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August 9th, 2009, 05:29 AM
Hopefully now the arguments will happen here, and the Halo: Legends thread won't need to get locked (of course, arguments as to why it will or won't be terrible are fine, arguments about anime in general are the problem).

Before I get into things, I should probably explain a few things.

I've always been a bit obsessive over certain things. I actually have a legit case of Asperger's (diagnosed by a real shrink!), and although it's quite mild, it does show in that I hate talking to strangers off the net and I fixate entirely on things to the point where I can tell you everything about that subject, and nothing about anything else. I only found out recently; considering that finding out has made no impact on my behaviour or my personality, I'm not keen on using it as an excuse or treating it as a handicap like most self-diagnosed poser fuckwits like to. I embrace its advantages (I argue like a crazy motherfucker) and don't really care if I suck socially. It's all cool with me, there's nothing I can do about it and there's nothing I want to do about it.

I've loved warplanes since I was a kid, probably something to do with growing up in the UK. Dad took me to just about every single airshow and every single air museum within a 50-mile radius of where we lived. I can rattle off design specifications, performance data, variants, and what have you of a whole shitload of WWII aircraft from memory. Yeah. I love planes. I'm not sure whether that's the obsession symptom coming out to play or what, but I can draw a Spitfire pretty much rivet-for-rivet and I can list off the maximum level speeds for about half of the production variants to within a couple of miles per hour (fuck metric for aviation).

Now, let's move onto everyday life. In my room at Newcastle (I don't have the space here), I had a single, large framed print of an RAAF Hercules on my wall. It was a gift from a friend of the family. I also had a framed set of Citroen collector cards, another present (my car is a Citroen and I basically helped dad rebuild the engine when it finally broke down hardcore). If you ask me about WWII, I'll blather on for hours without stopping for breath, but I don't often go around looking for an excuse to talk about it and I don't go around starting threads on forums for fellow history nerds to jerk each other off in. I've never been one for trends. I never really got into Pokemon or FF or any of those franchises. The only things I did were usually to give me something to do (my mates all had a Magic: The Gathering phase, so I bought myself a deck so I'd have something to do; they had a Runescape phase, so I joined to give myself something to do - this was before I really got into gaming).

Along comes anime. Suddenly, people who are older than me, people who are supposed to be at least a little bit mature, are obsessing over preteen girls and plastering every available inch of their bedroom with posters and figurines. They're looking at me like I'm some kind of freak for saying "I honestly don't find anime appealing. I don't watch it, and I don't want to." For every one sensible person I meet who can watch anime without basing their entire life around it, it seems another five who can't come along. I finally get told what this 'hentai' stuff is that people are drooling buckets over while discussing, and I think to myself, would they honestly feel the same if it wasn't for anime, or more specifically the way anime seems to be the latest cool thing? Would they still find fictional, cartoony preteen girls more interesting than real women? I think long and hard about this. No. Probably not, once they're past the age of about five or ten. Yet here I am, being blasted for questioning the logic of this and daring to speak out about it.

I don't hate anime. I don't hate anime fans, per se. I just find it exceptionally odd and exceptionally confusing as to why people obsess over it so much, for no readily apparent reason. I've heard things like "I'm just interested in Japanese culture" or "I like the animation style", but it seems that more people are obsessed with individual characters or animes than anything else.

If any of you have any reasons you wouldn't mind sharing, I'm genuinely interested. I hate not understanding things, and how anime has come along in the last twenty years or so and just about taken over has me completely vexed.

August 9th, 2009, 06:20 AM
:irrelevant life story:

Along comes anime. Suddenly, 1.people who are older than me, people who are supposed to be at least a little bit mature, are obsessing over preteen girls and plastering every available inch of their bedroom with posters and figurines. They're looking at me like I'm some kind of freak for saying "I honestly don't find anime appealing. I don't watch it, and I don't want to." 2.For every one sensible person I meet who can watch anime without basing their entire life around it, it seems another five who can't come along. 3.I finally get told what this 'hentai' stuff is that people are drooling buckets over while discussing, and I think to myself, would they honestly feel the same if it wasn't for anime, or more specifically the way anime seems to be the latest cool thing? Would they still find fictional, cartoony preteen girls more interesting than real women? I think long and hard about this. No. Probably not, once they're past the age of about five or ten. Yet here I am, being blasted for questioning the logic of this and daring to speak out about it.

I don't hate anime. I don't hate anime fans, per se. 4.I just find it exceptionally odd and exceptionally confusing as to why people obsess over it so much, for no readily apparent reason. I've heard things like "I'm just interested in Japanese culture" or "I like the animation style", but it seems that more people are obsessed with individual characters or animes than anything else.

5.If any of you have any reasons you wouldn't mind sharing, I'm genuinely interested. I hate not understanding things, and how anime has come along in the last twenty years or so and just about taken over has me completely vexed.

Obsessive nerds crop up with every medium from Videogames to Celebrities to Comedians to Airplanes. :downs:
Perhaps (and I've raised/seen this point rased so many times at you and never see a decent counter) a lot of the people you don't know like anime... like anime! Obviously you're going to know the obsessive nerd loooooves his aimies, but the quiet afficionado will likely be just that; quiet about it. Not ramming it down your throat. invisible to you.
Some wouldn't, some would. Again, it's the art style which does it for some people where as others just want something more interesting to fap over than "OH FUCK YES *TEETHBREATHE*, CUM ALL OVER MY BIG TITTIES FUCK ME YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAAH!!" or humans with visual imperfections. It doesn't have to be logical man, it's a fetish. People get off to feet ffs (something I don't understand but hey, to each his own and just keep it to yourself).
Again, you get that happening with all sorts of media. People really get into shit (usually reading too much into it) and look for heaps of depth when it really isn't there (the shit they make you write in highschool english over stuff like Shakespear is a good example)
Wapanese culture, circlejerking-elitest nerds, kids who want to seem cool/counterculture, people hearing about some "cool new show" and checking it out, the usual way shit gets popular.

t3h m00kz
August 9th, 2009, 06:26 AM
some anime's okay. when it comes to excessive use of oversized sweat drops and big eyes and typical #-shaped popping veins, it gets a bit annoying.

August 9th, 2009, 07:04 AM
Looks like somebody's mad about animes :realsmug:

August 9th, 2009, 07:08 AM
Alright, this is how and why I'm an anime fan.

Yearssss ago, when I was a little kid, I was introduced to anime. I started out (like most other people here) watching Toonami. On Toonami they had all sorts of anime; most introduced new concepts and such that were quite different from what you'd see in western cartoons. This intrigued me. At this point, I really wasn't able to tell "good" movies/shows from "bad" ones, so I just ended up watching whatever was on TV. If an anime was on TV, I'd most likely switch to it. Although, at this time, I really didn't find anime to be amazing or anything, I found it entertaining. While I was still at this age, I also watched this really good anime with my brother called "Cowboy Bebop". Really liked it at the time, and still do. ;)

So, skip forward a few years to the 3rd grade. Right now, I have a friend named Ethan. We're both pretty interested in anime and talk about it every now and then, but anime was probably still secondary on my list of interests to video games. I was still casually watching anime on TV every now and then, still no real interest. One day Ethan invited me over to his house, telling me he had this new "Naruto" anime. (Keep in mind this was years before the word Naruto was commonly known in America)

It was completely in Japanese, had subtitles, and was very interesting to me. It was completely uncut, they said words like "damn" and "shit". It was surprisingly gorey as well. The whole time I was thinking, "Wow, they can't do this on TV, this is actiony!" or probably some other shit like that. I was also able to notice that the voice acting was at least more believable. He also introduced this thing called manga to me, which was like comics, but anime style! (z0r) This was probably something that lead me in the direction of being a fan.

I then bought the first season of Naruto at a store called "Toy Mandala" which sold overpriced Japanese imports. This is a bit of a side note, but although these DVDs were from Japan they had rather primitive, poor, English subtitles. Regardless of the subtitles, I was happy and watched the first season with my brother. We both wowed and decided to buy more. Another side note, we ended up buying like 6 seasons of illegally sold fansubs off ebay in DVD form lol. When we received them, we of course, became even more addicted and were impressed that the DVDs were so cheap! (Heh) I soon discovered what fansubs, in their proper form were. I started torrenting every week. We later discovered Bleach, watched the hell out of that as well. Now here's the actually relevant part of this section. :neckbeard:At this point, I thought anime was cool, liked it, but it really wasn't that big of a deal.

I eventually introduced anime in this form to my friends. At first, they really didn't care that much, but they later ended up getting into Naruto. They were addicted as my brother and I and started following it as actively as myself. Trevor, or SexyTime, as many of you know him, decided to deviate from us a bit. Rather than just watching Naruto/Bleach/Inuyasha, whatever horrible shit we watched back then, he decided to branch out and watch all sorts of anime. Although I had watched some anime at this point other from the shonen shit (all that bullcrap I mentioned earlier) I still wasn't at a point that I liked it a lot.

This, however, was about to change.

One day, when Trevor was doing a routine search on www.animenewsnetwork.com (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com) to find what anime to watch next, he found an anime with rather high ratings. That anime was called "When they Cry - Higurashi". He decided to get the series and on a whim, I did as well. When I got it, I decided to watch an episode to see how it was.

This was when my entire idea of anime changed.

This anime was far different from the others I had seen before. This anime was a compelling tale of people, their own faults, and their mistakes. The character's emotions of love and care were clouded by the characters themselves. Through madness their own original intentions of friendship were gone and were replaced by... hate, envy, disgust, terrible emotions. The result... a schism. Murder and distrust... all because they had forgotten the true intentions of their own ambitions.

This anime had left me speechless. Its message and emotional power had been enough to move a mountain. It was this anime that led me to realize what true anime was, what its real purpose was. Real anime, has meaning.

Stuff like Naruto and Bleach is fun as long as you don't take it seriously, but you really don't gain anything out of it. The one thing if I had to say anything I learned about anime, was that anime had the abillity to be incredibly expressive of emotion.

... And that concludes my school paper.
Owait. :downs:

August 9th, 2009, 07:12 AM

lol you watch anime what are you 12

August 9th, 2009, 07:13 AM
lol you watch anime what are you 12


August 9th, 2009, 07:15 AM
I, too, am 12... I did it right didn't I? :saddowns:

August 9th, 2009, 07:16 AM
I, too, am 12... I did it right didn't I? :saddowns:

You waiting for the a.f.k. subs for Haruhi s2e9 too brah? :neckbeard:

August 9th, 2009, 07:17 AM
I hear Endless 8 just ended. :ohboy:

August 9th, 2009, 07:26 AM
I only ever watch anime for nostalgia purpose these days. I used to watch alot of Naruto, Cardcaptors, Gundam wing (or just gundam, can't remember D:<) and this other one I... can't remember.
Wait, just remember; Ghost in the shell.

They remind me of my old house for some reason. Probably the hours I used to spend watching them of a morning and after school.

August 9th, 2009, 07:52 AM
Obsessive nerds crop up with every medium from Videogames to Celebrities to Comedians to Airplanes. :downs:
Perhaps (and I've raised/seen this point rased so many times at you and never see a decent counter) a lot of the people you don't know like anime... like anime! Obviously you're going to know the obsessive nerd loooooves his aimies, but the quiet afficionado will likely be just that; quiet about it. Not ramming it down your throat. invisible to you.
Some wouldn't, some would. Again, it's the art style which does it for some people where as others just want something more interesting to fap over than "OH FUCK YES *TEETHBREATHE*, CUM ALL OVER MY BIG TITTIES FUCK ME YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAAH!!" or humans with visual imperfections. It doesn't have to be logical man, it's a fetish. People get off to feet ffs (something I don't understand but hey, to each his own and just keep it to yourself).
Again, you get that happening with all sorts of media. People really get into shit (usually reading too much into it) and look for heaps of depth when it really isn't there (the shit they make you write in highschool english over stuff like Shakespear is a good example)
Wapanese culture, circlejerking-elitest nerds, kids who want to seem cool/counterculture, people hearing about some "cool new show" and checking it out, the usual way shit gets popular.

Oh I have a fair idea who does/doesn't like it, obnoxious or not. It isn't like I'll leap onto someone and start goring them in the balls with a spork if they admit to liking anime or whatever, but if they get all fucking obnoxious or over-defensive then I won't put up with it.

To be honest I have issues with two groups: people who are idiots through their own fault (actual handicapped people are cool with me, in fact they're better company than a lot of 'normal' people), and posers. Good lord, I hate posers. I get liking something but I really can't stand when someone tries to be something they're not, either out of sheer obsession or because they want to be a cunt and reap the rewards (usually the motive for fuckheads who pretend they're either currently serving or vets).

I did watch a few eps of Bleach and one or two other animes I can't remember during the final few weeks of school (our physics teacher was away, we had no sub, we had no outstanding work and my mate Tom had a laptop which had pretty much nothing bar anime on it). I wouldn't say I hated it, really. It was just something to fill in the time.

Basically if you like anime that's fine, but the people who overreact whenever someone says they don't like it or the ones who you'd see articles about on The Anime Reality (site owns by the way, even the DBZ announcer dude agrees) need fucking help... and it seems like a fairly high proportion of anime fans (as opposed to anything else) are at that point. It's probably due at least in part to a lot of the over-the-top ones being my age or younger (and therefore prolific internet users and the media's favourite age group), but all the same, it boggles the mind. :ohdear:

August 9th, 2009, 07:57 AM
People like anime because it is (often) set in a fantasy world, where awesome stuff (often) happens that (often) wouldn't happen in real life.

It's hard to say anything about anime as a whole, since there are so many different types. It's kind of like asking "why do you like hollywood films?"

I don't like all anime, and neither does anyone else (probably); there are series where the story progression is so slow or non-existent that I can't be bothered to watch it (Naruto lol), and there are series which I just find plain boring. Personally, there isn't a special formula that makes an anime I enjoy, because my interests wane and change, but often I stick with an anime because I feel an emotional connection with a character (or characters).

Anime like Kanon and Clannad have characters which are specifically designed to create an emotional attachment (so-called moe characters). When these people are on-screen, you want to listen to them - you have an imaginary conversation with them in your head. To you, they are real people until the last episode ends. Sometimes, this obsession lasts after that point (see "waifu" threads on /a/). Haruko-san~~~

Anime like Cowboy Bebop and Full Metal Panic have interesting main characters who are often unpredictable. It's fun to see what they will do next, how they will react to a given situation, and they normally have some cool moves to pull off as well. It's easy to become attached to these characters as well. There is often plenty of fanservice in these types of anime as well, often in the form of girls with shiny breasts and short skirts.

More would go here but I went and did something else and now I lost my train of thought fuck you.

You waiting for the a.f.k. subs for Haruhi s2e9 too brah? :neckbeard:

lol afk subs what are you 12.

August 9th, 2009, 08:32 AM
blah blah blah
...preteen girls...posters and figurines...'hentai'...preteen girls...
I think the issue here is that when you think of anime, this is what comes to mind for you.

August 9th, 2009, 09:24 AM
You forgot actions that last over 3 episodes, over-excessive hairstyle, androgynous characters (seriously sometimes you just cannot tell) and over exaggerated expressions.

teh lag
August 9th, 2009, 09:32 AM
people who overreact whenever someone says they don't like it

Define "overreact." Isn't it natural to want to defend something you like against people who are overgeneralizing it?

It's just another medium for telling a story. Sure, it has certain themes that are common, but criticizing it because of that is like criticizing the medium of graphic novels because they're all about masked musclemen in tights. Furthermore, criticizing anime because its "fans" put up posters and buy figures of underage girls taking shits and whatever is like criticizing graphic novels because this (http://images.chron.com/blogs/tmi/SIMP%5B1%5D%5B1%5D.ComicBookGuy.JPG) is what comes to mind when you think of somebody who reads them.

Yeah, a lot of people try to pass off generic shitty anime as "good storytelling" or whatever excuse they have to watch all 200 episodes of Sailor Moon. A lot of people wear Naruto headbands and collect Revoltech's Fraulein figures and look up their resin-cast Haruhi's skirt when nobody is around. So? A lot of people are ridiculously into their Supermen and try to pass off generic shitty comics as "graphic novels". That doesn't mean (I hope) you get your panties in a bunch if someone says that Watchmen isn't just another kiddie comic book, nor write something off just because its creators are using that particular medium. There's also a ton of shitty books that have inexplicably large and equally shitty fanbases (Twilight), the same for movies. But then there's stuff that isn't shit. There is potential for something that's actually good to come of it. Let's not flip the fuck out because there's a field of flowers or a teddy bear in Halo and say "SEE I TLOD U THE ANIME ITS RUINING IT," the same way we wouldn't flip the fuck out if someone was trying to convince us to read Watchmen and they said it was about superheroes.

Mr Buckshot
August 9th, 2009, 09:57 AM
I never got into anime or any of that trading card stuff (trading cards were banned at both American middle schools I attended, LOL owned). However I do play Bleach: The Blade of Fate for the Nintendo DS fairly often. I'd say, there are some animes with cool characters and good storylines (like the Bleach game, IDK about the show), and there are some animes that are really ugh (like Sailor Moon, I did see a few episodes eight years ago, immediately stopped aterwards). As for reading anime books, I have checked out Full Metal Alchemist before but nothing else.

It's not just animes, I've seen plenty of disturbing cases of people getting such unhealthy obsessions over Star Trek and even Ghostbusters. It's just pop culture, that's all. But I've also met people who like anime in the same way I like to eat chicken, then that's all right.

August 9th, 2009, 10:00 AM
what an incredibly well thought out post.

August 9th, 2009, 10:11 AM
Yeah, I like to watch animes, big whoop wanna fight about it?

August 9th, 2009, 10:18 AM
lol afk subs what are you 12.

mazui scrubs can literally s my d

August 9th, 2009, 10:22 AM
or lack thereof~

August 9th, 2009, 10:35 AM
I can sort of relate to you rossmum, i am dyspraxic myself which comes under the same family of aspergers and i agree there seems to be alot of madness to the whole anime thing at the current moment.
The last time i watched Anime was when i was arround 14/15 when i watched Dragonball Z since then i've lost interest but that anime didn't consist on what now seems like a group of dwarfs with bush baby eyes, i personaly do not have a issue on someone enjoying anime that's their choice what i do not tolerate is when someone try to press their views onto me which is understandable.
I regulary talk to a friend of mine who lives in japan he watches a fair bit of anime but only animes like ghost in the shell or evangeleon [i've been badgered to watch those by a few others >_>] i've seen a few clips of those their not too bad but even still, i've really be taught to feel cartoons such as those are more for children than mature adults, futurama is good but other than that.
Anyway's i guess my point is you're not alone in your opinion on anime but i do find it a little much when you have waves of about 30 people all having the same picture in their signature.

Llama Juice
August 9th, 2009, 10:50 AM
The only Anime that I've enjoyed was Princess Mononoke. I haven't watched Spirited Away yet, but I hear that's on the same caliber.

Fun note about Princess Mononoke, they had it in the kids section of the local Family Video rental store back home because of the anime/cartoon nature of it. There's so much spewing blood in that movie (people getting beheaded and such) that I had to convince them to move it to a more appropriate section. It's not a kid's movie, it's a more mature anime than most other stuff out there and so thats why it stands out so much for me.

If you dislike all other anime you'll probably still enjoy Princess Mononoke.

August 9th, 2009, 11:07 AM
I think its the big eyes. They hypnotize skinny white nerds into watching them do cute things :3. I don't particularly watch anime, but I look at it like any other show or cartoon. Most have deep and interesting plots, or if you watched shows like dragonball that don't revolve around lil gurlies, you know that everything that happens is fucking awesome. As for obsessing over the preteen factor, I think the majority of men have an edge towards younger women. Maybe I would watch anime too, If I wasn't already fucking a 14 year older. :realsmug:

August 9th, 2009, 11:13 AM
I think its how they give girls the most impossible hair colors possible and try to put them into perverted environments.

August 9th, 2009, 11:25 AM
see: lag's and jelly's posts

It's just another medium and I enjoy being entertained as much as the next person. Sometimes its a lot better than actual actors, because there are no limits on what can be animated.

Mr Buckshot
August 9th, 2009, 11:29 AM
see: lag's and jelly's posts

It's just another medium and I enjoy being entertained as much as the next person. Sometimes its a lot better than actual actors, because there are no limits on what can be animated.

Trouble is, a lot of the animes on TV have English dubbing which tends to sound awful.

teh lag
August 9th, 2009, 11:30 AM
Trouble is, a lot of the animes on TV have English dubbing which tends to sound awful.

So just watch the original version subtitled :confused2:

That's a problem with anything that involves voice acting.

August 9th, 2009, 11:30 AM
Trouble is, a lot of the animes on TV have English dubbing which tends to sound awful.
Ug, subs before dubs, man.

e: On a related note, I'm sorry I have to do this ross, but I can't take it anymore and I'll probably go insane if I don't...

Mr Buckshot
August 9th, 2009, 11:34 AM
So just watch the original version subtitled :confused2:

Not available on regular North American TV :(

e: I know there's Youtube, but hey, it's a tiny screen and blowing it up to fill the whole monitor makes it look even worse

teh lag
August 9th, 2009, 11:39 AM
Not available on regular North American TV :(

e: I know there's Youtube, but hey, it's a tiny screen and blowing it up to fill the whole monitor makes it look even worse

That's still not a flaw with anime itself, just how you watch it...

August 9th, 2009, 11:48 AM
I will make it quite clear--I really don't like anime.

Well, let me rephrase that--I hate AMERICANIZED anime. Naruto, Inuyasha, Death Note, it's all so stupid and the fan base is a bunch of dribbling MORONS who do stupid shit like THIS (http://behindinfinity.deviantart.com/art/Death-Note-This-Is-Heaven-52682456) in their spare time. The only anime that was aired in the US that I love to pieces was Escaflowne, which aired on Fox Kids on saturday mornings. They cancelled it mid-season.

The last anime that I watched and enjoyed was Rozen Maiden, which has not really been "mainstream" here in america. It's not like they play it on Adult Swim or anything.

I also watched the first and only episode of the Touhou anime.... and that was enjoyable.

I know that my sig is chibi, and okay, so I drew it, I am guilty of it. I do not like the shows, but I think the art style is commendable. It hints at realism while being completely and totally ridiculously abstracted.


August 9th, 2009, 11:53 AM
Is toonami at fault for getting anime Americanized? Or is it adult swim?

Rob Oplawar
August 9th, 2009, 11:55 AM
Hear hear, Ross. Not that you need it at all, but +rep.

August 9th, 2009, 12:57 PM
Ug, subs before dubs, man.

e: On a related note, I'm sorry I have to do this ross, but I can't take it anymore and I'll probably go insane if I don't...
let me tell you how much i care,

Lag, I don't think the fact Legends is going to be an anime is what ruins it; I think what's already been done to the story is. The method of the delivery doesn't matter.

Honestly if there was an anime out there which had a story I could actually take interest in, I'd probably watch it... but even if that was the case, I'd still have no idea what's so good about it that saying "I don't like it" brings down a rain of shit. There's defensive, which would be going for someone who actually, seriously insults it, and then there's overdefensive. I shouldn't have to put up with people arguing about it just because it doesn't appeal to me, and although I could probably understand a few people failing to pick up on the times when I'm just being a dick for shits and giggles, it seems even people who know me fairly well are acting like I insulted a dead relative or something.

August 9th, 2009, 02:05 PM
I've only ever liked a few anime shows in my time, and even then not very much. Overall I'm pretty neutral towards it, but I can't fucking stand the fan club. The self-titled 'otaku' nerds just make me want to grab a chainsaw and go to town, they grate on my nerves so badly.

So I guess, I hate the trend of anime but not the anime itself :S

e: note that doesn't mean I hate all anime fans. I only hate the ones who wear cat ears, try and fail to speak japanese, and generally make idiots of themselves.

August 9th, 2009, 02:09 PM
let me tell you how much i care,

Lag, I don't think the fact Legends is going to be an anime is what ruins it; I think what's already been done to the story is. The method of the delivery doesn't matter.

Honestly if there was an anime out there which had a story I could actually take interest in, I'd probably watch it... but even if that was the case, I'd still have no idea what's so good about it that saying "I don't like it" brings down a rain of shit. There's defensive, which would be going for someone who actually, seriously insults it, and then there's overdefensive. I shouldn't have to put up with people arguing about it just because it doesn't appeal to me, and although I could probably understand a few people failing to pick up on the times when I'm just being a dick for shits and giggles, it seems even people who know me fairly well are acting like I insulted a dead relative or something.

I don't think he's gonna see your post, Ross. :(

Pyong Kawaguchi
August 9th, 2009, 02:17 PM
I like anime, I'm not obsessed, but I like it, I honestly prefer ones like higurashi and umineko, they have a feeling of paranoia to them which I really like. I like to see the ways that they will adapt and change and become paranoid depending on the situation. In higurashi, it eventually turns out in the end to a "Perfect Ending" without anyone killing eachother and everyone ending up happy. It really is interesting.

I also think alot of people like anime because they find it adorable, and possibly because since it is generally not based in america, they find it quite exotic and intruiging.

El Lobo
August 9th, 2009, 02:27 PM
I don't like or watch anime, but thats probably only because I'm normal...


August 9th, 2009, 02:55 PM

That said, I've very exclusive about the anime I watch, same goes with everything. If it interest me, I'll prob watch, read, etc. I like anime because it's a pass-time event and that's pretty much it.

Anime usually give you an in-depth experience of Japanese culture as how I consider "Billy and Mandy" or "Ed, EDD, 'N' Eddy" a summary of an average day in America. It's world culture for the lazy.

I also don't shove everything into people's faces. If they're interested in it, they prob. already know about it and I don't have to just keep shoving it into their faces, but I also have a tendency of bottling things up.

Everyone have an interest they're usually obsessed about, but like normal people, they keep it to themselves. I consider all those people, you just described in your first post, to have a personality defect.

August 9th, 2009, 03:01 PM
I've watched animes since the age of six or seven. Back then I watched Dragon Ball Z, and was incredibly into it. When I went outside, I played I was Goku. When I watched the show, I played I was Goku. Then of course the series ended, and even being 10 I knew GT was a piece of shit, so I got into reading Manga.

For me, only Dragon Ball still capturers my attention for watching it. I like to read japanese comics more than watch their stupid cartoons. And I pretty much only watch Dragon Ball now is because I remember watching it as a kid. And the only mangas I read are Naruto, Inuyasha, Claymore, and Veritas. Most of it is so fucking shitty.

teh lag
August 9th, 2009, 03:34 PM
let me tell you how much i care,

Lag, I don't think the fact Legends is going to be an anime is what ruins it; I think what's already been done to the story is. The method of the delivery doesn't matter.

Honestly if there was an anime out there which had a story I could actually take interest in, I'd probably watch it... but even if that was the case, I'd still have no idea what's so good about it that saying "I don't like it" brings down a rain of shit. There's defensive, which would be going for someone who actually, seriously insults it, and then there's overdefensive. I shouldn't have to put up with people arguing about it just because it doesn't appeal to me, and although I could probably understand a few people failing to pick up on the times when I'm just being a dick for shits and giggles, it seems even people who know me fairly well are acting like I insulted a dead relative or something.

Oh, that's fine.

Awesome. The new be-all and end-all of milking a franchise seems to be to make it into an anime. Brilliant.

this is just bullshit, turning halo into an anime shits the whole thing up immeasurably

Of everything that I don't like that they're doing, I really don't see how being an anime is specifically responsible for it, with the exception of the Samurai Elites - though the more I think about it (consider their Honor Guard armor) the less I am opposed to it.

Yeah, but point out one anime that has absolutely none of the typically Japanese themes and/or stuff that the Japanese would balk at but stupid white kid weeaboos go for. This is Halo, not some tale about Samurai warriors, giant mechas, or pre-teen girls.

It's just not the impression I've been getting from your posts. What you're saying now is all well and good... but what you've been saying is that it will be bad because it's an anime, and that's where we're taking issue.

August 9th, 2009, 03:57 PM
I grew up watching cartoons, not anime, Therefore my idea of what it should be, was totally screwed with. Plus, even when mainstream anime was being shown on TV (dragonball z, pokemon) I was already getting bored of cartoons and started to watch other types of shows. Therefore I totally missed the anime boat. Also, FYI, UK gets TV shows years after US.

I also dont like having anime shoved down my throat, thats probably another reason I have come to hate it. I'm pretty much a mainstream guy, out of lazyness really. I'm not one of these guys that goes "ooh, check out this indie rock band they are so banging, I found out when they had like 12 fans!!", I hear whats on TV/radio/in clubs, thats pretty much it. I dont go searching for new things.

For instance, Naturo, no idea what style it is and to be perfectly honest, I dont give a fuck.

I'm a man now, I dont really have time for anime or cartoons, I do watch FG, Futurama and American Dad, but thats kinda different.

August 9th, 2009, 04:01 PM
Ass Burgers.

Anime is fine.

August 9th, 2009, 04:26 PM
I'm a man now, I dont really have time for anime or cartoons, I do watch FG, Futurama and American Dad, but thats kinda different.

because family guy futurama and american dad arent cartoons, yeah

teh lag
August 9th, 2009, 04:33 PM
because family guy futurama and american dad arent cartoons, yeah

no it's different, because they're cartoons for grownups and have joks in them, and animes is all for kids

August 9th, 2009, 04:48 PM

August 9th, 2009, 04:53 PM
Its because they are all comedy shows. I havent seen a truely funny anime show.

August 9th, 2009, 05:45 PM
I like anime. I enjoy anime. Sue me.

Some of it is really good.

August 9th, 2009, 06:53 PM
I like anime, don't obsess over it though

August 9th, 2009, 08:32 PM
Only found a few shows I really liked.

Sailor Moon (:3)
Chobits (:33)

Case Closed

August 9th, 2009, 08:45 PM
all it is is japanese animation. I don't get how this somehow affects its quality. Some anime is good, some anime is bad. I don't get it vOv.

August 9th, 2009, 08:51 PM
Gurren Lagann is the only anime Ive ever liked, and probally the only anime I will ever watch. I'm not a hardcore anime fan, and I was never really intrested untill DEE showed me ttgl. I don't really have any intrest in watch any others though.
besides from touhou, thats aweosme, and its not a tv show >_>

August 9th, 2009, 08:58 PM
Generally if I was to be watching this with friends round I'd be a right ol twat. You guys are both arguing a pointless arguement, there are some that think anime is for kids because most of us, including me, don't know anyone 20+ that watches anime... in real life. (My friends and I are 25-26, we may have just missed the fad with anyone younger or anyone else that enjoys these shows)

There's also the guys (including you forumers) that watch the much more mature anime, which I've never seen advertised or broadcasted in england. Unfortunately I'm not going to waste my time familiarising myself with these shows because I'm not interested.

No matter how hard you guys try to make people understand the older side of Anime, most of us will still be stubborn and generalise it for kids. I'm sorry.

I like the art style however. :mech2:

August 9th, 2009, 09:40 PM
It's just not the impression I've been getting from your posts. What you're saying now is all well and good... but what you've been saying is that it will be bad because it's an anime, and that's where we're taking issue.

Awesome. The new be-all and end-all of milking a franchise seems to be to make it into an anime. Brilliant.
That was more a complaint about the way shit just gets milked dry more than anime itself, although it also means that I'll have people hassling me over anime twice as much now.

this is just bullshit, turning halo into an anime shits the whole thing up immeasurably
Lack of caps generally means I'm either not entirely serious or just tired and therefore liable to be a little extreme in what I post, i.e. go ahead and make some huge statement and not bother qualifying it at all. So far though, what I've seen is basically the results of taking Halo and throwing all the anime cliches I can think of at it. That irritates me the same way it would if they took Halo and threw all the usual American cartoon cliches at it or whatever.

August 9th, 2009, 11:05 PM
no it's different, because they're cartoons for grownups and have joks in them, and animes is all for kids

Well, they're more like sitcoms, just they're animated, not live action.

August 9th, 2009, 11:26 PM
I think its the big eyes. They hypnotize skinny white nerds into watching them do cute things :3. I don't particularly watch anime, but I look at it like any other show or cartoon. Most have deep and interesting plots, or if you watched shows like dragonball that don't revolve around lil gurlies, you know that everything that happens is fucking awesome. As for obsessing over the preteen factor, I think the majority of men have an edge towards younger women. Maybe I would watch anime too, If I wasn't already fucking a 14 year older. :realsmug:

Besides DragonballGT. That revolved around an annoying girl most of the time. But most Dragonball fans don't like GT because a lot of thing in there are not canon. Anyways....

Dragonball Z changed my life. Nuff said for me. :downs:

August 10th, 2009, 12:18 AM
I watch Family Guy and American Dad

Its because they are all comedy shows. I havent seen a truely funny anime show.

August 10th, 2009, 01:10 AM
There's also the guys (including you forumers) that watch the much more mature anime, which I've never seen advertised or broadcasted in england. Unfortunately I'm not going to waste my time familiarising myself with these shows because I'm not interested.

Most anime that people watch isn't broadcast in England or America. Gotta download or stream

August 10th, 2009, 07:50 AM
I don't think he's gonna see your post, Ross. :(

Please don't quote people I have on my ignore list ok thanks :iamafag:

August 10th, 2009, 07:50 AM
Japanese humor is fucking hilarious because it's not censored and watered down for the pre teens.

I've seen bleach through in a bondage reference and i pissed myself laughing.

Mr Buckshot
August 10th, 2009, 09:51 AM
Japanese humor is fucking hilarious because it's not censored and watered down for the pre teens.

I've seen bleach through in a bondage reference and i pissed myself laughing.

You should try playing the Metal Gear Solid games, the use of Japanese humour will make you smile even more than in animes.

August 10th, 2009, 04:17 PM
That was more a complaint about the way shit just gets milked dry more than anime itself, although it also means that I'll have people hassling me over anime twice as much now.

you cant be hassled if your the aggressor.

thats all there is to it.

August 10th, 2009, 09:26 PM
Japanese humor is fucking hilarious because it's not censored and watered down for the pre teens.

I've seen bleach through in a bondage reference and i pissed myself laughing.

"QUIT FUCKING TALKING ABOUT DICKS!!!!!" If you watch Naruto you know what I'm talking about

August 10th, 2009, 10:03 PM
you cant be hassled if your the aggressor.

thats all there is to it.
yeah i'm totally the aggressor for complaining about the franchise being milked

once again, thanks for proving my point about how over-defensive nearly everyone's being (and thanks to those who can actually restrain themselves)

August 10th, 2009, 11:29 PM
(and thanks to those who can actually restrain themselves)

I feel special! :mech2:

August 10th, 2009, 11:34 PM
FLCL is a good anime. But what makes it different from all the other generics is what we need more of.

August 10th, 2009, 11:48 PM
The only anime I ever really enjoyed was Ghost in the Shell. It has a good pace. Slow and intelligent at times, and quick, action sequenced when it needs to be. There's no spiky haired school kids running with exaggeration and screaming with veins popping out of their foreheads for half the show, which is what makes the series that much more relateable.

That and the art style absolutely demolishes anything series like DBZ or Pokemon could ever hope to accomplish.

If there's any one you should give a try, Ross, it's that one.

August 10th, 2009, 11:51 PM
Dead Leaves had style enough to get attention from the right crowd. But it seems the generic anime is what gets the bulk of the population, which is what they want. If you can get 70% of a crowd to like your anime because of how (generic element) your anime is. Then your getting a nice chunk of money. And it does have a shockwave effect. But then that 70% would try to defend that one generic anime to make the others seem bad.
But it works as a nice filter. As long as all the good shows aren't crowded by the wrong people.

August 11th, 2009, 12:24 AM
Try Claymore. Dont watch it. Read it. Pretty much the most brutal one out there thats actually about something instead of being a fucking sadist porn mag.

August 11th, 2009, 12:52 AM
(and thanks to those who can actually restrain themselves)


August 11th, 2009, 02:44 AM
yeah i'm totally the aggressor for complaining about the franchise being milked

once again, thanks for proving my point about how over-defensive nearly everyone's being (and thanks to those who can actually restrain themselves)
Read your own posts, where you say "turning halo into an anime shits the whole thing up immeasurably" and your other brilliant thought provoking posts your being aggressive to people that enjoy it.
because on what grounds are you stating this, none of us have seen it so therefore your attacking it solely because of it's artistic style which is bullshit and you know it.
therefore people that are fond of the style are and will point out to you where your going wrong.

Your attacking an artistic medium based solely on assumptions and thats bullshit. and i will call you out on it.
and i'd expect no less from you if i did the same thing on say the war in Afghanistan.

August 11th, 2009, 04:10 AM
The first post I made was with regards to the franchise being milked. The second (which you quoted) was made after I realised that even suggesting that the story was being taken places which aren't befitting the Halo canon was grounds to get mocked by the pro-Legends crowd. As a result, I pretty much stopped giving a fuck whether I pissed anyone off or not.

August 11th, 2009, 01:18 PM
I dont understand why it makes you mad. If you dont like it, dont watch it. No need to yell and rant about something that you dont care about. If your at the point of saying youll never try reading/watching it and dont give a shit what anyone says, then why ask us Ross? I'm not trying to attack you, Im saying this is pointless.

August 14th, 2009, 05:45 AM
If your at the point of saying youll never try reading/watching it and dont give a shit what anyone says

no seriously, what

August 14th, 2009, 06:02 AM

no seriously, what

He said "If you are not going to watch or read anime/manga, then ask us why we like it, then not listen to why we like it, then why post about it?"

August 14th, 2009, 06:05 AM
Do you seriously think I'd go to all the effort of posting a thread (one with numerous words, no less) if I wasn't bothering to read anyone's posts?

Whoops, I forgot. Everyone else knows more about myself than I do. My bad, carry on.

August 14th, 2009, 07:58 AM
calm down drama queen and stop putting words in our mouths >_>

August 14th, 2009, 08:01 AM
Why? People are doing it to me, why shouldn't I return the favour?

August 14th, 2009, 08:27 AM
Because that's immature and not being any better than them.

August 14th, 2009, 10:00 AM
rossmum watch metal gear awesome 2
and girl chan


It'll make you less annoyed

August 14th, 2009, 10:08 AM
The entire Awesome series was p... well, awesome

August 14th, 2009, 12:01 PM
Do you seriously think I'd go to all the effort of posting a thread (one with numerous words, no less) if I wasn't bothering to read anyone's posts?

Whoops, I forgot. Everyone else knows more about myself than I do. My bad, carry on.
Not what I meant. Im asking why your arguing about something you aren't going to change your opinion about. If your idea of anim is set in stone, why ask for the opinion of those who like it. All they're going to do is piss you off and troll you anyways.

August 14th, 2009, 12:18 PM
I'm not trying to like it, I'm trying to work out what the fuck I missed that makes it all somehow make sense.

August 14th, 2009, 12:26 PM
take it easy