July 27th, 2009, 02:20 PM
Some ass hole has decided to download my hornet, from modacity where I posted a download link. Because people needed it for a comp. Well, I trust modacity members not to abuse my trust, be obviously kid from here visits there and decided to set some people up.
If you have not noticed, they have uploaded it here. Dennis seems to be ignoring my PM's.
Somehow, it seems people don't seem to understand some simple basics of a public forum. Take good ole' hunter over here, who apparently failed to learn from Inferno's mistake with Snowtrap. The #1 rule to keeping something you want to be private is NOT TO POST IT ON A PUBLIC FORUM. The minute you do that, you've released your work. It's not the fault of another forum or even this forum if it gets uploaded. Anyone can view the download link, and anyone can download, and anyone can do what they want with it. It's not Dennis's responsibility to remove a file from his site, because you posted it publicly, not should he even have to be bothered by a stupid mistake on your part.
I thought people would learn from Inferno's mistake to not post private files on a public forum, but Hunter, this is only your fault. You failed to learn from infernos mistake, and frankly, that just makes you an idiot to do the exact same thing.
If anyone else has a problem with a similar situation, shame on you, you have 2 examples now from Hunter and Inferno as well as this post as a warning.
If you have not noticed, they have uploaded it here. Dennis seems to be ignoring my PM's.
Somehow, it seems people don't seem to understand some simple basics of a public forum. Take good ole' hunter over here, who apparently failed to learn from Inferno's mistake with Snowtrap. The #1 rule to keeping something you want to be private is NOT TO POST IT ON A PUBLIC FORUM. The minute you do that, you've released your work. It's not the fault of another forum or even this forum if it gets uploaded. Anyone can view the download link, and anyone can download, and anyone can do what they want with it. It's not Dennis's responsibility to remove a file from his site, because you posted it publicly, not should he even have to be bothered by a stupid mistake on your part.
I thought people would learn from Inferno's mistake to not post private files on a public forum, but Hunter, this is only your fault. You failed to learn from infernos mistake, and frankly, that just makes you an idiot to do the exact same thing.
If anyone else has a problem with a similar situation, shame on you, you have 2 examples now from Hunter and Inferno as well as this post as a warning.