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July 14th, 2009, 10:38 PM
So like the HL2: Episode 3 thread, what do you want to see/want not to see?

Personally, on the multiplayer side of things there are a few annoying perks/weapons I'd like to be rid of (Stopping Power/Juggernaut, MP5 and M16).

July 14th, 2009, 10:40 PM
All I want is my skorpion to stay. Best gun.

July 14th, 2009, 10:48 PM
- More epic set-piece battles
- Longer campaign
- Same level of cinematic pacing and emotional attachment as MW
- Smarter friendly AI
- Better animations
- The return of Shipment/Vacant/Backlot in MP :iia:
- More stealth/strategy oriented missions, rather than pop and shoot (which will never happen, this is CoD after all)
- Another sniper mission with even more awesome (aka, more targets to screw around with in a stealthy fasion)

- AC-130 mission again. Was good the first time, but no need for more.
- Melodramatics (weren't any in MW, keep em out)
- Characters like Cpt. Price or Gaz dying again :(

Bout all I can think of really. As long as they keep it roughly the same as Modern Warfare, but hopefully with a little more campaign longevity and strategy, it should be amazing.

English Mobster
July 14th, 2009, 10:55 PM
As long as you don't see Soap's face, I'm good. Every screenshot I've seen has it covered, which is a good thing. Seeing his face in MW2 would be like seeing Master Chief's face in ODST.

July 14th, 2009, 10:58 PM
As long as you don't see Soap's face, I'm good. Every screenshot I've seen has it covered, which is a good thing. Seeing his face in MW2 would be like seeing Master Chief's face in ODST.

E3 demo, man:

July 14th, 2009, 10:59 PM
Well, the perk system and Exp worked pretty well, but WaW really made me tired of that. It seems overused now (or WaW just felt like nothing new), so I hope Infinity Ward has a much newer and even better multiplayer component that keeps things fresh and feels like a whole new thing rather than edits to CoD4's multiplayer.

- Better animationsWhat do you mean by this?

If you mean FP animations then you're blind, sir. They have some of the greatest, if not the best, first-person animations in the business.

July 14th, 2009, 11:00 PM
What do you mean by this?

Could be the multiplayer third-person animations, which were pretty weak.
Every gun had the same reload :|

July 14th, 2009, 11:05 PM
What do you mean by this?

If you mean FP animations then you're blind, sir. They have some of the greatest, if not the best, first-person animations in the business.

FP animations were fantastic. 3rd person animations, especially when slowed down, were not so great. Some of them were even physically impossible.

July 14th, 2009, 11:40 PM
Less UV errors on teh back of the skorpian clip and more of me getting deagle head shots while flying out of the 3rd story window of a building on MP.

Basically more not-really-realistic-but-sort-of-trying-but-failing-in-a-good-way game play.

July 15th, 2009, 12:25 AM
I just wanna see a fun game.. Do not want to see a bad one...

July 15th, 2009, 12:38 AM
Want: My win combo (skorpion + ACOG)

That is all.

July 15th, 2009, 12:42 AM
More slow-mo sequences (like the end of MHC) in SP, and Captain Price. Other than that, there's not really much to improve on.

In MP, I want my M16 w/ red dot sight back exactly how it was. Tone down Martyrdom and the underbarrel GL. Less sniper maps (in the vein of Overgrown & Bloc.) Eleven assloads of new challenges (not weapon-based get X kills, but creative ones.)

Pyong Kawaguchi
July 15th, 2009, 02:13 AM
I want to learn more about exactly what happened at the end.

July 15th, 2009, 02:18 AM
More guns. More unique animations. 1SK .50 BMG. Longer campaign. More stealth missions. New attachments. Higher-res skins. Less UV-fucked models. Weapon-bash melee, not lame knife attack(never'll happen, but i can wish). Attrition battles. Customizable multiplayer (never'll happen either).

July 15th, 2009, 05:55 AM
E3 demo, man:

Have to admit, they made soap look like shit. Mohawk doesn't really fit.
I'm just hoping that it runs decently on high/medium, and does away with some of the nade spam.

Mr Buckshot
July 15th, 2009, 07:56 AM
I want more missions in the style of All Ghillied Up and One Shot One Kill (my favorite missions). Better yet, put such missions into the co-op mode.

Also, don't make the noob tube instantly accessible as a perk in multiplayer. Make it one of those "must play for many hours to unlock" type of perks. I don't think it's unfair to use the noob tube for a kill, but it is unfair to let every newbie immediately choose it as an attachment for his gun. Sort of like giving energy swords to everyone in Halo 2 :/ (ok not THAT extreme, but still.)

July 15th, 2009, 10:29 AM
In MP, I want my M16 w/ red dot sight back exactly how it was.

You horrible person :|

July 15th, 2009, 10:40 AM
I think the nube toob should take away 100XP every time you fire it.

If martyrdom/noobtube is still in CoD:MW2 I'm going to be disapointed. I can't beleive failarch left them in cod5. I hope Infinity Win will actually listen to the fanbase and TAKE IT OUT.

Also I hope juggernaut and stopping power go away. There basically the only perk you can use since they are overpowered. (except in HC mode which... really is shit since you can't do stunts like 360 kills and flying knifes as well)

July 15th, 2009, 10:47 AM
I think the nube toob should take away 100XP every time you fire it.

If martyrdom/noobtube is still in CoD:MW2 I'm going to be disapointed. I can't beleive failarch left them in cod5. I hope Infinity Win will actually listen to the fanbase and TAKE IT OUT.

Also I hope juggernaut and stopping power go away. There basically the only perk you can use since they are overpowered. (except in HC mode which... really is shit since you can't do stunts like 360 kills and flying knifes as well)

Would be nice to see a little more variety than 90% of the player base using Stopping Power, and bitching at the 9% that use Juggernut.

July 15th, 2009, 03:49 PM
Less WTF moments, like how your Captain mysteriously dies for no reason if you wonder away from him in the "One shot, one kill" mission. Also what's up with the part where you you were crawling under the trucks? The ghillie suit doesn't camouflage you from pavement(?), and I coukd've sworn one of the soldiers look down at me at one moment or the other.

July 15th, 2009, 03:58 PM
Yeah that was my problem with CoD4. Everyone used the same god damn perks on the same god damn guns every god damn game.

Certain guns and perks were just :iamafag: and the rest were :gonk:. So people only used the :iamafag: perks and the :gonk: perks ended up as wasted space.

Matyr, Last stand, Stopping power, juggernaut, steady aim, gaymores, 3 frag are the :iamafag: perks. The rest are just :gonk: perks.

Best gun is M4. It kills everything. P90 is a close second. Best sniper is 50 cal. RPD rapes the SAW and M10e. The W1200 and the autoshotgun are pretty well balanced though.

Pretty much every other gun is shit. The skorpian and G3 are good guns but I'd bet you the M4 and P90 could out shoot spam it any day.


Oh and the console version is dog shit. I've played console cod4. It was HORRIBAD the only gun worth using was the p90. Every other gun was impossible to aim.

Pyong Kawaguchi
July 15th, 2009, 04:25 PM
I always will prefer my mp5
I hope it stays the same...

July 15th, 2009, 04:27 PM
I can describe just about every cod4 gun in detail AND explain how to fix/balance it. :realsmug:

Although the shotguns and pistols are perfectly balanced.


And if they fuck up the G3 in MW2 I will go apeshit.


July 15th, 2009, 04:35 PM
Oh and the console version is dog shit. I've played console cod4. It was HORRIBAD the only gun worth using was the p90. Every other gun was impossible to aim.

Right, it's always the game's fault, not the player :realsmug:

Pyong Kawaguchi
July 15th, 2009, 04:40 PM
console games need native kb/m support >:U

July 15th, 2009, 04:43 PM
Right, it's always the game's fault, not the player :realsmug:

The console is aiming with 2 fucking joysticks :saddowns:.

Also, hoping it won't take like 10 shots of an ak-47 or any other gun to kill a person this time >.>

July 15th, 2009, 04:45 PM
If you want 1 shot 1 kill go to fucking HC. It's for camping.

Also if Microsoft would stop being such a fuck tard and add mouse and keyboard support I might actually fucking buy games for the xbox.

July 15th, 2009, 04:49 PM
The console is aiming with 2 fucking joysticks :saddowns:
And has auto-aim to compensate. Seriously, I find console shooters just as easy as their PC counterparts. And this is coming from a pcfag :p

July 15th, 2009, 04:58 PM
Console gaming is for racing and fighting games. That's all a controller is good for.

July 15th, 2009, 05:01 PM
I want to see less generic MP maps. Seriously, MW1 had a bunch of maps in random locations, with nothing special about them. I liked BattleField where the maps took place in strategic locations, like a military nuclear bunker base, an underground submarine pen, an air field, something like pearl harbor (base in the middle of an ocean), etc.


I know the last level of the campaign (not including the Air plane mission) was a nuclear bunker, but still its like the only one!


Another thing I would like to see is more color. MW1 had tons of grays and tans, sure that's realistic, but everything is so bland, and everything blends in. Even with Night Vision on, enemies didn't show up against the black/night sky of the map Shipment (the symmetrical map on the oceangoing ship). Personally, I could do without most of the maps in MW 1. I hate Backlot, Shipment, I've played them enough on Xbox with my friends (especially backlot *shudder*).

Lets face it, I don't like any of the maps, but I play it becase: 1. I payed 50 fucking bucks for it and 2. its (sorta) fun. I want the Grenade Launcher gone, my friend uses it A TON and there's no defense against it. The Air Strikes harrassing me is another feature I'd love to see gone. The helicopter is alright, just get to cover and you won't be shot. I would also like to see mandatory Vote Calling on every dedicated server.

I'm sick of the cheaters in the Texas Vanilla server, there's no admin, no PB, no vote calling, what the fuck am I supposed to do?! Its fucking cheat central because of this, and its one of the very few that play Vanilla and not fucking HardCore. Remove PB please, it never worked for me when I got the game, don't make me go through this shit again.

Lastly, GET RID OF THE FUCKING IRONSIGHTS!!!! THEY'RE SO FUCKING useless!!! The gun obscures half the screen, you have a narrow point of which to see your target, which is worse when your enemy runs to the side and hides behind the iron sight metal, and on top of that you have gun smoke, which makes seeing your enemy impossible. Sure you get a glance every shot, but you gotta have eyes like my cousin to see through that (hes got amazing vision!).

July 15th, 2009, 05:06 PM
The maps are all good (excluding wetworks [SHIPMENT IS THE TINY MAP WETWORKS IS THE CARGO FREIGHTER]) Really COD5 was too grey. CoD4 had more than enough color. If you make it to vibrant it makes it impossible to "blend in" so you can snipe. This is not halo! being discreet is the key to sucsess in cod4. I make sure to stay in shadow and behind cover/bushes at all times.

July 15th, 2009, 05:12 PM
- AC-130 mission again. Was good the first time, but no need for more.

I disagree with you sir, I find that the AC 130 mission was awesome, and it makes for a good stress reliever after a bit of combat.

July 15th, 2009, 06:48 PM
I want enemies to take cover when I use suppresing fire, but then again, there is a great mod for the PC version of COD4 that covers that and a lot more.

July 15th, 2009, 07:04 PM
Give me a silencer for my barret 50cal and I am happy :)

Also, would be good if you could carry two primary weapons, and a pistol... e.g. Sniper + Assault Rifle + Pistol. Makes sence since pistol can be on your belt or what ever. Knife should also go, you should be able to beat people to death.

Would also be awesome if they made it realistic, so when someone gets shot with a barret, or an 50 caliber round, they got blown to shit, like on Rambo.

Give us zombie mode. And they should allow people to blow shit through buildings, so you could blow up the supports to a building, and the whole thing would collapse. Would be nice for the player to have more a more interactive enviroment, so you could run and jump over walls. and hang on to them maybe.

As long as it doesn't fail as much as Cod5 did I am happy. Cod5 is a disgrace...

July 15th, 2009, 07:07 PM
Yeah the only good guns in cod5 were the Springfield and the PPSH.


Silenced 50.cal

What is this I don't even...

July 15th, 2009, 08:17 PM
You want realism, but also want a a 50 cal with silencer?!

July 16th, 2009, 01:24 AM
I disagree with you sir, I find that the AC 130 mission was awesome, and it makes for a good stress reliever after a bit of combat.
Yeah, that part was one of the best of the game. I'm glad they brought it back -- you can see some of it in their videos.

July 16th, 2009, 02:13 AM
I want enemies to take cover when I use suppresing fire, but then again, there is a great mod for the PC version of COD4 that covers that and a lot more.

There is? Link please?

July 16th, 2009, 11:07 AM
Oh and the console version is dog shit. I've played console cod4. It was HORRIBAD the only gun worth using was the p90. Every other gun was impossible to aim.

Sounds like user failure on your end. I have CoD 4 on both X360 and PC and I can say both versions work just fine. I actually prefer the 360 version in most cases, because when I played on PC it seemed like every server was 32 playercount on fucking broadcast or creek :\

July 16th, 2009, 11:50 AM
Sounds like user failure on your end. I have CoD 4 on both X360 and PC and I can say both versions work just fine. I actually prefer the 360 version in most cases, because when I played on PC it seemed like every server was 32 playercount on fucking broadcast or creek :\

Sounds like user failure on your end. I can find plenty of small 5v5 and SMALLER servers when I want to. Nice small "position games" on larger maps with small amounts of players is really fun. Lower player limits allow you to control certain parts of the map and pick offense and defense positions. The game gains a lot more tactics when the player limit gets low sneaking and "dead silence" are extremely useful as well. Try 3v3 on vacant. That is one of the best tactical game there is.

Also PC version = Free Map Packs AND free online play :realsmug:
From what I've played (and heard of my friends complaining about) Everyone on the console version picks the gun with the highest rate of fire and spams away at there enemy's. On the PC version I can cross map with a AK-47. On the console version I can hardly even aim the M16.

Also auto-aim is for pussys.

July 16th, 2009, 12:16 PM
You want realism, but also want a a 50 cal with silencer?!

50cal can have silencers...

July 16th, 2009, 02:50 PM
50cal can have silencers...

That is one bigass silencer.

July 16th, 2009, 02:55 PM
50cal can have silencers...
Sure, but who uses one?

July 16th, 2009, 03:04 PM
Sure, but who uses one?
Really quiet snipers :smugsome:

Pyong Kawaguchi
July 16th, 2009, 03:05 PM
I would

July 16th, 2009, 03:06 PM
I don't get it Inferno; I have no problem p\/\/ning n00bs on the 360 version with the AK, or any gun that doesn't empty its magazine in less than half a second. It's not even that hard to win a match using only the pistol. I thought you were MLG pro, but I guess you're just a scrub who plays on the easier PC version. :realsmug:

By the way, the best class is a Skorpion with a suppressor with UAV jammer and dead silence as perks.

July 16th, 2009, 03:07 PM
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that thing is impossible to shoulder wield for more than 3 minutes at a time. Just look at how the bipod is set up and how reinforced it has to be. The mag of .50 cal rounds is probably nearing 15 lbs on its own. The baret is meant to be a stationary anti armor/crazy range platform like in MW1 campaign. I found it amusing how it was unlockable as a multiplayer weapon. Just watching guys spam around with it no-scoping like a shotgun made me lol.

But yeah definitely that needs to be in the game.

July 16th, 2009, 03:44 PM
Screw that, I want a VSS Vintorez.

July 16th, 2009, 03:44 PM
I don't get it Inferno; I have no problem p\/\/ning n00bs on the 360 version with the AK, or any gun that doesn't empty its magazine in less than half a second. It's not even that hard to win a match using only the pistol. I thought you were MLG pro, but I guess you're just a scrub who plays on the easier PC version. :realsmug:

HAHAH you take me on with a controller and I'll use a mouse.
No autoaim on either.
Let's see who wins.

By the way, the best class is a Skorpion with a suppressor with UAV jammer and dead silence as perks.

Not at all.

Gold AK-47 Silencer - Stopping Power - Steady Aim - Bandolier/Gaymores

Gold AK-47 Silencer - G3 RedDot/ScrubP90 - Overkill - Steady Aim - Bandolier/Gaymores

Most effective guns combined with most effective perks. Skorpian is a cool gun and all but the clip is short as fuck so you can only get 1 kill at a time and the damage is just too low for it to be used anywhere but HC. And HC is for campers. Also the skorpian is glitched and can't be fast reloaded.

July 16th, 2009, 03:46 PM
Plain AK 47 is better imo, no damage reduction bug.

Pyong Kawaguchi
July 16th, 2009, 03:50 PM
Or just play on pc :3

July 16th, 2009, 03:52 PM
Having the silencer is annoying as fuck on that gun. You can't figure out where the shot is coming from since you can't hear the origin. (I use the surround sound to figure out where shots come from) also in non HC it keeps you off UAV so you can get kills without alerting the rest of the other team.

It barely reduces damage anyways.

July 16th, 2009, 04:01 PM
I want (I play CoD 4 on a console, not answering why or whatever.)

-Interactive Environments. If I blow a hole in the wall with an RPG or C4, I expect to be rewarded with a hiding coward to kill.

-Mountable LMGs/Snipers (Bipod unlocks, and of course improved greatly on what Treyarch did with it)

-Leaning (for console versions) Kinda pushing the idea here.. perhaps the game could detect where you are and let you lean if you're just facing the wall and are near the edge of it.

-Button combinations, I'm thinking instead of sprint cancel, mb if x is pressed while sprinting you slide to the nearest wall or cover, of course there might be a reload fumble or failure with this, but it could be cool.

-Slow motion for SP, cheats for private matches.

July 16th, 2009, 04:03 PM
Interactive environments would be hard to do. I don't think the cod engine could handle it. Anyways It would be annoying in MP. Kiddies blowing up all the buildings on the map. :saddowns:

Button combos and "triggered events" like leaning when near a wall would clutter up the game. Everything needs a separate key to work off of or you will accidentally trigger the wrong thing sometimes resulting in your death. Which is the worst way to die.

Oh and leaning is one more thing that the PC version has and poor console kiddies don't.


July 16th, 2009, 04:05 PM
Button combos and "triggered events" like leaning when near a wall would clutter up the game. Everything needs a separate key to work off of or you will accidentally trigger the wrong thing sometimes resulting in your death. Which is the worst way to die.

Button mashers are failures.

We play pro. :realsmug:

July 16th, 2009, 04:06 PM
No I don't mean like that. I mean I got up to a wall and want to reload or jump or something and all of a sudden some random event is triggered INSTEAD of a reload or jump or something. That makes me mad when things like that happen in games (cough gears of war)

July 16th, 2009, 04:12 PM
No I don't mean like that. I mean I got up to a wall and want to reload or jump or something and all of a sudden some random event is triggered INSTEAD of a reload or jump or something. That makes me mad when things like that happen in games (cough gears of war)

Yah I know, it would work a lot better if cod was a third person game, I guess I'm just too virtual reality for games like cod, haha.

July 16th, 2009, 04:36 PM
There 's already leaning around corners in CO4, IMO that is all you need in a game like this. They really should nerf Martyrdome, or remove althogether.

July 16th, 2009, 04:40 PM
You can't lean in the console version. That's PC exclusive. :realsmug:

If martyrdom had better GTFO. I can't imagine they would leave it in CODMW2.

July 16th, 2009, 04:43 PM
They really should nerf Martyrdome, or remove althogether.
Or just stop walking towards dead bodies vOv

July 16th, 2009, 04:55 PM
Skorpian is a cool gun and all but the clip is short as fuck so you can only get 1 kill at a time and the damage is just too low for it to be used anywhere but HC.

Pros don't need a bigger magazine and more power. :realsmug:

Also the skorpian is glitched and can't be fast reloaded.Pros don't need to cheat to win either. :realsmug:

E: This is a very smug thread.

July 16th, 2009, 04:59 PM
Or just stop walking towards dead bodies vOv

You act as if you always get kills in a big open area. Sometimes I kill 3 newfags using martyr and I'm trapped in the corner of a room. OR I come around the corner and at the EXACT SECOND that I walk into the "OSHIT THERE'S A GRENADE" radius marker it explodes and I die.


Pros don't need a bigger magazine and more power. :realsmug:

Pros don't need to cheat to win either. :realsmug:

E: This is a very smug thread.

Pro's need more ammo so they can get +30 and +40 in 1 magazine. :realsmug:

A badkid like you wouldn't even know the difference between a fast reload glitch and a wallhack. :realsmug:

July 16th, 2009, 05:08 PM
As far as I'm concerned, any glitch that helps to improve your performance is, like a wall hack, cheating. Nub. :realsmug:

July 16th, 2009, 05:10 PM
What a badkid. I bet he can't even quadshot.

Check out this PRO MLG quadshot skills.
http://video.xfire.com/f1db0-4.jpg (http://www.xfire.com/video/f1db0/)




July 16th, 2009, 05:15 PM
It's all about the quality of your shots, not the quantity. :nsmug:

Case in point

July 16th, 2009, 05:17 PM
Mine are both. I call them Quantility.


They are also fast becasue I can triggercancel readycancel fastreload and pronejump.




edit 2-
That video is of me. I made that shot yesterday while I was walking my dog and cooking dinner and playing cod4. It was easy.

July 16th, 2009, 05:20 PM
They are also fast becasue I can triggercancel readycancel fastreload and pronejump.

Also known as cheating/exploiting while console gamers play by the rules. :realsmug:

July 16th, 2009, 05:21 PM
Yeah that was my problem with CoD4. Everyone used the same god damn perks on the same god damn guns every god damn game.

Certain guns and perks were just :iamafag: and the rest were :gonk:. So people only used the :iamafag: perks and the :gonk: perks ended up as wasted space.

Matyr, Last stand, Stopping power, juggernaut, steady aim, gaymores, 3 frag are the :iamafag: perks. The rest are just :gonk: perks.

Best gun is M4. It kills everything. P90 is a close second. Best sniper is 50 cal. RPD rapes the SAW and M10e. The W1200 and the autoshotgun are pretty well balanced though.

Pretty much every other gun is shit. The skorpian and G3 are good guns but I'd bet you the M4 and P90 could out shoot spam it any day.


Oh and the console version is dog shit. I've played console cod4. It was HORRIBAD the only gun worth using was the p90. Every other gun was impossible to aim.

Can you have my children?

You are the first person I've seen in awhile that shares both my taste in guns and my taste in the PC version both at the same time.

Edit: What I don't want to see is third person cutscenes. I want the ENTIRE game to either be in first person or to be slideshows/projection movies.

July 16th, 2009, 05:21 PM
You can do it on the console version too. Its X, pause, Y, Y. Or sprint out. Or in the case of quadshot RT, Pause, Y, Y, RT. :realsmug:

I can't have children I'm a MAN! But I will impregnate your sister! :smugsome:

July 16th, 2009, 05:23 PM
Look at me shootin my mouth off hurrrrrff :downs:

(in reference to my ignorant post)

July 16th, 2009, 05:25 PM
Edit: What I don't want to see is third person cutscenes. I want the ENTIRE game to either be in first person or to be slideshows/projection movies.
Love how they did that in cod4.


This post is missing something.....

Oh right! Rentafence is a badkid.

July 16th, 2009, 05:32 PM
Look at this Inferno guy derailing this thread. Someone should give him a slap on the wrist. :realsmug:

July 16th, 2009, 05:34 PM
You sir are getting CoDMW2 on PC and I'm killing you. :realsmug:

CoDMW2 had better leave my precious motion canceling alone. I'm to pro at it. :downs:


July 16th, 2009, 05:36 PM
You sir are getting CoDMW2 on PC and I'm killing you. :realsmug:

I might just have to, seeing as my 360 became a brick about 2 months ago.

E: Forgot smug smug smug

:smug: :smug: :smug:

Pyong Kawaguchi
July 16th, 2009, 05:36 PM
I think it would work for the leaning out if the dpad was used for that (left and right)

July 16th, 2009, 05:39 PM
If it were on the D-Pad they would have a hard time putting equipment there.
And cod without me getting 5 helicopters in 1 game just isn't cod.

July 16th, 2009, 05:39 PM
I'm not sure if anyone has seen this, but someone put together a list of weapons confirmed to be in MW2. Except the ice picks. What a fucking retard for thinking ice picks are going to be a weapon.


July 16th, 2009, 05:43 PM
GAY! Why are they clapping and cheering about the p90 being back. IT WAS FUCKING SCRUBTASTICSPAMNOOBAPALOOZA!


Also some of those guns were fugly but a lot of them look cool.

July 16th, 2009, 05:44 PM
p90!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM GOING TO GO OWN WHEN THIS COMES OUT. You and me Inferno. Just you and me. 1 on top of 1. :3

Edit: wtf, why do you hate the p90? Its awesome. :\

July 16th, 2009, 05:46 PM
It's overpowered. You just spam away with it. Hopefully they will balanced it properly this time.

July 16th, 2009, 06:53 PM
Hopefully they remove the G36C since there already a lot of 5.56 assault rifles in the game, not to mention that gun is used in too many modern combat games already.

Pyong Kawaguchi
July 16th, 2009, 07:14 PM
I hope the AUG is in it..

July 16th, 2009, 07:18 PM
I hope the AUG is in it..
I'm pretty sure it is, looking at one of the weapon names in the trailer. Well I'm good as long as the FAMAS stays.

Pyong Kawaguchi
July 16th, 2009, 07:20 PM
The famas was never in there to begin with..

July 16th, 2009, 07:32 PM
Hopefully they remove the G36C since there already a lot of 5.56 assault rifles in the game, not to mention that gun is used in too many modern combat games already.

G36 was the shit : D

July 16th, 2009, 07:35 PM

G36 was the shit : D

The g36c was underpowered. It had a bad recoil and it didn't do enough damage. But it was really cool looking.

July 16th, 2009, 07:37 PM
The g36c was underpowered. It had a bad recoil and it didn't do enough damage. But it was really cool looking.

Not if you were playing Hardcore mode. One hit kills :iamafag:

July 16th, 2009, 07:41 PM
Not if you were playing Hardcore mode. One hit kills :iamafag:
M4 does better job without the annoying recoil.

July 16th, 2009, 07:42 PM
Yeah. The m4 and AK-47 are the only rifles worth using really.

July 16th, 2009, 07:43 PM
To each his own then vOv

July 16th, 2009, 08:02 PM
yeah theres something i noticed in that game when i play. now bear in mind, im not "god" or "so fucking pro" as some of us seem convinced we are, but it seems like i will find a great weapon to use, get a ton of kills in one game, then the next time i play that map it doesnt work at all. i swap between every different gun, and sometimes they work, sometimes they dont. like m16 with an acog. when i first started using that, i got a shit load of kills, then it stopped working. now i use m16 red dot and get a decent amount. sometimes i use the m60 with stopping power and grip and get 1sks on people. i used to use that on vacancy, but now it doesnt work for me. maybe its because i adjust my gameplay style as i go along... idk.

sometimes i use the m249 with one of the 3 attachments (red dot, acog, or grip) and get a decent amount of kills with it. other times it does nothing. hell, one game i used a class with an m249 with red dot, a desert eagle, fragsx3, flashbangs, sonic boom, and martyrdom on a small map. it actually worked out decently

E: and ak47 with acog has been amazing for me

July 16th, 2009, 08:39 PM
The famas was never in there to begin with..
Did you watch the video linked?

July 16th, 2009, 08:56 PM
Did you watch the video linked?

That is a video of Modern Warefare 2 bro. The FAMAS is not in the first one. You seem to be confused.

Pyong Kawaguchi
July 16th, 2009, 09:07 PM
Just saw the video, awesome
The AUG and the famas!

July 16th, 2009, 09:33 PM
The g36c was underpowered. It had a bad recoil and it didn't do enough damage. But it was really cool looking.

g36 is the best assault rifle to use with a silencer, IMO.

It does decent enough damage without stopping power, and has a good ROF for hip spray. My ninja class always consists of g36c+silencer, UAV jammer, and dead silence. Works like a charm.

July 16th, 2009, 09:36 PM
g36 is the best assault rifle to use with a silencer, IMO.

It does decent enough damage without stopping power, and has a good ROF for hip spray. My ninja class always consists of g36c+silencer, UAV jammer, and dead silence. Works like a charm.
M4 with silencer does better, Imo. Better hipfire.

July 16th, 2009, 09:38 PM
Also PC version = Free Map Packs AND free online play :realsmug:
From what I've played (and heard of my friends complaining about) Everyone on the console version picks the gun with the highest rate of fire and spams away at there enemy's. On the PC version I can cross map with a AK-47. On the console version I can hardly even aim the M16.

Also auto-aim is for pussys.

You suck with console controls. I can use any gun on the 360 just fine and get lots of kills with it. (PC gaming elitism is cool, though (enjoy your fat wads of cash))

July 16th, 2009, 09:55 PM
Contrary to popular belief PC gaming can be (and for me IS) cheaper than console gaming.

If you would like a explanation then go ahead and ask.


M4 beats G36c in about everyway. Because the m4 is really really really fucking good.


I don't "suck" with console controls I just hate them. I'm like level 35 or something in halo 3. Console controls just don't provide a solid enough base and not as large a range of motion. They also are not as fluid as pc controls. The ONLY advantage is you can walk slow with the analog stick but that's the only thing I envy of it.

edit 2-

And to back up my arguement.

Console Shooters have auto-aim.
PC Shooters do not (although sometimes there is a tiny amount).

The reason?

Because on a console its hard as shit to aim with 2 nubs. So they added auto-aim and magnetism to help you (ala Halo 3)
PC controls do not need this shitty magnetism because on the PC you can actually aim.

edit fucking 3-

Don't get me wrong I use a controller for Super Smash Bros and Gran Turismo 3. But shooters just don't adapt well to nubs.

got damn edit 4-

One last thing to add. I played my first shooter on the game cube. I played the shit out of night fire and agent under fire. I eventually heard of this really popular shooter game called "halo" and i bought it for the PC (since i didnt want a xbox)
Instantly loved the mouse controls and adapted to them quite fast. Never let go of them. :downs:

July 16th, 2009, 09:57 PM
It's hella ugly though, especially with the RDS.

July 16th, 2009, 11:05 PM
I don't like the G36C with just normal iron sights. It's a bitch to aim with but the silencer always pays off :iamafag:

July 16th, 2009, 11:54 PM
Inferno, I don't even use auto aim in CoD4 360 :S

you can disable it in the options, and I prefer it that way. I find the aiming controls smooth and intuitive enough that I don't need assistance to hit my targets. I don't see the point of your anti-console crusade.

July 17th, 2009, 11:05 AM
Because consoles don't give you a choice of controls. And I hate that.

July 17th, 2009, 11:44 AM
online co-op. that is all. and stop decreasing the fucking accuracy when using ACOG. it's called ADVANCED combat optical gunsight for a reason. It provides better grouping then a normal scope at closer range...

July 17th, 2009, 11:47 AM
CoD:WAW had online co-op so I would hope that CoD:MW2 will have it to.

Also yes the ACOG should be more accurate.

July 17th, 2009, 12:04 PM
CoD:WAW had online co-op so I would hope that CoD:MW2 will have it to.

Also yes the ACOG should be more accurate.
There is co-op, it's a mode called special forces. They ACOG needs a bigger POV.

July 17th, 2009, 01:19 PM
online co-op. that is all. and stop decreasing the fucking accuracy when using ACOG. it's called ADVANCED combat optical gunsight for a reason. It provides better grouping then a normal scope at closer range...

Balance > Realism. No attachment (in theory) should make a gun superior, and the accuracy decrease was designed to uphold that.

Of course, then the GL came into play and we lost all sense of balance, but that was the intention.

As for co-op, they won't be having a campaign cooperative mode, but instead they'll be doing what's called the "Special Forces mode." Basically, it takes all the awesome level ideas that IW couldn't fit into the story and allows you to play them seperately with a friend. They say the levels are in the spirit of Mile High Club from CoD4, which has me sold already.

July 17th, 2009, 02:45 PM
Contrary to popular belief PC gaming can be (and for me IS) cheaper than console gaming.

If you would like a explanation then go ahead and ask.


M4 beats G36c in about everyway. Because the m4 is really really really fucking good.


I don't "suck" with console controls I just hate them. I'm like level 35 or something in halo 3. Console controls just don't provide a solid enough base and not as large a range of motion. They also are not as fluid as pc controls. The ONLY advantage is you can walk slow with the analog stick but that's the only thing I envy of it.

edit 2-

And to back up my arguement.

Console Shooters have auto-aim.
PC Shooters do not (although sometimes there is a tiny amount).

The reason?

Because on a console its hard as shit to aim with 2 nubs. So they added auto-aim and magnetism to help you (ala Halo 3)
PC controls do not need this shitty magnetism because on the PC you can actually aim.

edit fucking 3-

Don't get me wrong I use a controller for Super Smash Bros and Gran Turismo 3. But shooters just don't adapt well to nubs.

got damn edit 4-

One last thing to add. I played my first shooter on the game cube. I played the shit out of night fire and agent under fire. I eventually heard of this really popular shooter game called "halo" and i bought it for the PC (since i didnt want a xbox)
Instantly loved the mouse controls and adapted to them quite fast. Never let go of them. :downs:
oh gawsh 35 in halo 3? thats amazing dude, and your life story is even better..i was on the edge of my seat through the entire thing. you sound like the most ultimate gamer ever, do you teach lessons?

oh and i would also like an explanation, please tell me more about how it is cheaper. I'm all ears :)

July 17th, 2009, 02:59 PM
Bigger explosions and more destructible props in multiplayer. :D

July 17th, 2009, 03:07 PM
oh gawsh 35 in halo 3? thats amazing dude, and your life story is even better..i was on the edge of my seat through the entire thing. you sound like the most ultimate gamer ever, do you teach lessons?

oh and i would also like an explanation, please tell me more about how it is cheaper. I'm all ears :)

Did I say 35 was amazing? No. It's above average though.
Do not trole.

As for cheaper gaming.

Most kids who play video games have parents. These parents generally have a middle of the line computer (todays standard is like dual core processor 2gigs of ram integrated audio and integrated video with a 120gb HD)

My parents have a computer similar to that (lower specs though). So one day I get Bioshock at a store. It turns out the only thing on my computer that is not able to run the game is my graphics card. So I went online and bought a $120 GFX card and installed it on my open PCI-E slot.

Since that point I have been able to run every game that has come out on the medium or high settings.

All I had to pay for was the graphics card. Which totals at $120 bucks.

The xbox I bought was $400 + Extra controllers another $60
or so + XBL $60 a year.

Which is cheaper?

July 17th, 2009, 03:13 PM
Did I say 35 was amazing? No. It's above average though.
Do not trole.

As for cheaper gaming.

Most kids who play video games have parents. These parents generally have a middle of the line computer (todays standard is like dual core processor 2gigs of ram integrated audio and integrated video with a 120gb HD)

My parents have a computer similar to that (lower specs though). So one day I get Bioshock at a store. It turns out the only thing on my computer that is not able to run the game is my graphics card. So I went online and bought a $120 GFX card and installed it on my open PCI-E slot.

Since that point I have been able to run every game that has come out on the medium or high settings.

All I had to pay for was the graphics card. Which totals at $120 bucks.

The xbox I bought was $400 + Extra controllers another $60
or so + XBL $60 a year.

Which is cheaper?

If only it was that easy for me... I have to get a new CPU, and anything thing that will play today's games costs upwards of $300... So, Xbox for me (It's only $200)

Pyong Kawaguchi
July 17th, 2009, 03:16 PM
If only it was that easy for me... I have to get a new CPU, and anything thing that will play today's games costs upwards of $300... So, Xbox for me (It's only $200)

Actually, if your in the us a Q6600 costs roughly 190$

July 17th, 2009, 03:18 PM
Just about any card 512mb and up is powerful enough to play today's games.

Pyong Kawaguchi
July 17th, 2009, 03:19 PM
Yeah, and a 4870 has gotten pretty cheap lately, around 110$

July 17th, 2009, 03:19 PM
Actually, if your in the us a Q6600 costs roughly 190$
I live in Canada. A Q6600 on newegg.ca is $239.00 Add shipping to that and it comes to just under $300... I really need a job again :smith:

But w/e back on topic

July 17th, 2009, 04:53 PM
Hopefully the system requirements won't increase that much. The SP maps are a lot bigger this time around.

July 17th, 2009, 06:56 PM
Balance > Realism. No attachment (in theory) should make a gun superior, and the accuracy decrease was designed to uphold that.

Of course, then the GL came into play and we lost all sense of balance, but that was the intention.

As for co-op, they won't be having a campaign cooperative mode, but instead they'll be doing what's called the "Special Forces mode." Basically, it takes all the awesome level ideas that IW couldn't fit into the story and allows you to play them seperately with a friend. They say the levels are in the spirit of Mile High Club from CoD4, which has me sold already.

Well, to be fair, it doesn't actually decrease accuracy. All it does is make the gun sway around a lot when aiming down the sights. I guess to encourage people to take single or burst shots, idk.

Either way, the decrease in peripheral vision and awkwardness at close range do enough to balance out the ACOG without adding in idle sway, imo.

El Lobo
July 18th, 2009, 01:29 AM
Excessive use of the smug smiley and pro-gamer attitude in this thread.

Still playing CoD4, can't wait for this game, should be amazing.


July 19th, 2009, 11:12 PM
Did I say 35 was amazing? No. It's above average though.
Do not trole.

As for cheaper gaming.

Most kids who play video games have parents. These parents generally have a middle of the line computer (todays standard is like dual core processor 2gigs of ram integrated audio and integrated video with a 120gb HD)

My parents have a computer similar to that (lower specs though). So one day I get Bioshock at a store. It turns out the only thing on my computer that is not able to run the game is my graphics card. So I went online and bought a $120 GFX card and installed it on my open PCI-E slot.

Since that point I have been able to run every game that has come out on the medium or high settings.

All I had to pay for was the graphics card. Which totals at $120 bucks.

The xbox I bought was $400 + Extra controllers another $60
or so + XBL $60 a year.

Which is cheaper?
Not necessarily. But you did not answer if you taught lessons? Cause a pro like you really should.

July 19th, 2009, 11:59 PM
Oh boy, a retread of an overrated, overhyped casual piece of shit.

I'm trembling with excitement.

July 20th, 2009, 08:14 AM
Not necessarily. But you did not answer if you taught lessons? Cause a pro like you really should.

What's biting you in the ass?

Oh boy, a retread of an overrated, overhyped casual piece of shit.

I'm trembling with excitement.

Quiet joo!

July 21st, 2009, 05:51 PM
Excessive use of the smug smiley and pro-gamer attitude in this thread.

Still playing CoD4, can't wait for this game, should be amazing.



If there's no G36C in MW2, I will be sad. I am incredibly good with this rifle.

July 21st, 2009, 06:04 PM
It's role is already supplemented by the AUG and L85, I think. The FAMAS probably replaces the M16A4 considering in the video it shows it firing 3 round bursts. It looks with the ACR ingame the M4A1 carbine is not around this either.

July 21st, 2009, 07:03 PM

If there's no G36C in MW2, I will be sad. I am incredibly good with this rifle.

G36C ninja fo life, tbh

all you MP5 scrubs don't know

July 21st, 2009, 07:29 PM
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that thing is impossible to shoulder wield for more than 3 minutes at a time. Just look at how the bipod is set up and how reinforced it has to be. The mag of .50 cal rounds is probably nearing 15 lbs on its own. The baret is meant to be a stationary anti armor/crazy range platform like in MW1 campaign. I found it amusing how it was unlockable as a multiplayer weapon. Just watching guys spam around with it no-scoping like a shotgun made me lol.

I've actually held an M82 before. It weighs roughly 30lbs maybe a bit less fully loaded. The average person could not shoulder fire this weapon (because the average person doesn't go to the gym...>_>). Though it maybe only be 30lbs, the weight distribution makes it difficult to hold, with most of the weight being in the barrel, therefore most of the strain is on your left arm only. Magazine, fully loaded, weighs no more then 5lbs.

It is very possible to shoulder fire an M82, however running around spamming it like a pistol its not going to do well for your shoulder an most likely balance...

Llama Juice
July 21st, 2009, 07:32 PM
I wanna see a Prestiege edition of the game but like... four times as ridiculous/unnecessary and GTA V

That would make me excited for the game.

July 22nd, 2009, 01:16 AM
Balance > Realism. No attachment (in theory) should make a gun superior, and the accuracy decrease was designed to uphold that.
Balance can go eat cock. It's what 'ruined' RO (still a very good game, but not what it could have been) and what has threatened to ruin a wealth of good games since.

Mr Buckshot
July 22nd, 2009, 09:51 AM
You want realism, but also want a a 50 cal with silencer?!

I think I read somewhere that "contrary to popular belief, the Barrett 50 cal sniper rifle can accept a silencer in real life."

July 22nd, 2009, 10:23 AM
*doesn't know shit about guns, comments on guns anyway*

*is 90% of the internet userbase*

Mr Buckshot
July 22nd, 2009, 10:46 AM
*doesn't know shit about guns, comments on guns anyway*

*is 90% of the internet userbase*

Well I read it at http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Barrett_.50_Cal

Tell me if the source is wrong.

July 22nd, 2009, 10:48 AM
I wasn't talking about you, thought the "90% of internet userbase" would make it clear I was just making a fairly general statement

July 22nd, 2009, 10:54 AM
I wasn't talking about you, thought the "90% of internet userbase" would make it clear I was just making a fairly general statement

I encountered a guy on COD4 that called the Barret "The Caliber"

July 22nd, 2009, 11:06 AM
I call the 50. Cal "my baby".

Oh and in video games balance always out weighs realism. Fun is more important than OMGEEE IT HAZ TEH R BE REALISTICCCZZ!

July 22nd, 2009, 11:18 AM
I encountered a guy on COD4 that called the Barret "The Caliber"
Oh, that's nothing. I felt like watching the opening sequence to Shooter, the comments section was basically a running battle between the morons who thought Swagger took the chopper down with an M95 and the few people who realised it was an M82. I couldn't keep myself out of it, and no amount of explaining how the blanks were too weak to cycle the M82's recoil-driven action (the barrel itself actually needs to recoil, which it obviously won't do as much with a blank round), hence the manual cycling. I also pointed out the obvious difference in layout, which was a no-brainer but apparently meant nothing to these kids. It boiled down to a bunch of BF2-playing shitheads against someone who, you know, has actually seen the M95 firsthand and knows the fucking difference.

I call the 50. Cal "my baby".

Oh and in video games balance always out weighs realism. Fun is more important than OMGEEE IT HAZ TEH R BE REALISTICCCZZ!
fuck outta here, balance is for horrible cunts who have little to no skill

true skill is denoted by beating the living shite out of everyone else with the 'worst' weapons, while they whore their power weapons and whatnot

few things parallel the feeling of cutting down pistol whore after pistol whore with the assault rifle

July 22nd, 2009, 11:33 AM
Oh right because you LOOOOOOVE that noob tube. I mean seriously. Its so well balanced.

FYI the pistol and AR are pretty well balanced out. It just depends on which situation calls for which weapon.

July 22nd, 2009, 11:38 AM
I give no fuck about the 203, on the rare occasions I play CoD4 online (actually I should make them less rare now my PC can handle it) I usually stick to the MP5 with an ACOG.

Anyone who thinks that devs should nerf something just to make it "fair" is a retard, especially if they even consider claiming it to be 'realistic' or 'authentic' or 'immersive' like just about every fucking dev this side of the Moon does. There was a HUGE shitfight on the Darkest Hour forums when they said they were adding the King Tiger, because all the Allied tankers were having a massive fucking cry about not being able to kill it. Their own shit-horrible tactics (lining Shermans up five deep and firing in the open, across several hundreds or even thousands of yards of open ground, and not moving at all) were largely at fault (not that they'd ever admit it). Their solution was to either not add the KT or to nerf the living fuck out of it, essentially making its inclusion pointless anyway. Instead they ignored the fact that their rarity would mean they could be spawned in VERY limited numbers and THAT would be historically accurate; they also ignored the fact that they weren't the nimblest of tanks (over rough ground, anyway - they were faster than a Sherman on a good road).

Nerfing something directly is a crime against quality gaming. Nerfing it through other, cleverer means is the only way to go.

July 22nd, 2009, 11:53 AM
A crime would be to leave shitty unbalanced perks like martydom and the tube in the game. I can't tell you how many games were ruined for me by people tubing in cod4. In fact all the servers that I play in now ban it on sight.

A good example is the p90. That gun fucking rapes all the other SMGS in a straight 1 to 1 fight. It does more damage and shoots way faster than all the other SMGS and it also has a deep ass clip. Therefore everyone chooses that gun first since it's the best. If they had just nerfed the damage but left the high ROF and Deep clip it would not be so fucking uberpowered and people would actually choose other guns. I personally use ak74u as my SMG but that's because I refuse to use the p90 since I don't want to be a scrub.

Anohter example is the ak-47. That gun rapes the shit out of people. It's a 2 shot kill if you hit the chest and it's not that hard if you SS instead of spray. Think about how many ak-47's you see and compare that to the number of mp44's and g3's.
The ratio is pretty bad. I'd say about 1 g3 and m14 to every 10 ak-47's. If they just added a bit more deviation angle and recoil to the AK it would'nt be so fucking godly. I pretty much use the ak-47 exclusively (and I can cross map with it on ambush when I SS)

The RPD just rapes. Period. While the SAW is crap unless you go into HC.

Example, case and point.
http://video.xfire.com/f6a7b-4.jpg (http://www.xfire.com/video/f6a7b/)

There are exceptions to the "all people use X weapon because it is exceptionally better" rule. These people either don't have it or don't like it generally.

July 22nd, 2009, 12:06 PM
Yeah... then there are those of us who play games for fun, and don't give a toss. Especially when we can hose anyone with any weapon effortlessly (which I can't in CoD4, but I can in other games).

Honestly, fuck the balance police. They can stick to TF2 and CSS and shit, us realism gamers don't want them.

July 22nd, 2009, 12:10 PM
Honestly, fuck the balance police. They can stick to TF2 and CSS UT3 and shit, us realism gamers don't want them.

July 22nd, 2009, 12:42 PM
I wanna see a Prestiege edition of the game but like... four times as ridiculous/unnecessary and GTA V

That would make me excited for the game.
comes with the game, call of duty 1, working night vision goggles, a stand for them, and 2 art books. $150

July 22nd, 2009, 12:50 PM
Working NV, as in the proper stuff?

You quite sure about that?

July 22nd, 2009, 01:31 PM
"Night Vision Goggles that is capable of seeing up to 50 feet"


heres where i found it

Pyong Kawaguchi
July 22nd, 2009, 01:47 PM
they have black and white, along with nv green modes

July 22nd, 2009, 02:08 PM
What's biting you in the ass?

Quiet joo!

MLG or trolling thereof is not funny, that's all he's trying to say.

July 27th, 2009, 04:37 PM

July 27th, 2009, 04:45 PM
I think I just creamed myself.

E: Yep, definitely creamed myself.

July 27th, 2009, 05:01 PM
LOVE the ending.

July 27th, 2009, 05:04 PM
That is indescribably awesome. I want this game so bad.

July 27th, 2009, 05:08 PM
looks like it might be better than the first 0_0

July 27th, 2009, 05:25 PM
I want to throw grenades at peeps faces!

July 27th, 2009, 05:59 PM
Wow, Infinity ward really knows how to kiss up to the fans. The ability to use the gunship in MP was long requested item.

Pyong Kawaguchi
July 27th, 2009, 06:20 PM

July 27th, 2009, 06:28 PM
Now i'm getting this game!

El Lobo
July 27th, 2009, 11:22 PM
Filthy how the AC-130 was shooting out flares after that rocket was fired.

FYI the pistol and AR are pretty well balanced out. Are you talking about the H1 pistol and AR? And if so, no. No, not at all.


July 27th, 2009, 11:24 PM
Oh shit, looks like you can take out the recon planes now

July 27th, 2009, 11:26 PM
Wow, every time I see a new video for this game, it looks better and better.

July 27th, 2009, 11:47 PM
This game just made me want to go on an eating binge because of the wait. No really, I'm hungry. Cya.

ZOMGGG. Did you guys see that scene at the end where he stuck a dude with a grenade and fucked him to hell?

July 28th, 2009, 06:18 AM
What the hell, was an AT4 just used as a stinger?


July 28th, 2009, 08:12 AM
we all know infinity wards extensive weapon knowledge...... :smith:

AC-130 sounds like a douche of a perk >_>. The helicopter was bad enough, it would be at the most awkward and impossible angles and it would just nail you right through the roof of a building, where your not even visible...

July 28th, 2009, 01:56 PM
Filthy how the AC-130 was shooting out flares after that rocket was fired.
no no its ment to do that becuz then rockets cant lock on!!!! :maddowns:

Are you talking about the H1 pistol and AR? And if so, no. No, not at all.


Yeah, the pistol is too weak... for close range leading.. when you're on like 133 ping. >.>'

El Lobo
July 28th, 2009, 03:55 PM
no no its ment to do that becuz then rockets cant lock on!!!! :maddowns: Duh.

Fucking HIV retards.


July 29th, 2009, 12:38 AM
we all know infinity wards extensive weapon knowledge...... :smith:

AC-130 sounds like a douche of a perk >_>. The helicopter was bad enough, it would be at the most awkward and impossible angles and it would just nail you right through the roof of a building, where your not even visible...
At least now they have to aim it themselves, so if they don't see you you're good

July 29th, 2009, 12:43 AM
My hope is that while you're using the gunship, you're entirely vulnerable to attack; dying will kick you out.

Plus there are 14 other streak options (11 if we assume that UAV, Airstrike, and Helicopter are returning) to use, so I'm pretty sure IW will find a way to balance it out.

July 29th, 2009, 03:15 PM
I can imagine the game getting so much more intense , with all the explosions and smoke. I suppose it will give extreme conditioning even better reasons to be used.

I just hope that if there's some form of ghillies with silenced weapons, the ghillie suit works with the environment it's in and the red name appearing doesn't happen. D:

July 29th, 2009, 03:51 PM
It looks like there are now 5 killstreaks; 3,5,7,9, and 11. Each has 3 choices, it would seem. I'm fairly certain things will play out as it goes on. Another possibility is that different people could have their 5 streak up while someone else has a different 5 streak up, resulting in ridiculochaos. Like having a chopper and an AC130 up at the same time. (Ignoring the fact that they're different levels)

July 29th, 2009, 03:55 PM
Better than that would be a airstrike, a chopper, a AC130, attack dogs, Artillery, and large penis monsters all exploding and fighting on shipment with 50 players in the server.

And yes there is such thing as 50 player shipment servers.

July 29th, 2009, 05:47 PM
Awesome sauce

July 29th, 2009, 05:51 PM
That is so bullshit. I dunno, maybe they've got something cooler for us? If not, then Infinity Ward has utterly betrayed it's largest set of gamers.

July 29th, 2009, 05:53 PM
As uncool as that is, I wasn't going to spend the $120 or whatever it is on a special edition anyway.

July 29th, 2009, 06:04 PM
The CE edition of COD4 PC wasn't all that great (it came with a what, Prima strategy guide?!), so even if IW did include some kind of new CE edition for the PC, I wouldn't expect the any of those editions to offer much. I would like to think of it as a good thing, since IMO most PC gamer are smarter than to spend 120 bucks on a gimmicky plastic toy (packaged with a game rated for older people, no less).

July 29th, 2009, 06:08 PM
343, CE edition is redundant.

"Collectors Edition edition"

And I really had no plans of buying any Special Editions for the PC. I can live with plain old vanilla MW2.

July 29th, 2009, 09:59 PM
That is so bullshit. I dunno, maybe they've got something cooler for us? If not, then Infinity Ward has utterly betrayed it's largest set of gamers.
dunno about you but when i want to play with nv equipment i just use the real thing~

July 30th, 2009, 12:30 AM
dunno about you but when i want to play with nv equipment i just use the real thing~

I probably should have specified my thoughts. I think the Prestige edition is a waste of money and resources. I was going for the Hardened Edition because I wanted the steelbook case and artbook.

July 30th, 2009, 03:25 AM
That is so bullshit. I dunno, maybe they've got something cooler for us? If not, then Infinity Ward has utterly betrayed it's largest set of gamers.
Why would you even care, really?

July 30th, 2009, 01:57 PM
Why would you even care, really?

Did you read my post which is directly above yours? I stated my reasons there. I love concept art and like to see the evolution of things going from concept, to development, and finally to the final game.

July 31st, 2009, 11:53 AM
Did you read my post which is directly above yours? I stated my reasons there. I love concept art and like to see the evolution of things going from concept, to development, and finally to the final game.
Someone will surely scan it after release, then you can just get it online.

I seriously doubt that not having the super fancy edition of the game is going to hamper your enjoyment.

July 31st, 2009, 12:05 PM
Someone will surely scan it after release, then you can just get it online.

I seriously doubt that not having the super fancy edition of the game is going to hamper your enjoyment.

First of all, I like to have physical copies of my stuff so I don't have to be on the computer to look at it. And who said I wanted the "super fancy" edition of the game anyways? I stated that I wanted the Hardened edition, not the Prestige one.

August 3rd, 2009, 03:53 PM
Someone will surely scan it after release, then you can just get it online.

I seriously doubt that not having the super fancy edition of the game is going to hamper your enjoyment.

I just ebay the extra stuff, I buy the specials because I can afford to, even if I don't need the extra shit, I can sell it off to some brat that begged his parents for it but didn't want the game, like the toy in a magazine, etc.

August 10th, 2009, 08:02 PM
It looks like 50 cent is going to be voicing someone in the MP portion of the game, and he's not the only only cameo guy.

August 30th, 2009, 02:01 AM

some gameplay footage of the SP

Pyong Kawaguchi
August 30th, 2009, 02:14 AM
Pretty cool, the overall quality seems quite higher, especially in lighting. I do see some reused anims there, not like thats a bad thing though!

August 30th, 2009, 05:29 AM
Anyone knows the pc specs?, I think it will be the same of cod4 but..

August 30th, 2009, 08:27 AM
I do see some reused anims there, not like thats a bad thing though!Only thing reused is the ophandle pull, which may have even been done over from scratch instead of sped up. However, this video does re-use the M4 animations entirely...unless it is the M4:

August 30th, 2009, 08:40 AM
Where is the footage where they showed off the new akimbo perk, the one that allows to dual wield pistols?

August 30th, 2009, 09:14 AM
Where is the footage where they showed off the new akimbo perk, the one that allows to dual wield pistols?There isn't any footage, but there's one picture that's really blurry, search on youtube to find it. The guy playing accidentally walked over the guy with a duel-wieldable pistol, so he just had to pick it up and no one was able to record fast enough.

Here's just another video I found whilst searching around though. It's just another playthrough of the snow level. Some new things I hadn't seen before were a dot and a word (such as 'follow' or 'cover') appear over Soap now, and enemies will actually lay down on the ground and such. He also dies at the end so you get to see a quote:

August 30th, 2009, 12:06 PM
Only thing reused is the ophandle pull, which may have even been done over from scratch instead of sped up. However, this video does re-use the M4 animations entirely...unless it is the M4:

Has what appears to be a charging handle on it.. could easily be an M4.

August 30th, 2009, 12:13 PM
What's up with Captain Mactavish's new voice? Was the E3 demo version just a placeholder? Also, when Roach was shooting at enemies in the snowmobile, does it automatically lock on to moving enemies or did he actually aim at them?

August 30th, 2009, 12:26 PM
What's up with Captain Mactavish's new voice? Was the E3 demo version just a placeholder? Also, when Roach was shooting at enemies in the snowmobile, does it automatically lock on to moving enemies or did he actually aim at them?

Partially difficult on the 360 to drive and aim a gun, but on PC it makes more sense. I think he pulls out his gun when there's a chance to shoot, I don't think aiming's involved.

August 30th, 2009, 12:32 PM
i saw the mini uzi icon in that video killa posted, and right after i didnt quite recognize the icon. i think the text said shotgun, but i couldnt tell
in the video ODX posted i saw a famas red dot icon and text pretty clearly, and ak47 with red dot.

so they brought the ak back. <3 ak

August 30th, 2009, 12:40 PM
I thought they were going to replace every weapon in COD4 with something else serving the same role, like the ACR replacing the M4A1 and the m16A4 with the FAMAS. They probably still have some of the old icons because the final weapons isn't finalized yet.

August 30th, 2009, 01:15 PM
*words about weapons in the game*Might I direct you to this video, good sir?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFKBEQoSpu8&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbHLsQTZ_C4)
0:56- Famas Red Dot
1:18- AK-47 Red Dot

August 30th, 2009, 01:19 PM
indeed you may direct me to that video
E: they never mentioned the mini uzi

August 30th, 2009, 04:18 PM
Anybody getting the licensed MW2 gaming peripherals?

September 1st, 2009, 10:41 PM
More multiplayer gameplay, this time regarding the CTF ("Flag Runner," as they call it). Prepare to cream your pants twice over.


September 1st, 2009, 11:34 PM
Has what appears to be a charging handle on it.. could easily be an M4.
Or any other semi- or fully-automatic rifle...

September 1st, 2009, 11:37 PM
Wait, he was carrying three weapons?

September 2nd, 2009, 12:12 AM
was that a fucking throwing knife at the end?

September 2nd, 2009, 01:05 AM
Yeah, it said so as well

September 2nd, 2009, 01:25 AM
yes upon further inspection i can see that it did indeed say he killed the guy with a throwing knife.
at this point this game is so different from any other call of duty (other than MW1) that giving it the title "cod6" seems like it subtracts from the epicness.

September 2nd, 2009, 09:49 AM
yes upon further inspection i can see that it did indeed say he killed the guy with a throwing knife.
at this point this game is so different from any other call of duty (other than MW1) that giving it the title "cod6" seems like it subtracts from the epicness.

I agree with this statement. It really is unique with all these new features, but still the same fast-paced action we loved from COD2 (yet, drastically different) and COD4.

I simply must get a new Video Card for this game because I see over 100 hours of multiplayer for me in the first 2 weeks. Fuck school.

What will you guys play first? SP or MP? I always like to play the SP first because I will actually know wtf is going on in the MP environments...assuming they re-use many of the environments from SP like COD games usually do.

September 2nd, 2009, 10:07 AM
This is the first time that I've actually cared more about multiplayer in a new game than single player :S

please tell me that wasn't a noob tube blowing up the car at the beginning though

E: disregard that, it was the AC-130

September 2nd, 2009, 10:11 AM
Naw, the single player in between mission video's will probably still be fucking awesome, so it'll be single player before multiplayer.

Bah, need to get a bigger monitor.

September 2nd, 2009, 06:21 PM
Oh, my, fucking, god. Those...ANIMATIONS...EPIC. They are forceful, realistic, and fit perfectly with the fast-paced action. Infinity Ward now officially has the best FP animators, hands down, fact.

On a side note:
3 Kill Streak: UAV
4 Kill Streak: Air Drop
5 Kill Streak: Predator Missle

September 2nd, 2009, 06:22 PM
Oh, my, fucking, god. Those...ANIMATIONS...EPIC. They are forceful, realistic, and fit perfectly with the fast-paced action. Infinity Ward now officially has the best FP animators, hands down, fact.

On a side note:
3 Kill Streak: UAV
4 Kill Streak: Air Drop
5 Kill Streak: Predator Missle

Yeah, what is an air drop? Supplies? Ammo?

September 2nd, 2009, 06:25 PM
Yeah, what is an air drop? Supplies? Ammo?Something like that I would think. Someone give me a full, detailed explanation as to what a predator missle is though. I would wikipedia it but I'm sure one of you guys here would enjoy giving a description

Wait, he was carrying three weapons?
No, that second weapon he was using was one he picked up, hence why he did that really forceful slap of the ophandle.

September 2nd, 2009, 06:29 PM
Someone give me a full, detailed explanation as to what a predator missle is though.

Probably something new similar to air strike, my guess is that predator missle is now used instead

September 2nd, 2009, 06:48 PM
Apparently a U.S. UAV is called Predator and carries two hellfire missiles; one on each wing. I thought Hellfire missiles were only for destroying amoured vehicles. The missles are laser guided so does that mean you guide it to a target? How many hellfires would be launched? Six bombs were dropped overall in each airstrike in COD4. I heard in Bad Company, it's a sniper guided missile.

The predator missile is also a Anti-Tank Fire and forget missile that was developed by Lockheed-Martin and also replaced the AT-4, which somehow can target aircraft in this game.

This concept is very confusing.

September 2nd, 2009, 08:39 PM
How would they let you use the throwing knife? Is it a perk?

September 2nd, 2009, 08:44 PM
How would they let you use the throwing knife? Is it a perk?
Well in CoD4 you used a knife as your melee weapon. Maybe this is an alternate use for it?

September 2nd, 2009, 08:50 PM
Maybe, but it doesn't he was holding down the fire button or anything like how you would cook a grenade. And hey, those new low health blood splatters on your HUD looks really awesome, better than the red screen of the past games.

September 2nd, 2009, 08:57 PM
I simply must get a new Video Card for this game because I see over 100 hours of multiplayer for me in the first 2 weeks. Fuck school.
Well, it may not be done yet but it looks like it won't strain my specs to much =P. My 8600gt can amazinlgy run cod4 at all extra at 1680x1050, so I'm hoping this'll run at 1280x720 or 1440x990 on high.

September 2nd, 2009, 09:04 PM
I'm thinking it's a perk that replaces the section of another high-value perk. Sort of how some of the really good perks in COD4 were in the same selection set as the Overkill perk.

If the ability was available by everyone, wouldn't people just be running around chucking knives blindly. You probably only get two knives. One for throwing and one for slicing.

September 2nd, 2009, 09:26 PM
It would make more sense if the knife was a replacement for your special grenades or even your frags, but that would mean everyone has it from the beginning. We'll just have to see how this turns out I suppose.

September 2nd, 2009, 09:39 PM
Has what appears to be a charging handle on it.. could easily be an M4.

It's a bushmaster ACR. Magpul Masada, if that helps.

September 2nd, 2009, 10:07 PM
It's a bushmaster ACR. Magpul Masada, if that helps.
If you're referring to the video ODX posted, the Masada DOES NOT have a centreline ambidextrous charging handle like the AR15 series. That's either an M4, an HK416, or something else which retained the AR15 layout.

September 2nd, 2009, 10:33 PM
If you're referring to the video ODX posted, the Masada DOES NOT have a centreline ambidextrous charging handle like the AR15 series. That's either an M4, an HK416, or something else which retained the AR15 layout.
But, in the video shown at E3, in one of the scenes you can see the HUD saying the name of the gun is ACR.

September 2nd, 2009, 10:45 PM
when i first started playing MW1, i had two special grenades available. flash and smoke. i didnt get stun until around lv 25.

this is how i remember it. its very possible that i just didnt notice them. even at that, why cant they make the throwing knife an unlockable level item?

September 2nd, 2009, 11:51 PM
But, in the video shown at E3, in one of the scenes you can see the HUD saying the name of the gun is ACR.
game devs know more about guns than soldiers - random forum user, 2009

e/ by the way, there was more than one ACR. Steyr had an ACR too, it looked completely different though; not sure who else had them. What I can tell you is that unless my eyes tripped out and mistook something else for a charging handle, that was no Masada.

September 2nd, 2009, 11:55 PM
This game looks absolutely amazing.

September 3rd, 2009, 01:07 AM

September 3rd, 2009, 10:15 AM
when i first started playing MW1, i had two special grenades available. flash and smoke. i didnt get stun until around lv 25.

this is how i remember it. its very possible that i just didnt notice them. even at that, why cant they make the throwing knife an unlockable level item?

nope, you get all special grenades from the time you unlock create a class

September 3rd, 2009, 10:44 AM
Or any other semi- or fully-automatic rifle...

Yeah, with IW's accuracy with their guns it's pretty impressive dude, I suppose I coulda been more specific with the type of charging handle it had. :saddowns:

September 16th, 2009, 04:28 PM

September 16th, 2009, 09:20 PM
LOVE the new weapon bobbing.

September 16th, 2009, 09:28 PM
"A couple of the other new rewards are the Sentry Gun, an automated machine gun which is great for defending flags in CTF and bomb sites in Sabotage, and Counter-UAV, which does exactly what it's called, and cancels out enemy UAVs."


September 16th, 2009, 10:03 PM
double attachments = win

September 16th, 2009, 11:32 PM
I wonder if it will have native triple-monitor support... :confused:

September 17th, 2009, 12:06 AM
I wonder if it will have native triple-monitor support... :confused:

Shit's so tight in that game that I wouldn't be surprised, actually.

September 17th, 2009, 01:12 AM
triple-monitor works REALLY well on COD4 apparently, can't wait to try it out. Therefore I don't see why they wouldn't leave the option open, even if it's not native.

September 17th, 2009, 02:43 AM
The more I hear about this game the better it seems. It's honestly sounding so perfect I'm afraid to play it, for fear of tarnishing its perfect image in my mind.

September 17th, 2009, 06:17 AM

No comment...

September 17th, 2009, 09:49 AM
Welp, noob tubes are confirmed as returning now :|

and it looks like the FAMAS is going to be the new M16 :| :|

Pyong Kawaguchi
September 17th, 2009, 11:17 AM
Noobtoobs and such don't really bother me.
this game is gonna be :iamafag:

September 17th, 2009, 11:18 AM
Noobtoobs and such don't really bother me.
this game is gonna be :iamafag:
I will laugh so hard if it turns into a halo2vista.

September 17th, 2009, 12:11 PM
I will laugh so hard if it turns into a halo2vista.
It's not a port how could that happen? :ugh:

September 17th, 2009, 01:52 PM
It's not a port how could that happen? :ugh:Just because it's not a port dosn't mean it wont suck.

September 17th, 2009, 02:08 PM
I will laugh so hard if it turns into a halo2vista.
Dout it, infinity ward better be still using xmodels and such for modding the game for PC, its fun too.

Call me a fag if you wish but I pre-ordered the prestige edition :realsmug:

September 17th, 2009, 02:17 PM
Just because it's not a port dosn't mean it wont suck.

I'm guessing you've never played Call of Duty 4 and have no idea who makes Call of Duty games.

Also, I'm guessing this is DirectX 9? Of course, they've only showed off X360 footage so far.

September 17th, 2009, 02:30 PM
I'm guessing you've never played Call of Duty 4 and have no idea who makes Call of Duty games.

Also, I'm guessing this is DirectX 9? Of course, they've only showed off X360 footage so far.
I've got both COD4 and world at war so i know full well, but just because a few companies do a good game before doe's not mean the next wont utterly suck.
Look at bungie for instance halo 1 was vastly superior in terms of gameplay than halo 2.
You didnt have the super jump where people would be shooting you from stupid places you didnt have the god awefull sword lunge.

September 18th, 2009, 12:26 AM
I've got both COD4 and world at war so i know full well, but just because a few companies do a good game before doe's not mean the next wont utterly suck.
Look at bungie for instance halo 1 was vastly superior in terms of gameplay than halo 2.
You didnt have the super jump where people would be shooting you from stupid places you didnt have the god awefull sword lunge.

Well if you know that Infinity Ward delivers every single time, then what reason do you have for insinuating that it will go down the drain? While I think that Halo PC is the best multiplayer experience so far in the series, I think you'd be hard pressed to find somebody who would say the that Halo 2 outright sucked. I throughly enjoyed Halo 2 and it's multiplayer component.

September 18th, 2009, 04:51 AM
Well if you know that Infinity Ward delivers every single time, then what reason do you have for insinuating that it will go down the drain? While I think that Halo PC is the best multiplayer experience so far in the series, I think you'd be hard pressed to find somebody who would say the that Halo 2 outright sucked. I throughly enjoyed Halo 2 and it's multiplayer component.
That would be because their too busy 3shotting with their battle rifle, lunging 12 feet through the air with a energy sword or bragging about their pr0 MlG sKilLs.
amirite interno?

September 18th, 2009, 06:36 AM
Look at bungie for instance halo 1 was vastly superior in terms of gameplay than halo 2.
You didnt have the super jump where people would be shooting you from stupid places you didnt have the god awefull sword lunge.Bungie completely changed their gameplay, level design, and one of the most important for me, their animator. Infinity Ward, however, is essentially adding on to CoD4. They're keeping the gameplay mostly intact, while putting in some really cool additions. I seriously doubt it's going to suck. Certainly not with those animations at least

September 18th, 2009, 07:22 AM
Bungie completely changed their gameplay, level design, and one of the most important for me, their animator. Infinity Ward, however, is essentially adding on to CoD4. They're keeping the gameplay mostly intact, while putting in some really cool additions. I seriously doubt it's going to suck. Certainly not with those animations at least
Don't get me wrong, il probably buy modern warfare at some point or get it for my birthday in december because i enjoy cod4 alot better than world at war due to the latter having rubber bullets on nearly all the single shot rifles.

September 18th, 2009, 07:31 AM
Don't get me wrong, il probably buy modern warfare at some point or get it for my birthday in december because i enjoy cod4 alot better than world at war due to the latter having rubber bullets on nearly all the single shot rifles.

Call of Duty 4 was Infinity Ward. World at War was Treyarch. Modern Warfare 2 is Infinity Ward. :downs:

September 18th, 2009, 07:41 AM
Basically all the bad ones were by Treyarch

September 18th, 2009, 07:54 AM
Basically all the bad ones were by Treyarch
Yeah i just never understood how someone can survive a headshot from a M1 and then turn and kill you with a MP40.

September 18th, 2009, 08:13 AM
Bungie completely changed their gameplay, level design, and one of the most important for me, their animator. Infinity Ward, however, is essentially adding on to CoD4. They're keeping the gameplay mostly intact, while putting in some really cool additions. I seriously doubt it's going to suck. Certainly not with those animations at least

I'm damn sure that Bugnie's H1 animator left shortly after H1 shipped, if I'm not mistaken.

September 18th, 2009, 11:46 AM
I'm damn sure that Bugnie's H1 animator left shortly after H1 shipped, if I'm not mistaken.Hmm, how come in the E3 2003 footage of Halo 2, the Battle Rifle had a Halo 1-type feel to it? The reload was very similiar to the Ma5B's as well, in terms of how it goes down. (Bolt pulled back, mag removed, mag inserted, smacked in completely, smack the bolt and return to origin)

September 18th, 2009, 09:02 PM
Hmm, how come in the E3 2003 footage of Halo 2, the Battle Rifle had a Halo 1-type feel to it? The reload was very similiar to the Ma5B's as well, in terms of how it goes down. (Bolt pulled back, mag removed, mag inserted, smacked in completely, smack the bolt and return to origin)

Maybe the new animator based things off of the H1 AR and created variations from there. It was a solid animation.

October 5th, 2009, 03:31 PM
Holy Fucking Got Trailer: Infamy!


Did I just see a burning...Washington, D.C.? Yes I believe I did.

Edit: Oh, and I forgot to add that the end was fucking epic. :iamafag:

October 5th, 2009, 03:38 PM
Infinity Ward is making a terrorist simulation program. There going to destroy D.C.