View Full Version : I Caught H1N1 and Survived

September 23rd, 2009, 02:05 PM
So yeah, I caught it Friday night and it peaked on Saturday. I was fine Sunday and just went to the doctor today. I get the week off since I could still infect others, but besides that, I don't see why everyone is over reacting about it. I took regular medicine designed for Regular Flu and got over it in a day.

This is what you feel like if you get H1N1.
Every room you walk into, it will feel cold to you no matter what, so just try to stay in bed with alot of blankets.

You're body will be in pain, but nothing major. You should be able to withstand it, if you can't suck it up you god damn pussy.

You'll have a headache, but it won't bother you much if you sleep for 18 hours like I did. Just sleep. I did not eat at all. Sleep and drink water and Lemonade.

It's not that bad. It's just the flu and now I don't need to get my vaccine for the H1N1 virus. I wouldn't advise getting it, but I would like to bring this thing down to earth. It may be swine flu, but IT STILL IS A FLU. JUST A DIFFERENT NATURAL STRAIN. It's not a bio engineered virus to withstand any medicine, treatment, and vaccine. It Is Not A Terrorist Weapon....yet. :eng101:

September 23rd, 2009, 02:07 PM
ok thanks for sharing

September 23rd, 2009, 02:10 PM
You should of ate some solid food, it's never good to only drink liquids when you're sick. If you can eat solid food without killing yourself throwing it up after then it's the best.

September 23rd, 2009, 02:49 PM
I and a bunch of others I work with have to go in tomorrow for our yearly flu vacs :|

Genius on the higher-up's thinking. This way if we react to anything it will happen over the weekend and thus on our time :nsmug:

September 23rd, 2009, 03:52 PM
you think thats bad KM, i'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled today (it's thursday) and the friday i have off to recover (before the weekened) they put down as a rostered day off.

in other words my sick day is apparently on my time as well....


Also kid you dont udnerstand anything about h1n1, at all.

September 23rd, 2009, 03:59 PM
Whats there to understand?

September 23rd, 2009, 04:44 PM
Whats there to understand?

that it will undoubtedly kill you

September 23rd, 2009, 04:56 PM
I hope you realise, people get effected by it differently, some people show no signs of it others do.

I had it, 7 days of hell it was. I seriously wanted to die it was so bad, I couldnt even stand up, all I did was lay in bed staring at the wall. I slept for 48 hours straight just because I didnt want to be awake to feel the symptoms. I had a chest infection for about a month after too.

So please dont belittle it when you clearly only had the sniffles version.

September 23rd, 2009, 05:12 PM
So please dont belittle it when you clearly only had the sniffles version.
Then please don't exaggerate it simply because you clearly had more severe symptoms than he did.

It's true that the flu has different symptoms for each person, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still a flu. You get sick, it sucks, and the majority of people who get it are just fine afterwards.

People, swine flu is not that serious in its current stage. Thousands more die from the regular flu every year. The only reason people are worried (thanks to the fucking media egging it on) is because of the potential for swine flu to mutate into some supervirus and kill us all. Guess what folks, they said the same shit about bird flu.

September 23rd, 2009, 05:33 PM
Its the sheer fact of how fast it spread, over here in 3 days it tripled (300%), we're talking about it going from 200,000 cases to 600,000 cases.

I agree the media played it up, they wanted to warn people, but they got heavily criticized, hense why its never in the news any more, but it is a much more agressive case of regular flu, but your right, most of people that died had an underlying illness, the numbers who were normal and fine before and died are very slim.

Rob Oplawar
September 23rd, 2009, 07:02 PM
My Pneumonia story is better than your Pig flu story.

September 23rd, 2009, 07:19 PM
My Hereditary Spherocytosis story is better than your Pneumonia story.

September 23rd, 2009, 07:22 PM
I like how you're freaking out over what is pretty much the normal flu, just a different strand, people don't seem to realize the big deal is not that it is killing off perfectly healthy people, in fact the people in the 30's that died had health problems before. The big deal is that it resembles a flu virus that mutated into a deadly flu that killed a lot of people, and since we have no vaccination for it, it is a large shadow looming on our heads. This, contrary to everyone who watches fox new's belief, does not mean it is deadly now or will mutate, it is just as deadly as any flu virus currently spreading around. Yes it is an epidemic, but it's just one of the factors in living in a world filled up to the fucking brim with people.

September 23rd, 2009, 07:27 PM
I like how you're freaking out over what is pretty much the normal flu, just a different strand, people don't seem to realize the big deal is not that it is killing off perfectly healthy people, in fact the people in the 30's that died had health problems before.

I fall into this category of people with health problems. I have a reason for freakin out if I even get a normal flu. I hate people with perfect health. :smith:

September 23rd, 2009, 07:29 PM
i stopped breaking last april, spent a week in the hospital

September 23rd, 2009, 07:35 PM
Thank God for strong immune systems.<333

September 23rd, 2009, 07:48 PM
Thank God for strong immune systems.<333

Fuck you. :mech:

September 23rd, 2009, 07:53 PM
Fuck you. :mech:
All those summers of eating/drinking nothing but juicy fruits and green tea really paid off.

September 23rd, 2009, 07:55 PM
It still wouldn't of worked with me even if I did have green tea every day. :saddowns:

September 23rd, 2009, 08:06 PM
Umm it is very different for different people. Some people can die from it, don't belittle them. Sounds like you had a mild case (my friend did too). No need to be a jackass.

September 23rd, 2009, 08:08 PM
Thank God for strong immune systems.<333


Rob Oplawar
September 23rd, 2009, 08:24 PM
By the way, I recently realized: it's fantastic news for those of us who have already caught it. Because that means we're now immune to it. And that means when it mutates into the horrible unstoppable virus that brings about armageddon, we'll be part of the scattered 1% of the population that survives. Huzzah!

September 23rd, 2009, 08:45 PM
I hope you realise, people get effected by it differently, some people show no signs of it others do.

I had it, 7 days of hell it was. I seriously wanted to die it was so bad, I couldnt even stand up, all I did was lay in bed staring at the wall. I slept for 48 hours straight just because I didnt want to be awake to feel the symptoms. I had a chest infection for about a month after too.

So please dont belittle it when you clearly only had the sniffles version.

He's right. I happened to have fainted due to body fever for the first time in my life after I caught H1N1 last spring. I also had some kind of a "relapse" where I recovered from the symptoms for a few days, and then immediately got them again a week after.

September 23rd, 2009, 08:46 PM
By the way, I recently realized: it's fantastic news for those of us who have already caught it. Because that means we're now immune to it. And that means when it mutates into the horrible unstoppable virus that brings about armageddon, we'll be part of the scattered 1% of the population that survives. Huzzah!

What. No you won't

September 23rd, 2009, 09:03 PM
By the way, I recently realized: it's fantastic news for those of us who have already caught it. Because that means we're now immune to it. And that means when it mutates into the horrible unstoppable virus that brings about armageddon, we'll be part of the scattered 1% of the population that survives. Huzzah!

I don't think it works like that. The reason why a virus mutates is to adapt to our bodies immune system. The sole purpose of a virus is to constantly reproduce in our body and basically kill us. But since we have an immune system, the goal for the virus trying to overcome us has a challenge in our way. And that challenge is to adapt to our immune system so that it can keep reproducing. A little trivia fact; the first time the spanish influenza appeared, it didn't really harm us. But then it struct back in 1918 and started a slaughterfest. The reason why it struck back hard the second time is because it was able to find a way around the human immune system. And that goal, which I stated earlier, is reproducing in our bodies until we die. The chances of an H1N1 virus achieving such a deadly form can range from rare to uncommon.

September 23rd, 2009, 10:01 PM
Umm it is very different for different people. Some people can die from it, don't belittle them. Sounds like you had a mild case (my friend did too). No need to be a jackass.

Sorry if I seem like a jackass. It's just people are making such a big deal over it when I had the regular flu, it was for a 5 days and was hell while the swine flu was nothing more than a day. I basically slept it off.

Yes different people respond differently and yes some cases are worst than others, but when the regular flu is worst the the new epidemic, I find people are throwing it out of proportion.

September 23rd, 2009, 10:42 PM
Funny thing, I started getting mild symptoms this past Saturday morning, soar throat and runny nose and the like. Then it progressed to a full blown fever by Sunday afternoon. My extremities ached like hell, and I ended up sleeping all through the rest of Sunday and Monday (missing school). My parents forced me to dose up on cough syrup and cold pills and I felt like a drugy for the better part of 3 days. My fever decreased with the medication, so my mom assumed that it was not N1H1, and I didn't think much of it... I recovered without seeing my doctor.

So I returned to school Tuesday to find half of my calc class missing lol. Now I think I f'ed them all over, swine flu or not. I've never been sick this time of year, and whatever that was it spread like a mofo.

September 24th, 2009, 12:30 AM
Its the sheer fact of how fast it spread, over here in 3 days it tripled (300%), we're talking about it going from 200,000 cases to 600,000 cases.
The world is a very connected place this day in age. Like they said, it was a new strand of the flu which our bodies had to develop an immunity against. It really isn't surprising that it spread that fast due to things like Airplanes, trains, cars, etc etc along with various public gatherings and jobs etc. There really shouldn't be any wonder to it.

But then it struct back in 1918 and started a slaughterfest.
I think it's worth mentioning that medical and heath education has exponentially grown since then

September 24th, 2009, 01:08 AM
Yet we can't find a cure for aids. :allears:

September 24th, 2009, 02:37 AM
Yet we can't find a cure for aids. :allears:
That's because aids is God's very own anti-hooker weapon. 's no way He'll allow us to cure it.


September 24th, 2009, 07:14 AM
Yet we can't find a cure for aids. :allears:

:allears: You were saying :allears:

September 24th, 2009, 08:54 AM
I hope you realise, people get effected by it differently, some people show no signs of it others do.

I had it, 7 days of hell it was. I seriously wanted to die it was so bad, I couldnt even stand up, all I did was lay in bed staring at the wall. I slept for 48 hours straight just because I didnt want to be awake to feel the symptoms. I had a chest infection for about a month after too.

So please dont belittle it when you clearly only had the sniffles version.
You're dumb

September 24th, 2009, 04:41 PM

:allears: You were saying :allears:

It's still not a 100% cure. Not only that, but it's "Risk of infection cut by 31 percent" How do they measure Risk of Infection? Does the Vaccine reduce libido or something?

September 24th, 2009, 05:10 PM
limited is it possible that you would react to what we consider a "normal" flu the same way you reacted to the swine flu?
the thought thats been going around in my mind as i read this thread is: if people are justifying how bad people say the swine flu is by telling us how bad of a time they had with it because they have a bad immune system, wouldnt they respond the same way to the regular flu? thus putting the regular flu and the swine flu on the same level?

basically, if your immune system is bad, the regular flu is going to fuck you up too.

September 24th, 2009, 05:16 PM
I've had like 10 friends get swine flu they all said it was like a regular flu. Honestly my president got swine flu and hes old as fuck and didn't die. Honestly its not a big deal.

September 24th, 2009, 05:17 PM
Yes different people respond differently and yes some cases are worst than others, but when the regular flu is worst the the new epidemic, I find people are throwing it out of proportion.

Yes, I understand that the media and others are making a big deal about it. But that's not just because of how dangerous or not dangerous it might be. The fact is it's incredibly contagious (my college had to cancel social events because it was spreading so bad), and it can lead to serious complications.

September 24th, 2009, 05:20 PM
Flu doesn't kill people, it's the pneumonia that results that kills you. :D

September 24th, 2009, 07:18 PM
There have been quite a few cases of swine-flu-like flus on RIT and they've really been pressuring everyone to not be a nasty fuck as a result, which is good.

I had a sore throat a few days ago and, being paranoid, I started getting taking some vitamin C. Sore throat is gone and I've been fine - don't know if that has anything to do with swine flu or not. It's probably a good idea to make sure that you are taking your vitamins and stuff anyway.

September 24th, 2009, 07:35 PM
Swine flu has become weaker, people are able to make more antibodies and take the vaccination now so the symptoms are nothing like it was when the outbreak happened.

Heathly young people died in Uk becuase of swine flu, maybe US is different.

I had it between may and June, my immune system was down as I worn myself down with work, hardly any sleep and really stressed, the weather was also horrendous and that's when I caught it. I would have gone into hospital but they were so unprepared and couldn't take me, so the doctors sanctioned me and told me I couldn't leave the house or have contact with people.

I do agree people went over the top, people here were calling it the new plague.

September 24th, 2009, 08:17 PM
People, swine flu is not that serious in its current stage. Thousands more die from the regular flu every year. The only reason people are worried (thanks to the fucking media egging it on) is because of the potential for swine flu to mutate into some supervirus and kill us all. Guess what folks, they said the same shit about bird flu.
so because it didnt happen with bird flu it's tot's kay to leik nut do nethang eh?

gtfo, n00b.
there is risk, and there is hazard. Risk is the chance of something going wrong which is very very low, but the hazard (the billions of people lives that could be threatened) IF it did happen are so disastrous sitting back and doing nothing will increase the risk of it occurring.

in all likelihood nothing will happen, i know this and so do all the scientists that are stating caution, but if something fucks up AND IT HAS THE POTENTIAL TO FUCK UP *hint this is really fucking important to remember* you have alot of deaths on your hands. do you want to be the guy that has to explain to the world and billions of grieving people that you had the chance to take measures to lower the risk of this occurring and prevent the hazard, but didnt because last time it was k?
forgot about the time before that when it wasn't k did we?

no more fucking shit on swine flu fellas, you've proven time and time again you do NOT understand the nature of the problem.

September 24th, 2009, 08:26 PM
so because it didnt happen with bird flu it's tot's kay to leik nut do nethang eh?
I didn't say anything of the sort. I said the general public is overreacting to the threat.

gtfo, n00b.
there is risk, and there is hazard. Risk is the chance of something going wrong which is very very low, but the hazard (the billions of people lives that could be threatened) IF it did happen are so disastrous sitting back and doing nothing will increase the risk of it occurring.
While true, the same concerns were brought up with Bird Flu, Ebola, and others. Worldwide contamination has not happened yet, and it's not worth worrying about something to the extent that many are.

in all likelihood nothing will happen, i know this and so do all the scientists that are stating caution, but if something fucks up AND IT HAS THE POTENTIAL TO FUCK UP *hint this is really fucking important to remember* you have alot of deaths on your hands. do you want to be the guy that has to explain to the world and billions of grieving people that you had the chance to take measures to lower the risk of this occurring and prevent the hazard, but didnt because last time it was k?
forgot about the time before that when it wasn't k did we?

no more fucking shit on swine flu fellas, you've proven time and time again you do NOT understand the nature of the problem.
And you've proven time and time again that you're exceedingly hostile to those who don't share your point of view, which you take to be the end all be all.

What I will agree with is that we should take precautionary measures against the flu (all types, not just swine flu), BUT I don't think we should be running around going "Oh my god I need a vaccine to save myself!"

The problem with getting a vaccine at this stage is that, IF the virus mutates to a more deadly strain...you're just going to need a new one anyway.

September 24th, 2009, 11:02 PM
Maybe we should use something else than vaccines, which seem to work only once. I have strong support for people looking for cures using organisms, and believe their are organisms that have an ability to save us. In some way, I have a feeling that it's just our "human intelligence" sole purpose to find these organisms to bring down these slaughter bugs.

September 25th, 2009, 01:27 AM
Swine flu has become weaker, people are able to make more antibodies and take the vaccination now so the symptoms are nothing like it was when the outbreak happened.

Heathly young people died in Uk becuase of swine flu, maybe US is different.

I had it between may and June, my immune system was down as I worn myself down with work, hardly any sleep and really stressed, the weather was also horrendous and that's when I caught it. I would have gone into hospital but they were so unprepared and couldn't take me, so the doctors sanctioned me and told me I couldn't leave the house or have contact with people.

I do agree people went over the top, people here were calling it the new plague.
Once again

you're fuckin dumb

September 25th, 2009, 01:27 AM
Maybe we should use something else than vaccines, which seem to work only once. I have strong support for people looking for cures using organisms, and believe their are organisms that have an ability to save us. In some way, I have a feeling that it's just our "human intelligence" sole purpose to find these organisms to bring down these slaughter bugs.
You're also dumb

September 25th, 2009, 01:32 AM
Maybe we should use something else than vaccines, which seem to work only once. I have strong support for people looking for cures using organisms, and believe their are organisms that have an ability to save us. In some way, I have a feeling that it's just our "human intelligence" sole purpose to find these organisms to bring down these slaughter bugs.

September 27th, 2009, 08:18 AM
The problem with getting a vaccine at this stage is that, IF the virus mutates to a more deadly strain...you're just going to need a new one anyway.
Safety first, perhaps? Yes it might mutate into a more deadly strain, therefore everyone who is overly hyped is prepared right? We have more of a chance of limiting the deadly virus.

Swine flu is coming back, but the biggest reason is people are back at schools and spreading germs.

I've moved back to my work, and I'm getting ill and so are both of my housemates, its only a small cold but its because we are around new germs and what not. Still, its bloody annoying though.

September 27th, 2009, 09:36 AM
i see through your lies obama. you released swine flu into the us dont deny it

September 27th, 2009, 11:49 AM
Maybe we should use something else than vaccines, which seem to work only once. I have strong support for people looking for cures using organisms, and believe their are organisms that have an ability to save us. In some way, I have a feeling that it's just our "human intelligence" sole purpose to find these organisms to bring down these slaughter bugs.

also, your like 50 years late lol.

September 27th, 2009, 03:47 PM
What the fuck are you talking about?

September 27th, 2009, 04:04 PM
I think he's talking about engineering a "virus" that combats other virus with no actual ill effects to the host it's exposed to.

I'd be like a superhero virus.

September 27th, 2009, 04:20 PM
I think he's talking about engineering a "virus" that combats other virus with no actual ill effects to the host it's exposed to.

I'd be like a superhero virus.
dumbest. idea. ever.

September 27th, 2009, 04:56 PM
dumbest. idea. ever.
If it does the job with no ill effects, why in gods name is it "dumbest. idea. ever."??

It would be bloody marvelous.

September 27th, 2009, 05:04 PM
I think it's very possible. Maybe it seems like the dumbest idea ever, because your brain can't comprehend it. :allears:

September 28th, 2009, 03:53 PM
whats in it for the virus?

a virus's job is to reproduce through natural selection right? well why would it favor a strand that cant continue to reproduce.

not to mention virus's are uncontrollable lol
it is a stupid idea :allears:

October 2nd, 2009, 03:44 PM
After reading media organization after media organization hype up about how "deadly" this flu is, at least somebody got it right. And who would have thought that that organization would be ESPN:

Texans TE Hill diagnosed with swine flu (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4526236)

"The new swine flu seems no more deadly than regular winter flu, which every year kills 36,000 Americans and hospitalizes 200,000. This H1N1 strain sickens younger people more frequently than the over-65 population who are seasonal flu's main victims."

October 2nd, 2009, 07:25 PM
not to mention virus's are uncontrollable lol
it is a stupid idea :allears:

I think the virus will mutate into the blob and it will start eating all of us and get bigger and bigger. That's when it will be uncontrollable. :allears:

October 3rd, 2009, 10:04 AM
maybe instead of viruses that kill viruses we should make smart white blood cells and pills that fight them for us


October 3rd, 2009, 10:29 AM
whats in it for the virus?

All organism's job is to reproduce through natural selection right? well why would it favor a strand that cant continue to reproduce.

not to mention virus's are uncontrollable lol
it is a stupid idea :allears:
ALso if you geneticly engineered the virus so it didnt have the information to replicate itself how could it change to another strain where it could replicate, it would need the information in the first place.