View Full Version : Virginia Tech Massacre
April 16th, 2007, 03:17 PM
One more school shoting...
For all that is intrested, here is a quote from the almighty wikipedia.
Virginia Tech massacre
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Shooting at Virginia Tech; 22 dead
This article documents a current event.
Information may change rapidly as the event progresses.
This article is about the April 2007 shootings. For the August 2006 incident, see William Morva.
2007 Virginia Tech Massacre
Location Blacksburg, Virginia
Target(s) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Date April 16, 2007
07:15am (UTC-5)
Attack type Mass murder, massacre
Fatalities 32 known reports
Injuries 28 known reports
The Virginia Tech Massacre was a school massacre that occurred on April 16, 2007 on the premises of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, more commonly known as Virginia Tech, at Blacksburg in the U.S. state of Virginia. At least 32 people were killed, including the gunman, with at least 28 injured,[2] making it the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history.
The first shooting occurred around 7 a.m. EDT at West Ambler Johnston Hall, a coed dormitory, where one person was killed. Shooting was also reported at Norris Hall, an engineering building, inside a classroom.[2][4] It appears earlier reports that the police arrested one suspected gunman were false. The gunman was reported dead in a midday press conference.
News reports indicated that the gunman used two handguns before turning a gun on himself.
Two students were injured after they panicked and jumped out an upper-story window.
All classes for the day and the following day were canceled and students were instructed to stay inside away from windows. Virginia Tech president Charles Steger advised that since the semester is more than halfway over, the students who perished will not receive tuition refunds.
The event claimed more lives than the 13 killed in the 1999 Columbine High School massacre, as well as the 15 killed from the University of Texas tower in 1966, making it the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history.
* 1 Timeline
o 1.1 Monday, April 16
* 2 See also
* 3 References
* 4 External links
Monday, April 16
* 7:15 a.m.: A 911 call to Virginia Tech Police reports a shooting at West Ambler Johnston Hall, leaving one person dead.
* Approx. 9:15 a.m.: A shooting at Norris Hall is reported.
* 12:00 p.m.: At a press conference, authorities said there may have been more than 22 people killed and 28 injured.
* 1:00 p.m.: Shoot-out between police officer and shooter, according to I-Witness (eye) on FoxNews television broadcast
* 1:50 p.m.: CNN reports that the Police chief says at least 21 people are dead, including gunman
and here is a quote from someone that was at the shooting, he/she made a blog post about it
There was a shooting at West Ambler Johnson this morning here at Virginia Tech. I then left to go to my doctor's appointment. As I was trying to circle around the drillfield, I got to Patton Hall and these three kids ran up to my car and told me to get out of there. So I start backing up. Then this one girl runs up to my car and asks me if she can come with me. I look at the two kids that are with her and they're talking to the cop and she's freaking out so I say okay. She gets in my car. I turn around and get off campus and take her to the police station.
She was -completely- shaken up. I mean, completely. She had blood on her arms. Her name's Erin. God. So I dropped her off at the Police Station and didn't leave until after I saw them take her into one of the back rooms to calm her down. I offered to stay but since she was probably gonna be there for a while and she said I could go. I did. Now I am home, I have sent my boss an e-mail telling him that I'm not going anywhere. Have locked the side door and barricaded the front door (since it doesn't lock.)
Doctor's appointment be damned. I'm skipping it.
No Icon matches what I am feeling right now. OMG. Online in the usual places. Catch me there.
To clarify, yes I work on campus.
Edit 2:
It was Norris Hall, not Patton. And yes the West AJ shooting and the Norris shooting all happened in the same morning. Police are speculating that it might be two different incidents. WHO THE FUCK KNOWS.
This is sad, that many people dead, what is happening to the world now days. just about every day you're learning of some idot with a gun runing a muk in a school of some kind killing people.
And geuss who's going to get blamed!
R.I.P. to all 30 students who were killed.
April 16th, 2007, 03:31 PM
April 16th, 2007, 03:34 PM
lulz azn
What the hell, dude. Have some fucking decency. :mad:
April 16th, 2007, 03:46 PM
Saw it passive on TV.
April 16th, 2007, 03:49 PM
New record: 31 fatalities.
April 16th, 2007, 04:02 PM
thats like.... 31 people dead man
>_> i feel sad. i dont feel safe. ross, start up your internet-to-man cannon
April 16th, 2007, 04:12 PM
a kid got kicked out of my shool for threatenign to bring a gun... >.<
April 16th, 2007, 04:13 PM
actually it was 32. i feel bad, it was the worst in US History
Rob Oplawar
April 16th, 2007, 04:32 PM
I know first hand that college is tough and stressful, but christ dude, you gotta learn to deal with it.
I was only about 10 miles away when those guys shot up Columbine, and at the time I was so young all I cared about was yay! no school for 3 days! But now I'm starting to really feel the impact of these shootings- it's a terrible sign of our society that this isn't uncommon.
It almost makes me want to stop being atheist, because I'd like to believe that everyone who has ever done something like that is getting what they deserve.
April 16th, 2007, 04:36 PM
Happened in Germany 2 times in the past 5 years.
Erfurt and I can't remember the other one.:(
April 16th, 2007, 04:37 PM
I've scrambled to check and see if the people I know there are fine. I've heard that some are alright, others are implied they're fine, and I haven't heard about two :(.
April 16th, 2007, 04:39 PM
I hope they're doing alright, this is a very bad day.
April 16th, 2007, 04:44 PM
i wonder what was the gunman's motive
April 16th, 2007, 05:00 PM
actually it was 32. i feel bad, it was the worst in US History
Actually, it was 31, then 32, and now 33. The death count is rising due to fatal injuries.
I'm dreading to hear the bullshit Rosie O'Donnell's going to pour onto this.
April 16th, 2007, 05:02 PM
i believe the 31 -> 33 change was due to the addition of the two deaths at the dormitories. 31 was the deaths at Norris Hall plus the shooter.
April 16th, 2007, 05:11 PM
he apparently did this because his girlfriend rejected him or something
The identity of the perpetrator is unknown; he was carrying no identification. He apparently committed suicide inside Norris Hall by a self-inflicted shot to the head. He was believed to have used either two 9 mm. caliber ( handguns or a 9 mm. caliber handgun and a .22 caliber handgun. The authorities said that the gunman carried no identification, but that investigators were trying to trace purchase records for the guns found near the body. A student speaking to TIMES NOW said that the first gunshots were heard when classes were in progress. "We heard about 30 gunshots in the morning. The gunman appeared to be Asian and was looking for his girlfriend," the student said. The FBI ( and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ( sives) believe the gunman, described but not confirmed as a young Asian male, used two handguns in the shootings before taking his own life. One official added that the gunman was "heavily armed and wearing a vest."
not a good thing for people planning on going to virginia tech
April 16th, 2007, 05:13 PM
They know his gun but not his name >.>
April 16th, 2007, 05:17 PM
They know his gun but not his name >.>
Guns are nice enough to carry identification on them.
April 16th, 2007, 05:18 PM
ban the gunman!
on a more serious note, holy christ.
April 16th, 2007, 05:19 PM
readings are:
33 dead
29 wounded
April 16th, 2007, 05:20 PM
Guns are nice enough to carry identification on them.
Why would people care for the gun in the first place.The damage has been done...
April 16th, 2007, 05:21 PM
certain treatment for certain guns?
April 16th, 2007, 05:27 PM
Why would people care for the gun in the first place.The damage has been done...
You do know you have to submit detailed information for any weapon you purchase and it is kept on file so if that weapon is used or found in a circumstance the owner needs to be known it easily can be, right? Didn't think so.
April 16th, 2007, 05:53 PM
It's not just the deadliest school shooting in U.S. history, but in all civil shooting history.
April 16th, 2007, 06:10 PM
Wow, CNN sounds like a bad day of FOX NEWS right now. I'd hate to tune into listen to Fox right now.
April 16th, 2007, 06:14 PM
I think they know the name but they are hiding it for privacy concerns.
April 16th, 2007, 06:32 PM
FUCK FUCK, we just got a call from a roommate of a friend of mine. Damn shooter put him in the hospital in critical condition. DX
April 16th, 2007, 07:39 PM
My heart goes out to everyone who was affected by this tragedy.
Shdwsnipa, I hope your friend and all the other victims make a swift and full recovery.
Neuro Guro
April 16th, 2007, 07:44 PM
Meh... heard about this today , hasn't really moved me that much.
People have been going on crazy rampages killing many people for thousands of years , its just with the communication we have today we hear about it more when it does happens.
April 16th, 2007, 08:20 PM
Aight, I'm 99.9% sure everyone I know is fine now. The people I haven't gotten ahold of have had people comment on their myspace/facebook, making it seem as if they've talked to them on the phone or something to make sure. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow and wednesday when I hear people talk about those they know over there.
April 16th, 2007, 08:26 PM
Jesus Christ... this is indeed the worst shooting I've heard about. RIP to all those killed, and hope your friend will be okay Shdwsnipa.
And, Neuro, another reason why all this is so scary is that we like to think that we've grown a little further from using violence to solve personal issues in the western world. When something like this happens, a lot of people can only sit there and ponder the question "Why?"
I wonder... are we going to be seeing another bloody Michael Moore film on shootings after this? And of course, there'll probably be someone out there who will try to prove that this is also partly the result of violent video games. What with this being the worst shooting in US history, we're bound to see aftershocks for years to come...
April 16th, 2007, 08:40 PM
It hasn't really phased me all that much, but it isn't a nice thing to hear about. I wish that our Carry and Conceal weapon laws were able to be active in our schools just like it is everywhere else it our country.
That doesn't mean I'm saying every person in a school or college should be walking around with a machine gun in their backpacks. It just means I wish we were more prepared.
April 16th, 2007, 08:50 PM
Ugh, that's terrible. I don't think we've had a school shooting here in living memory, but we did have Port Arthur way back and that was really shitty. I don't think as many people were killed, though.
April 16th, 2007, 08:58 PM
This is really sad news, my cousin goes to Verginia Tech, and was told by her friend not to go to school today. What is the world coming to? One of the witness was from the middle east, and he came to America to escape the violence in the Middle East, but it seems as though it is the same here! What a shame.
I seriously think that they should NOT have gun licensing, as it could be a reason to the massacre.
RIP to all 33 dead, including the gunman.
April 16th, 2007, 09:17 PM
Well, NBC or some channel is doing that whole uber-big story thing now... I'm finally figuring out what the hell happened...
Another call, My buddy will be fine. It'll take some time though =/.
April 16th, 2007, 09:20 PM
Jesus Christ... this is indeed the worst shooting I've heard about. RIP to all those killed, and hope your friend will be okay Shdwsnipa.
And, Neuro, another reason why all this is so scary is that we like to think that we've grown a little further from using violence to solve personal issues in the western world. When something like this happens, a lot of people can only sit there and ponder the question "Why?"
I wonder... are we going to be seeing another bloody Michael Moore film on shootings after this? And of course, there'll probably be someone out there who will try to prove that this is also partly the result of violent video games. What with this being the worst shooting in US history, we're bound to see aftershocks for years to come...
Some woman was pretty much saying that it was video games as the problem on CNN earlier.
April 16th, 2007, 09:30 PM
theres rumours going on that a professor failed the guy's paper... or his girlfriend had an argument with him. either way, hes a psycho >_>
on a side not: i dont think any one you got what i meant in my post. lulz azn was describing the gunman (nothing wrong with that)
and the retard shooting the gun... is self explanatory
either way, im sorry if i offended any and i offer my consolidations to the families and friends of each victim
Neuro Guro
April 16th, 2007, 09:38 PM
April 16th, 2007, 10:23 PM
I really hope nothing like this happens agian.
If it happened at my school, I don't know if I'll laugh my head off, or cry, I'd laugh because I'm not going there as off May 22nd. but I'll cry because some of my best friends and my little sister will still be going there, and I'd hate to see that school blow up, that'd be a big creator (SP?).
April 16th, 2007, 10:29 PM
Some woman was pretty much saying that it was video games as the problem on CNN earlier.
Oh of course; what else could possibly be the cause for the murder of 33 innocent students by some guy who was obviously a psychopath and had either been dumped or failed? :rolleyes:
April 16th, 2007, 10:31 PM
Seems like some dude might have killed the asain mans GF in the dorm, and then he went over the edge and well, you know what happend.
(Just a guess probably wrong whatev)
My condolences go out to the families and friends that were hurt during this incident, really sucks how humans can fuck things up pretty damn well.
April 16th, 2007, 10:48 PM
Some woman was pretty much saying that it was video games as the problem on CNN earlier.
I knew it! I knew it would be us gamers that get blamed!
And geuss who's going to get blamed!
Oh of course; what else could possibly be the cause for the murder of 33 innocent students by some guy who was obviously a psychopath and had either been dumped or failed? :rolleyes:
ya, it had to be Video games, there is no other possible way it could be something else.:beating:
April 17th, 2007, 01:10 AM
Yeah, this is absolutely terrible. I've been following it most of the day. I have a good friend that goes to college down there; I visited him a couple months ago. Scary stuff! I'm glad he's all right, but I'm deeply sorry for all of the victims and my heart goes out to their families.
April 17th, 2007, 02:29 AM
This is crazy. All of it to do with love and jealousy. The way the gunmen killed the people was terrible. RIP to those who died in such a traumatic and tragic way.
April 17th, 2007, 02:34 AM
I know first hand that college is tough and stressful, but christ dude, you gotta learn to deal with it.
I was only about 10 miles away when those guys shot up Columbine, and at the time I was so young all I cared about was yay! no school for 3 days! But now I'm starting to really feel the impact of these shootings- it's a terrible sign of our society that this isn't uncommon.
It almost makes me want to stop being atheist, because I'd like to believe that everyone who has ever done something like that is getting what they deserve.
dude i Feel exactly the same as u On that. this is just insane... i mean It's Now 33 ppl killed.
and i'm an atheist as well, but jesus i want those fuckers to burn in Hell for eternity. There is no cause for that... it's just madness.
What Can possibly Drive someone to doing such a wicked Evil act.
Burn in hell u evil mother fucker.
And i got another article on that shooting.
BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) - The gunman in the deadly Virginia Tech shooting has committed suicide, officials say.
The shootings at a Virginia Tech dorm and then, two hours later, at a classroom across campus killed a total of 33 people including the gunman.
It is the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history.
Virginia Tech president Charles Steger gave the latest death toll - 33 - at an afternoon news conference.
He says authorities at first believed that the shooting at the dorm was a domestic dispute and that the gunman had fled the campus.
Students have complained that there were no public-address announcements or other warnings on campus after the first burst of gunfire.
They say the first word they received from the university was an e-mail more than two hours into the rampage - around the time the second round of shooting happened.
But the Hardest thing is the List the Report Provided.
A list of some major violent incidents at North American schools:
April.16, 2007: Gunman opens fire in a dorm and classroom at Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Virginia. Early reports say he killed 21 32 people and wounded another 21 before he was killed.
Oct. 2, 2006: A 32-year-old gunman enters an Amish schoolhouse in Nickel Mines, Pa., and holds 10 girls hostage before shooting them. Five girls are killed, and five more wounded. The gunman also kills himself.
Sept. 13, 2006: Kimveer Gill, 25, opens fire at Dawson College in Montreal, killing one woman and injuring 20 people.
Aug. 30, 2006: 19-year-old man in Hillsborough, N.C., kills father, then opens fire at Orange High School, wounding two students before surrendering to police.
March 14, 2006: 14-year-old boy in Reno, Nev., bring's father's revolver to Pine Middle School and wounds two classmates.
Jan. 13, 2006: 15-year-old boy at Milwee Middle School in Longwood, Fla., holds class hostage at gunpoint before being fatally shot by police. It is later learned his weapon was a pellet gun.
Nov. 8, 2005: Student at high school in Jacksboro, Tenn., shoots and kills assistant principal. Principal and another assistant principal wounded.
March 21, 2005: 16-year-old boy in Red Lake, Minn., fatally shoots grandfather and grandfather's partner at home, then goes to Red Lake High School, where he kills five students, a teacher and a security guard before committing suicide.
May 7, 2004: Two men, 18 and 24, shoot and wound four students at high school in Randallstown, Md.
March 30, 2004: Student at Wallace High School in Gary, Ind., shot to death in school parking lot by classmate.
Feb. 3, 2004: 14-year-old boy in Palmetto Bay, Fla., stabs and slits throat of 14-year-old classmate at Southwood Middle School.
Feb. 2, 2004: 19-year-old man shoots to death 17-year-old boy at Ballou Senior High School in Washington, D.C.
Sept. 24, 2003: 15-year-old boy shoots two classmates at Rocori High School in Cold Spring, Minn. One dies same day, other dies two weeks later.
April 24, 2003: 14-year-old boy shoots principal to death in school cafeteria in Red Lion, Pa., before killing himself.
March 5, 2001: 15-year-old freshman opens fire with .22-calibre pistol at Santana High School in Santee, Calif., killing two students and injuring 13 others.
Jan. 10, 2001: 17-year-old gunman fires shots at Hueneme High School in Oxnard, Calif., before taking female student hostage. He is later shot and killed by police.
May 26, 2000: 13-year-old honours student shoots and kills teacher on last day of classes in Lake Worth, Fla.
April 20, 2000: Four students and one staff member wounded in knife attack at Cairine Wilson High School in Orleans, Ont. Occurs on first anniversary of Columbine massacre.
Feb. 29, 2000: Six-year-old boy shoots six-year-old girl to death in Grade 1 classroom at Buell Elementary School in Mount Morris Township, Mich. Because of his age, boy is not charged.
Dec. 6, 1999: 13-year-old student fires at least 15 shots at Fort Gibson Middle School in Fort Gibson, Okla., wounding four classmates.
Nov. 19, 1999: 12-year-old boy shoots 13-year-old girl in head at school in Deming, N.M. Girl dies next day.
May 20, 1999: 15-year-old boy opens fire at Heritage High School in Conyers, Ga., with .357-calibre Magnum and rifle, wounding six students.
April 28, 1999: 14-year-old boy shoots two students, one fatally, at W.R. Myers High School in Taber, Alta.
April 20, 1999: Two heavily armed teenagers rampage through Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., killing 12 students and one teacher before committing suicide.
April 16, 1999: High school sophomore fires two shotgun blasts in school hallway in Notus, Idaho. No one injured.
Feb. 8, 1999: Man fires shot at Woodland Elementary School in Verdun, Que. No one injured.
May 21, 1998: 17-year-old boy kills parents, then goes to high school in Springfield, Ore., on shooting rampage, killing two teens and wounding more than 20 people.
May 19, 1998: 18-year-old honours student opens fire at high school in Fayetteville, Tenn., killing classmate who was dating his ex-girlfriend.
April 24, 1998: 15-year-old boy opens fire at eighth-grade dance in Edinboro, Pa., killing teacher.
March 24, 1998: Four girls and teacher shot to death and 10 people wounded during false fire alarm at middle school in Jonesboro, Ark., when two boys, 11 and 13, open fire from woods.
Dec. 1, 1997: Three students die and five wounded at Heath High School in West Paducah, Ky., after 14-year-old boy opens fire.
October 1997: 35-year-old man fatally shoots teacher at Montreal language school for immigrants.
Oct. 1, 1997: 16-year-old boy in Pearl, Miss., shoots two students to death and wounds seven others after stabbing his mother to death.
Feb. 19, 1997: 16-year-old boy takes shotgun and bag of shells to school in Bethel, Alaska, killing principal and student and wounding two others.
October 1994: Two guidance counsellors at Brockton High School in Toronto shot and wounded by student unhappy with grades.
June 1993: Teen wounded outside Gladstone Secondary School in Vancouver in drive-by shooting.
Aug. 24, 1992: Valery Fabrikant, professor at Concordia University in Montreal, goes on shooting rampage at school, killing four colleagues and wounding one.
February 1990: Jilted teenager shoots and wounds estranged girlfriend at General Brock High School in Burlington, Ont.
December 1989: Marc Lepine, 25, shoots dead 14 women at University of Montreal's Ecole polytechnique engineering school, then kills himself.
October 1978: 17-year-old student shoots 16-year-old to death at Sturgeon Creek Regional Secondary School in Winnipeg.
Oct. 27, 1975: Robert Poulin, an 18-year-old militia sharpshooter, shoots six people at Ottawa's Saint Pius X school and then kills himself. One wounded student dies just over a month later. Poulin had killed a girl at a youth home before he went to the school.
May 1975: Michael Slobodian, 16, kills teacher and student and wounds 13 others at Centennial Secondary School in Brampton, Ont., before turning gun on himself.This is shocking, Most of these ppl are under 18 years old. some are 13 years old. Others are 6... 6! Years old. and they Go on shooting rampages.
And the sad thing is the Way Australia is Following America these School massacres may Soon become a Part of Australian history as well.
Link to article. (
April 17th, 2007, 02:53 AM
I very much doubt we'd get that shit here, just because were allied with America, bodie.
That is an extremely scary bunch of fucking figures o_O You americans need to COOL THE FUCK DOWN, SERIOUSLY.
April 17th, 2007, 02:59 AM
where allies, We Follow there Trends, we listen to there music, WE follow there fashion, Where becoming more Violent, Guns arnt as uncommon as they used to be... and the new generation comming through of Spoiled Rotten fucking kids comming through makes me worried... it's just a matter of time, Not a matter of If.
April 17th, 2007, 04:16 AM
I'd tend to agree with Dane, it's unlikely we'll get it from them. Besides, every country has its fair share of psychopaths :|
April 17th, 2007, 04:34 AM
And are firearms just as avaliable in Australia as they are in America?
April 17th, 2007, 07:59 AM
^ no
Zilla, just because we like the music, doesnt mean we like guns in every Kmart. Shooting up schools aint no fucking trend that i think would pick up here......
April 17th, 2007, 09:01 AM
It's shocking, but also remember there are nearly 300 million people in the United States. It's an incredibly small percentage of a percentage. Now, with the media reporting things like these within an hour, it's soo much easier for kids to know about it. When columbine happened, my friends in middle school weren't freaking out about some guy going around and shooting others, but rather we were freaking out about who's gonna get a crazy idea to do the same thing after watching that. Low and behold, someone at my middle school did plot to do something like that. Thank God he was stopped before he did so. You know what he said? He said he got the idea from Columbine.
Anyways, the gunman from the classroom hall has been confirmed to be a 23 year old english major in his senior year. He's a South Korean immigrant on permanent visa. It's believed he's lived in America for quite some time, and has even attended high school in the country. The biggest questions to answer now is to be whether or not he was indeed the one who shot the weapon at the dormatory, and if so, why he went to the engineering hall afterwards. Also, who is this person of special interest the police are holding?
April 17th, 2007, 09:06 AM
More info on the gunman -
The suspect has been identified as 23-year old Cho Seung-hui ([3] ( Cho has been identified as a South Korean in the US as a resident alien. He was an undergraduate student in his senior year, majoring in English. Law enforcement reported that he killed himself inside Norris Hall by a shot to the head and used a 9 mm ( handgun and a .22 caliber ( handgun. An official added that Cho was "heavily armed and wearing a vest."[20] ([21] ([22] ([23] ( Cho was a student at the school and lived in one of the dormitories.[24] ( Sources also state that Cho was carrying a "disturbing note." [25] (
A student speaking to Times Now ( said that the first gunshots were heard when classes were in progress. "We heard about thirty gunshots in the morning. The gunman appeared to be Asian and was looking for his girlfriend," the student said.[26] ( However, a relationship between any of the victims and the shooter has not yet been established.
Sources in University Relations told the student newspaper there may have been two arrests.[14] ( The arrests have not been confirmed by authorities, nor have names of anyone arrested been released.
According to the official announcement from Virginia Tech, Cho Seung-hui was "South Korean native in the U.S. as a resident alien with a residence established in Centreville, Virginia (, was living on campus in Harper Residence Hall". [27] (
God damn. What a waste.
April 17th, 2007, 11:25 AM
UK has some crazy shit. In south london mostly. Kids as young as 12 have Mac9's. They've ROBBED drug dealers and sold their drugs making like $15,000 a DAY.
What is this world coming to? Also, if people want go to shoot like crazy why dont they join the army and shoot the REAL enemies, the terrorist bastards. (Ok usually shooters are insane/crazy so it would be unpractical to have them in army but you know what I mean, drop them in Iraq and let them fend for themselves)
Also I think the media should shut up about "33 is the worse massarce in US history/ 33 is the worse massarce in history"
Theres bound to be a crazy psycho out there thinking "its a record? I want to try to beat it" Okay they should report it saying it, but here they keep going on and on and on about its the worse in history etc.
In breakfast TV earlier, BBC showed a clip a student filmed outside the place the shooter was, it had the gun shots in the background of the gunmen shooting those people. What is media coming to now? Playing the audio of people getting killed in cold blood at 8 fucking am when kids can watch???
April 17th, 2007, 08:56 PM
The media only exists for ratings and money, you should know that by now...
April 17th, 2007, 09:39 PM
Hey, it's the UK. You guys apparently have a freer media over there. I don't think there was any footage of the actual shooting on TV here. Censors, don'tchaknow.
April 17th, 2007, 11:39 PM
I knew it! I knew it would be us gamers that get blamed!
ya, it had to be Video games, there is no other possible way it could be something else.:beating:
Knowing that people like that Thompson idiot have been trying this for years without success likely means they're going to continue to be without success. Rather, I find it amusing. I was just making a guess based on past happenings, and lo and behold...
And yeah, the old footage I saw was from that person's cell phone camera where you can hear the shots going off.
April 18th, 2007, 08:01 AM
I hate the media tbh, this is why:
What really pissed me off is at the end that news anchor says something about the war in Iraq at the end of that video. I was fortunate enough not to have any family or friends at the school at the time. My heart goes out to those who have lost loves ones. What i don't understand is what can provoke such a educated person to do such a cruel act? I mean he was a senior, one more year and hes done no? <.< If it was driven by resent love fall threw then there must be more to it. But then again there is so few details and holes i think they will have more in coming days. It confuses me to no end why someone would do such a low, unjustified, slaughter of his class mates and other people. Also in that video Jack what his face mention he played Counter Strike half life? What the hell does that have to do WITH ANYTHING. Anyone can fire a gun, and if motivated by a break up IMO you can do anything without preparation.
My thoughts are there is more to this without a doubt. My heart goes out to anyone on here who is missing a friend or loved one. As well as though who were innocently killed by that person. What the world is coming to is obvious, i think most of us just don't want to admit to it... Only time will tell.
Zeph i hope your friends are OK and safe.
Everyone else take care and stay safe.
April 18th, 2007, 08:50 AM
What i don't understand is what can provoke such a educated person to do such a cruel act? I mean he was a senior, one more year and hes done no?
From the reports, he was a loner, with serious depression. He must have felt overwhelmed with life ("debauchery," as mentioned in the reports, and as a depressed senior, I don't think he felt ready for life after college, and couldn't handle it). Without friends or anyone who seemed to really care about him (based on his profile as a loner), he didn't have anyone to turn to, so he must have just snapped.
Depression is a serious thing. Even an intelligent, educated person can feel overwhelmed by it. What a person knows is wrong just doesn't "feel" wrong. What a person knows as true doesn't "feel" true. It's a struggle between how one feels and what one understands rationally, as the two sides don't match up for someone who has serious depression.
Certainly, none of this is an excuse for his appalling, horrific actions, but the shooting, given his background, doesn't seem to come out of nowhere. His profile seems so similar to that of other gunmen in civil shootings.
April 18th, 2007, 08:54 AM
What pisses me off the most, is that they call him an "expert on school shootings" and not an "idiot leading a pointless, futile crusade".
LMAO at the comments on this video -
TGTokey ( (5 minutes ago)
I hear ya bro, think i'll tag along and eat his pets while dressed as pacman. this guys a total wank
TGTokey ( (9 minutes ago)
Yea.. Doom will can train you to be an effective killer just about as well as Super Mario Bros can prepare you for a career in plumbing. Seriously, i played thru the game twice and I still can't fix my sink. Where the hell does this turtle shell go?!
April 18th, 2007, 09:27 AM
From the reports, he was a loner, with serious depression. He must have felt overwhelmed with life ("debauchery," as mentioned in the reports, and as a depressed senior, I don't think he felt ready for life after college, and couldn't handle it). Without friends or anyone who seemed to really care about him (based on his profile as a loner), he didn't have anyone to turn to, so he must have just snapped.
In a way i feel bad for him. Life can be hard without friends, but with depression i now see how that can drive someone off the edge of reality. Maybe if one person had socialized with him he might have not done it. It sometimes makes you wonder, what would happen if nobody rejected anyone for who they where or where they came from; or how smart or unintelligent they are. :(
Certainly, none of this is an excuse for his appalling, horrific actions, but the shooting, given his background, doesn't seem to come out of nowhere. His profile seems so similar to that of other gunmen in civil shootings.
I agree 100% with that. But i can't help feeling bad now that because he had depression for those reasons that he did this. Its sad in all aspects of this tragedy.
What pisses me off the most, is that they call him an "expert on school shootings" and not an "idiot leading a pointless, futile crusade".
I agree with this, but i don't watch the news so if they are saying that then they are idiots. Why? Because have you ever squished a ant? The defenseless ant, it didn't do anything to you at all. (Unless its a fire ant, then squish them :D) What I'm saying is that the collage students where defenseless. They had no weapons there for it is a murderous slaughter, i hate those words but it is what i think when i hear this story. I will not discuss what i think would be a "expert" murder could have been because these 32-33 students where murdered, and it is disrespectful. And IMO Murder is bad enough, its not expert no murder, slaughter, killing ever is nor should it EVER be considered one tbh!
My definition of murders is complicated, but i to sum it up i consider in a evil act. Any unjustified murder is IMO.
This story burns me up in a every bad way, its a sad story of both the students and the shooter. I can go on and on about this but this is mainly what i was thinking.
Truely sad event, take care all stay safe please!
April 18th, 2007, 05:07 PM
kids at my school may be following this example
they wrote in their notebook, "Hit List", and the teacher found it. the school went nuts.
not much of a story tbh
April 18th, 2007, 05:34 PM
my school is full of: stoners, parinod people (SP?), sluts, nerds, geeks, and ganstars.
and if some one found a "Hit List" in my school, it'd be put on lock down.
April 18th, 2007, 05:38 PM
On a not serious note:
"Z0mg dual wield."
April 18th, 2007, 05:41 PM
Anyone got a link to the video he sent NBC?
z0mg dual wield!!
Just looking at that fuck makes me want to shit my heart out. He doesn't deserve a grave. They should just feed his corpse to a dog.
April 18th, 2007, 05:45 PM
my school is full of: stoners, parinod people (SP?), sluts, nerds, geeks, and ganstars.
and if some one found a "Hit List" in my school, it'd be put on lock down.
My school has almost none of the first, a few of the second, a fair few of the third, loads of the fourth and fifth, and none of the latter. If someone found a hitlist in my school, the kid would get sent to the counsellor and everyone else would go on as per normal, probably wouldn't even know about it.
Neuro Guro
April 18th, 2007, 06:26 PM
A good way to look at it: We need more psychos / wars / tragedy's because its necessary if we're to keep the population under control. Although it is unfortunate , in reality its the only reasonable thing. Right now there are about 6.6 Billion people on this planet, and by around 35 years it will double , and after that it double even at even a faster rate.
So either you have more people die through wars and such now or have their children go through a worse experience. Although there CAN be better alternatives such as government action for birth control , as fascist as it sounds , I'd rather not have a kid though then instead have someone else's kids starve in the future because there isn't enough to go around.
Not that this is my complete standpoint on this matter , I do feel very sorry for those who have to go through losing those they loved , its just a very complexed event and many things have to be taken into consideration , and I just feel that (^) needs to be brought up even though it could be brought up anyway for practically anything involving mass death.
April 18th, 2007, 07:39 PM
actually it was 32. i feel bad, it was the worst in US History
That just happened to me. :|
April 18th, 2007, 09:16 PM
In a way i feel bad for him. Life can be hard without friends, but with depression i now see how that can drive someone off the edge of reality. Maybe if one person had socialized with him he might have not done it. It sometimes makes you wonder, what would happen if nobody rejected anyone for who they where or where they came from; or how smart or unintelligent they are. :(
I agree 100% with that. But i can't help feeling bad now that because he had depression for those reasons that he did this. Its sad in all aspects of this tragedy.
I agree with this, but i don't watch the news so if they are saying that then they are idiots. Why? Because have you ever squished a ant? The defenseless ant, it didn't do anything to you at all. (Unless its a fire ant, then squish them :D) What I'm saying is that the collage students where defenseless. They had no weapons there for it is a murderous slaughter, i hate those words but it is what i think when i hear this story. I will not discuss what i think would be a "expert" murder could have been because these 32-33 students where murdered, and it is disrespectful. And IMO Murder is bad enough, its not expert no murder, slaughter, killing ever is nor should it EVER be considered one tbh!
My definition of murders is complicated, but i to sum it up i consider in a evil act. Any unjustified murder is IMO.
This story burns me up in a every bad way, its a sad story of both the students and the shooter. I can go on and on about this but this is mainly what i was thinking.
Truely sad event, take care all stay safe please!
-F.SThe idiot I was referring to is Jack Thompson. The man commentating in that video. He's looking to blame this act on video games, like everything else. He's a fucking vulture and deserves to die. He has caused so much pain to so many families, by labeling their children who actively posted on gaming forums after one member's death as heartless bastards, claiming that they jokingly posted about the person who killed himself, when in fact they mourned him. This is only one situation in which he has been so completely blind and heartless.
Rob Oplawar
April 18th, 2007, 09:27 PM
off topic, but:
Right now there are about 6.6 Billion people on this planet, and by around 35 years it will double , and after that it double even at even a faster rate. Actually in the U.S. the birth rate is expected to even out with the death rate in 10-20 years, and the major source of population increase here is from immigration.
sort of on topic: we don't need more war and killing and violence, we need more content busy populations in the world- I'm not saying all other countries need to emulate the U.S., I'm saying that ironically the main source of population increase is in 3rd world countries, especially where the living conditions are terrible. what they really need is good economy so the people can have jobs so they'll be busy with something besides reproduction. anyway this is barely on topic because: i don't see any good side whatsoever to these sorts of events.
April 18th, 2007, 09:40 PM
Notice it was FOXNEWS who called Thompson. I dont know how he thinks it's possible, but playing a video game to rehearse for a real life shooting spree is rediculous. For one, real life isn't a flat image, unless you only have one eye. It changes exponentially from there.
One of my friends is getting really pissed off. He's the same ethnicity as the gun man and everyone is starting to be incredibly racist towards him.
April 18th, 2007, 09:49 PM
April 18th, 2007, 10:04 PM
Much more info here:
Very scary stuff.
April 18th, 2007, 10:50 PM
Great, MSNBC is going to get the media freaking out about social introverts and otherwise quiet people who keep to themselves. I have a feeling I'll be dragged in as a gunman in the making if people take this too seriously around where I live. Overhearing professors, etc., inbetween classes and in commons I have a feeling my campus will step up programs to detect such people. I dearly hope they don't go after our marksmanship courses thinking it'll be used to train people.
April 18th, 2007, 11:45 PM
I get people jokingly saying I'll come into school one day and shoot everyone because i'm generally quiet unless with a large group of friends and I have a really short temper, but since school shootings aren't an issue here (touch wood) there's no ridiculous restrictions.
April 19th, 2007, 12:25 AM
ROFL at this:
April 19th, 2007, 12:40 AM
The video sent to NBC by the gunman (
April 19th, 2007, 02:38 AM
ROFL at this:
April 19th, 2007, 06:33 AM
Notice it was FOXNEWS who called Thompson. I dont know how he thinks it's possible, but playing a video game to rehearse for a real life shooting spree is rediculous. For one, real life isn't a flat image, unless you only have one eye. It changes exponentially from there.
One of my friends is getting really pissed off. He's the same ethnicity as the gun man and everyone is starting to be incredibly racist towards him.
i knew that'd happen after it was revealed he was Asian.
i mean Honestly some ppl need to grow the fuck up and realize that where all pretty much the same.
If i was u Zeph i'd tell em where to go! I'd have ya back :D *fisty Cuffs*
sorta on topic: a year ago a Rumor went around in our year at Highschool that D4NO had a ppl to kill list.
He suddenly changed his image, He had been into Heavy metal for years and then Decided to dress a bit more like it. and that Black is just ownage.
anyway the Sudden change made ppl scared of him and the Rumor didnt help. But me and him didnt find out till like a year after the rumor that it existed lol.
as a result for like a year and a half ppl where terrified of him and pretty much left him alone :XD:
it's funny how those things happen.
so we hatched a plan to tease em, Basically it came down To making a Fake ppl to kill list, Making it look old like scrupled paper, Smudges ect.
i was gunna photo copy it (so it looked like i just managed to Snitch the book) and then hang in on a tree in our school area as a sort of revenge to the Kids that made the rumor lol.
Rob Oplawar
April 19th, 2007, 02:37 PM
^ I can't decide if that's funny or not
(calls TBS...)
seriously, the problem is you just can't tell. I've spoken with dano plenty on aim, and he seems perfectly mentally healthy... ee. But to ppl at your high school, he may seem like a psycho, and then there may be some person who people think is just shy or aloof and then that person goes and does something like at v tech. i don't really see any answer except tell the teachers to friggin pay attention to their students. but in college with classes as big as they are (nearly 400 students in my physics lecture) that can't work, so there's really not much that can be done. /sigh
edit: oh shi- now i know why that picture of the killer bothers me so much- he's got the same expression on his face that my brother gets when he's angry... still, my bro aint crazy.
do you think he had a tripod or something for the pictures, or do you think there was somebody holding the camera? disturbing if it's the second...
April 19th, 2007, 04:35 PM
ROFL at this:
Did you actually laugh at that? It's a bit insensitive at this time isnt it?
I heard Jack Thompson is on the looked out to dish out blame. He sent a letter to Microsoft apparently, saying they could be liable..
April 19th, 2007, 07:01 PM
Did you actually laugh at that? It's a bit insensitive at this time isnt it?
I heard Jack Thompson is on the looked out to dish out blame. He sent a letter to Microsoft apparently, saying they could be liable..
Yeah, but he's full of shit and they know it.
I hope some anti-gaming religious zealot like him murders Thompson then tops himself, probably the most humiliating thing that could happen <3
April 20th, 2007, 02:42 AM
"alas Folied By my Own Anti-Gaming Lectures...."
April 20th, 2007, 02:49 AM
Lunatics like him are more likely to murder someone that your average sane gamer, so it's entirely possible.
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