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July 16th, 2009, 01:20 PM

You know those kinda crappy I'm a PC ads from Microsoft? They seem to be getting Apple to have a little popped vein (or vain) in their foreheads.

Firstly of course they responded to it with John Hodgman counting off money, a big stack in advertising, and a small stack in fixing Vista.

Now apparently Apple Legal called Microsoft telling them to drop their advertisements.

And you know why I know they’re working?

Because two weeks ago we got a call from the Apple legal department saying, hey — this is a true story — saying, “Hey, you need to stop running those ads, we lowered our prices.”

They took like $100 off or something.

It was the greatest single phone call in the history that I’ve ever taken in business. (Applause.){{Phopo Comment: Applause was from the audience}}

Not too effective at getting sales most likely... but if you're interested in bringing Steve Jobs back in the hospital... success??

July 16th, 2009, 01:38 PM
Haha. That's so win. Glad Apple is finally getting the idea that they're overpriced, and for the price you could get a gaming PC that can run Crysis on Max settings.

MetKiller Joe
July 16th, 2009, 01:49 PM
I've only bought their iPod and iPhone. Both were two out of the three best investments I ever made in products (the last being my Wacom 12 x 12).

I don't think Steve Jobs is going to have health issues because MS is trying to knock them down. I honestly don't think he cares so much about the price, more the experience the user gets, so as far as pricing goes, his marketing and sales departments will take care of that.

Apple cannot say they are not overpriced. For relatively the same hardware you can get a cheaper solution with a Dell, and this is what MS is pointing out.

July 16th, 2009, 02:08 PM
I've only bought their iPod and iPhone. Both were two out of the three best investments I ever made in products (the last being my Wacom 12 x 12).And I bought an iPod Touch... Apple does make good hardware... the only thing I have against them is their closed, proprietary, and legal-dickholish political nature.

I don't think Steve Jobs is going to have health issues because MS is trying to knock them down. Yeah that was a joke.

Apple cannot say they are not overpriced. For relatively the same hardware you can get a cheaper solution with a Dell, and this is what MS is pointing out.Yeah I know, just bought a Dell laptop, roughly the same power as a Macbook pro... over 1000$ less than the 15" Macbook pro.

Not nearly as good build-quality with their screen and aluminum body... but yeah.

July 16th, 2009, 02:20 PM
With Steve Jobs' absence, Apple was still able to finish and report its best non-holiday quarter 2009Q1 during the 2009 recession season with revenue $8.16 Billion and profit $1.21 Billion
It'll be interesting to see who sells more computers to students this for the upcoming back to school market.

MetKiller Joe
July 16th, 2009, 02:46 PM
And I bought an iPod Touch... Apple does make good hardware... the only thing I have against them is their closed, proprietary, and legal-dickholish political nature.

Yeah, meh, in my opinion, mp3 players and phones are places where you can't screw up with that philosophy of theirs very easily.

July 16th, 2009, 02:49 PM
Apple will sell more macs to students because the hardware and opperating system (also known as an OS) are vastly superior to Micro$oft Winblows :apple:

July 16th, 2009, 03:04 PM
It'll be interesting to see who sells more computers to students this for the upcoming back to school market.

Dell and HP will. They always do. Only the relatively well-off kids get the Macs, and coming from someone who lives in an area with plenty of rich people, a majority of them don't own Apple computers.

July 16th, 2009, 04:14 PM
Apple will sell more macs to students because it's "trendy" and other bullshit only the naive young rebels known as college freshman would actually believe.

July 16th, 2009, 04:15 PM
Have you ever used a mac?

July 16th, 2009, 04:20 PM
That's epic, those apple ads pissed me off even though they didn't screen in New Zealand. I don't like it when an advertisements main purpose is to just shit on another companies product :\

e: Did Microsoft ever ask Mac to take down those ads?

July 16th, 2009, 04:26 PM
That's epic, those apple ads pissed me off even though they didn't screen in New Zealand. I don't like it when an advertisements main purpose is to just shit on another companies product :\

e: Did Microsoft ever ask Mac to take down those ads?
If you think that's bad, you ought to watch the current war between Comcast and Verizon. They barely even advertise their own bloody product anymore, they seriously just go "FUCK THE OTHER GUY, THEY DON'T GIVE YOU STUFF EVEN RICH FUCKS DON'T WASTE THEIR MONEY ON," and the last 2 or 3 seconds of the 30 second commercial are giving you their phone number, I guess to ask what the hell they even offer. I remember the days when that was what commercials were for.

July 16th, 2009, 04:27 PM
Have you ever used a mac?

Yes, my school is full of them. They're pieces of shit. I would rather be working on a Dell PC. And I hate Dell.

July 16th, 2009, 04:31 PM
I don't see the point of getting a mac. It's expensive and does nothing that windows can't do.

Oh and I can right click.

July 16th, 2009, 04:34 PM
I don't see the point of getting a mac. It's expensive and does nothing that windows can't do.

Oh and I can right click.

Oh don't worry, some one will come in here and tell you that you can right click on a Mac. But! for some random reason, they decided it would be a bad idea to have it enabled right away. So you have to go enable it yourself... AND your middle mouse button in case you want to have it. :shake:

July 16th, 2009, 04:35 PM
Holy shit my mouse is scrolling! This is so amazing! Hey steve jobs you should try this on your ma.... owait-----

Yea Im joking.
I know you can enable right clicks but why not just have it built in like you said.

July 16th, 2009, 04:38 PM
Yes, my school is full of them. They're pieces of shit. I would rather be working on a Dell PC. And I hate Dell.
This man speaks the truth.

July 16th, 2009, 04:42 PM
Right clicking is inefficient and out dated. Our savior Steve Jobs did away with it for the good of all mankind.

July 16th, 2009, 04:43 PM
You know. It all just comes down to the fact that PC's are always going to be capable of doing the same thing plus more... Macs are great if you want to write papers, or paint pretty pictures. But when it comes down to it, you can do the same with a PC. And I'm not even talking about Windows here (Although Windows 7 rapes OSX in my opinion)... but the fact that you can customize your PC to whatever you want or do anything you want with it (Install different OS, different parts, etc) while Apple has a stick stuck up their ass and wants you to use their products, but not really tinker with them in the slightest. It's silly.

So yes, Macs are great if you're not really trying to do anything fun or tech related. Their great for people who want stupid simple, and are too lazy/scared to try Windows after the Vista incident. Apple has done a great job in to scaring the consumer in to thinking that Apple and Macs and OSX are gods. When, in my personal experience, have had less trouble with a Windows based PC than OSX on a Mac.

This is of course all my opinion, so Masters, don't be too upset with it. :cop:

July 16th, 2009, 04:49 PM
Have you ever used a mac?Defensive?

Yeah I used a Mac, it caught fire ((well... threw smoke)).

Yes I know that Macs are really nice machines... but there are plenty of PCs that are ALSO really nice machines. Even if Macs were the same price as PCs... I'd still probably buy a PC simply because I have more control over it both literally and in its future evolution.

If you buy into Apple, you buy into Apple's vision. If it's something harmless like an iPod then sure... but if it's a platform like the Mac or what the iPhone is soon becoming... you're buying into a gatekeeper that really does not need to be there.

I don't want some corporation saying "Nah we don't want you using that App... so we'll take it off the App Store (or erase it from your phone without your knowledge altogether (http://www.macworld.com/article/134930/2008/08/iphone_killswitch.html))" ((As for the killswitch... they could easily do that with a tethered dev-mode at an Apple Store or something... even though I believe the G1 does it too... and I don't trust Google for it either))

It's my PC, I want to control everything that goes on it, and everything that doesn't go on it.

July 16th, 2009, 04:54 PM
I just remembered this, and I feel compelled to share it with you, because I literally took the time to find out who wrote this, figure out their schedule, and verbally assassinate their dumb ass for being so blindingly stupid in ways that even the most trendy of assholes would shake their head in disappointment. I swear, this was in my school paper, proudly noted on the front because it was written by one of the head fucking writers. This is what I at least remember:

"PC or Mac? A Brief Comparison

PCs can be very expensive and can break a lot. They also don't have a lot of creative programs on it. Also, there aren't many varieties of PCs. PCs are dull and boring.

Macs not only work, but they have all kinds of cool applications to make pictures, music, and movies. There's all kinds of things you can do with a Mac! And there's a different kind of Mac for everyone."

I actually had to abuse my power as a student aid to take them out of class and verbally destroy them for 10 minutes to demonstrate to them how fucked they would be if ANY journalist who knew the slightest thing about computers got a hold on that. It was the only thing that would stop the homicidal thoughts. How can a head journalist do so little research for something so easy to check?

July 16th, 2009, 05:29 PM
Ha ha, that's made of win.

July 16th, 2009, 09:39 PM
I just remembered this, and I feel compelled to share it with you, because I literally took the time to find out who wrote this, figure out their schedule, and verbally assassinate their dumb ass for being so blindingly stupid in ways that even the most trendy of assholes would shake their head in disappointment. I swear, this was in my school paper, proudly noted on the front because it was written by one of the head fucking writers. This is what I at least remember:

"PC or Mac? A Brief Comparison

PCs can be very expensive and can break a lot. They also don't have a lot of creative programs on it. Also, there aren't many varieties of PCs. PCs are dull and boring. LOL wut

Macs not only work, but they have all kinds of cool applications to make pictures, music, and movies. There's all kinds of things you can do with a Mac! And there's a different kind of Mac for everyone." WAT!

I actually had to abuse my power as a student aid to take them out of class and verbally destroy them for 10 minutes to demonstrate to them how fucked they would be if ANY journalist who knew the slightest thing about computers got a hold on that. It was the only thing that would stop the homicidal thoughts. How can a head journalist do so little research for something so easy to check?


July 17th, 2009, 06:44 AM
It's actually kinda depressing, I'm here on vacation in Italy and the only computer that I could bring with me was my dad's Mac laptop. So that's what I'm writing this on. I hate it. I can't do anything. Anybody that says that Macs crash less than PC's really needs a roundhouse kick to the face, this thing freezes up and crashes daily, if not more. I hate macs. The only thing I can do on this piece of shit is play plants versus zombies and chat on a shitty AIM client. I hate macs.

Llama Juice
July 17th, 2009, 06:46 AM
^Learn Maya nub. Quit your bitching and actually learn to use something new.

If you were thrown into a pit of snakes and all you've killed snakes with all your life is spears, but someone hands you a pitch fork... are you just gunna sit there and be all OH NOES! PITCHFORK SO DIFFERENT DO NOT COMPUTE! ?

Haven't read the posts here except for the one right above me and the original post... but... they dropped the price of the macbook pro $500 from when I bought mine... they have dropped their prices quite a bit.

E: Alright... just read through the thread... and all I have to say is that using your own mac is entirely different than using a school's restricted one. The ones that your school has are purposefully restricted so that you DON'T do stuff on them that you're not supposed to.

I hated macs until I got one (school made me :/ )... got over the hate, got used to it... and now it's just like using a PC. You still do all the same stuff, just a little differently. It's a lot easier to manage files and such, (I know, it's not difficult on a PC, I'm not saying it is.) Youtube is a lot easier for me to manage on my mac than it is on my PC, Maya is all the same on my mac or PC, and I prefer Photoshop on my mac over PS on my PC it's just less clumsy on the mac for me.

July 17th, 2009, 09:59 AM
The Macs at my school aren't restricted at all. I could put whatever I wanted on it because I had two awesome teachers for video class and computer graphics. My computer graphics teacher actually made us all put firefox on our Macs. lol

July 17th, 2009, 10:09 AM
Don't really like macs, I find them slow and unreliable with all the crashes and stuff...

July 17th, 2009, 12:53 PM
And I bought an iPod Touch... Apple does make good hardware... the only thing I have against them is their closed, proprietary, and legal-dickholish political nature.

Yeah that was a joke.

Yeah I know, just bought a Dell laptop, roughly the same power as a Macbook pro... over 1000$ less than the 15" Macbook pro.

Not nearly as good build-quality with their screen and aluminum body... but yeah.

very true. You can't argue apples hardware is fantastic. I have witnessed many destructive acts taken upon an unsuspecting macbook pro, and even a few 15" ones, and they still continue to run flawlessly.

Friend of mine spilled soda completely across his pro keyboard. Turned off, let it sit for a day and proceeded to run fine without any stickiness.

Another friend dropped his off the top bunk onto a tile floor, got a dent in the cover, but it continued without any sign of failure.

Biggest problem is macs are expensive. My laptop cost $1000 less than the pro but out performs it in every aspect. One isn't really better than the other, it really all depends on what you use a computer for, and if you're willing to fork over the extra $1000 for something you can get for $400.

July 17th, 2009, 12:56 PM
from a visual standpoint, macs look cleaner and pc's have a more industrial look. until I know that all of my programs will work on mac the same as if I was on a pc, I wouldnt even think about getting a mac. as a main computer anyhow.

July 17th, 2009, 01:13 PM
One PC company is going to clue in and make a sexy looking Windows 7 box that'd make a good livingroom piece... and advertise it... put displays in stores, etc.

July 17th, 2009, 01:29 PM
Right clicking is inefficient and out dated. Our savior Steve Jobs did away with it for the good of all mankind.

But I like my right mouse button.

July 17th, 2009, 01:36 PM
As a Linux user, I don't discriminate based on petty differences in design and marketing. All hardware runs my OS of choice. :gnu:

With that said, PCs bitches! Better hardware, lower prices, customizable, tweakable, moddable! I built my machines from parts with my own two hands, you can't say that about your Mac.

July 17th, 2009, 01:38 PM
Everytime I see this MS advert, I die just a little more inside :fail:

July 17th, 2009, 01:42 PM
The only apple product I would ever buy is an ipod.

Other than that, PCs for sure. I've seen the weird shit macs do--I've seen them crash while in photoshop and clear people's flash drives when it restarts. I'd NEVER risk using one.

July 17th, 2009, 03:12 PM
One PC company is going to clue in and make a sexy looking Windows 7 box that'd make a good livingroom piece... and advertise it... put displays in stores, etc.

That'll be Sony with their all-in-ones and Asus with something else :)

July 17th, 2009, 03:55 PM
iPhone is the only Apple product I own.
Mac's are good computers, but hardly worth their price.
But the pricing on apple goods is a little high.
I got my 3GS for around $360.
If I hadn't gotten the discounts for the AT&T Employee card, all the discounts for the accessories, and the upgrade discount, it would have been $840.