View Full Version : All in good health...
July 21st, 2009, 08:29 AM
Hey guys,
Uh im probably gonna get flamed to shit for not believing in the modern medicine society we do today, but if some of you guys get something out of this I dont really mind.
Basically, my mother is a gigantic cat lover and a while back one of my cats was diagnosed with breast cancer and, my mum not wanting the cat to go through the pain and suffering of radio therapy, my parents started researching natural and less body destroying methods of preventing and treating cancer and came across the studies of Dr Hulda Clarke and her group. Unfortunately my cat was so riddled with cancer there was not enough time left in her body to treat her but after she died my dad continued to study Dr Clarkes methods and went to study groups which they hosted for people who were interested to get a better understanding of it. Now as you can imagine I was totally sceptical of this at the time 'natural medicines curing cancer and shit, wtf?' well 3 years after my cat died and with ym dad still studying these methods my grandad came down with prostate cancer and was urinating blood and parasites. He had told my dad and my dad had told him of these methods, now my grandad being totally old school was stubborn and didnt want to goto hospital to die of radiotherapy and after the doctors had given the prediction of 4 months left to live my grandad was inclined to try it, I went to my grandads house with my dad for two weeks and witnessed the processes stated in a book written by Doctor Hulda Clarke and after 2 weeks of treatment my grandad had stopped urinating blood and went to the hospital, they were astounded that the cancer had cleared up and that there was no trace. After that i have been a believer and have been using these preventative measures stated in her books for 4 years and havent had any illnesses in that time. So the link i provide you with today is one of Dr Hulda Clarkes book on how to cure all diseases for the body and would appreciate stupid, ignorant and uneducated posts kept to a minimum. I shall only take notice of posts that seem knowledgable and self evidential of the poster reading the book.
The Cure for All Diseases (
Yeah, read thoroughly then give me your opinion. I hope it enlightens some people. If you guys are interested in these methods and want to learn more about the treatment of Cancer and HIV/Aids goto her website and buy her books, best decision of my life. I dont even worry about diease anymore, more concerned about crossing the road. Oh and Pig flu aint got shit on Dr Hulda Clarke lol. Enjoy.
July 21st, 2009, 10:01 AM
my grandad came down with prostate cancer and was urinating blood and parasites.
Came down with...? You don't just "come down with" cancer, dude. You might have a sudden growth, but it's not like a common cold or flu.
I also find myself wondering what, exactly, parasites would have to do with cells that are growing out of control...
July 21st, 2009, 10:05 AM
I also find myself wondering what, exactly, parasites would have to do with cells that are growing out of control...
also, the mother of my gf had breastcancer, and made a full recovery, but only trough the use of one of the most intense types of chemo, with only 2-week intervals.
no parasites were pissed though >_>
July 21st, 2009, 10:06 AM
I also find myself wondering what, exactly, parasites would have to do with cells that are growing out of control...
Yeah, I was wondering that too. :X
I need a little more than a single case of anecdotal "proof." So many other factors could have been at work. Your grandpa's case is pretty uh, inconclusive.
July 21st, 2009, 10:11 AM
Came down with...? You don't just "come down with" cancer, dude. You might have a sudden growth, but it's not like a common cold or flu.
When I saw 'came down with' I mean it was made known... please dont lecture me on cancers lol.
I also find myself wondering what, exactly, parasites would have to do with cells that are growing out of control...
Read the book, I did state dont post before reading, but I understand your sceptism I was exactly the same.
An article on the studies:
July 21st, 2009, 10:12 AM
Why not? You plainly don't understand what cancer is, or how it operates...
e/ You do realise right that cancer is an abnormal and usually malignant growth of mutated cells, which eventually overtake the working cells, leading to organ failure and death? The only way to kill cancer is to kill cancer cells. The most effective way of doing so is to irradiate the fuck out of them - while radiation itself is a serious cancer-causer, it can be harnessed to kill cells outright instead. I know plenty of people who call themselves doctors (the title hardly means shit anymore, everyone and their mother is a doctor) and claim all manners of things. I'm not one to go all-out buying meds, but they work, and that's why hospital doctors will treat you with them.
I'm sorry, but unless you can provide legit, experimental proof that there's a better way and it completely kills off cancer (yeah right, even strong chemo doesn't always manage that), I'll remain just as skeptical as I always have of this sort of thing. It's 1:20AM here so I don't intend on reading through that, but I think I can imagine what it's like.
Evidence. Cough up.
July 21st, 2009, 10:34 AM
I've read a few pages of the book and it's a bunch of twoddle. It thinks zappi g yourself can fix anything. I read the section about ance, it says ance is a bateria and has larvae and should be zapped and in 10 days you will have beautiful skin.
I trust modern medicine, this isn't the 1930's we have made huge advancements.
July 21st, 2009, 10:36 AM
Lawl, so you're telling me that cancer is always in the form of malignant tumours? ok.
You're obviously an expert in swallowing up common ignorance. Ok i'll try and sum up the whole books 'parasite to cancer link' in a simple translation for those too fuckin lazy to read the .pdf i posted in the first post.
k... lets just say you're a 'healthy' human being, you have say a small amount of parasites in your body but your body can deal with them (white blood cells kill the parasite eggs and bacteria spores) thus keeping your organs and body in a state of good health. Well what if due to your toxin intake (body deodorants, general processed food sanitisers like Iso Propyl Alcohol found in every processed food packet) enters your body and over powers your immune system and eventually elads to the growth of thes parasite eggs and form a fluke (parent parasite). There are many different specie of parasite but the most common one found in cancer patients is the flatworm fluke which resides in the intestines. It dwells in the intestines as it can live down there for years at a time and it ltierally will create 1000s of eggs over that period which you will shit out and it can travel to different hosts. Well due to these toxins such as metal salts often found in modern body deodorants such as 'Lynx and Sports Xtreme (alluminium Sulphate)' they are like steroids for parent parasite so eventually your liver will be flushing out these toxins from the blood but because you're spraying yourself with them everyday it begins to build up and attracts these parasites to hatch and dwell in your liver munching off these lovely toxins. You also have to remember that as parasites eat they also excrete thus creating more toxins for your body to fight off aswell as your every day common cold and flu viruses that you're exposed to on a daily basis. Now because your body is at a point of conflict overload one of these colds or flu viruses can settle in and you'll become sick the body will try to cope with fighting it off aswell as the parasite toxin contribution and at that point your bodies cells from constant internal battle molecuarly change. The cells at the particular area of combat and parasite infestation become irratable start to go into a frenzy tryin to regenerate the cells constantly being digested by these toxins and parasites eventually the body will try to encase the problem which is its way of tryin to cure the body but usually ends up being malignant and damaging the organ its tryin to save.
Thats a really general summary but you sohuld really scour the book. instead of throwing common bullshit at me.
E: @ Limited, I own a 'zapper' (commerical name) and i use it frequently, honestly havent had a cold in 4 years.
July 21st, 2009, 10:43 AM
Parasites are no more a cause of cancer than potato chips, wine, and all the other shit people have said to be carcinogenic (without any actual proof).
What would I know, though... I mean, I was only a med student, I have nothing on someone who actually believes that parasites cause cells to suddenly up and mutate. The very definition of cancer is mutated cell growth, and whether they go malignant or not, guess what? They clump together, guess what that forms?
Come back and talk to me when you have INDEPENDENT, VERIFIED, SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE.
e/ the holocaust never happened obama is in cahoots with the north koreans men from mars created humanity etc etc etc
July 21st, 2009, 10:55 AM
Lmfao...curing HIV/AIDS.
At least there are some food recepies, those look halfway usefull :allears:
July 21st, 2009, 10:56 AM
ha ha you're a text book med student for crying outloud of course you're not going to have any independant thought after you've gone through the education system once you've studied and read something from a book published by the governments ministry of health depending where and which country you studied in. There is currently a vicious cycle of affairs happening in modern medicine between the pharmecutical drug lords and the hospitals. Chemo costs money, thus there is a company to provide it, the hospitals need to buy the chemo off the drug suppliers and as such the drug companise are making a fortune. Now if they were teaching natural and extremely cheap methods of treating cancer in med school these drug companies would be pennyless. Thus why they dont teach it. The drug companies have also tried to take Dr Hulda Clarke to court for improper use of medicine when all she has been doing is using natural ingredients and a less of a charge in the machine she has developed than in a static shock. Obviously the drug company lost and Dr Hulda clarke was allowed to go on about her independant studies and advancement.
I live in the UK and here the drug companies make a killing (literally) then contribute millions to the education sector of government (pretty mucha bribe) to make sure all med students know that only chemo and other expensive drug trials have any chance of defeating cancer. This way the NHS hospitals have to keep buying the drugs which is paid by the tax payers money and they can keep supplying people with it until they die. The way this loop continues is because they keep feeding the government money. In the U.S I am eld to beleive everybodies medical bills are paid via health insurance in which the money to the drug companies comes directly from the U.S patients themselves. Of course you can slander all of this as sheer 'conspiracy' but why if 'Dr Hulda Clarke' wasnt such a threat, take her to court. If she does indeed have a enar 100% cure ratio why not teach it as an alternative medicine to med students? Its because theres no money in herbal and quickly effective treatments. The longer they can keep someone dying in hospital the more they can get out of their wallet.
July 21st, 2009, 11:04 AM
You've been talking to Dane recently, have you?
I think I'll just keep quoting that until you actually acknowledge there is none and stop trying to argue with someone who knows what they're talking about, much unlike you.
e/ alternately you can keep getting madder and madder, which is a sure sign your merry little dream world is collapsing and taking your unsubstantiated beliefs with it. people always get really fucking mad when their whole belief system comes crashing down, you come to recognise these things when you see them enough.
either way it's really no difference to me, you're wrong, you can't prove your drivel, getting mad over something you can't back up is against the site rules and it's hilarious to watch
July 21st, 2009, 11:10 AM
Yeah, read thoroughly then give me your opinion.
I shall keep repeating that good sir.
e/ I shall follow the processes scribed by Dr Clarke as I have been illness free for 4 years and witnessed my grandad go from being diagnosed terminally fucked to still being alive today inwhich i still go fishing with him :D. That is Enough Evidence for me thanks. I just hope that anyone reading this should not become conditioned with cancer because Chemo will fuck you up regardless.
To be honest Rossmum im not getting 'madder' :P, I just hope your opinions based upon a textbook education aren't destroying anyone elses open mind to a new pathway in which they can make their own mind up based upon their own evidence.
So yah no more hatred in this thread please :D
July 21st, 2009, 11:13 AM
Go for your life, I shouldn't have to subject myself to pages of crap when it's you making outlandish claims. The ownace is on you to provide evidence, not on me to read the material in question.
July 21st, 2009, 11:18 AM
Then get out the thread and enjoy chemo bro :D
July 21st, 2009, 11:22 AM
I don't have any cancerous growths (that I'm aware of). Nor have I been seriously ill for a long time (over three years); all I get is hayfever.
I take no routine medication and I don't buy into this alternative shite. I just, oh I dunno, take care of myself. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to stay fairly healthy, just as it doesn't take one to realise your constant dodges mean you can't find any evidence to post, making this entire thread one huge bullshit repository, yet still you continue to try and persuade someone who's been intrigued by the workings of the human body since they were old enough to read that they're wrong.
Nice thread.
teh lag
July 21st, 2009, 11:29 AM
July 21st, 2009, 03:00 PM
My neighbor had cancer of the blood and marrow. Modern medicine saved his life.
MY friend had brain cancer. Modern medicine saved him.
My ex fiance is a med student. I visited her during courses about tracing, treating and curing cancers. It's more complex than getting shocked or eating some fucking herbs.
You obviously know nothing about modern medicine and cancer.
July 21st, 2009, 09:37 PM
I dont even worry about diease anymore,
This should send out some very very serious warnings to anyone thats involved or done anything with this.
Not worrying about disease? HIV?
by palming it off you open yourself to more infection but it's not just you that will suffer for this, IT's EVERYONE YOU COME INTO CONTACT WITH.
you guys wanna try this shit by all means go ahead, but just remember there is more at steak here then just your health.
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