View Full Version : Public Speaking
Llama Juice
August 5th, 2009, 05:47 AM
I just started a Public Speaking class and on the first day we had to do some improv speeches. We picked a topic from a hat and had 30 minutes to research our topic.
My topic was fingerprints. I don't wanna give too much away about how I spun the topic because it might turn into a youtube video soon, but... the experience of being infront of people while giving a speech like that... I just kinda took it and turned it into a comedy routine.
I used to want to be a stand up comedian. That along with making video games were my two dreams growing up. As I grew older I knew that making video games was more of a reality than actually being a comedian and so that's part of the reason why I started making youtube videos.... so that I could try to make people laugh.... or at least be entertained.
Anyhow, why I started this thread was to ask how you guys approach public speaking, and if you feel you're comfortable in front of a large group (we have like 40 kids in this class) of people like that.
August 5th, 2009, 06:00 AM
When I have to do a class speech I make myself seem relaxed and comfortable in my environment; I make myself seem well informed while simultaneously seeming well in tune with said information; I cite examples and etc.
tl;dr I lean on shit and act cool while providing facts
August 5th, 2009, 11:38 AM
Both my presentations and the classes that I teach become comedy routines in one way or another. People seem to pay attention/learn the most when I do it that way.
English Mobster
August 5th, 2009, 01:44 PM
I'm one of those types who lives for the stage. You can put me in front of a crowd of 500 and I'll make them laugh without being nervous in the slightest (and I HAVE done that before, I picked some members of the audience and did an improv routine on the spot).
I just don't freak out. I don't pretend like they're in their underwear, I just let my body take over and it knows what to do somehow.
What's weird is that I'm not very funny until I'm in front of a large group. I try to be funny, but people just smile and nod their heads. It's weird.
August 5th, 2009, 05:43 PM
I love presentations, no matter what the subject. It's like comedy gold when I'm on the stage.
August 5th, 2009, 05:44 PM
I hate public speaking with a passion. My programming class was dropped without my consent and a public speaking class put in its place for my upcoming freshmen year. I always tend to mess up or say something I dont wanna say when im put on the spot like that.
August 5th, 2009, 05:49 PM
I took a public speaking class in 9th grade. Our teacher was a really down-to-earth, love sick, head-in-the-clouds English teacher who happened to love acoustic music. Anyway, one of our assignments was to do a comedy routine. This was dreadful. I even posted a topic in gearbox asking for some major help on how to be funny. The best advice I got was from P0lar_bear who told me how the funniest routines are ones that focus on a really small aspect of everyday things that people don't notice because it's so fleeting, yet they relate because they know what it means. Much failure on my part ensued. I would rather not share my horrible experience. Small giggles from the crowd, followed by forced laughter by my teacher. He just kept on going "HA!" like he was trying to hopelessly encourage me. Never again.
Still, the class was still educating and there was more to learning about public speaking than doing a comedy routine.
August 5th, 2009, 06:37 PM
I hate public speaking, but being on youtube is fine. Just something weird.
Maybe it's 'cause i'm an e-thug
August 6th, 2009, 01:28 PM
I'd say I get nervous quite easily, and therefore am not a fan of public speaking. Apparently I look very calm and confident when in front of people, but I suppose it's the waiting beforehand that gets me.
August 6th, 2009, 04:54 PM
I hate speaking in front of people, but that didn't stop me from doing it every chance I got. I got into acting in high school, yay chorus and small parts (did it for the booze and girls). anyway, it's easy for me to talk to crowds anymore because I'm imposing enough to make people stop, look up, and say "holy fuck."
August 6th, 2009, 11:04 PM
If it's a presentation then I'm okay, I will get nervous but hf I'm confident in my work I'll be excited to show it off. If it's improv then omg that would be hurrendous. I need time to think what i'm going to say, even a few seconds help but I cant talk and think. If I know the people i'm fine but if it's strangers I'll be nervous as hell. I don't like large groups of people in general, gimit no idea why just get really nervous.
August 6th, 2009, 11:17 PM
I used to have a lot of trouble with public speaking, and I still have an adrenaline reaction to speaking in front of large numbers of people, but now I just try to stay in character as a person who confidently believes that they know more than the people they are talking to, because that's the message people being talked to like to get. Also, laughing and smiling and being as human as possible without acting forced or cheesy helps a lot with making connections, also eye contact, of course.
I would much prefer improvisation to presenting work I did, because at least for school assignments, my level of quality in my work is significantly below what I am capable of. I find that being naturally smart and having two parents with post-graduate educations that never shut up compensates enough that I never have to put real effort into anything academic.
I absolutely love thinking on my feet and bullshitting people by bombarding them with big words and legit-sounding "facts."
August 7th, 2009, 09:18 AM
being extremely sarcastic helps, alot.
My sarcasm is directly proportional to the level of tiredness and booze i've had.
i eventually hit a spot where i spout nothing but Dry ass sarcasm.
Thats when i'm most comfortable talking in front of people.
you just got to not g.a.f.
August 7th, 2009, 09:20 AM
i teach, does that count as public speaking?
August 7th, 2009, 09:21 AM
no because ponoddy's ristling
August 7th, 2009, 05:57 PM
I used to have a lot of trouble with public speaking, and I still have an adrenaline reaction to speaking in front of large numbers of people, but now I just try to stay in character as a person who confidently believes that they know more than the people they are talking to, because that's the message people being talked to like to get. Also, laughing and smiling and being as human as possible without acting forced or cheesy helps a lot with making connections, also eye contact, of course.
I would much prefer improvisation to presenting work I did, because at least for school assignments, my level of quality in my work is significantly below what I am capable of. I find that being naturally smart and having two parents with post-graduate educations that never shut up compensates enough that I never have to put real effort into anything academic.
I absolutely love thinking on my feet and bullshitting people by bombarding them with big words and legit-sounding "facts."
Holey fuck, you are me :aaaaa:
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