View Full Version : Do you Support the Idea That Global Warming is Man-Made?
October 16th, 2009, 07:19 AM
October 16th, 2009, 07:24 AM
My bad. The point stands, though - if you're honestly stubborn enough to start getting personal over this thread, and you clearly are, then I don't see how it'll go anywhere good.
Since you seem to consider me a retard who knows nothing about anything outside of aviation, maybe I will actually make some kind of contribution to this thread, but forgive me for not bothering to go on a quest to find evidence which people will no doubt ignore or interpret incorrectly.
I think that it's a pretty good indicator we're causing the problem when the onset is so sudden. Yes, the planet is ridiculously moody, but the Ice Age didn't come overnight. We've already punched a hole through the ozone layer - if you don't believe that was our doing, you're literally a fucking moron - so it's not much of a stretch to say that we're accelerating the rate of change of the planet's climate. There are certainly natural processes, some predictable and some not, which have pretty huge effects on climate, but the fact that we have been pumping the atmosphere full of shit that wasn't there in such large amounts before can't just have no effect. It's a basic law of science - Newton applied it to physics, some French dude whose name I've since forgotten applied it to chemistry - that fucking with one thing will affect another. How anyone can seriously sit there and say we're not at least accelerating the process of global warming without bursting into fits of laughter is beyond me.
I dunno about you, but I'd be pretty inclined to not listen to a scientist who seems completely unaware of the whole 'natural balances' thing.
October 16th, 2009, 07:37 AM
My bad. The point stands, though - if you're honestly stubborn enough to start getting personal over this thread, and you clearly are, then I don't see how it'll go anywhere good.
Since you seem to consider me a retard who knows nothing about anything outside of aviation, maybe I will actually make some kind of contribution to this thread, but forgive me for not bothering to go on a quest to find evidence which people will no doubt ignore or interpret incorrectly.
I think that it's a pretty good indicator we're causing the problem when the onset is so sudden. Yes, the planet is ridiculously moody, but the Ice Age didn't come overnight. We've already punched a hole through the ozone layer - if you don't believe that was our doing, you're literally a fucking moron - so it's not much of a stretch to say that we're accelerating the rate of change of the planet's climate. There are certainly natural processes, some predictable and some not, which have pretty huge effects on climate, but the fact that we have been pumping the atmosphere full of shit that wasn't there in such large amounts before can't just have no effect. It's a basic law of science - Newton applied it to physics, some French dude whose name I've since forgotten applied it to chemistry - that fucking with one thing will affect another. How anyone can seriously sit there and say we're not at least accelerating the process of global warming without bursting into fits of laughter is beyond me.
I dunno about you, but I'd be pretty inclined to not listen to a scientist who seems completely unaware of the whole 'natural balances' thing.
Let's get one thing straight, as far as im concerned i will probably never ever meet any of you in person even firedragon who lives 30 minutes away and as such i will not take anything personaly as i really do not give a monkeys elbow for what ever insults or anything else thrown at me.
As for newton i believe the law was "for every action there is a equal and opposite reaction."
Basicly you fuck with the environment the environment fucks with you.
October 16th, 2009, 10:18 AM
The Artic will be open to global shipping in ten years during the summer. Bye bye polar bears.
October 16th, 2009, 11:10 AM
Well, seeing as this thread has pretty much turned into a shitfest in the last few pages (Jelly, Trulife, Warlord, Ross, and myself), I think it's time this thread is ended.
Thanks for the fun guys, and special thanks to the people who actually tried to give solid evidence rather than flaming up the thread.
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