View Full Version : Need help with dev mod

August 31st, 2009, 01:52 PM
Okay, i have gone through hell and back to find some where to contact bitter bannana or someone who knows how to get the halo dev mod to work(im using the trial version) i did what i was told to do:

1: turn off dev mod to join game and turn it on to use it in one
2: can only be used in games you host
3: press the tilda button twice

But still the purple entry text dosent come up, please help :gonk:

August 31st, 2009, 02:02 PM
you only have to press tilda once

August 31st, 2009, 02:11 PM
still nothing :raise:

August 31st, 2009, 02:26 PM
I dont think devmod works on Halo Trial

August 31st, 2009, 02:27 PM
Dev - Mode is for Halo Custom Edition only.

August 31st, 2009, 02:30 PM
But how do i see people using it in trial mode? do i have to download custum ed?

August 31st, 2009, 03:06 PM
But how do i see people using it in trial mode? do i have to download custum ed?

Yes, and then play it.

August 31st, 2009, 03:26 PM
But how do i see people using it in trial mode? do i have to download custum ed?

Would your name happen to be Jacob?

I know a guy and I dont think anyone else in the world would spell it custum except him.

August 31st, 2009, 05:58 PM
But how do i see people using it in trial mode? do i have to download custum ed?
There is no AllDev for Halo Trial because there's no Devmode for Halo Trial. Console and Developer Mode are completely different things.

August 31st, 2009, 06:58 PM
They are using a seperate hack, that creates the changes in game itself. Not something that turns dev mode on, because there is no dev mode in trial.

August 31st, 2009, 09:40 PM
Searched on google.
Apparently someone made a modified halo.exe you replace to the original halo.exe for Halo trial that enables devmode.
