View Full Version : F.L.H.C.E.P. (Final Large Halo Custom Edition Project)

September 13th, 2009, 08:07 AM
My Final Large Halo Custom Edition Project

I know after 2 years of not even a word it's sudden. but this will be My last large Project for CE

In an attempt to bring back a bit more life to the CE community after the wave of disappointment with the limited capacity of the editing tools for halo2 vista... hell even i was pissed >_>

I won't give away any specifics yet but! I will give away this much... I badly need help... my modeling isn't the best so i need a semi reliable half decent Modeler. (this is infinitely better than me by far XD)
Scripts I can do but I could always use some help or advise on the area :)

what else :P

OH! i always had problems with sound tags :(... help there would be FANTASTIC!

and a Map Modeler who can. model Terrain. and structures.. with a bit of luck the Modeler can model structures we can directly incorporate into the map

the modeler and mapper also need to be able to UV there own models...
and last but not least...
a Texture Artist...

oh and an assistant animator/Animator Pro would be nice :)

What I'm going to be doing.

some modeling, a lot of tagging, a lot of scripting, a lot of testing. a lot of re scripting and re tagging.
ill be doing most of the work here i just need help where i fail.

and the project for now's a secret that's why I'm not giving away any details. for those who want more details. and are interested in joining the team. just PM me.

Id have some of my own work to show you all but... without re creating it all over again from scratch... i can't... :(
2 years of formats does a lot...

Ok so the list is as...

All rounder1: The1
All rounder2: Who ever i want :O
All rounder3: free space
Tagger: free space
Mapper: free space
Modeler: free space
Sounder: free space
Animator: free space

The project Contents is a surprise... sooOOOOooooo...
only project Members will be entitled to the information.

All I'm going to reveal about it now is... its going to have everything I have ever worked on. and some of my final ideas. not many people will be disappointed by this project.

Applicants can either PM me or contact me via email/msn on replace " at " with @
Aaron_David_Ameer_Beg at Live.com all you need to do is show me some samples of your work..
for the sound artists.../editors send me samples of your working compiled sound tags?

yes i know... lack of pictures... at the moment its definitely at its beginning stages because... well at the moment... i obviously have nothing. that and for those who arn't team members. I want this to be as much of a secret as possible so when the first map is released. people are like... WOW!!!. otherwise it'll be 1 of those projects where you follow its progress. follow its progress. follow its progress... maps released and your bored before it even finishes downloading.

September 13th, 2009, 09:01 AM
Show some previous work and tell us what this is.

September 13th, 2009, 09:04 AM
Looks like someone else's final large halo custom edition project, seeing as how you're not doing anything.

September 13th, 2009, 09:39 AM
Sounds suspicious, but I may be able to help with textures anway.

September 13th, 2009, 09:56 AM
Looks like someone else's final large halo custom edition project, seeing as how you're not doing anything.


September 13th, 2009, 09:59 AM
Looks like someone else's final large halo custom edition project, seeing as how you're not doing anything.


September 13th, 2009, 10:27 AM
People want to know what they'd be signing up for.

September 13th, 2009, 10:27 AM
Yeah, no one is going to do shit for you until you can do something and people are like "hey look this guy actually knows his shit lets help"

unlike masterz

I remember I used to come up with a big ass idea and be like "k guys you do it for me kthx" and it would end up just not... not working.

September 13th, 2009, 10:41 AM
just so everyone knows The1 has helped out the sonic mod since almost beginning hes responsible for most of the scripts that make things run , so almost all the stuff in our mod was able to be made possible thanks to him and then small help here and there from Kirby , thats his work.

September 13th, 2009, 12:12 PM
just so everyone knows The1 has helped out the sonic mod since almost beginning hes responsible for most of the scripts that make things run , so almost all the stuff in our mod was able to be made possible thanks to him and then small help here and there from Kirby , thats his work.
But still, no one (including me) would feel like joining something without knowing what it's about. That's like jumping into a hole and not knowing what's in it, but then finding a giant snake and it eating you.

September 13th, 2009, 01:06 PM
But still, no one (including me) would feel like joining something without knowing what it's about. That's like jumping into a hole and not knowing what's in it, but then finding a giant snake and it eating you.

True , just thought i would fill everyone in is all.

September 13th, 2009, 01:10 PM
You need to set a good impression in order to gain peoples trust, respect and maybe have people help you and do work for you...

text + no images = boring and people don't care
text + images = people might like the work and join.

Simple really :)

September 13th, 2009, 01:31 PM
There is nothing to show images of :/

September 13th, 2009, 01:49 PM
Yeahhh hes a scripter. He couldnt show his work without major problems from the sonic team. hth. Post a vid of it working mb?

September 13th, 2009, 04:18 PM
Looks like someone else's final large halo custom edition project, seeing as how you're not doing anything.

Im doing nothing? All rounder means you can work on most things. models, tags, scripts, ect

ok let me edit first post...

it seems the few videos of my secret projects from the past have been deleted due to the lack of views :(

September 13th, 2009, 04:24 PM
basically what im doing is... just making a NEW set of maps with every idea I have ever had that was good and all my latest ideas

MP maps.

Playable Character:
basically what I'm doing is making a new Biped. only it isn't just 1 biped. it is going to be more than 1. havn't decided weather its just going to be 1 team Elites and 1 team Spartans...

or each team lets you choose between 2-4 different characters.

no need to worry about the method there my way will sync for the most part.

but yeah my method will work for atleast up to 2 selectable characters that much I know
<3 permutations

I'm currently re working all my vehicle tags to work with my pickup script.

each team gets either peli's or (covi drop ships or wraiths. havn't decided)

anyway I developed a pickup script waaay back that bypasses the need for trigger volumes. and picked up the vehicle under the cargo area of the pelican. and the funny thing is. it dosn't matter if that syncs or not because the scrips is server sided and when the vehicle is dropped the client sided vehicle will just match the servers' vehicle's positions and what not. but it will work :)

I currently want to Re Work all the weapons. new skins. new weapons...
not sure if anyone ever heard about my SHIELD rifle? but it could do 2 things. create a bullet proof bubble around the holder. or at the person you aimed at. and a few other ideas. like im going to add old favrites in like the plasma sword. and saw another good idea like the plasma claw weapon

and a few other things like an invisiblity weapon. time control weapon. going to work out full spectrim vision. and medics :D

as you can tell there going to be large maps... because some will have pelicans that can pick up any vehicle you want with ease. that isn't the same class as a pelican I mean. because a pelican carrying a pelican would just be silly. lol

sooo... yeah large project... can you see why I need a team for this 1?


September 13th, 2009, 04:31 PM
Yeahhh hes a scripter. He couldnt show his work without major problems from the sonic team. hth. Post a vid of it working mb?

Fair enough, my bad.

September 13th, 2009, 04:38 PM
way to ruin the surprise for every1 else Gannon... lol oh well now people know 1/4 of what i have in store for the project...

September 13th, 2009, 04:46 PM
hey... uh first of all who are you?
I've never heard of you before?

September 13th, 2009, 04:48 PM
hey... uh first of all who are you?
I've never heard of you before?

yeah I'm The1. I spent a good 5 years working on mods for CE before i lost my mind and went to the devil's game Garry's mod for 2 years... but I'm back again. there are people here who can tell you I know what I'm doing... 90% of the time lol.

September 13th, 2009, 04:58 PM
way to ruin the surprise for every1 else Gannon... lol oh well now people know 1/4 of what i have in store for the project...

Ganon* and don't waste people's time by making a thread asking for a great deal of assistance on a large scale project when you

a) Didn't show any material for proof that you aren't a buffoon and are capable of contributing and leading a team to accomplish a large task such as this.

b) Didn't give the least bit of a clue as to what the project is about for the people who may of been interested after taking a quick glance at the thread and idea of what they would be getting into.

99% of us aren't going to show interest without an explanation of what you wish to accomplish or a display of previous work. You've shown neither. And from the idea, assuming that pelican's and covenant dropships = another stupid huge map in ce, :frogout:.

Maybe you should try again by saying:

Hey im so and so and I'm looking to organize a team for a halo ce project I've been planning.The project is about.... I need people who can... I mainly specialize in... Here is some things I have done in the past to show what I am capable of... I think I will be able to keep this team in check because... I would expect this to be accomplished before year...

September 13th, 2009, 05:17 PM
yeah... i see where you come from... but you fail to see where i come from...

after 2 years of formats and what not... I have nothing to show. and uhhh screw it... ill work on the damned thing on my own...