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View Full Version : Safe to eat food straight from a can?

t3h m00kz
July 23rd, 2009, 07:48 AM
Is it? I've been doing it lately out of sheer convenience. I hear it's got a higher chance of "Clostridium botulinum" bacteria, but it sounds like that applies for cooked food as well.


hell yeah.

July 23rd, 2009, 08:15 AM
you can also just bake the stuff in the tin. Be sure to pull the top lid off first tho



Llama Juice
July 23rd, 2009, 08:16 AM

When I used to make 'skettios I'd just take the top off, tear off the paper on the outside of the can and then toss that on the stove.

I used to have a microwave I didn't give a shit about (bought it for $12 just to put silly things like a furby into it) and I'd cook full cans of stuff in it (without opening hte can first)

July 23rd, 2009, 08:21 AM
I'm fairly sure that canned food is blasted with heat and vaccum sealed, so bacteria would have a hard time growing there. You should be fine.

Alwin Roth
July 23rd, 2009, 10:31 AM
i eat things straight from the can, never got diarrhea or stuff like that...

usually it's tomato sauce...

July 23rd, 2009, 11:10 AM
I really wish some of you were dumb enough to microwave the can :)

July 23rd, 2009, 11:15 AM
Aslong as your can is not badly dented or bent in some way it will be fine =p

July 23rd, 2009, 11:27 AM
Just make sure to wipe the top off first. It could have... undesirable materials of an organic nature on it.

July 23rd, 2009, 12:03 PM
holy shit no

cook that shit

(unless you enjoy botulism??)

July 23rd, 2009, 12:05 PM
I really wish some of you were dumb enough to microwave the can :)

I set the microwave on fire by putting a pringles can in it when I was 2.

July 23rd, 2009, 12:15 PM
Yeah, eating canned shit without cooking it does give you a good chance of getting botulism.

As for getting it with cooked food, if you pick up a can, notice that the tops and bottoms are bulging, and if you shake it and feel an air pocket in there, it's garbage. And some cooked foods can give you botulism, but mainly if they've been sitting out for too long, like potatoes.

July 23rd, 2009, 12:53 PM
Well, shit. Now I've got more reasons to be paranoid about my food. Thanks, guys :mad:

July 23rd, 2009, 12:58 PM
Botulism (Latin, botulus, "sausage") also known as botulinus intoxication is a rare but serious paralytic illness caused by botulinum toxin, which is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The toxin enters the body in one of four ways: by colonization of the digestive tract by the bacterium in children (infant botulism) or adults (adult intestinal toxemia), by ingestion of toxin from foodstuffs (foodborne botulism) or by contamination of a wound by the bacterium (wound botulism).[1] All forms lead to paralysis that typically starts with the muscles of the face and then spreads towards the limbs.[1] In severe forms, it leads to paralysis of the breathing muscles and causes respiratory failure. In view of this life-threatening complication, all suspected cases of botulism are treated as medical emergencies, and public health officials are usually involved to prevent further cases from the same source.[1]

...Please cook your food...

July 23rd, 2009, 01:00 PM
I can only comment on tinned vegies: ugh, just ugh. I got a summer job in one of these companies that packages it all in tins, the amount of insects I had to remove from the pee-band is amazing. Also, once it's all sterilised, it loses it's nice rich colours.

July 23rd, 2009, 02:54 PM
You should inject the canned food into your face so that it makes you look pretty.

Llama Juice
July 23rd, 2009, 04:04 PM
^ I skip the food, just inject the can.

That's why I'm so pretty.

t3h m00kz
July 23rd, 2009, 04:32 PM
it shows man.

Also thanks for the verification on uncooked canned fuck-uppedness guys. I'm popping the tin and putting that shit on the stove from now on.

July 24th, 2009, 04:32 AM
I really wish some of you were dumb enough to microwave the can :)

July 24th, 2009, 04:33 AM
I have before...makes pretty sparks then smells really bad. :/

July 24th, 2009, 04:37 AM
aaaannnnndd catches on fire.

i remember watching our microwave catch on fire once. was fucking win.
normally i only hear about that after it's happened but this time i saw it all :D

"oi mum you might wanna stop the microwave... because from here it looks like it's on fire."

was lolling at the time (wasnt from metal though, just wore out.)

July 24th, 2009, 05:31 AM
popeye takes his spinach straight from the can

July 24th, 2009, 05:48 AM
Well, shit. Now I've got more reasons to be paranoid about my food. Thanks, guys :mad:
FFFFFFFFFFFF, now how am I supposed to eat MREs now and enjoy it without this fact hanging over my head <:mad:>

popeye takes his spinach straight from the can
Ever hear him speak?

t3h m00kz
July 24th, 2009, 02:03 PM
^ I think that's because of the pipe, duder

July 26th, 2009, 10:20 PM
^ I think that's because of the pipe, duder
confirmin dis

July 26th, 2009, 10:37 PM
Fuck, when we're stoned and broke (when aren't we?) my friends and I like to sit down with a can of whatever we can get and go right at it with no cooking. Like chef boyardee, beans, soup, or whatever the fuck, that shit is easy to stick in your bag at the store and is relatively filling, and when you think about everything else you could get at a grocery store that's ready to eat, healthy in comparison.