View Full Version : HELP WANTED: Modelers for Blood Creek RC3
July 19th, 2009, 09:48 PM
Up until now, GRUNTS has done a fantastic job with Blood Creek RC3's modeling. However, it appears I may have been too hard on him. We didn't have the modeling backing we needed and it ended up that he was doing ALL the work and it just piled on him and he left. Understandable? Yes, indeed. Hell, I am a man with poor eyesight, and the project is contingent on the help of others that can see to get the job done, modeling wise.
What's left to do? Not much. All that remains is the underground and the dorm section, which exists for those that helped in the game and also for RP's sake. The map itself is based off of Blood Gulch, but with heavy modifications to the BSP. For starters, the original ridge along the left of Red Base is gone, replacing it with a mirror of what's at Blue Base's side, though modeled from scratch and not ripped and then mirrored.
Second, we have new sniper spots in the big caves like the one near Red Base. You can protect your turf from there.
There is also the underground, which is accesible by way of the tunnels behind the base (as in RC1 and RC2) but better designed, as well as the river connected to the big red cave and also a lake connected to the big blue cave.
Green Base is still there, for housing additional weapons as well as a focal point for the map, not to mention RP's sake and Machinima.
The dorms are in their usual spot, although the whole thing is being restructured, thanks to Warhawk's help. I don't want to lose him to the same fate as GRUNTS, so this post is an urgent plea for backup assistance as well as front-line support.
I can show screenshots of the map if you're interested, showing both the good parts of the map as well as the bad.
Please, this is a SERIOUS THREAD ONLY!!!. I do not want any flaming or negativity of excessive nature in here. I'm plitely asking for help because, due to vision limitations, I cannot[/i] model this map. I am a sound man and a scripter and am in charge of visual concepts, but I do not have good eyes to do the brunt of the work.
[B]Serious replies ONLY, please. Thank you.
I am willing to post as much materiaol as needed in the hopes people will respond favorably. Thanks for your understanding. What I've mentioned in only the tip of the iceburg as far as the map is concerned. I have a video I can also post, but I need someone that's willing to host a 41 minute long WIP tour through Blood Creek as of early this month. Screenshots it will be, for now.
Hope to hear from you guys.
July 19th, 2009, 09:55 PM
fix your bold tags
i hope you find someone willing to do this, i loved the beta of rc3 , but i cant get into detail with that right now. I would do something right now, but i have a massive headache :gonk:
July 19th, 2009, 11:06 PM
This has been going on for two years, how much more do you need man :\
July 19th, 2009, 11:36 PM
This has been going on for two years, how much more do you need man :\
First of all, those were Release Candidates. RC3 should be the last of them. Then I move on to another map, like Silent Cartographer, which we need for a movie we're going to film anyway.
This isn't about how much more help I need. If I am going to design levels I'm always going to require help. My eyes are so bad that I cannot see the little details unmagnified to model, and even so, it's still impossible. I already tried.
Let me put it to you in terms you should understand. My left eye is 100% blind and my right has 20/400 vision WITH glasses. That means what a normal person sees at 400 feet I am forced to see at 20, not to mention the fact I have no peripheral vision in that eye.
It's like looking down a tunnel, or the site a camera has. It just plain sucks. Eye surgery? been there, done that. There's nothing that my family and I are aware of that can be done at this point that would yield any decent results.
This is why I'm always asking for help with visual stuff. That or I could just flat out leave. But why should I give up on something I enjoy, which is making maps? Why give up because of a mere disability? That would be like telling a handicapped person, "hey! You can't move in here because we don't accomodate wheelchairs!" That's plain bull. They have just as much of a right to enjoy life and doing things as I do.
I'm not knocking what you said. I'm just explaining myself.
I do sound. That's my forte in life. I'm actually studying to be a professional sound engineer... You know, the kind that works in recording studios mixing for bands. My work is pretty decent, in my opinion. Then again, people like Cellist would say that the music loops in his map are seamless. That's because they are.
You see? What you all do with your eyes I do with my eas in the art of sound. Instead of fighting and demanding that I do it all myself, why not work together to make things happen? I could do sound jobs for you while you help me with my needs.
July 20th, 2009, 03:41 AM
Pics please? :)
July 20th, 2009, 08:16 AM
This thread am very srs. Srsly srs.
Also get some pictures. I have no idea what blood crik is.
July 20th, 2009, 08:24 AM
I think this is it,
July 20th, 2009, 08:31 AM
Uhmmmmm why are you using modern weapons in halo...
I don't think there is a G36C in the future.
July 20th, 2009, 09:37 AM
Are those COD4 models?
July 20th, 2009, 09:37 AM
First of all, those were Release Candidates. RC3 should be the last of them. Then I move on to another map, like Silent Cartographer, which we need for a movie we're going to film anyway.
This isn't about how much more help I need. If I am going to design levels I'm always going to require help. My eyes are so bad that I cannot see the little details unmagnified to model, and even so, it's still impossible. I already tried.
Let me put it to you in terms you should understand. My left eye is 100% blind and my right has 20/400 vision WITH glasses. That means what a normal person sees at 400 feet I am forced to see at 20, not to mention the fact I have no peripheral vision in that eye.
It's like looking down a tunnel, or the site a camera has. It just plain sucks. Eye surgery? been there, done that. There's nothing that my family and I are aware of that can be done at this point that would yield any decent results.
This is why I'm always asking for help with visual stuff. That or I could just flat out leave. But why should I give up on something I enjoy, which is making maps? Why give up because of a mere disability? That would be like telling a handicapped person, "hey! You can't move in here because we don't accomodate wheelchairs!" That's plain bull. They have just as much of a right to enjoy life and doing things as I do.
I'm not knocking what you said. I'm just explaining myself.
I do sound. That's my forte in life. I'm actually studying to be a professional sound engineer... You know, the kind that works in recording studios mixing for bands. My work is pretty decent, in my opinion. Then again, people like Cellist would say that the music loops in his map are seamless. That's because they are.
You see? What you all do with your eyes I do with my eas in the art of sound. Instead of fighting and demanding that I do it all myself, why not work together to make things happen? I could do sound jobs for you while you help me with my needs.
Fun fact, I know all this, because you told me way back in 07 when I helped out your project.
Neuro Guro
July 20th, 2009, 05:29 PM
July 21st, 2009, 12:32 AM
I'm sorry but I don't use 3DS Max except for exporting to JMS because of bad eyesight and the fact I don't know how to use it very well. Renders I can't do for this reason, but screenshots in-game I can. Here you go.
NOTE: Please don't mind some of the poor quality textures, as they weren't put on the right way or they're not suitable for the landscape. In any case, just enjoy the raw concept behind the map, rather than criticize the actual quality righyt now. This will be addressed anyway before the final, so don't worry.
This is the new blue cave that replaces the end of the ridge in Blood Gulch. It matches the one at Red Base's side, but with a different basement entranceway to the underground.
This is the same cave, but at Red Base's side. The shadows prove that it's the opposite side's cave. This is the stock Blood Gulch cave, but with a sniper loft attached to it and also a basement access way into the underground portion of the map.
This shows the player standing in the sniper loft (shown above in the previous screen shot) and sniping out at Red Base with a Barret .50cal sniper rifle.
A spectacular view of the sun coming up over the horizon as you stand on the balcony base closest to Red Base. The sunrise is actually a model with permutations (still beta) that changes as the sun rises and the sky gets lighter and darker, depending on the time of day.
A view of the sun as it would be at early to mid morning. Same place; different sky lighting and sun position. Yes, the sky actually does get brighter as day progresses, and yes, the sun does move across the sky, and it syncs beautifully across the Netcode.
A beautiful view of the sun setting in the west from ground level down in the valley.
Once the sun has finally receded into the sky, take a look at the awesome sunset left in its wake. This could use a little improvement, depending on the time of day.
A top view of the map at night time. Pretty dark, eh?
Another top view perspective of the map, also at night, though at the crack of dawn. You can see the sky getting lighter in the distance.
The same top view as shown above, only at sunrise. See how much lighter the map is, and yet the darkest spots are never unbearable in the shade.
Another angle of the same time of day to show off different parts of the map from an aerial perspective.
Dynamic lighting in the underground with underground lanterns that line the wall. See the one resting on the platform in the screenshot?
A Desert Eagle .44 Magnum pistol resting on the floor in one of the two caves that reside near each of the end bases.
Showing the Green Flag, for RP's sake, at Green Base.
Reloading a G36c assault rifle at Red Base.
Overlooking Green Base from above.
The underground tunnel behind Blue Base...
Holding the Green Flag at night time...
Well, that's enough for now. Hope you liked the shots of the map. Any opinions or feedbacks?
t3h m00kz
July 21st, 2009, 02:19 AM
Uhmmmmm why are you using modern weapons in halo...
I don't think there is a G36C in the future.
The more custom stuff the better. I always thought modern weapons would be cool as shit.
E: omg what's up with the green flag
July 21st, 2009, 02:30 AM
btw that's not a g36. i think you should do a modern city map or something. need new fp arms too.
t3h m00kz
July 21st, 2009, 02:39 AM
I agree, I think CS-style arms would be awesome with those weapons
July 21st, 2009, 03:00 AM
btw that's not a g36.
I'm pretty sure the G36 comments were directed towards the video posted earlier; it had several shots where combatants had a G36C in hand.
Nice CoD4 models, too bad the specular isn't as spectacular as it is there. :/
July 21st, 2009, 03:54 AM
The day/night cycle intrigues me.
How long from sunrise-sunrise?
Can you post a video (sped up if you like) of it happening ingame so we can see the change in sky/lightmaps(/shadow directions?)?
July 21st, 2009, 04:11 AM
Sure thing! I've sent ARKaMAN a 41-minute long video I want to link to on this site so people can watch it directly from the forums (if possible) or via his site's capabilities. It is a guided walk through the map with music I selected from Jeremy Soule's soundtracks to the Elder Scrolls series and Guild Wars, only so that people wouldn't be bored just hearing narration and the sounds of the game. The music helps to liven things up a little.
It features an entire day cycle (with some bugs still in the system that will be addressed) as well as a complete display of all the map's areas during the walkthrough.
Trust me, the day-night system is a lot more flushed out than it was in the previous Release Candidates. If Kornman00 adds support for more than 16 BSPs to the newest Open Sauce, you can guarantee this map will sport it for the smoothest, most realistic day-night cycle possible. Yes it will be huge, but I most sincerely hope it will be worth it, especially if he also adds support for syncable devices / BSPs (based off the SP engine's features but done via the netcode), or however he can phenagle it.
I hope ARKaMAN posts that video on his site for me because I want to post the link here.
Edit: Here's a sped up video of the day-night system in action. Yes, some of the spots on it look bad because of the angles I was forced to calculate and use due to only having 16 BSPs at my disposal, and YES I did use all sixteen BSPs - 13 for day and 3 for transition. The sky checkpoints require 27 bipeds to sync, so even if I had 32 BSPs at my disposal it would make somewhat of a difference but by how much, I don't know? Anyway, I hope Kornman00 supports at least 128 BSPs in order for this thing to flow smoothly, or at best, the ability to enfuse multiple lightmaps into one BSP.
Anyhow, the video.
Watch Video (¤t=Day-NightTest.flv)
Sorry if the video is in Mono and you can't hear the directionals of the audio because Photobucket mutilated it when encoding after uploading. I had this same problem with Youtube. I tried Facebook. However, it only shows videos to logged in users, not everyone. The plus, 20 minute video limit.
And yes, I use bigger than normal game font so i can actually READ the damn chat text. I hope it's not an issue because, quite frankly, it really shouldn't be. I say this because some people on some boards like to troll and flame the less fortunate and I'm tired of seeing it done to others and myself for no good reasons.
Anyway, let's have a good time and I hope you enjoy the video. When ARKaMAN gets the other vid posted I'll be happy to show that too. This should also quell the "bad trailer" i released a while back that didn't go as planned. Also, the font shown in the vid only affects me and not the actual map. It's a modification to Halo using the font editor utility, rather than an internal tag based edit. Don't worry guys, your chat text will show up normal.
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