View Full Version : Sapein Crashing

September 6th, 2009, 03:53 PM
Hello. I'm in need of some assistance. I downloaded the tags for A10 and when I try to open the scenario it come up for 2-3 seconds and then crashes. I checked the debug file and it said this:

09.06.09 15:32:51 file_open('tags\ui\shell\solo_game\player_help\pla yer_help_text_a10.unicode_string_list') error 0x00000003 'The system cannot find the path specified. '
09.06.09 15:32:51 couldn't open unicode_string_list tag 'player_help_text_a10.unicode_string_list'.
09.06.09 15:32:51 failed to load scenario tag 'levels\test\a10\a10'
09.06.09 15:32:51 need to get the following tags:
09.06.09 15:32:51 sky\space\space.sky
09.06.09 15:32:51 sky\sky_x10\space_x10.sky
09.06.09 15:32:51 cinematics\scenery\pipe\pipe.scenery
09.06.09 15:32:51 cinematics\scenery\pistol\pistol.scenery
09.06.09 15:32:51 cinematics\scenery\pipe\pipe.scenery
09.06.09 15:32:51 cinematics\scenery\pistol\pistol.scenery
09.06.09 15:32:51 scenery\cortana_chip\cortana_chip.scenery
09.06.09 15:32:51 cinematics\effects\cortana effects\cortana vol.scenery
09.06.09 15:32:51 scenery\vehicles\pelican\pelican.scenery
09.06.09 15:32:51 cinematics\scenery\pipe\pipe.scenery
09.06.09 15:32:51 cinematics\scenery\pistol\pistol.scenery
09.06.09 15:32:51 scenery\cortana_chip\cortana_chip.scenery
09.06.09 15:32:51 cinematics\effects\cortana effects\cortana vol.scenery
09.06.09 15:32:51 scenery\vehicles\lifepod_atmosphere_entry\lifepod_ atmosphere_entry.scenery
09.06.09 15:32:51 cinematics\scenery\shotgun\shotgun.scenery
09.06.09 15:32:51 cinematics\scenery\planets\halo_closeup\halo_close up.scenery
09.06.09 15:32:51 scenery\halo_destroyed\effects\halo small burning debris.particle
09.06.09 15:32:51 scenery\halo_destroyed\effects\halo small burning debris.particle
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\crewman\crewman.biped
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\marine_armored\marine_armored.biped
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\marine_wounded\prone_1\prone_1.biped
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\marine_wounded\sitting_1\sitting_1.bipe d
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\marine_wounded\sitting_2\sitting_2.bipe d
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\captain\captain.biped
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\crewman\crewman.biped
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cortana.gbxmodel
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyborg.model_animat ions
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyborg.model_collis ion_geometry
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\captain\captain.biped
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\marine_armored\marine_armored.biped
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\marine_armored\marine_armored_unarmed.b iped
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\cyborg\cyborg_unarmed.biped
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\crewman\crewman.biped
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cortana.gbxmodel
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyborg.model_animat ions
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyborg.model_collis ion_geometry
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\captain\captain.biped
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\cyborg\cyborg_unarmed.biped
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\cyborg\cyborg_cinematic.biped
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\pilot\pilot.biped
09.06.09 15:32:51 characters\marine_armored\marine_armored_unarmed.b iped
09.06.09 15:32:51 sound\sfx\impulse\doors\cryotube.sound
09.06.09 15:32:51 vehicles\pelican\pelican_astral.vehicle
09.06.09 15:32:51 vehicles\warthog\warthog.vehicle
09.06.09 15:32:51 vehicles\scorpion\scorpion_cinematic.vehicle
09.06.09 15:32:51 sound\sfx\impulse\doors\cryotube.sound
09.06.09 15:32:51 vehicles\fighterbomber\fighterbomber.vehicle
09.06.09 15:32:51 scenery\halo\halo.vehicle
09.06.09 15:32:51 sound\sfx\impulse\doors\cryotube.sound
09.06.09 15:32:51 scenery\halo\halo.vehicle
09.06.09 15:32:51 vehicles\lifepod_docked\lifepod_docked.vehicle
09.06.09 15:32:51 scenery\halo\halo.vehicle
09.06.09 15:32:51 vehicles\lifepod\lifepod.vehicle
09.06.09 15:32:51 scenery\vehicles\lifepod_atmosphere_entry\lifepod_ atmosphere_entry.vehicle
09.06.09 15:32:51 sound\sfx\impulse\doors\cryotube.sound
09.06.09 15:32:51 sound\sfx\impulse\doors\small_door3 sound\sfx\impulse\doors\door_jeff_open.effect
09.06.09 15:32:51
09.06.09 15:32:51 game_load() failed.

I appologise for the length. That isn't all of it. If I need to post it all please tell me.

Does that meen that I need thoes tags? If so where do I get them?

If this is spamming I'm sorry.

September 6th, 2009, 04:03 PM
Rip the tags out of A10. Download a10, then use Hek+ to rip tags out of it. Set to recursive and not overwrite.

September 6th, 2009, 04:16 PM
Rip the tags out of A10. Download a10, then use Hek+ to rip tags out of it. Set to recursive and not overwrite.

Ok. I delete the a10 tag file? Then download it agin and then do what?

I'm sorry but I'm a noob.

t3h m00kz
September 6th, 2009, 04:39 PM
Hi Hillbilly,

seeing as you're new to this, I'll assist you in the process of getting your .scenario file working in Sapien, AND getting it in-game and some other basic stuff

The reason Sapien crashes is either a tag is corrupt or you're missing tags. In this case you're missing tags.

Basically, tags are game data which is easilly modifiable with Geurilla. They consist of weapons, projectiles, bipeds, vehicles, effects, etc. You're unable to open the .scenario file because you're missing the tags listed in that debug dump.

To get these tags, you will use Halo Editing Kit Plus to extract the tags from a .map file. HEK Plus works with the original Halo PC maps, as well as Halo CE maps.

Using Halo Editing Kit Plus, open the a10.map from your Halo/Maps (NOT custom edition). Highlight all of the tags in the middle window, drag them to the bottom right window for extraction. Right click>Check all. Do NOT save extracted tag list. Be sure that the tag output folder is Halo Custom Edition/Tags.

When that's done, your /tags/ folder should contain all of the files you need and you will be able to open your .scenario file in Sapien. Be sure that if you plan to get a map in-game, you save it as a NEW scenario, never replace the stock ones.

Once you've saved your .scenario, you're going to use Tool to convert it into a .map file. To do this, make a copy of cmd.exe, which SHOULD be in your system32 folder, and place it in your Halo Custom Edition root directory. Run cmd. Then type in, "Tool Build-Cache-File Levels\YourLevel\YourScenario." The directory you type must be the location of the .scenario file in your Tags folder. Like, say if the location of your .scenario was Halo Custom Edition\Tags\Levels\ILiveOnAnIsland\MyIslandIsAmaz ing.scenario, you'd type "Tool Build-Cache-File Levels\ILiveOnAnIsland\MyIslandIsAmazing"

Tool is a bit tricky with the directories. If you use it for things like models, they must be in Halo Custom Edition/Data and be inside of a /Models folder. Same with things like bitmaps and sounds I believe. For converting .scenarios to .maps, they must be in the Halo Custom Edition/tags folder.

Also, if I were you, I'd mess around in Guerrilla and modify some weapons for fun. Make the shotgun fire 50 Fuel Rod projectiles, make the Pistol have a clip size of 200 and fire at 100 rounds per second. Make the needler scope in and fire tank shells, just get a feel for it. Just be sure to never overwrite old weapons, and make an .item_collection for all of your new ones so you can put them around your map in Sapien.

There's no scripting language you have to learn for this basic stuff and it's easy to work with once you know what you're doing.

Hope you get somewhere, lolz

September 6th, 2009, 08:35 PM
Thankyou t3h m00kz!
But now it says

09.06.09 20:44:53 sapien pc ----------------------------------------------
09.06.09 20:44:53 reference function: _write_to_error_file
09.06.09 20:44:53 reference address: 401b13
09.06.09 20:44:53 Couldn't read map file './sapienbeta.map'
09.06.09 20:44:53 CreateDevice succeeded with refresh rate = 0
09.06.09 20:44:53 Increasing sound decompression buffer size to 1048576 bytes
09.06.09 20:44:54 file_open('tags\characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cor tana.gbxmodel') error 0x00000003 'The system cannot find the path specified. '
09.06.09 20:44:54 couldn't open gbxmodel tag 'cortana.gbxmodel'.
09.06.09 20:44:54 file_open('tags\characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyb org.model_animations') error 0x00000003 'The system cannot find the path specified. '
09.06.09 20:44:54 couldn't open model_animations tag 'cyborg.model_animations'.
09.06.09 20:44:54 file_open('tags\characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyb org.model_collision_geometry') error 0x00000003 'The system cannot find the path specified. '
09.06.09 20:44:54 couldn't open model_collision_geometry tag 'cyborg.model_collision_geometry'.
09.06.09 20:44:54 failed to load biped tag 'characters\cortana\cortana'
09.06.09 20:44:54 file_open('tags\characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cor tana.gbxmodel') error 0x00000003 'The system cannot find the path specified. '
09.06.09 20:44:54 couldn't open gbxmodel tag 'cortana.gbxmodel'.
09.06.09 20:44:54 file_open('tags\characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyb org.model_animations') error 0x00000003 'The system cannot find the path specified. '
09.06.09 20:44:54 couldn't open model_animations tag 'cyborg.model_animations'.
09.06.09 20:44:54 file_open('tags\characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyb org.model_collision_geometry') error 0x00000003 'The system cannot find the path specified. '
09.06.09 20:44:54 couldn't open model_collision_geometry tag 'cyborg.model_collision_geometry'.
09.06.09 20:44:54 failed to load biped tag 'characters\cortana\cortana'
09.06.09 20:44:55 file_open('tags\characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cor tana.gbxmodel') error 0x00000003 'The system cannot find the path specified. '
09.06.09 20:44:55 couldn't open gbxmodel tag 'cortana.gbxmodel'.
09.06.09 20:44:55 file_open('tags\characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyb org.model_animations') error 0x00000003 'The system cannot find the path specified. '
09.06.09 20:44:55 couldn't open model_animations tag 'cyborg.model_animations'.
09.06.09 20:44:55 file_open('tags\characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyb org.model_collision_geometry') error 0x00000003 'The system cannot find the path specified. '
09.06.09 20:44:55 couldn't open model_collision_geometry tag 'cyborg.model_collision_geometry'.
09.06.09 20:44:55 failed to load biped tag 'characters\cortana\cortana'
09.06.09 20:44:55 failed to load scenario tag 'levels\a10\levels\a10\a10'
09.06.09 20:44:55 need to get the following tags:
09.06.09 20:44:55 characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cortana.gbxmodel
09.06.09 20:44:55 characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyborg.model_animat ions
09.06.09 20:44:55 characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyborg.model_collis ion_geometry
09.06.09 20:44:55 characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cortana.gbxmodel
09.06.09 20:44:55 characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyborg.model_animat ions
09.06.09 20:44:55 characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyborg.model_collis ion_geometry
09.06.09 20:44:55 characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cortana.gbxmodel
09.06.09 20:44:55 characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyborg.model_animat ions
09.06.09 20:44:55 characters\halo2\hdoan\cortana\cyborg.model_collis ion_geometry
09.06.09 20:44:55
09.06.09 20:44:55 game_load() failed.

Why is it asking for halo 2? It crashes te same.

September 6th, 2009, 09:33 PM
That's the names of the tags it's referencing. Or at least, the folder.

September 6th, 2009, 10:07 PM
Yes but where is it getting h2?

September 6th, 2009, 11:57 PM
Looks like you downloaded HDoan's biped tags. Sapien is looking for those tags, but you accidentally put them in the wrong place. What you should do is read the readme included with it. It should give you some directions on how to install the tags. If there is no readme, you can look at the error and see where the tags are supposed to go. From there, you can just copy/paste to the correct directory. Hope this helps :)

September 7th, 2009, 11:20 AM
Thanks. I just deleted the tags file and reinstalled the hek. It works fine now. And yes I did download HDoan's h2 tags. I just missplased them.... Thankyou all for your help!