View Full Version : [Gallery] Lone's.... eh, work.

PwN Lone
July 19th, 2009, 08:48 PM
Well yeah, I don't seem to get major crit anywhere for this, so I thought I'd ask for it here, now before you continue.

OMG OMG OMG MAX RENDERS (Scroll down). I still suck at this though.

I made this thread becuase all this stuff is old, and I want to know how to improve.

Now, the pics. Game is AvP2, made in 2002.

Taken in DEdit level editor.


Re-created this from the campaign, ignnore obvious error.


Another re-created corridoor


Custom corridoor


Crit please.

July 20th, 2009, 04:41 AM
yess another aliens fan :-3

PwN Lone
July 20th, 2009, 08:17 AM
Yeah, been an Aliens fan for quite a long time now, ever since I saw the original films, not counting A:R 'cos I hated it.

Well, I didn't get to post all my work last night as I needed to go. So, here's the rest now.

Original Concept for the AvP2 map you see above:


Made by the dev's of AvP2, I look at this before making anything, so I can get close to the idea of what I need to make my work look professional:


A very old Command Centre I made. Coming onto one year old now:


And, the first real corridoor I ever made, it was intended to have an industrial look to it:


Well, thats mainly it. I'm just looking on crit on how to improve as I start a new. I'd just like to state this again aswell. I cannot give renders of any of these becuase it was made in a level builder program.

PwN Lone
November 16th, 2009, 02:38 PM
Epic bumpdate. Please don't ban me :ohdear:.

Anyway, I've recently started modelling more in 3ds max, and while I've yet to finish anything, I've come fairly close, and need some criticism before I proceed, and potentially muck things up even more.

Now, starting with my most recent (half) re-creation, the AAT (Armored Assault Tank):




Next, a Flood Enviroment I've been working on gradually:


A futuristic styled Residential building:


And finally The Library from Halo 2 (beware of lowpoly model):


So, can I have some criticism on how to improve please.

November 16th, 2009, 07:25 PM
The flood environment is a good looking start.

November 16th, 2009, 08:00 PM
I don't feel that your flood environment is "flowing" enough. That is, it's too much a collection of individual objects that are thrown together. It will take you longer to model out the surfaces fully but it's worth it. Your library is pretty boring right now, more detail is definitely needed. The detail you add on the "arms" shouldn't be added on now; you should start modeling the arms with that detail at the start because then it's the easiest. Your building needs a lot of work, and I would suggest you scrap it. It has no sense of design and doesn't make much sense. Start with an idea and follow it. It looks like you just made it up as you modeled. Try a few sketches, look up some reference images on google, and get some inspiration. Once you have a plan, the modeling will go much more smoothly. Try to keep a consistent style of architecture throughout the building, and always ask yourself if a feature of the building has a need and is in the best interest of the building's purpose.

November 17th, 2009, 12:53 PM
I don't feel that your flood environment is "flowing" enough. That is, it's too much a collection of individual objects that are thrown together. It will take you longer to model out the surfaces fully but it's worth it. Your library is pretty boring right now, more detail is definitely needed. The detail you add on the "arms" shouldn't be added on now; you should start modeling the arms with that detail at the start because then it's the easiest. Your building needs a lot of work, and I would suggest you scrap it. It has no sense of design and doesn't make much sense. Start with an idea and follow it. It looks like you just made it up as you modeled. Try a few sketches, look up some reference images on google, and get some inspiration. Once you have a plan, the modeling will go much more smoothly. Try to keep a consistent style of architecture throughout the building, and always ask yourself if a feature of the building has a need and is in the best interest of the building's purpose.

Holy crap that is the most awesome wall o' text critique I've ever seen.

November 18th, 2009, 09:07 PM
That was great crit, + rep. Now Lone, you have improved a lot, good job, I don't feel like typing a whole paragraph, but listen to Conscars, his crit for the building was excellent. The flood environment looks the best from the 3 images, I am really impressed, but yet again, follow what Conscars said.