View Full Version : yoyo desperate... impossible countdown?

July 29th, 2009, 05:56 PM
Guys, It's 4 years this yoyoV2 project, some friends and partners joined me to help achieve this big and complex map V2 turned in.. So I really wouldn't like to rush the release. But I'm leaving the 6th of august in the morning (US time) for one entire month.. I couldn't imagine the map wouldn't be out before I left.. but unfortunalty the map is still not ready.. will it be in time?.. I still think there's a chance.. but for this to happen, inferno most of all has to go into it and make the final modifs... but even working hard, it's unfortunalty unsure it's makable in time...
Guys, its all depending on you...

- Cause the main piece I wanted reworked are the ATV biped anims... The ones from the lag are not bad but a bit wired sometimes and positions looked a bit rigid.. the one before these (from flamin) were messed up ingame but the driver anim (when driving was simply amazing) the jumpin part was messed up...
So I asked infrerno to take this anim from Iv7 (you guys dont have it I guess, its not the same iv7)... and to add a jumpin part..
For the passengern I asked Matooba to make a new one.. maybe he can come with soemthing better than we have..
This could take time... but if you guys really go into it, its dam makable..

- Now about the Framerate, everyone seems to be more or less satisfied in the end.. but inferno, you should check if the bipeds and vehicles in the sync room are effectivly not rendered as you wanted them to be.

- The jumpin musics will stay in but will start one time over 50 randomly... as we planned initialy with inferno.

- Something else to fix is I noticed there was 2 turrets one superposed with the other(dont remember the gametype).

- ME and some other (comments about that welcomed) found some sync problems with the shileds and doors.. inferno maybe there's something to look into to make it work better than it is...

- K now about the spawn killing we had in race mode yesterday, it is due to 2 things, ONE : it was running a special CMT race gametype with no vehicles. .. so its normal every one spawning there at the same time with no way to escape from fire in a hog or somehting is pwned... SECOND : contrarly to V1 I wanted all the spwns to be on the bases only to be able to race and not find themselves spawning far form the hogs.. so there are more people on the bases than in V1...
I'm proposing to live with it, you'll see when the vehicles will be in garage, this spawn firing and nading will only hapen at the very 1st spawn of the racegametype.

- 2 last little things I want since long, inferno is already aware of these : the Panic hill shiled, you repositioned it I saw, and its better but there's still a lillte space where you can through a nade... plz ferno, reposition it one last time.
2nd thing is the Main Ground texture, (I touhgt you did that already but couldn't see any change... well it should be made like 2 times bigger to meet the size of the beach ground texture.

When these points will be fixed, I'll be ready to make one last test then release once for good.. but do we have enough time before the 5 of august till late in the night?... It's ALL in your hands Inferno (and Matooba for the ATV back passenger anim)... ALL in your hands! Plz make the dream come true!

Inferno, the reason why I'm writing this last list here is also because I won't be able to stay late today... thks man, thks to the betatesters yesterday.


EDIT : Teh Lag is going to retouch the ATV anims afterall (well at least the passenger anim for now) so Mat, you can have some rest. Thks Lag
EDIT 2 : Lag is also going to recover the Flamin driver anim in the last IV7.. so inferno, you can focuse on the rest...

July 29th, 2009, 06:01 PM
I'm pretty sure the scripts are causing some of the FPS lag. Perhaps even the anti-leak script is causing the lag. Maybe some scripts are being run too often I dunno.

I'm hoping it will be out before August 5th, if not people won't be able to play over the summer holidays which will suck.

July 29th, 2009, 06:20 PM
I got it. I logged out because I was installing a badass new gaming router. :iamafag:

And yes. The 1400 lines of script in yoyo might cause some minor FPS problems.

July 29th, 2009, 06:26 PM
I just tried it for a bit yesterday on my own. I'm still having some FPS issues, however, there's something going on with my graphics card so I'll be getting a new one real soon.

Although here's my run down of what I think thus far (despite not being in the test last night)

Music: Didn't listen to all of them but so far I'm liking them. There was one that pumped me up a little bit while driving, although I'm not sure of the name.

Shields: How long are the shields typically supposed to last? Just curious. I really do like the feature, feel it makes things a little more interesting and such. While typically I'm not favor of a whole lot of shields (see Halo 3) but these ones I like. Gives you a shot at surviving and I really do like the shield on hill in front of the garage. Especially in KOTH, I think it makes things a whole lot more fun.

Random teleporting for flags: This was an excellent idea. In the first version I remember almost ALWAYS picking the walk way. I thought that way was a whole lot easier in the first version. With this, the island will used a whole lot more than the first version where probably parts of it were typically used.

Sync Room: I would definitely suggest blocking the sections where you can hear them with invisible walls. Would make the map seem more professionally done in my opinion. If some random Joe was able to go to those sections and hear the random vehicle smashing and such, he'll probably be puzzled and possibly turned that by that. If this has been addressed then ignore this.

Anti Leak: I'm all for it since I understand the motives behind it. Although I do understand why some people would be a little ticked about it. As this is not an easy map to get used too. It takes time (as did the first one) since it's so complex.

Layout: I like it. Everything for the most part has a role to play and I like that. I feel that it will be a lot more balanced than the first one was. If I can fix up my FPS I think I'll be able to appreciate it a lot more.

July 30th, 2009, 06:19 PM
I'll post my low down.

Like rams has said, I love the shields and random teleporting. Teleporting was an idea for v1 but we couldnt get a practical way of incorperating it but now its in v2 it really adds dynamic gameplay, along with the shield doors.

Is there a way to get it to if anyone goes into thje sync room, they get killed? SUrely you can have one script that loops through the 16 player index's and if any are within the area they are killed.

But yeah 1400 lines sounds like alot, can you not make functions in the scripting and just call it when needed? Surely theres a ton of code thats getting replicated.

July 30th, 2009, 06:25 PM
I had no FPS problems when I was running around on my own.

July 30th, 2009, 06:33 PM
If fps is a problem, is it not ok for people to turn down the graphical settings ?

Make it future proof if in doubt, systems will only get better. When Halo PC was released, not many gfx cards could run halo at full settings iirc. Even today it still looks ok (with everything on full).

Someone please correct me.

July 30th, 2009, 06:55 PM
EDIT 2 : Lag is also going to recover the Flamin driver anim in the last IV7.. so inferno, you can focuse on the rest...

Umm, my driver anims never made it ingame, I don't know what yuo're talking about.

July 30th, 2009, 09:31 PM
Darn, "The Final Countdown" is now playing in my head.

English Mobster
July 31st, 2009, 12:16 AM
Best. Boss. Battle. Music. Ever.

July 31st, 2009, 02:31 AM
If fps is a problem, is it not ok for people to turn down the graphical settings ?

Make it future proof if in doubt, systems will only get better. When Halo PC was released, not many gfx cards could run halo at full settings iirc. Even today it still looks ok (with everything on full).

Someone please correct me.
the engine is over 10 years old, at some point it doesnt matter what hardware you have software is holding it back.

July 31st, 2009, 07:08 AM
This variant of the engine came out in 2003, hasn't been 10 years just yet :P

July 31st, 2009, 08:22 AM
Umm, my driver anims never made it ingame, I don't know what yuo're talking about.

SO who animated the ones I have in some iv7 build? The jump in part of the naim is crap but the ay the biped ride the hog is amazing... if all goes well Teh Lag could put it in and merge with his own anims... I already tested his new passenger anim and it rocks..

July 31st, 2009, 06:30 PM
Epic... Well, I'll be waiting to find evem more stuff wrong... :neckbeard: