoff of LIVE.
Haha mediocre story, you say it like you know what you're talking about.
We could say everything in this world is un original now that the same stories are made thousands of times but slightly changed, but the reason they are used so much is because they are good.
The story is awesome. Listen to the hacker champ
§partan 8
November 12th, 2009, 01:04 PM
Is there a PC demo for this anywhere?
November 12th, 2009, 01:13 PM
I just recieved my copy from amazon this morning for the X360 and so far my favourite level is the snow mobile level.
Im playing it for the story and entertainment and thats what im getting wierd huh?
November 12th, 2009, 01:13 PM
I highly doubt any of you can explain every part of the story, how everything is inter-connected, and how it continues from MW1.
Please do, because I've played through it 2 times and still haven't picked up on where the whole story is going. I'll admit I did notice a little more the second time though, but I think I've seen and heard everything now.
I'll save my reply about the holes and problems in the story until I get a reply, because I think I know exactly the plot someone will explain.
November 12th, 2009, 01:22 PM
I highly doubt any of you can explain every part of the story, how everything is inter-connected, and how it continues from MW1.
Please do, because I've played through it 2 times and still haven't picked up on where the whole story is going. I'll admit I did notice a little more the second time though, but I think I've seen and heard everything now.
I'll save my reply about the holes and problems in the story until I get a reply, because I think I know exactly the plot someone will explain.
You still fucking bawwing?
You want to bitch about plot holes look at Halo, or half life.
Seriously, just enjoy the game because its a decent game.
Your acting as if they had suddenly put teletubbies as the main enemy or something.
November 12th, 2009, 01:30 PM
Please do, because I've played through it 2 times and still haven't picked up on where the whole story is going. I'll admit I did notice a little more the second time though, but I think I've seen and heard everything now.
Are you stupid?
November 12th, 2009, 01:38 PM
You still fucking bawwing?
You want to bitch about plot holes look at Halo, or half life.
Seriously, just enjoy the game because its a decent game.
Your acting as if they had suddenly put teletubbies as the main enemy or something.
Halo does have plot holes, but at least it has a coherent storyline for the most part that actually gets somewhere. I was never fond of the Half Life storyline, either. At least it is kinda getting somewhere after HL2 + Ep1 + Ep2 + (and soon to be EP3).
The only thing there is to enjoy is fighting on different maps, and frankly that gets old about half way through because it is only run and gun to the end of the level.
If there was a reason as part of the story to be fighting Teletubbies then it would be OK.
Are you stupid?
Please, explain. I am pretty stupid if I can't make heads or tails of something that you think is so obvious.
November 12th, 2009, 01:57 PM
Halo does have plot holes, but at least it has a coherent storyline for the most part that actually gets somewhere. I was never fond of the Half Life storyline, either. At least it is kinda getting somewhere after HL2 + Ep1 + Ep2 + (and soon to be EP3).
I understand how you feel Jcap.
But then again I haven't played MW2 yet. :v:
November 12th, 2009, 02:01 PM
Why did you play through a story you "hate" twice? :raise:
November 12th, 2009, 02:25 PM
Testing softth thoroughly.
November 12th, 2009, 02:32 PM
Here is my understanding of the story:
You start out on Road Kill as Joseph Allen. Your convoy is ambushed and you survive. You make it to the end of the level for evac. There really is no relevance to this level other than to just play as the person. Hell, this could have been taken out entirely since it would have been just fine to do your training and then move into Task Force 141.
As Roach, you need to recover an ACS module from a satellite before the Russians clone it and breach our national security. Your cover with Soap is then blown and you make it out with the ACS module in a cool snow mobile chase.
As PVT. Allen, you are then put into Task Force 141 and you have an undercover assignment as a terrorist. You shoot up an Airport with Makarov, then be betrays you for being an American and sets up the US for attack. This is an important part of the story because it IS the reason Russia invades us. However, I can't help but notice the severe problem with why they would attack the US, killing hundreds of thousands for revenge if just one corrupt extremist group killed a few hundred. This would be like the US killing every Palestinian because we think Major Nidal Malik Hasan was behind the Fort Hood shooting.
Now that we lost our only lead on Makarov, we're screwed. The only thing we know is who supplied him with the means to do the airport shooting. So, you go to Rio to find him as Roach. You do that, but his capture is insignificant to the story. I don't think you ever find out what he knows or how it puts you any closer to catching Makarov.
So then the US is invaded by Russia. You fight in a neighborhood in Virginia as Ramirez. There is no story to this other than to show first-hand what the invasion is like. This level is fairly irrelevant.
Back as Roach again, the next level I believe is all about getting out of Rio. I think. No story, other than how you got out (like it really matters...) is conveyed here.
Now you are again playing as Ramirez and you are again fighting in a different neighborhood. Eventually at the end of the level, you think something major is going to happen with the story when you are asked to rescue someone from a panic room! You find him with the panic room door open and a self-inflicted gunshot wound, with a guy outside who has a strange tattoo. I thought this was going to somehow relate to the story in a big way, but I don't think they elaborated on this. Maybe he was somehow related with Shepherd's plan?
As Roach, now you need to get to a castle being used as a prison for Makarov's most hated person. To do that, you need to board an oil rig that is under Russia's control. Unfortunately, they are using the occupants as human shields, so you need to secure them and claim control of the rig. This is a good part of the story. You save the hostages and provide an open route for the invasion to happen.
The Gulag picks up immediately after the oil rig. You invade the castle to capture Prisoner 627. When you reach him, to your surprise you find out it is Cpt. Price. You make it out of the castle just as it is being destroyed by US forces. This was also important because now you have Price. But still, no significant story.
As Ramirez, you need to help fight the Russians and provide support for the US forces to defeat them (what's new?), then get to the roof for evac. You do that but your helicopter is shot down. In the final moments of the level, you witness several enemies closing in on you as you have no ammo remaining.
In Contingency, you are playing as Roach again alongside Price. You need to get Price close enough to the submarine so he can do something. At the end of the level he intentionally launches a nuke at the US.
Back as Ramirez, you witness the nuke detonate in the upper atmosphere, resulting in an EMP that wipes out all electronics and causes helicopters and planes to fall like rain from the sky. It is IMPLIED (not clearly at all, though) that Price's plan was to paralyze the Russian and American forces' communications, since now the US should have the upper arm on our own turf. Your objective is to make it to the White House.
The following level is a continuation of the previous one in which you now need to take control of the White House. You hear on the radio that the Hammerdown Protocol is in effect and DC will be carpet-bombed in a few minutes unless green flares are set off on the roofs of the buildings, signifying you have control. In a race against time, you make it to the roof and set off the flares, as you witness several significant landmarks also with green flares, meaning DC is back under American control. Finally, the whole DC thing has a meaning to it...but it doesn't put us any further into the story.
Now that we're finished with DC, you have one final mission as Roach to complete. There's only two places Makarov could be hiding, so Roach takes a safe house in the hills somewhere, while Price takes the second site at a boneyard in Afghanistan. You find out that there is definitely a lot going on in this hideout, so you copy the hard drive of his computer to get all valuable information in hopes to put an end to Makarov's terror. At the end of the level, Gen. Shepherd betrays you and Ghost for reasons I really don't understand. Price says Shepherd wants to write history his way, but...what? Does he just want to claim credit for the info on Makarov? What the hell did you even retrieve from the computer? Why wan't this explained? Poor story.
Now you are playing as Soap and you are fighting against both Russians and Shepherd's men. Your only goal is to make it to the runway where Nikolai is waiting to pick you up. The only significant thing that happens in this level is that Makarov tells Price where Shepherd's hideout is, because "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." All other priorities are put on hold until you stop Shepherd. (You're still no closer to finding Makarov, might I add...)
Now you are at his base so you invade it. He runs like a coward and self-destructs the cave, having absolutely no regard for any of his own men.
Now that he gets away on boat, you need to chase him. Price shoots down his helicopter, but you go down too.
In a last stand, with your last breath, you find Shepherd and kill him just before he strangles Price. You are rescued at the last moment by Nikolai and you find out he has a place we can hang low.
So that's what I picked up. I pretty much described everything you do, which is a lot. My problem is that everything pretty much has no meaning. Sure, you accomplished all your objectives like getting the VIP's info from his briefcase and getting the info from Makarov's computer, but you get nowhere with it. Then at the end of the game, for a mere three levels, some completely unnecessary conflict happens with Shepherd just to give the illusion that something happened with the story.
November 12th, 2009, 03:09 PM
i just got done playing the campaign, i liked it alot.
im not going to get involved with jfags very strange vendetta against this game, i seriously can't tell if hes doing this just to be a troll.... i hope he is.
November 12th, 2009, 03:12 PM
If any of you goddamn morons would read what I have to say and see from my perspective, you would understand the problem with the campaign.
November 12th, 2009, 03:12 PM
i just got done playing the campaign, i liked it alot.
im not going to get involved with jfags very strange vendetta against this game, i seriously can't tell if hes doing this just to be a troll.... i hope he is.
Yeah, him saying all the things that link the game together don't are a classic sign of a troll, look at the title even that says it all, im sure only moderators and admins are able to change titles....
E: ahaha jcap you make me laugh sometimes.
November 12th, 2009, 03:16 PM
If any of you goddamn morons would read what I have to say and see from my perspective, you would understand the problem with the campaign.
November 12th, 2009, 03:16 PM
Yeah, him saying all the things that link the game together don't are a classic sign of a troll
You're an idiot.
You too. Nice unconstructive post.
November 12th, 2009, 03:17 PM
You're an idiot.
Look who's talking.
Im not the one whos constantly -rep people who disagree with you and changing the thread title and tags to suit my agenda.
November 12th, 2009, 03:18 PM
Look who's talking.
I don't see your point. I've made my case and you have yet to present yours.
November 12th, 2009, 03:20 PM
jcap, its a game, your looking WAY too much into it.
November 12th, 2009, 03:23 PM
I don't see your point. I've made my case and you have yet to present yours.
The whole point of being on the front line was to show the consequences of what went on in the previous modern warfare game as well as the shopping center shooting.
Wasn't makarov that fat russian in cod4 who gaz nearly toppled off the side of the wall?
Yeah i would guess i would be pretty pissed if i was put into that situation as well, trying to link only things that went on in one game doe's not help you much at all, look at halo 3 for instance, i bet someone who has never played it thought, "who are we, where am i, whats going on?".
Your letting your grudge about features that were never there in the pc version cloud your thoughts way too much, they never "removed" anything because it was never there in the first place and if it was then it was not intended to be there by the time of release.
November 12th, 2009, 03:41 PM
The whole point of being on the front line was to show the consequences of what went on in the previous modern warfare game as well as the shopping center shooting.
Wasn't makarov that fat russian in cod4 who gaz nearly toppled off the side of the wall?
Yeah i would guess i would be pretty pissed if i was put into that situation as well, trying to link only things that went on in one game doe's not help you much at all, look at halo 3 for instance, i bet someone who has never played it thought, "who are we, where am i, whats going on?".
Your letting your grudge about features that were never there in the pc version cloud your thoughts way too much, they never "removed" anything because it was never there in the first place and if it was then it was not intended to be there by the time of release.
Actually, the DC missions had absolutely nothing to do with the previous game. They just came up after the airport massacre. But anyway, since I think you were trying to say how the point of the DC missions is to let you see everything happening, I agree. Yes, I think it was great they did that. But my gripe with them is that they went on for too long to ultimately achieve nothing. If they had somehow related it to getting intel, such as maybe invading a Russian hold-up or locating a downed military vehicle for intel pertaining to the story, that would be way different.
I really don't understand at all your next point of not linking to previous games in a series. I seriously hope you never consider anything related to storylines in your future, because a sequel that picks up from the previous game should not have a "new" story ("new" as in "not related to other games). Anyone who plays the sequel should play the previous game first. In a perfect story, the sequel would integrate explanations of events from the previous game into its story, but it's not at all required. In a sense, I almost feel that the opening credits video of MW2 was slightly unnecessary, although I do think it is good they included it as a recap.
As I said before, I really don't give a shit about the multiplayer. If I did, I would still be playing Modern Warfare. I would also have the game for the Xbox so I could join in with my friends. But the truth is, I really don't care for it. I don't care for Halo 3 either and I played that for like a year and a half straight after it came out. I have TF2 and I haven't even played it online yet, and I've probably played a maximum of 20 games in L4D.
November 12th, 2009, 03:51 PM
I feel your pain, jcap. But you just have to realize that you're not going to change anyone's mind and move on, resolving not to succumb to any hype for any future Call of Duty games.
I've played through CoD 1 and CoD 4 and I just don't enjoy that style of game. I don't like the multiple perspectives or the silent protagonists. I am constantly distracted by the fact that every scenario IW puts in their games was ripped straight from a movie or a TV show. Moments that are intended to feel intense and exciting feel stilted and scripted to me. I don't even appreciate the mindless action.
But no one would agree with me, except those that agree with me. To everyone else, enjoy.
November 12th, 2009, 04:06 PM
Wait, I just thought of something. jcap, try and follow me here: Perhaps the lack of any meaning/direction is the point? After all, this is a war taking place around our time, isn't it? If you consider the setting, it makes perfect sense. At least, if you take in the message... XP
Edit: Just read your story post, and holy shit you were looking for too much.
Here is my understanding of the story:
You start out on Road Kill as Joseph Allen. Your convoy is ambushed and you survive. You make it to the end of the level for evac. There really is no relevance to this level other than to just play as the person. Hell, this could have been taken out entirely since it would have been just fine to do your training and then move into Task Force 141. Perhaps this is training for actual AI and not a bunch of wood? It would make sense to have some training before getting into the story, otherwise the more noobish folk might miss a thing or two.
As Roach, you need to recover an ACS module from a satellite before the Russians clone it and breach our national security. Your cover with Soap is then blown and you make it out with the ACS module in a cool snow mobile chase.
As PVT. Allen, you are then put into Task Force 141 and you have an undercover assignment as a terrorist. You shoot up an Airport with Makarov, then be betrays you for being an American and sets up the US for attack. This is an important part of the story because it IS the reason Russia invades us. However, I can't help but notice the severe problem with why they would attack the US, killing hundreds of thousands for revenge if just one corrupt extremist group killed a few hundred. This would be like the US killing every Palestinian because we think Major Nidal Malik Hasan was behind the Fort Hood shooting. Isn't this group you were following an extremist group as well? If they want to show the US that the deaths of those people will not go unheard, I think extremist groups would do just that. Have you jumped from your own perspective, by chance?
Now that we lost our only lead on Makarov, we're screwed. The only thing we know is who supplied him with the means to do the airport shooting. So, you go to Rio to find him as Roach. You do that, but his capture is insignificant to the story. I don't think you ever find out what he knows or how it puts you any closer to catching Makarov. So this mission was to use the remaining intelligence we had on Makarov's operations to find him? Doesn't seem pointless to me, unless you like giving up in chess before anyone even gets check.
So then the US is invaded by Russia. You fight in a neighborhood in Virginia as Ramirez. There is no story to this other than to show first-hand what the invasion is like. This level is fairly irrelevant. You mean you'd rather not experience an invasion of the US from a soldier's perspective? I don't even want to know what kind of shit you're in to then.
Back as Roach again, the next level I believe is all about getting out of Rio. I think. No story, other than how you got out (like it really matters...) is conveyed here. Better than just getting to the dead end in his last mission and going "well, shit. Guess the enemy will let us go then, on to the next Roach mission!"
Now you are again playing as Ramirez and you are again fighting in a different neighborhood. Eventually at the end of the level, you think something major is going to happen with the story when you are asked to rescue someone from a panic room! You find him with the panic room door open and a self-inflicted gunshot wound, with a guy outside who has a strange tattoo. I thought this was going to somehow relate to the story in a big way, but I don't think they elaborated on this. Maybe he was somehow related with Shepard's plan? Look for the tattoo/symbol anywhere else? Did this guy in the room have a name?
As Roach, now you need to get to a castle being used as a prison for Makarov's most hated person. To do that, you need to board an oil rig that is under Russia's control. Unfortunately, they are using the occupants as human shields, so you need to secure them and claim control of the rig. This is a good part of the story. You save the hostages and provide an open route for the invasion to happen.
The Gulag picks up immediately after the oil rig. You invade the castle to capture Prisoner 627. When you reach him, to your surprise you find out it is Cpt. Price. You make it out of the castle just as it is being destroyed by US forces. This was also important because now you have Price. But still, no significant story. You did not just write these last 2 paragraphs, including the blue text above, and end with "no significant story." I'm going to assume for your sake that this was massive typo.
As Ramirez, you need to help fight the Russians and provide support for the US forces to defeat them (what's new?), then get to the roof for evac. You do that but your helicopter is shot down. In the final moments of the level, you witness several enemies closing in on you as you have no ammo remaining.
In Contingency, you are playing as Roach again alongside Price. You need to get Price close enough to the submarine so he can do something. At the end of the level he intentionally launches a nuke at the US.
Back as Ramirez, you witness the nuke detonate in the upper atmosphere, resulting in an EMP that wipes out all electronics and causes helicopters and planes to fall like rain from the sky. It is IMPLIED (not clearly at all, though) that Price's plan was to paralyze the Russian and American forces' communications, since now the US should have the upper arm on our own turf. Your objective is to make it to the White House. "Price saved all of us and I'm mad that I didn't get his blueprints/approval first."
The following level is a continuation of the previous one in which you now need to take control of the White House. You hear on the radio that the Hammerdown Protocol is in effect and DC will be carpet-bombed in a few minutes unless green flares are set off on the roofs of the buildings, signifying you have control. In a race against time, you make it to the roof and set off the flares, as you witness several significant landmarks also with green flares, meaning DC is back under American control. Finally, the whole DC thing has a meaning to it...but it doesn't put us any further into the story. You really need to be careful with that keyboard of yours.
Now that we're finished with DC, you have one final mission as Roach to complete. There's only two places Makarov could be hiding, so Roach takes a safe house in the hills somewhere, while Price takes the second site at a boneyard in Afghanistan. You find out that there is definitely a lot going on in this hideout, so you copy the hard drive of his computer to get all valuable information in hopes to put an end to Makarov's terror. At the end of the level, Gen. Shepard betrays you and Ghost for reasons I really don't understand. Price says Shepard wants to write history his way, but...what? Does he just want to claim credit for the info on Makarov? What the hell did you even retrieve from the computer? Why wan't this explained? Poor story. I doubt they know what's on the drive either, but that won't stop self-important cocks like Sheperd from trying to take whatever credit they can to get in some imaginary history book. No explanation needed, just a douche trying to be a hero.
Now you are playing as Soap and you are fighting against both Russians and Shepard's men. Your only goal is to make it to the runway where Nikolai is waiting to pick you up. The only significant thing that happens in this level is that Makarov tells Price where Shepard's hideout is, because "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." All other priorities are put on hold until you stop Shepard. (You're still no closer to finding Makarov, might I add...) So Makarov is temporarily helping you down a traitor? I should point out that most military branches always prioritize traitors/deserters over anything else, so that makes sense as far as realism is concerned. As for Makarov, heaven forbid that he be good at covering his tracks/keeping you distracted.
Now you are at his base so you invade it. He runs like a coward and self-destructs the cave, having absolutely no regard for any of his own men. This part confirms my statements 2 paragraphs up.
Now that he gets away on boat, you need to chase him. Price shoots down his helicopter, but you go down too.
In a last stand, with your last breath, you find Shepard and kill him just before he strangles Price. You are rescued at the last moment by Nikolai and you find out he has a place we can hang low.
November 12th, 2009, 04:31 PM
Oh, and by the way, contrast that with the Modern Warfare story:
You get intel that there is a smuggling operation going on. You board the ship in Crew Expendible to try and find out what is up. In the process, you stumble upon a nuclear warhead. The Russians get word of the attack, and they fire upon the ship. (Now you know something is up.)
So then in the opening credits (btw the opening credits in MW2 suck since they didn't do them like MW1), you are the president as he is taken prisioner out of his palace and then assassinated live on national television by Al-Asad, who you don't know, but you see there for the first time.
That is followed by you needing to rescue the informant, Nikolai, from being assassinated. That little piece tells you how you got info of everything going down. You successfully save him.
Now, you are attempting to capture Al-Asad. You find out he was broadcasting from a television station, so you make your approach to it in attempt to capture him. You then find out that it was a pre-recording and he isn't there.
After that, it's all about fighting the terrorists and securing the capital. You find out over the radio that a nuclear bomb has been found in the palace, armed. They attempt to disarm it while you make a rescue attempt on a downed helicopter. Unfortunately, the bomb detonates as you make your getaway. You die.
Now it's about locating Al-Asad again to get to the root of this. You know he would have never sacrificed himself because he's a cowardly shit, so you go to his safe house. You find there that they are killing everyone in the village. Way in the back, in a farmhouse, you find Al-Asad. He is tortured, but then he receives a phone call giving away who the man above him is. No longer needing Al-Asad, he is assassinated.
The man who was on the other end of the phone was Zakhaev. Price (right?) thought he killed him back like 20 years ago or something after the incident at Chernobyl. So, you play in the flashback of you using a high powered sniper rifle to shoot his arm off and then get chased down to the evac site. Guess he didn't die after all.
But now back in the present, you have no leads to him. You do, however, believe the one way to get to him is through his son. So, you trace him down, but after a long chase scene and with him cornered, he kills himself.
Now, I think you learn that Zakhaev has taken control of an ICMB launch facility, and that doesn't sound too good. He says in the cutscene that their "so-called leaders have prostiuted them to the west," and that he is out for revenge on the US. Your goal is to stop him. As you work your way though the entire level to the launch facility, you secure a hostage and blow the power lines to create a window of opportunity to cut through the fence. Upon meeting up with the other team, two missiles are suddenly and unexpectedly launched from the facility.
You now have only a few minutes to get inside the facility and make your way to the war room before they reach the coast of the US. Once inside, they launch more. Now you only have 9 minutes (or less depending on difficulty, I think). After blasting through the wall of the war room, you kill everyone inside and enter the codes. The missiles are destroyed.
Now you notice that Zakhaev is making a getaway. He leaves, and you leave after. Then, you cut him off on the highway. A fucking badass chase scene takes place between vehicles and helicopters, ending with almost everyone from your unit being immobilized and killed. With one last hope of surviving, you kill Zakhaev and his men just as the good Russians arrive to kill everyone else and then lift you away to safety.
You can easily see the difference.
November 12th, 2009, 04:46 PM
if anyone actually took the time to read what jcap posted you would understand exactly what hes saying. hes right too.
what happens to makarov? he gives us some information, and thats it? we dont go to kill him after we kill shepard?"
this doesnt change the fact that the campaign was fun and interesting, its just that there wasnt much of a point to anything you did.
think chapters 2 and 3 of gears of war one, except you had no original goal in mind.
E: i still love the multiplayer anyway even though there are areas where people can hide (i think the map is called skyline...?) and shoot up your entire team, while being almost completely unexposed. i feel like there are quite a few more places like that in MW2 than there were in MW1. also, the map estate (the nice big house in the woods) just seems too difficult to play on. it might just be me, but i get absolute shit kd ratios there. i can never find anybody, and my team is always getting shot within the first 15 seconds of the game (and usually its me :saddowns: ). i feel like the only way to get kills is to snipe other people who are as lost as i am, which is what i do. basically, the thermal scope, an unlockable attachment that takes a good amount of time to get, reins supreme here.
i feel like its almost a shame to rate the entirety of this game in one rating. imo, i would give the campaign a 6 or 7 out of 10, since it WAS fun and i see alot of replayablity, but the story holes are kind of difficult to ignore. i would say the multiplayer is an 8.5/10. very fun, lots of replay value, so much variety that i cannot ever figure out what i want to use, and lots of interesting and visually pleasing environments. my only gripe lies with some places where camping is way too effective and maps like estate that almost require you to use a specific weapon attachment.
i played the target shooting training spec ops mission for 3 stars, and that is the extent of my specops experience. cant give any rating here
November 12th, 2009, 04:47 PM
if anyone actually took the time to read what jcap posted you would understand exactly what hes saying. hes right too.
what happens to makarov? he gives us some information, and thats it? we dont go to kill him after we kill shepard?"
this doesnt change the fact that the campaign was fun and interesting, its just that there wasnt much of a point to anything you did.
think chapters 2 and 3 of gears of war one, except you had no original goal in mind.Sequels, bro.
November 12th, 2009, 05:01 PM
kind of a shitty way to set up a sequel imo. it feels like they more just totally forgot about makarov than they were setting it up for a sequel (yeah sentence flow is a bit off there). the game just ends without acknowledging makarov at all
November 12th, 2009, 05:09 PM
Lots of games do that, unfortunately. I think if I had played through the campaign and experienced that ending first-hand, I would have been like "fuck, not again." NOTE: I still have not played MW2. I will eventually play it for Podacity or something, but as of now, I'm digging through the story purely from text.
As for no Mile High Club, that sucks. Then again, would you want to do something like that knowing you're not going for Makorov? That would probably bug me.
November 12th, 2009, 05:10 PM
Ugh Jfapp, all the "plot holes" that you're complaining about aren't even that. They're just sections of the story where some information is taken away from the player and put into the hands of the games "intelligence agencies". You think that your common soldiers are going to look through a briefcase for intel on the spot? No, they send it back their superiors to have it analyzed.
That's just one example here, because MW2 Campaign has just as much story to it as MW did.
November 12th, 2009, 05:18 PM
Good news people. I might end up buying this game!
Unlocked console and FOV changer hack is done and online co-op in spec-ops on a cracked copy has been done!
They are working on dedi's now.
Source(s), please. :neckbeard:
November 12th, 2009, 05:38 PM
Lol madcap. The reason Russia got so butt hurt at the airport shooting is because this all happened RIGHT AFTER MW so U.S and Russia are already massively pissed at each other most likely.
November 12th, 2009, 05:42 PM
guys does anybody remember 9/11? i rest my case.
November 12th, 2009, 06:04 PM
having read filibitjibo's response to jcap's story analysis, i cant help but picture the jackal from farcry 2 and see him in makarov
farcry 2 spoilers in here, just an fyi
filibitjibo made a good point. makarov is a guy who trades blood for money. he thrives off of killing. obviously he pisses a LOT of people off. he needs to be good at covering his tracks, or else his ass would be toast.
the jackal in farcry 2 is an illegal arms dealer. he has supplied the weapons for both sides of over 13 guerrilla wars in africa. your ultimate goal in the game is to kill the jackal. throughout the game you periodically run into the jackal at times when you are physically unable to kill him. he saves you. why? because he sees how powerful you are. he understand that you can kill him, and you will kill him if given the chance. so instead of killing you, he uses you. at the end of the game, your priority stops being "kill the jackal" and becomes to kill the heads of both of those rival armies. your goals are basically reversed, and people who were one friendly become enemies.
basically to make a long story short, the jackal gives you a choice. you either use a car battery hooked to explosives to stop the remainder of the joined army from killing civilians, an explosion that will kill you, or you go to the border and do something there, then kill yourself. its absolutely brilliant if you think about it. the jackal pretends like hes remorseful for all of the death he has caused, and uses the biggest threat he has to his advantage. just like makarov, he is covering his tracks.
E: double post, my bad.
November 12th, 2009, 06:08 PM
kind of a shitty way to set up a sequel imo. it feels like they more just totally forgot about makarov than they were setting it up for a sequel (yeah sentence flow is a bit off there). the game just ends without acknowledging makarov at all
Haha yeah especially with other developers gr8 (insertgame here) 2 endings, modern warfare 2 did a good job. Yeah you don't find out much about Makarov because there's stuff to be done in the next one.
November 12th, 2009, 06:15 PM
Stop wrapping this thread in spoilers. They aren't needed at all. At the top of all of my posts and quotes it was explained that I was going into detail with the story. The MW1 story especially didn't deserve to be wrapped.
November 12th, 2009, 06:15 PM
Wait, I just thought of something. jcap, try and follow me here: Perhaps the lack of any meaning/direction is the point? After all, this is a war taking place around our time, isn't it? If you consider the setting, it makes perfect sense. At least, if you take in the message... XP
Edit: Just read your story post, and holy shit you were looking for too much.
Here is my understanding of the story:
You start out on Road Kill as Joseph Allen. Your convoy is ambushed and you survive. You make it to the end of the level for evac. There really is no relevance to this level other than to just play as the person. Hell, this could have been taken out entirely since it would have been just fine to do your training and then move into Task Force 141. Perhaps this is training for actual AI and not a bunch of wood? It would make sense to have some training before getting into the story, otherwise the more noobish folk might miss a thing or two. Cliffhanger has more training in it than this level. Hell, I don't even know how this level trains you in any way.
As Roach, you need to recover an ACS module from a satellite before the Russians clone it and breach our national security. Your cover with Soap is then blown and you make it out with the ACS module in a cool snow mobile chase.
As PVT. Allen, you are then put into Task Force 141 and you have an undercover assignment as a terrorist. You shoot up an Airport with Makarov, then be betrays you for being an American and sets up the US for attack. This is an important part of the story because it IS the reason Russia invades us. However, I can't help but notice the severe problem with why they would attack the US, killing hundreds of thousands for revenge if just one corrupt extremist group killed a few hundred. This would be like the US killing every Palestinian because we think Major Nidal Malik Hasan was behind the Fort Hood shooting. Isn't this group you were following an extremist group as well? If they want to show the US that the deaths of those people will not go unheard, I think extremist groups would do just that. Have you jumped from your own perspective, by chance? I thought Russia (not the extremists anymore) is attacking the US as the result of the massacre. The Russian extremists just framed the US for the attack by leaving an American behind dead. This part doesn't really bother me, though. I just wanted to point out the problem I think I saw.
Now that we lost our only lead on Makarov, we're screwed. The only thing we know is who supplied him with the means to do the airport shooting. So, you go to Rio to find him as Roach. You do that, but his capture is insignificant to the story. I don't think you ever find out what he knows or how it puts you any closer to catching Makarov. So this mission was to use the remaining intelligence we had on Makarov's operations to find him? Doesn't seem pointless to me, unless you like giving up in chess before anyone even gets check. I'm not saying that the attempt to find this guy was pointless. I am saying that I don't think you learned what this guy had on Makarov, so it doesn't put you any further into the story, hence why it is pointless.
So then the US is invaded by Russia. You fight in a neighborhood in Virginia as Ramirez. There is no story to this other than to show first-hand what the invasion is like. This level is fairly irrelevant. You mean you'd rather not experience an invasion of the US from a soldier's perspective? I don't even want to know what kind of shit you're in to then. No, I did not say that. They could have given the same perspective by taking out this level and starting only at the Arcadia level. Additionally, the DC missions should have had more to them than just fighting from the soldier's perspective. EDIT: Actually, I take some of this part back. You get only one thing out of Alexander, and that is the location of Makarov's "most hated prisoner" (the Gulag). The other guy, however, you didn't hear about again. It's really stupid that they held off for only one sentence at the end of a video that was completely unrelated to his capture.
Back as Roach again, the next level I believe is all about getting out of Rio. I think. No story, other than how you got out (like it really matters...) is conveyed here. Better than just getting to the dead end in his last mission and going "well, shit. Guess the enemy will let us go then, on to the next Roach mission!" No, really, this is 100% unnecessary and is a complete waste of time. Why should they show you getting out of there when they don't do it in probably 3/4 of the COD missions. Heck, getting to evac wasn't even really included until Modern Warfare.
Now you are again playing as Ramirez and you are again fighting in a different neighborhood. Eventually at the end of the level, you think something major is going to happen with the story when you are asked to rescue someone from a panic room! You find him with the panic room door open and a self-inflicted gunshot wound, with a guy outside who has a strange tattoo. I thought this was going to somehow relate to the story in a big way, but I don't think they elaborated on this. Maybe he was somehow related with Shepherd's plan? Look for the tattoo/symbol anywhere else? Did this guy in the room have a name? I don't think he had a name, and I really didn't look anywhere else. That did cross my mind, though. He could be part of Shepherd's crew.
As Roach, now you need to get to a castle being used as a prison for Makarov's most hated person. To do that, you need to board an oil rig that is under Russia's control. Unfortunately, they are using the occupants as human shields, so you need to secure them and claim control of the rig. This is a good part of the story. You save the hostages and provide an open route for the invasion to happen.
The Gulag picks up immediately after the oil rig. You invade the castle to capture Prisoner 627. When you reach him, to your surprise you find out it is Cpt. Price. You make it out of the castle just as it is being destroyed by US forces. This was also important because now you have Price. But still, no significant story. You did not just write these last 2 paragraphs, including the blue text above, and end with "no significant story." I'm going to assume for your sake that this was massive typo. No, it wasn't a typo. This was a good part of the story, but didn't expand on anything. All you really do is get Price. Wow. Does he know anything? Did he overhear any plans? Was he ever interrogated by the Russians? It could have been a good idea if Infinity Ward used him to maybe say that they were planning an even bigger attack - something on a global scale.
As Ramirez, you need to help fight the Russians and provide support for the US forces to defeat them (what's new?), then get to the roof for evac. You do that but your helicopter is shot down. In the final moments of the level, you witness several enemies closing in on you as you have no ammo remaining.
In Contingency, you are playing as Roach again alongside Price. You need to get Price close enough to the submarine so he can do something. At the end of the level he intentionally launches a nuke at the US.
Back as Ramirez, you witness the nuke detonate in the upper atmosphere, resulting in an EMP that wipes out all electronics and causes helicopters and planes to fall like rain from the sky. It is IMPLIED (not clearly at all, though) that Price's plan was to paralyze the Russian and American forces' communications, since now the US should have the upper arm on our own turf. Your objective is to make it to the White House. "Price saved all of us and I'm mad that I didn't get his blueprints/approval first." ??? Did you reply to the wrong paragraph, because it sounds like you are stating Shepherd's possible motive.
The following level is a continuation of the previous one in which you now need to take control of the White House. You hear on the radio that the Hammerdown Protocol is in effect and DC will be carpet-bombed in a few minutes unless green flares are set off on the roofs of the buildings, signifying you have control. In a race against time, you make it to the roof and set off the flares, as you witness several significant landmarks also with green flares, meaning DC is back under American control. Finally, the whole DC thing has a meaning to it...but it doesn't put us any further into the story. You really need to be careful with that keyboard of yours. While this does explain how we reclaimed DC, it doesn't explain anything new that puts us closer to finding Makarov. I'll tell you what I would have really loved though: foreshadowing of Shepherd's betrayal.
Now that we're finished with DC, you have one final mission as Roach to complete. There's only two places Makarov could be hiding, so Roach takes a safe house in the hills somewhere, while Price takes the second site at a boneyard in Afghanistan. You find out that there is definitely a lot going on in this hideout, so you copy the hard drive of his computer to get all valuable information in hopes to put an end to Makarov's terror. At the end of the level, Gen. Shepherd betrays you and Ghost for reasons I really don't understand. Price says Shepherd wants to write history his way, but...what? Does he just want to claim credit for the info on Makarov? What the hell did you even retrieve from the computer? Why wan't this explained? Poor story. I doubt they know what's on the drive either, but that won't stop self-important cocks like Sheperd from trying to take whatever credit they can to get in some imaginary history book. No explanation needed, just a douche trying to be a hero. Yeah, but my point was about the drive mostly. Shepherd's betrayal could have been better explained (probably should have been explained when he was killing you at the end of the game), but the problem I had here was that at no part in this game do you find out how the data puts you closer to Makarov.
Now you are playing as Soap and you are fighting against both Russians and Shepherd's men. Your only goal is to make it to the runway where Nikolai is waiting to pick you up. The only significant thing that happens in this level is that Makarov tells Price where Shepherd's hideout is, because "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." All other priorities are put on hold until you stop Shepherd. (You're still no closer to finding Makarov, might I add...) So Makarov is temporarily helping you down a traitor? I should point out that most military branches always prioritize traitors/deserters over anything else, so that makes sense as far as realism is concerned. As for Makarov, heaven forbid that he be good at covering his tracks/keeping you distracted. To be honest, this part didn't bother me as much because it's the first thing that happens since the third level (and even that one is optional) that involves Makarov. :|
Now you are at his base so you invade it. He runs like a coward and self-destructs the cave, having absolutely no regard for any of his own men. This part confirms my statements 2 paragraphs up. Yeah, and that was obvious.
Now that he gets away on boat, you need to chase him. Price shoots down his helicopter, but you go down too.
In a last stand, with your last breath, you find Shepherd and kill him just before he strangles Price. You are rescued at the last moment by Nikolai and you find out he has a place we can hang low.
Ugh Jfapp, all the "plot holes" that you're complaining about aren't even that. They're just sections of the story where some information is taken away from the player and put into the hands of the games "intelligence agencies". You think that your common soldiers are going to look through a briefcase for intel on the spot? No, they send it back their superiors to have it analyzed.
That's just one example here, because MW2 Campaign has just as much story to it as MW did.
That's why we have cutscenes. A good story would find ways of filling them. I think it is OK to have unanswered questions, but there should be enough reason to be doing things. Also, they can always make it say "Day 12" instead of "Day 4".
Lol madcap. The reason Russia got so butt hurt at the airport shooting is because this all happened RIGHT AFTER MW so U.S and Russia are already massively pissed at each other most likely.Wrong and wrong. Modern Warfare 2 takes place 5 years after the first game. Also, I believe Russia cooperates with you in the first game, and they save your life at the end.
guys does anybody remember 9/11? i rest my case.
Not comparable to 9/11. The US declared war and invaded Afghanistan to kill the Taliban, not to endlessly kill thousands of innocent civilians for revenge and take control of the nation's capital.
November 12th, 2009, 06:19 PM
^ post needs more spoiler tags. It even has color, it's like he wants me to read it and ruin the game for me.
k so wait. I got warned for this post, then it was reversed, now it's warned again. Awesome administration.
November 12th, 2009, 06:22 PM
thats not what i was saying jcap. you got the idea, but you went in the wrong direction with it. im talking about how america used the 9/11 attack to go to war with the middle east.
the point im trying to make is terror attack -> war
November 12th, 2009, 06:23 PM
People have been playing with the config settings in MW2 to determine the actual Ping they are getting, turns out it is about 150-200ms, on a good day.
November 12th, 2009, 06:25 PM
Wasn't makarov that fat russian in cod4 who gaz nearly toppled off the side of the wall?
youre thinking kamarov.
November 12th, 2009, 06:25 PM
^ post needs more spoiler tags. It even has color, it's like he wants me to read it and ruin the game for me.
k so wait. I got warned for this post, then it was reversed, now it's warned again. Awesome administration.
Un-infract. Stop being butt hurt.
November 12th, 2009, 06:36 PM
Getting tired of this shit...
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