View Full Version : Really Fun School Experiences (in this case relating to tech classes)
September 8th, 2009, 09:48 PM
This year I decided to take an Introduction to Computer Programming (Java). Having interest in the subject of programming, I immediately looked forward to the class. I didn't think I'd end up liking the class this much though. Heh, although I wish I could say it was the subject matter of the class that I like so much, (which I definitely do to an extent) but rather its the teacher and what he lets us do when we get done with our work. Once we get done with our work done, he essentially lets us do anything, namely LANing any game of our choice. Every single computer in the lab has a copy of Star Craft and CS:S installed on its hard drive (I'd go into details on how this is possible, but you can fill in the blanks :3). We essentially can play anything we feel like.
It doesn't even end there either; at X Block period (Every odd day we get out at 1:30 and have a free period called "X Block" that we can do anything with) he allows us to stay at his room 'till 3:00 to do anything. In short, its awesome.
Has anyone here ever had a experience/class/teacher like this?
September 8th, 2009, 10:03 PM
All the IT classes at our school had stupid teachers. "Selected" seniors would just take the class, bring their own computers, and play CSS. As long as they did a few internally assessed tests over the year (how to plug in computer???) they were allowed to whatever they wanted.
MetKiller Joe
September 8th, 2009, 10:09 PM
I had Computer Programming in Java. Then I had a free period after this, which was when the next section would meet. I'd usually just stay there and not notice the next group coming in.
Some days, I would forget to have lunch and just program for 3+ hours straight.
September 8th, 2009, 10:22 PM
My "advanced" computers classes consisted of digital photography and powerpoint.
The only useful thing I learned out of that class was HTML. Once I learned the basics, I surpassed the teacher in the subject.
September 8th, 2009, 10:26 PM
You like java, are you mad?
Seems to me like you adore the class because you get to play games rather than work...
I have some decent classes, classes where I have to play games, design stuff and be creative. I love them. But I also get boring ass 2 hour long lectures that even the most enthusiastic person would fall asleep in. Then we got to do seminars and lots of presentations.
September 8th, 2009, 10:27 PM
I took AP Computer Science as a junior, sailed through the class. It was a small group, only 10 of us, so our relationship with the teacher was rather extensive (she also advised our computer club, which I co-founded with another kid). My senior year, I aided for her during the period that the CS class met, so I could help out. (Oh, and she was also my Pre-Calc teacher, so I had her three years in a row).
September 8th, 2009, 10:29 PM
I took beginning drama as one of my back-up subjects in case one of them were full.
Today was my second day.
Both days were the funniest shit ever.
September 8th, 2009, 10:33 PM
You like java, are you mad?
Its an introduction of sorts to programming, you gotta start somewhere. :v:
Seems to me like you adore the class because you get to play games rather than work...
I enjoy it for both reasons. I look forward to learning the language, but honestly though, how fun can it be learning the very basics of Java?
System.out.println("Lol ass :protarget:");
September 8th, 2009, 10:45 PM
I took my school's Computer Programming course that delt with visual basic. My teacher would teach us a lesson that no one understood, hand out a project that's due to be uploaded in two weeks on a yahoo group, then everyone just runs off to their station and boots up unreal tournament. My teacher definitely knew what was going on, but he chose not to notice accept for the dirtiest of dirt bags in our class (most people still managed to get their work done one way or another (remember everyone had to upload their projects onto the yahoo group, and there's always a genious that got it right...)). I've heard stories that the teacher use to partake in the gaming himself many years ago, until he got found out by the vice principal.
Here's something dumb I did at my high school. On halloween, my school has a custume parade, and anyone who chose to dress in a custume can participate in the 5 minute walk through the school just before first period. 98% of the participants just wear crappy make shift stuff thrown together. So when I walked into school with full tactical gear one halloween (airsoft stuff), I attracted a little too much attention. I made it through the parade without being confronted, but two periods later, I was escorted out of my honors class by a cop. I purposely did NOT wear anything that suggested I had a weapon, such as holsters and such. Anyhow, I never regreted doing. I wasn't the only one to get a slap on the wrist, another kid got it for wearing nothing by a speedo, claiming to be micheal felps.
September 8th, 2009, 11:00 PM
i have many *java programming stories, but none as good as this.
took an intro to html. the teacher was convinced that i had no idea what i was doing. so, during every assignment, we were supposed to sight examples of good sites, that provided good examples. like for layout one week, coding the next, site navigation etc. every time i used the site that i managed at work, and she flat out told me that it was a fantastic site. at the end of the semester i told her it was mine and laughed in her face. she failed me for it.
took case to dean. i won. she received an infraction.
i lol'd hardily.
edit: was taking it for easy credits. semester later i dropped out because the school had shit teachers.
September 8th, 2009, 11:02 PM
The only class for coding my school offers is coding and I'm already smarter than the dumbass teacher on the subject so There's no point in taking it.
September 8th, 2009, 11:05 PM
The only class for coding my school offers is coding and I'm already smarter than the dumbass teacher on the subject so There's no point in taking it.
that made sense. 100%.
September 8th, 2009, 11:13 PM
at the end of the semester i told her it was mine and laughed in her face. she failed me for it.
This is precisely why I didn't take a desktop publishing class. I do all sorts of XHTML/CSS, and was given a complete overview of what was covered in the course - child's play, really - things I knew like the back of my hand. I wasn't familiar with the teacher, and so wouldn't be able to expect anything other than ignorance from them.
September 9th, 2009, 01:05 AM
Took a welding class last year. Was probably the best class I've ever taken. There's something special about the fusion of iron molecules :iamafag:
September 9th, 2009, 01:12 AM
Took a welding class last year. Was probably the best class I've ever taken. There's something special about the fusion of iron molecules :iamafag:
I set myself on fire! :D
September 9th, 2009, 01:17 AM
Yeah, I burned myself with the arc welder. Second degree between my thumb and fore finger. Couldnt play guitar for weeks.
September 9th, 2009, 02:25 AM
I set my shirt on fire. :)
September 9th, 2009, 02:36 AM
Our school used to have GTA Vice City and Halo Trial on the network. We once had a casual teacher for IT and we ended up setting up a LAN game of Halo. He even joined in. IT period ever.
September 9th, 2009, 03:17 AM
This year I decided to take an Introduction to Computer Programming (Java).
What kind of scrub school do you go to? My school's CSC 108 (Intro to Programming) is done in C++. A real language. :realsmug:
That said, it's pretty awesome so far. My professor is an old Russian dude who's done all sorts of wacky shit (including lots of programming so he's not a dolt like I hear most profs are nowadays), plus his accent is fucking awesome. He lectures us for 45 minutes each day via PowerPoint slide shows where we have full choice to either listen and take notes, or not (for the latter, our funeral if we fuck up) as long as we hand in the assignments as listed in our rubric, then we get a lab once a week to go nuts and do our work or otherwise use what we learned to get more understanding out of it. I can freely surf the internet during this time. Unfortunately no labs have any games installed; I should read up on their AUP for computers.
If it allows I could probably install Steam on them, however it would be fruitless since they all have this thing where they wipe anything and everything on them on a reboot. It's like they boot from an image.
September 9th, 2009, 03:26 AM
Web design class was alright, learned some junk. And some of the Fridays we would get a full LAN server of Halo Trial/UT99 going...
September 9th, 2009, 03:44 AM
my fun experiences were when i sat down with 3 teachers, and started teaching them what they should be teaching the class instead of the junk they were shovelling out of a 1995 textbook. (this was a game-design school full of fail) i left 3 months afterwards.
September 9th, 2009, 03:51 AM
My old IT teacher used to bring his moded xbox in at the end of every term and we'd just play splitscreem over the projector all days taking turns whenever somebody died (I ofcourse got to stay there for 5 minutes at a time :q:).
Then we'd play mariokart (still on the xbox) :D
my fun experiences were when i sat down with 3 teachers, and started teaching them what they should be teaching the class instead of the junk they were shovelling out of a 1995 textbook. (this was a game-design school full of fail) i left 3 months afterwards.
We get it, you're Tweek.
Stop with the charade already.
September 9th, 2009, 04:18 AM
Sounds a lot like what my old CS AP\Networking teacher did. Good 'ol Mr. Coe. Retired last May though. He hosted our high school's (the school, along with two others, was only for 11 and 12th grade due to the student size) computer club. I really only attended the computer club during their LAN parties (that were usually on off-days, so the school was empty as far as other students) so I could bring in my Xbox and hit up the Halo 2 on 3 classroom projectors in rooms seperated by glass (so it was rather easy to screen-cheat heh). Plus there was Little Ceaser's pizza etc etc. Pretty cool times. Had to put up with Java for CS AP since that what the UIL Comp Sci ( contest used then and still uses it looks like...poor students.
September 9th, 2009, 06:33 AM
I think I told this story on Podacity, but basically my Operating Systems teacher (Freshman year) would let us come into his class at lunch and play a demo of UT2004 that had been loaded onto all of the PCs.
I always won :realsmug:
September 9th, 2009, 07:37 AM
Had to put up with Java for CS AP since that what the UIL Comp Sci ( contest used then and still uses it looks like...poor students.
It's just the current standard. I foresee a switch to C# at some point in the future. Same basic syntax, much faster, and unless you have no idea what you're doing, it's still just as portable as Java (hitting Windows / Mac / Linux, the latter two via Mono).
Llama Juice
September 9th, 2009, 07:52 AM
I installed HCE on all the computers in the Java/C++ programming classroom. We'd LAN all the time :3
September 9th, 2009, 11:38 AM
I installed HCE on all the computers in the Java/C++ programming classroom. We'd LAN all the time :3
Reminds me of way back in the day when we loaded Warcraft 2 onto the old dell optiplex 100's in the computer lab.
September 9th, 2009, 07:05 PM
What kind of scrub school do you go to? My school's CSC 108 (Intro to Programming) is done in C++. A real language. :realsmug:
Because my school is Babies. :smith:
No, idk actually. There was only one Programming Class available for 9th Graders. Java. :gonk:
Hopefully later they'll offer C++. Our teacher is this crazy (awesome) Chinese guy with a really thick accent. He seems to have an immense amount of computer knowledge, so I really wouldn't be surprised if he knew C++.
Alwin Roth
September 9th, 2009, 07:32 PM
When someone during a computer lab class found a program that allows access through Iprism (it blocked all the flash game sites and everything)
the program simply turns off Iprism, and lets you go on any website, once you're done with the program, it instantly deletes your history.
About 6 of my friends new this, and all we did was play Runescape since it was the only game we were able to play together.
About a week later, all the students had it, then the school suspended any account that had the program on their computer, i used mine in my flash drive, while most idiots decided to save it on their student dictionary...
September 9th, 2009, 11:34 PM
At RIT they are going to be teaching us Python in our "Problem Based Intro to CS" class for 2 quarters. Then they'll move on to Java. Not sure after that.
I've toyed with C and C++ before. In 11th grade I took a C programming class taught by our Spanish teacher. He taught us C 1992 style. We used TurboC and the Borland Graphics Library. He didn't teach us much. The most complex thing we ended up doing was probably functions over the course of a single semester. We implemented part of Tetris. No object oriented programming. No pointers/memory shit. Nothing.
I basically spent that class reading through a C++ book I purchased learning the crap on my own.
Then 12th grade happened and I had no free time and all my classes were actually useful :<.
But hey, now I get to make cool shit in python and IMPORT ANTIGRAVITY. Joke killed.
@Ultima: Learn C++, receive sexual intercourse.
EDIT: Oh, kewl, school stories.
My high school was overly paranoid about games and made a big deal whenever somebody broke the rules. Near March/April of 11th grade everyone in the school was using Ultrasurf to get around the LAUSD/Websense blocks. Some had legitimate reasons, others didn't obviously. From the limited information I heard, the worst that happened was someone got caught playing Texas Hold Em or some card game on the comps. They squealed on someone, who squealed on someone else....until the entire school was somehow implicated in a conspiracy to break the rules!
They blocked off access to emails for a week, which was great because this was around the time that colleges sent out acceptance letters to students. Not surprisingly, the seniors were pissed since many used their school emails for their applications. In fact, everyone was pissed. I was pissed because I was waiting to see whether I was accepted to COSMOS or not. (turns out I wasn't, but all that did was make me more pissed).
The staff claimed they couldn't find out who was using the app and when. Previously, they claimed that they knew everything, including which room and computer we were on, what apps we were running and when. Our school has more cameras than Oceania in 1984. Our school probably had microphones hidden in the ceilings as well. I bet they had cameras in the urinals for crying out loud.
My theory is that the IT guy was too lazy to pull up the logs and separate the students who did shit from those who didn't. Oddly enough, he was either fired, forced to resign or "left of his own free will" near the end of 12th grade and replaced with someone who managed to get numerous systems that had been works in progress since I was in 10th grade.
Nevertheless, we played VisualBoyAdvance or something all the time (GBA Emu) and Project64 since they were all portable on flash drives and the games were fun. Some people used to sneak PSPs in and say that they were using them as portable file storage. Before iPods and most electronics were banned (lol) we would sometimes ferry things in on those as well. Lots of people found different non-Ultrasurf proxies that evaded detection. Etc.
WHere is my chewing gum.
September 9th, 2009, 11:51 PM
My high school is connected by a LAN. (wireless and wired)
Almost evryone has a computer/game console to bring in. LAN parties. Epic. :realsmug:
September 10th, 2009, 02:26 AM
Forgot this one: Dumping FCEUltra onto a floppy with one or two NES roms and playing them on every damn computer in high school and laughing hysterically as the teachers begged my brother (network admin for the district) to stop it.
God I miss fucking with teachers...
September 10th, 2009, 06:30 PM
Hah... how 'bout Tommy (one of my friends) hacking my physics teacher's computer! Lol. Good ol' Mr. Loomis.
September 10th, 2009, 07:33 PM
My programming, multimedia, and communications technology classes were just like that. Once we got our work done we did whatever we felt like.
September 10th, 2009, 08:04 PM
I remember my friend set the teachers homepage as meat spin and she turned the projector on and got on the internet, it was awesome.
The sounds was on to.
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