View Full Version : This system is really getting to be primitive

MetKiller Joe
August 3rd, 2009, 04:38 AM
Today I wanted to listen to Poker Face by Lady Gaga while I work, and I went on youtube, like I usually do to listen to singles; I'm in Europe, at the moment, on vacation. It tells me, sorry, you can't watch this because of copyright issues in your country.

So, then I type "Poker Face" into the video search engine at Google. It gives me the official video without complaint.

It is the same company, and while, yes, there are different people accessing both sites, I don't think it is a stretch of the imagination to think that somebody (such as myself) could do the same thing.

My dad tells me that the way somebody registers a patent is they send it to the patent office, and, for example, if somebody invented a new kind of alloy for vehicles' wheels they would go as far as to try to re patent the wheel itself and then let the patent office chisel off the excess.

It is a problem that plagues the music industry, but also makes most companies need a team of lawyers just too make sure they aren't accidentally stepping on any toes, which is unproductive, inefficient, and just plain too expensive to be competitive in any sense of the word.

August 3rd, 2009, 05:48 AM
I've got the same issue here in Belgium. It's annoying really, but indeed, google video works fine, and I've just stepped over to that site mostly now.

August 3rd, 2009, 11:03 AM
YouTube has blocked music videos due to the fact they had problem with a company that represented a few major record labels =\

August 3rd, 2009, 12:23 PM
Today I wanted to listen to Poker Face by Lady Gaga while I work, and I went on youtube, like I usually do to listen to singles; I'm in Europe, at the moment, on vacation. It tells me, sorry, you can't watch this because of copyright issues in your country.

So, then I type "Poker Face" into the video search engine at Google. It gives me the official video without complaint.

It is the same company, and while, yes, there are different people accessing both sites, I don't think it is a stretch of the imagination to think that somebody (such as myself) could do the same thing.

My dad tells me that the way somebody registers a patent is they send it to the patent office, and, for example, if somebody invented a new kind of alloy for vehicles' wheels they would go as far as to try to re patent the wheel itself and then let the patent office chisel off the excess.

It is a problem that plagues the music industry, but also makes most companies need a team of lawyers just too make sure they aren't accidentally stepping on any toes, which is unproductive, inefficient, and just plain too expensive to be competitive in any sense of the word.Yeah patents and copyrights are two different things.

You can't patent music... patenting is protecting an idea, not the expression of an idea. You can patent a musical instrument... I guess... or more likely a modification to an existing instrument. (Which by the way is how Apple gets out of a lot of EU problems... they sell hardware which is a physical device (an idea) which is considered different from software which is the expression of an idea)... yes the law is bullshit... though they are getting looked at, now, over iTunes and a couple of other things)

As for Copyrighting... which is what you're referring to with the music industry... any time something is published... copyright is assumed for time of death + 70 years for an individual, or 90 years for a business. ((I might have gotten those numbers slightly wrong)).

This means that if I create a song... and I live to be 80 years old... you cannot

1) Use my song in a video
2) Take clips of my song in your song
3) Make mix CDs ((etc))

Until the year 2136 without my (or whoever inherits the copyright)'s permission.

... Blame Walt Disney.

... That or change copyright laws because this is totally totally bullshit.