View Full Version : Halo Scripting Code errors?

September 9th, 2009, 03:27 PM
Hi, I'm new to halo map making and so I need to ask why my Halo Scripts (.hsc) aren't working? I have a folder called scripts, a map called a10.scenario, and the script is titled a10.hsc. The code for a10.hsc is:

(script startup a
(cinematic_set_title begin)(show_hud 0)
(script continuous b
(if(=(unit_get_health cyborg_mp)0)(((cinematic_set_title lost)(show_hud 0))game_lost))
(script continuous hog_checker (if (vehicle_test_seat_list drive_me
(players)) ((deactivate_team_nav_point_object "player" drive_me) (game_won))
(activate_team_nav_point_object "default_red" "player" drive_me 1)))I open sapien and click Compile Scripts. I save. I compile the map, open it, and it doesn't work. (The code doesn't work. The map will load just fine.) What is its problem?

(Extra note: drive_me = a warthog's name.)

September 9th, 2009, 09:25 PM
It should give you an error when you try to compile it. Post that error here.

September 9th, 2009, 09:35 PM
Make sure your "scripts" folder is in data\levels\yourface\yourass\whatsthedifference\sc ripts and not tags\levels\yourface\yourass\whatsthedifference

September 10th, 2009, 02:32 PM
Make sure your "scripts" folder is in data\levels\yourface\yourass\whatsthedifference\sc ripts and not tags\levels\yourface\yourass\whatsthedifference
Thank you (I think, lol), I had it placed in the tags folder.