August 16th, 2009, 03:26 AM
hi modacity !
I hope all is well with all of you. I d like to give you a more complete update on halo ce, but I'm tired and need sleep.
To summarize I love halo ce and everyone in the world who appreciates halo in their way. And I hope to post on modacity again soon.
FYI: {NP} clan on halo ce hosts a few servers on ce. They are a garbage noob clan that has disrepected me and my friends and I am mad.... I'm all about Halo Ce I love it and everyone who plays it - it and regular halo. But these kids are the "stupidest shit" I have ever seen on halo. Ever. How are you gonna be a team and not scrim and ban people for politely asking. I dont need to play to be cool, but admins on ce should communicate! MAKES ME FUCKING SICK. They are hiding cowards in a leadership role that hinders the growth of everyone on the tiny game known as halo ce.
There is nothing of value on halo except how people play it and live their lives, and perhaps the media they produce from it (the game, not their lives). When you forget that and act from greed and childish arrogance, you are wasting your life in front of a screen. It is sad that halo is fun and simple and yet takes so much effort to have truly good games. Effort measured in years, when video games are measured in minutes. Those who are unable to learn and change and put the community in front of themselves are the problem. People always think they know how to get what they want but they are often wrong.
Many lack the maturity for a different paradigm of halo, there is a better way to get your pwn on.
my server
Gamenight hasnt happened for me in a few months, but it was fun tonight. We had some problems meeting our recruiting goals after the first match/map (8v8 which I missed). But it did hold people's attention long enough for 1 good battle. I'm not sure what the delay was starting the second map. You re prioritzin terribly if you think hpt is more fun than gamenight.
NEXT GAMENITE: NEW MOMBASA CLASSIC, LAVA FLOWS, TM_Fracture, TWL +my gametypes and more!
Notice the shit=NP all sniper, no skill server at the top that the noobs play in: ignorance is bliss
DMT Racing
a non screenshot of Ganon's fun and good looking map Abandonment
A fairly awesome game we had on bg
Highway_shooting ftw
I hope all is well with all of you. I d like to give you a more complete update on halo ce, but I'm tired and need sleep.
To summarize I love halo ce and everyone in the world who appreciates halo in their way. And I hope to post on modacity again soon.
FYI: {NP} clan on halo ce hosts a few servers on ce. They are a garbage noob clan that has disrepected me and my friends and I am mad.... I'm all about Halo Ce I love it and everyone who plays it - it and regular halo. But these kids are the "stupidest shit" I have ever seen on halo. Ever. How are you gonna be a team and not scrim and ban people for politely asking. I dont need to play to be cool, but admins on ce should communicate! MAKES ME FUCKING SICK. They are hiding cowards in a leadership role that hinders the growth of everyone on the tiny game known as halo ce.
There is nothing of value on halo except how people play it and live their lives, and perhaps the media they produce from it (the game, not their lives). When you forget that and act from greed and childish arrogance, you are wasting your life in front of a screen. It is sad that halo is fun and simple and yet takes so much effort to have truly good games. Effort measured in years, when video games are measured in minutes. Those who are unable to learn and change and put the community in front of themselves are the problem. People always think they know how to get what they want but they are often wrong.
Many lack the maturity for a different paradigm of halo, there is a better way to get your pwn on.
my server
Gamenight hasnt happened for me in a few months, but it was fun tonight. We had some problems meeting our recruiting goals after the first match/map (8v8 which I missed). But it did hold people's attention long enough for 1 good battle. I'm not sure what the delay was starting the second map. You re prioritzin terribly if you think hpt is more fun than gamenight.
NEXT GAMENITE: NEW MOMBASA CLASSIC, LAVA FLOWS, TM_Fracture, TWL +my gametypes and more!
Notice the shit=NP all sniper, no skill server at the top that the noobs play in: ignorance is bliss
DMT Racing
a non screenshot of Ganon's fun and good looking map Abandonment
A fairly awesome game we had on bg
Highway_shooting ftw