View Full Version : protection [ztpt]<zteam>
September 11th, 2009, 06:11 AM
Hello les halo :ugh:
The new protection [ztpt]<zteam> , someone he managed to crack ? :ohdear:
September 11th, 2009, 06:16 AM
Poly want a cracker?
September 11th, 2009, 06:22 AM
This is protection for CMT_SPV2
September 11th, 2009, 06:34 AM
The protection used in the SPv2 beta was indeed cracked, and the weapons leaked onto a site (which I will not disclose) in various forms. There's Zteam's 2 year old weapons and CMT's Beta ones, consisting of bipeds, weapons, and an unprotected version of A10.
September 11th, 2009, 06:47 AM
I think its impossable to completely protect something, because if CAD got past Halo 3's then well... You know what I mean?
September 11th, 2009, 07:15 AM
Hello les halo :ugh:
The new protection [ztpt]<zteam> , someone he managed to crack ? :ohdear:
Yes someone did manage to get past that protection. I always knew it could be gotten around, but I didn't think any idiots would be desperate enough to spend the time to do so, I guess I was proved wrong. I forgot to do something with that last build of the protector, so it wasn't at it's full potential. And Gaigher, why would people help you to unprotect a map? Maps are protected for a reason, it's annoying that people like yourself can't respect that.
I think its impossable to completely protect something, because if CAD got past Halo 3's then well... You know what I mean?
I have a few more tricks up my sleeve still.
September 11th, 2009, 07:43 AM
Yeah, I know how to crack it.
Answer = MAKE YOUR OWN CONTENT! *Trys to reframe from using bad words :(*
September 11th, 2009, 08:53 AM
because if CAD got past Halo 3's then well... You know what I mean?
Not really...seeing as how CAD didn't do anything of the sort.
Also, there are no "protections" on Halo 3 maps. There is a signature of hash result data but that is an authentication check, not protection like what some employ on their maps.
September 11th, 2009, 09:01 AM
I would love for a community who can respect peoples wishes when they create content for the comunity, partly for them selves, but mostly for the community to enjoy...
But no, people have to take advantage and take tags. if they give credit or ask permision I don't really give two shits... but a lot of them don't, which si the reason is pisses me of so much because they get all of the credit for making the content if people do not realise whoes it really is...
Map makers should be able to use default HEK protection with the risk of people making unprotecters instead of wasting their time making new protects because of some disgusting scumbags.
Im going out now anyway, byebye :)
September 11th, 2009, 09:01 AM
Always gotta use protection guys...Why do you so badly want to get it unprotected? Can't you just admire the work without trying to steal it?
September 11th, 2009, 09:06 AM
Does he want it to be unprotected, or does he want to protect a map well?
September 11th, 2009, 09:12 AM
Does he want it to be unprotected, or does he want to protect a map well?
Considering the fact that he has unprotected maps in the past, as well as released maps with unprotected content in them, I think it's safe to assume he wants to crack the newer protection and get SPv2 content.
September 11th, 2009, 10:09 AM
Always gotta use protection guys...Why do you so badly want to get it unprotected? Can't you just admire the work without trying to steal it?
He's french and if theres anything thats been made clear in the past month it's that the french like getting thing's before their released.:gonk:
Why hasn't giacher been banned already, isn't there a rule about making comprehensible sentences or atleast legible ones.
September 11th, 2009, 10:34 AM
I do know !
I managed the 06/09/2009 at 12:09
I wanted to know if I was the only
September 11th, 2009, 11:07 AM
Congrats? So what do you plan to do with them now?
September 11th, 2009, 11:15 AM
For my news map
Arida_full and Arida_trial
There will be credit , as Insomnia_map and Paradis_Perdu
September 11th, 2009, 11:17 AM
Could you just have not asked them? If they decline, then they obviously dont want you using them.
September 11th, 2009, 11:18 AM
So basicly you rip content from other peoples map's without permission and release them in your map's because you cannot make any decent content other than design environments?
September 11th, 2009, 11:24 AM
some people are less affected by people's moral than others.
it's not a law, the law is that he is allowed to.
September 11th, 2009, 11:28 AM
Yes me just creat the BSP
I'm nice to add the credit !
I can make rotten structure !
September 11th, 2009, 11:45 AM
Gaigher, you're a very special boy and I hope you exceed in life.
September 11th, 2009, 11:48 AM
I'm going to put it in french so he understands it correctly.
"Gaigher, Why do you insist on using other peoples content without their permission?
It seems like you enjoy making yourself look like a righteous fool and infact crave on it.
You harp on about how you have cracked protections put in place because some people do not wish their content to be edited, extracted or used by other people because they feel it is disrespectfull to the hours they spent making the content."
Gaigher, pourquoi insistez-vous sur employer l'autre contenu de peuples sans leur permission ? Elle semble comme vous ont plaisir Ã* se faire le ressembler Ã* un imbécile juste et l'infact implorent lÃ*-dessus. Vous parlez tout le temps sur environ comment vous avez fendu des protections mises en place parce que certains ne souhaitent pas leur contenu Ã* éditer, être extrait ou employer par d'autres personnes parce qu'ils jugent que c'est disrespectfull aux heures elles aient dépensé faire le contenu.
September 11th, 2009, 11:58 AM
I protect my map
I do not want the classic tags ^^
It will not have give the tag
September 11th, 2009, 12:45 PM
I do know !
I managed the 06/09/2009 at 12:09
I wanted to know if I was the only
You aren't the only one who has "gotten around" this protection, so don't feel proud of yourself.
I do not want the classic tags ^^
So make your own tags rather than taking other people's tags. The tags are obviously protected for a reason, the creators did not want you to use them.
It will not have give the tag
Ok? If a person is as desperate as you to get the tags, they will get them.
You will get a rude awakening when SPv2 final comes around, just wait and see. Warlord, it would be great if you could translate this post for me.
September 11th, 2009, 12:50 PM
You're all a bunch of fucking babies. I don't care who uses our tags long as credit is given.
Edit: And Gaigher has always had my permission to use our tags, so I don't see why all of you uniformed people are talking for us.
September 11th, 2009, 12:51 PM
Warlord, it would be great if you could translate this post for me.
Shadow spartan dit Vous aren' ; t la seule personne qui a le " ; around" obtenu ; cette protection, ainsi don' ; sensation de t fière de vous-même. Faites ainsi vos propres étiquettes plutôt qu'en prenant l'autre people' ; étiquettes de s. Les étiquettes sont évidemment protégées pour une raison, les créateurs n'ont pas voulu que vous les employassiez. Ok ? Si une personne est aussi désespérée que vous pour obtenir les étiquettes, elles les obtiendront. Vous obtiendrez un réveil grossier quand la finale SPv2 vient autour, juste l'attente et voyez.
You're all a bunch of fucking babies. I don't care who uses our tags long as credit is given.
That's rich comming from you.
September 11th, 2009, 12:55 PM
Uh, I've never had a problem with people using our tags as long as credit was given. When the unprotected beta was out there I had a problem with people allowing others to know it existed. You won't find a single person who I told to not to use our tags because they ripped them.
Edit: lol, and now you -rep me for being arrogant? priceless.
September 11th, 2009, 01:00 PM
Uh, I've never had a problem with people using our tags as long as credit was given. When the unprotected beta was out there I had a problem with people allowing others to know it existed. You won't find a single person who I told to not to use our tags because they ripped them.
Edit: lol, and now you -rep me for being arrogant? priceless.
Explain to me oh wise one, why doe's it fucking say Zteam not CMT in the thread name?
I wasn't aware you was the boss of Zteam as well as the magpie for CMT.
Also i -repped you for the same reason you minus rep anyone but then, il use your own words.
"only rep whores complain about being minus repped"
If you really had a issue with being minus repped you would have sent me a private message but seeing as your the attention seeking ADHD of the forum you must make it public.
How pathetic i feel pity for you.
September 11th, 2009, 01:04 PM
Explain to me oh wise one, why doe's it fucking say Zteam not CMT in the thread name?
I wasn't aware you was the boss of Zteam as well as the magpie for CMT.
Also i -repped you for the same reason you minus rep anyone but then, il use
It says <zteam> in the thread name because the SPv2 Beta used a form of my older protection method, <zteam> is what I named the protected tags. Gaigher has used CMT tags as well as Zteam tags in the past.
Uh, I've never had a problem with people using our tags as long as credit was given.
So why even protect the Beta if you don't care?
September 11th, 2009, 01:05 PM
Uh, hate to burst your bubble but Gaigher is talking about the Zteam protection on the SPV2 public beta done by Shadowspartan.
Obviously your on some kind of e-rage vendetta against me, so I'll let you continue to make a fool of yourself. If I cared about reputation I wouldn't do or say half the things I do.
Edit: Shadow, it doesn't have to do with what I want, the team wants it protected. We went over this already.
September 11th, 2009, 01:08 PM
Edit: Shadow, it doesn't have to do with what I want, the team wants it protected. We went over this already.
Ok then, so according to you, your team doesn't want others to use the tags, but you don't care? So why are you giving out permission for others to use tags, especially when your own team does not want that happening? Shouldn't you be going with what your team wants?
September 11th, 2009, 01:09 PM
People dont give credit where it is due most of the time?
t3h m00kz
September 11th, 2009, 01:12 PM
pfffft, protectionfags.
Open source all the way.
September 11th, 2009, 01:19 PM
Ok then, so according to you, your team doesn't want others to use the tags, but you don't care? So why are you giving out permission for others to use tags, especially when your own team does not want that happening? Shouldn't you be going with what your team wants?
Team members want the maps protected. If the tags are already out there, like they are now, well, that changes things.
September 11th, 2009, 01:28 PM
Team members want the maps protected. If the tags are already out there, like they are now, well, that changes things.
Not really. Just because the tags are out there does not mean your team approves of someone using them. You should condemn Gaigher's actions, rather than approve of them.
September 11th, 2009, 01:35 PM
Well, in my opinion as team leader, That wouldn't be in the best interest of the team. If members have a problem with it, they can talk to me.
September 11th, 2009, 01:37 PM
THX Masterz1337
I hope that my maps give publicity for CMT and Z'team
September 11th, 2009, 01:38 PM
Masters has been all for dishonesty and the theft of work, be it bungie's or the community's, for a long time now, so long as it serves as a venue of self promotion.
September 11th, 2009, 01:38 PM
Jesus christ, 2 years, and you're still a prick.
Also congratulations, you're going to re-release your two shit maps with new weapons, this is going to be great!!!
September 11th, 2009, 01:49 PM
it's not a law, the law is that he is allowed to.
Its up to the creators, it does break the law, they are still stealing the content.
Masters, you of all people should be sticking up for your team, being a team leader you cannot be influenced by your own opinions, only whats best for the whole team.
Also, if you had no problem, why dont you just give him the files instead of him having to hack his way in, which means any other maps that are protected now have a security hole.
September 11th, 2009, 01:58 PM
Also, if you had no problem, why dont you just give him the files instead of him having to hack his way in, which means any other maps that are protected now have a security hole.
Yeah i agree, but masters being responsible is like asking gaigher to speak perfect english without a single piece of punctuation missing.
i always thought team leaders were supposed to be the responsible one, the reliable member of a team.
And don't give me the bull crap about doing it just for fun.
Not really. Just because the tags are out there does not mean your team approves of someone using them. You should condemn Gaigher's actions, rather than approve of them.
Well,in my opinion as team leader, That wouldn't be in the best interest of the team. If members have a problem with it, they can talk to me.
September 11th, 2009, 02:03 PM
THX Masterz1337
I hope that my maps give publicity for CMT and Z'team
Masterz does not speak for myself or Zteam. You do not have my permission for using anything related to Zteam (not like it will stop you from using it, because you are that type of person). Zteam does not need, nor do I even want the type of publicity that would come from you using them.
September 11th, 2009, 02:25 PM
Masterz does not speak for myself or Zteam. You do not have my permission for using anything related to Zteam (not like it will stop you from using it, because you are that type of person). Zteam does not need, nor do I even want the type of publicity that would come from you using them.
lol. What are you going to do about it? Can't you guys honestly not care and just do shit for fun?
September 11th, 2009, 02:38 PM
Great map can I have a beta!!!
September 11th, 2009, 02:50 PM
Uh, hate to burst your bubble but Gaigher is talking about the Zteam protection on the SPV2 public beta done by Shadowspartan.
Obviously your on some kind of e-rage vendetta against me, so I'll let you continue to make a fool of yourself. If I cared about reputation I wouldn't do or say half the things I do.
Uh, hate to burst your bubble but I and Our don't go together. Obviously a team member in CMT wants the tags (or at least their's) to be on lock down or there would be no protection, but you publicly let it be known that you don't care what these people do with your team's works. Let me take a step back: you don't care what these people do with CMT's works. Why do you have "Team Lead" as your title? You would fucking know better that as a "lead" your words speak for the "team" if you had real prior experience in such a position, professional or not.
Obviously you really don't care about reputation but go a head and keep doing what you do because you don't have any cohesion in team works or representation.
September 11th, 2009, 02:51 PM
lol. What are you going to do about it? Can't you guys honestly not care and just do shit for fun?
That's not the point. The point is if you want to use somebodies tags, you better have permission. If GAIGHER keeps using the zteam tags without permission, then he won't be getting any help from this community. We don't support people who totally disregard the courtesy of permission. You're right, zteam can't do anything about it now that he has the tags, but GAIGHER's just hurting himself.
September 11th, 2009, 02:51 PM
Its up to the creators, it does break the law, they are still stealing the content.
Masters, you of all people should be sticking up for your team, being a team leader you cannot be influenced by your own opinions, only whats best for the whole team.
Also, if you had no problem, why dont you just give him the files instead of him having to hack his way in, which means any other maps that are protected now have a security hole.
I believe what's in the best interest of the team, is to allow people who have the tags use them as long as they give us credit.
For your second question, I'll tell you on AIM, I can't really post that here on the forums.
September 11th, 2009, 03:13 PM
Uh, hate to burst your bubble but I and Our don't go together. Obviously a team member in CMT wants the tags (or at least their's) to be on lock down or there would be no protection, but you publicly let it be known that you don't care what these people do with your team's works. Let me take a step back: you don't care what these people do with CMT's works. Why do you have "Team Lead" as your title? You would fucking know better that as a "lead" your words speak for the "team" if you had real prior experience in such a position, professional or not.
Obviously you really don't care about reputation but go a head and keep doing what you do because you don't have any cohesion in team works or representation.
If I didn't have any understanding on how to run a team, CMT wouldn't be one of the few teams left standing. I do things my way, and they work well enough for me, and have led the team this far. We have our own way we manage things, and so far I've only seen people who are clueless about what goes on (or people booted from the team over their own actions) criticize the way I run things. Actually, Salimander would be the exception to that, but he has his own way about going about things.
There is a divide in CMT over if the maps should be protected or not, but it's my call to protect them, even though I'm not interested in having the maps protected.
Likewise, now that tags are out there, I feel it's the best interest for the team to allow people to use the tags as long as they give credit. While I wish people had respected the team and not let them out there, there's no point in making a deal out of it. They're out there, people are going to use them, so we might as well let them use them.
September 11th, 2009, 04:24 PM
I would love for a community who can respect peoples wishes when they create content for the comunity, partly for them selves, but mostly for the community to enjoy...
But no, people have to take advantage and take tags. if they give credit or ask permision I don't really give two shits... but a lot of them don't, which si the reason is pisses me of so much because they get all of the credit for making the content if people do not realise whoes it really is...
Map makers should be able to use default HEK protection with the risk of people making unprotecters instead of wasting their time making new protects because of some disgusting scumbags.
Im going out now anyway, byebye :)
If everyone was respectful to honor everyone's wishes then mappers wouldn't have to protect their maps. People would be respectful enough to always ask no matter what, and if they say no then not to use the content. Unfortunately there are always going to be "Faggots' on the internet.
September 11th, 2009, 04:30 PM
For the love of christ, not this shit again.
I really wish you people wouldn't get so worked up over this. YET AGAIN, I'll lay it out.
MORALLY, this is wrong. The maps are protected for varying reasons, the best two being that either the content is unifinished and not ready for a release, or because the map author doesn't want to share. In either case, the ideal community member should be respectful of this wish and ask the author if they can use the content beforehand, and to not circumvent encryptions and whatnot, as this is how copyrights work in the real world, and it's what we in the business call a "dick move" when someone betrays another's simple wishes to meet their own ends.
LEGALLY, all of you are wrong. None of us own shit. The minute we process source files in Tool or hit Save/Save As in Guerilla's file menu, the data generated belongs to Bungie. The map file also belongs to Bungie. If you can't deal with the reality that your content may be used without your permission (which is not yours to even give in the first place), I kindly suggest that you get the fuck out and go mod Source or Unreal- oh wait, they're open source to begin with, you'd cry even more about it. If anything, Bungie should be cracking down on all of us for reverse-engineering their data structures and engine, as it says right in the fucking EULA that we aren't supposed to do that.
In short, stop fucking crying about people ripping tags. I'm sick to death of this drama. Personally, I'd prefer it if people would do it the nice way, but I don't see a reason for people to get bitchy when people use "their" tags without permission.
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