View Full Version : Mac vs PC: The eternal battle

July 24th, 2009, 08:30 AM
So, which is it? Why?

I choose PC's because I can repair my problems myself without having to go to a special store to get it repaired. I also like to right-click. I also like to play games on my computer.

I have Macs at school, I don't see where the "Apple tax" fits into it. It's essentially a PC with a streamlined OS. You can even build your own "Hackintosh", if you so desire, but I don't see the meaning of doing so.

Let the FLAMES begin.

July 24th, 2009, 08:32 AM
:gnu: Why choose? Use FOSS.

Llama Juice
July 24th, 2009, 08:33 AM
Why choose? Use both.

July 24th, 2009, 08:51 AM
Why choose? Use both.

Whats the point?

Llama Juice
July 24th, 2009, 08:55 AM
Best of both worlds sir.

July 24th, 2009, 08:59 AM
If one screws, up you have the other as a backup.

Or if you just happen to have a beast of a gaming laptop but CBA to lug it around you and have a macbook air (that has no fucking CD/DVD drive but who uses DVD to watch things on a laptop that often?)

Unfortunately I only have a "PC", I started with a PC, I think I'll stick with it.

July 24th, 2009, 09:05 AM
OSX sucks. If I wanted an alternate OS to Windows, I'd use Linux.

July 24th, 2009, 09:11 AM
Whichever one I can get the best bang for my buck on. Most of the time that's a PC, but there were several times when I could have gotten a good deal on a Mac (not through the store obviously). I just wasn't looking for a new computer then.

July 24th, 2009, 09:33 AM
If one screws, up you have the other as a backup.

Or if you just happen to have a beast of a gaming laptop but CBA to lug it around you and have a macbook air (that has no fucking CD/DVD drive but who uses DVD to watch things on a laptop that often?)

Unfortunately I only have a "PC", I started with a PC, I think I'll stick with it.

The beast of a Laptop is what I got, but I couldnt see myslef with a macbook air, I'd prefer a regular macbook for portable computing.

I have less than 10 hours of experiance with an apple computer so I cant say I choose one over the other, I can say that I liked Tiger on the macbook I used and it ran very very smooth. Although I was confused alot of the time about what I was doing.

July 24th, 2009, 10:52 AM
Mac, even if your not using their hardware, the OS is way better than windows. Of course some of the more unique program community members use won't work, so if you go Mac be able to dual boot for that.

July 24th, 2009, 10:59 AM
Sonar > Pro Tools

Probably the one professional part of my decision between the two.

July 24th, 2009, 11:22 AM
Asking this poll question on a GAMING forum is totally unbiased. Really.

July 24th, 2009, 11:30 AM
I use PC, but that's only because a lot of my games don't have MAC versions out and aren't compatible. If they were, I'd spend the extra money, especially since less viruses affect MACs =P (yes I know they're not immune to them , just less are made for them). You know apple doesn't even offer shitty intel cards, the worse is a 9400M :iamafag:. At least someone who doesn't know much about PC's can get something that is half decent from them.

July 24th, 2009, 11:46 AM
^I forget the exact reasons why, but it is harder for virus writers to exploit OSX than it is windows. Not to say it's immune, but apparently it's built in a way that makes them more secure.

July 24th, 2009, 11:50 AM
Same reason its difficult to exploit OSX is the same reason it's difficult to exploit Windows if UAC is enabled.

Oh, but no one uses UAC even though you asked for that security feature to begin with. :realsmug:

Also, right now, the poll isn't terribly inaccurate. It almost represents the global userbase. (no smug here)

July 24th, 2009, 11:51 AM
Apple does offer "shitty Intel cards"...
And Linux still wins on security.

El Lobo
July 24th, 2009, 12:15 PM
Just got the new Macbook Pro a couple of weeks ago, loving it so far. And it came with a free iTouch.


July 24th, 2009, 01:03 PM
Macs are stuck with xeon CPUs from the looks of it. No i7s for macs...yet.

July 24th, 2009, 01:18 PM
Apple does offer "shitty Intel cards"...
And Linux still wins on security.Yeah because Linux actually bothers patching issues when they find out about them, rather than waiting for their quarter-gigabyte patches that modify 16,000 files at once.

Apple still hasn't patched an exploit for the iPhone that allows remote root access via a bad SMS message (which you can only block by not having the phone on)... that was known in late June.


The security expert (Charlie Miller) gave Apple until July 30th to fix the exploit he found before he reveals it at BlackHat. Oddly enough, Apple said in ~July 1st or 2nd they'd fix the patch by the end of July. Conveeeenient :realsmug:

Not to mention Apple makes Windows less secure with their DEP bullshit... executing off of a data stack like a virus under routine operation, so Windows DEP will either need to be turned off for it (making it impossible to find an ACTUAL data-exploit virus... which we already said Apple sucks with patching) or cause your PC to crash.

Thankfully it's only a limited-user program... glad Apple doesn't make OSes... >_> <_<;

Same reason its difficult to exploit OSX is the same reason it's difficult to exploit Windows if UAC is enabled.

Oh, but no one uses UAC even though you asked for that security feature to begin with. :realsmug:

Also, right now, the poll isn't terribly inaccurate. It almost represents the global userbase. (no smug here)Yeah a lot of people don't understand security.

"I'd know if I get a virus!"

Yeahhhhhh no.

"I got Norton Antivirus!"

And so do probably at least half of the people infected with Conficker... didn't help 'em...

"Vista is annoying!"

Yeah but at least you know it's there... a virus you probably cannot tell... if it's well programmed.

So, which is it? Why?

I choose PC's because I can repair my problems myself without having to go to a special store to get it repaired. I also like to right-click. I also like to play games on my computer.

I have Macs at school, I don't see where the "Apple tax" fits into it. It's essentially a PC with a streamlined OS. You can even build your own "Hackintosh", if you so desire, but I don't see the meaning of doing so.

Let the FLAMES begin.Yeah but:

1) Apple likes to kill Hackintoshes, not like they like to kill the Palm Pre off of iTunes... more like they like to kill Jailbroken iPhones. Apple is the most monopolistic computer company out there... except maybe Nintendo... it's pretty neck-and-neck there...

2) Apple's tech support is very good... but that's all part of their branding... branding in fact being all of Apple's value. They play all the tricks...

... making their customers feel bad about their other choices via "I'm a Mac" and other stuff.
... pointing out flaws with Windows whether or not those exact problems exist on the Mac (PC> "I say if your printer doesn't work with Vista! ... Buy a new printer!" Noooo... OSX Tiger didn't fail on a large percentage of Three-In-One printers... nooo... neever)
... focusing on the aesthetic of their products to make it seem like it's quality to justify the extra purchase... ... like all these gold tipped cables...

Macs are stuck with xeon CPUs from the looks of it. No i7s for macs...yet.The Xeons are Nehalem-based... so they're i7s... just server-grade.

July 24th, 2009, 01:38 PM
They all have redeeming values.

They all have flaws.

July 24th, 2009, 02:13 PM
PC because it's what I work with, be it gaming, modding, repair, etc. I'm no stranger to macs and I like them equally, and frankly I wish both would share more features.

July 24th, 2009, 02:22 PM
As long as you dont go linux youre good

July 24th, 2009, 02:35 PM

I used a macs at school half of junior and all of senior year for web design work and other random stuff, I raged. (only a little)

July 24th, 2009, 02:37 PM
For video editing, i'd use a mac, but for everything else i'd use a PC. Kinda why I don't own any macs but have 3 PC's, two of which are Dells.

July 24th, 2009, 03:02 PM
As long as you dont go linux youre good

July 24th, 2009, 03:12 PM
As long as you dont go linux youre good

I went Linux once to set up the TF2 server, remember?

Don't care to go back anytime soon. :ohdear:

July 24th, 2009, 03:19 PM
PC = Personal Computer

Mac = Personal Computer


Jokes aside, both have their benefits. I just really don't like Macs because I always have difficulty finding anything in them.


July 24th, 2009, 03:26 PM
Whats everyones problem with Linux? I'd rather use Linux than Macintosh tbh, find it more stable and easier to use :P. And Palm released a new patch which lets Pre users to use iTunes with it again :)

July 24th, 2009, 03:48 PM
Most people don't understand Linux and don't want to learn it ;/

July 24th, 2009, 03:52 PM
Most people don't understand Linux and don't want to learn it ;/

Now, don't rage, because I've done my fair share with linux.

July 24th, 2009, 04:19 PM
And Palm released a new patch which lets Pre users to use iTunes with it again :)That's not the point...

What would happen if Microsoft (Apple) kicked Firefox (Palm) off of Windows (iTunes) because it competed with Internet Explorer (iPhone)?

July 24th, 2009, 05:05 PM
I prefer PC, because most of the video games that you play require Windows. Mac is a nice system too. Each system has it cons and pros, but overall PC is just made for me. Although, maybe when I need something for school and such, then Mac would be my choice. Plus PC is cheaper.

July 24th, 2009, 05:43 PM
Depends what segments we're talking about.

For a desktop computer, I prefer PCs through and through. I like being able to run games, I like being able to upgrade to the latest hardware, and I think Linux (lurve Linux :-3 ) makes more sense than OSX; the OSX GUI is a toy, nothing more. Everything is oversimplified to the point of making an educated computer user feel like a moron (e.g. "Thousands of Colours" and "Millions of Colours" as opposed to 256,000 and 5.7 million colours (16- and 32-bit) that we are used to). Exposé is slow and clunky and not all that efficient for anything; when using OSX I tend to stick with more traditional methods of file browsing. OSX also doesn't seem like it uses desktop real-estate very efficiently with regard to windows, and using the GNOME (and even KDE, though I dislike KDE for other reasons) or Windows taskbar for window management is much more user-friendly.

That being said, I love Apple's hardware. It's clean and pleasing to the eye, and generally very sturdy. I wish they had kept up black as a colour option for notebooks. Regarding those, if I had to get a portable notebook, I'd spring for the 13.3" MacBook Pro, because it has a decent amount of horsepower inside and it is thin and light without sacrificing an optical drive (looking at you Dell Studio 14z). However, since I am in the market for a desktop replacement (frequent LAN parties) and not a road-worthy machine, I must say I would still go with a PC for my next purchase.

Also, Masters, it's not harder to make a virus for OSX per se, it's just that it has security through obscurity' nobody cares enough to write one for it. I do believe that an Apple machine was the first to be breached in a hacking competition not too long ago.

July 25th, 2009, 11:51 AM
That's not the point...

What would happen if Microsoft (Apple) kicked Firefox (Palm) off of Windows (iTunes) because it competed with Internet Explorer (iPhone)?

Some L33T H4X0Rs would make it compatible again :)

Reaper Man
July 25th, 2009, 12:09 PM
Some L33T H4X0Rs would make it compatible again :)
That is completely besides the point. http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/8177/facepalmemotegif.gif

July 25th, 2009, 11:41 PM
Lol, not reading anything on here, cause I'll probably get pissed. But, PC. Owning Mac. Awesome.

July 26th, 2009, 12:06 AM
Use both, ffs.

July 26th, 2009, 03:44 AM
In an ideal world I'd probably be using Linux for most of my stuff, but I have to use Windows for everything I do out of convenience since the majority of people are using Windows.

Windows isn't a terrible OS and neither is Mac OS. Yes, Mac OS is "dumbed down" a bit and the platform itself is designed more for artsy stuff than it is for programming or business stuff, but you can use both platforms for pretty much any purpose. (unless you are a gamer :P).

I think a lot of the bitching about Vista was unwarranted - most of the initial driver issues have long been fixed and using it is actually quite enjoyable. Yes, it's a bit of a ram pig but if you have 4 or more gigs of ram you'll never have a problem with ram.

Linux is really resource light - Vista wouldn't run smoothly on my shitty old Celeron D box and yet Ubuntu runs pretty much fine. In fact, I think I'll go set up Apache on it tomorrow just to get some Linux experience :).

For things like browsing the web and playing around in photoshop or Garageband, Mac OS is great. I haven't tried doing any programming on the Mac but I know there are resources out there for it. Same with business stuff - Word, Open Office, etc.

I went with a PC for my college laptop. Apple's laptops are pricey for what you get - the battery life is nice though.

Mr Buckshot
July 26th, 2009, 06:15 AM
I've used Macs many times and I would not say that they're "user-unfriendly" or "inconvenient" in any way. Nothing wrong in terms of usability.

But they're overpriced, and the Mac is often ignored when it comes to developing computer games. Hence I personally use Windows. I've never had an issue with a single virus or spyware for Windows in 4 years because I know what I visit and what I download. I don't mean that I haven't been infected, I mean that all my infections are low level threats (usually tracking cookies) that are easily cleaned out by software.

About Apple itself, its computers are nice-looking, yes, but they just don't offer enough performance for the money. I have yet to see any Mac-exclusive softwares that don't already have a similarly capable competitor for Windows.

July 27th, 2009, 06:14 AM
That is completely besides the point. http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/8177/facepalmemotegif.gif

What's your point then?

July 27th, 2009, 09:10 PM
What's your point then?That Apple is terribly monopolistic, in spite of playing the underdog card all the time.

July 27th, 2009, 10:34 PM
Macs don't need UAC because you need to ask Apple before you do anything. :realsmug: