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View Full Version : [ODST] How to complete Vidmaster: Endure easily

October 3rd, 2009, 06:49 PM
If you're going to do it then do it on Alpha Site.
This is probobly the easiest map to do it on. It has shotguns snipers and rockets. Perfect for killing brutes and hunters. The enemies only come out of two aread so two people can camp at each flight of stairs. and snipe all the grunts and jackels with a pistol.

How to

Have two people camp at the base guarding each stairway from the stairs on the base. . Make sure not to go into the room with the elevators. Stay away from that area because suicide grunts can pop up out of nowhere and kill you.

If you are going to swap a weapon then make sure you keep either your pistol or SMG. If you pick a pistol then make sure your partner picks a SMG. get it? The reason you would want to do this is so that when the Drones come out you cand snipe the Grunts and Jackals with the pistol and they can kill the Drones with the SMG.

When the Drones come out grab a Spiker and kill as many as you can. SMGs are not that effective when Tilt and Mythic are on.

When Catch comes one don't stand in one place otherwise you will get stuck. Look above the top of the stairs and snipe as many Grunts as you can.

When Blackeye comes on let the the Jackels come to you so that you may melee them to gain more helath.

Reapet untill you win.


Above the two elevators on top there are two small doors that Grunts jump out of.
Have one partner guard the two doors and snipe any Grunts that he/she sees.
If you miss a Grunt it will jump onto the elevator and jump down into the circle.
So, have your other partner snipe any missed Grunts that are about to jump off the elevator.

Do this untill the bonus round is over.

Dealing with Cheiftans

Right before the Cheiftans come out music starts to play. When you hear the music have someone go grab the rocket launcher.
The rest should be pretty clear.

Weapons for certain Covanent

Spiker: Very good against Drones and good for Brutes.
Bad for Jackels and Grunts.

Plasma Rifle: Good against Brutes. (Don't waste ammo on Jackels and Grunts)
Bad against Drones due to accuracy and speed.

Plasma Pistol (charged) Good against Brutes and Jackels.
Bad against Grunts and Drones due to RoF and damage.

Needler: Good against Brutes and okay for Drones.
Bad for Jackels and Grunts.

Mauler: Okay for Brutes.
Bad against all other Covenant.

Gravity Hammer: Good for all. Good for Drones when they are in a big group.

Fuel Rod: Good for all except Drones.

Carbine: Good for all except Drones and Chieftans.

SMG: Good for Drones before Tilt comes on.
Bad for Grunts Brutes and Jackels.

Pistol: Good for unsheilded Brutes, Grunts, Jackels and Hunters.
Bad for Drones.

Shotgun: Good for All except Jackels and Drones.

Sniper Rifle. Good for Jackels, all Brutes and Grunts (if you want to waiste ammo)

Beam Rifle: Good for Brutes and especially good when Tilt and Mythic come into play.

I think that covers about every weapon. This is just based upon my experience.


- Don't be a jackass and take all the health packs because you are hurt.
Take only one health pack when you are at the verge of death. That way everybody gets their own health pack to use when the need it.

- shoot the chieftans untill their overshields turn on and wait untill they turn off to shoot or assasinate them for an instant kill.

- Carbines are very powerfull. Use them as much as possible.

- When Hunters come in walk behind them and throw either a Plasma Grenade or a Spike Grenade at their backs then proceede to stand behind them and shoot them in the back.

- If you can get a Gravity Hammer then use that to defeat the rest of the Cheiftans. Save the remaining ammo for the Cheiftans on the next round.

October 3rd, 2009, 07:15 PM
Some other tips:
- Use the rocket launcher to take down Chieftans, and Hunters.
- Use needlers on all brutes except chieftans.
- Try to follow up behind a Chieftan when hes chasing a teammate, then assassinate him.
- Use the magnum to headshot grunts and jackals.
- Turn on Grunt Birthday to know when you headshot grunts, and to blow up plasma grenades by the grunt.
- One magazine of the carbine can take out a Chieftan on the first 2 sets, using headshots.
- Use the open elevator to store weapons for later use. (Fuel Rods, Rockets, Needler, etc.) Useful for when Famine is turned on.
- Use the magnum, fuel rod gun, smg, or rocket launcher for bonus rounds.
- On the rounds without Catch or Black Eye on, grab a gravity hammer, and hammer way under the phantom for any grunts, jackals, or brutes that jump out.

English Mobster
October 4th, 2009, 01:31 AM
Another good map to try it on (I've heard) is Rally Point.
You can use the glitch that allows you to drive the AA Wraiths in H3 to get into the Wraith.

Kill the Wraith gunner.
Break the hatch protecting the Driver (DON'T KILL HIM).
Climb on top of the hatch.
Melee the driver to blow off his armor/helmet.
Stop the Wraith with a charged plasma pistol shot.
Crouch on top of the Brute's head (as if you were teabagging him) and aim at his head.
Use a sniper to get a headshot on the brute WHILE HOLDING RB.
This will kill the Brute, and you will get into the driver's seat of the Wraith without it blowing up.

On Rally Point (and ONLY Rally Point), the Phantoms can be blown up. This means that the Wraith can blow up Phantoms BEFORE they drop the Covies inside, giving you a shitton of points. They will keep dropping Wraiths, as well. Get every member of your Firefight team a Wraith, and you will get Endure pretty easily.

To kill you, it will take one of these things:

10+ sticky grenades in a row.
7 shots from Fail Rod
Multiple blasts from Hunter cannon. HOWEVER, Hunters will ignore you for the most part, as they seem to treat you as if you were fighting them on foot. They realize they can't damage you by meleeing, so they get close and stare at you menacingly, dodging any attempts to ram them. They WILL fire if they get in range, however.
Drones. Drones drones drones drones drones. Get a turret gunner. Those buggers will beat the SHIT out of you.

Also, a fun thing to do with the Wraith: Chieftain launching.
Ramming the Brute Chief won't kill them. However, it WILL send them flying (especially with Cowbell).
It's rather fun launching them into odd places or out of the map. I got one of them out of the map in Lost Platoon (he died, however).

October 4th, 2009, 03:27 AM
You have to position yourself on the wraith to where the hijack isnt prompted, then hold RB and shoot, or else you would just keep hijacking the wraith.

October 4th, 2009, 06:25 AM
You have to position yourself on the wraith to where the hijack isnt prompted, then hold RB and shoot, or else you would just keep hijacking the wraith.
or you could have a friend pre board it so you dont accidentally baord it yourself

more alpha site tips:

stay out of the middle when skulls such as catch and black eye are on, it may be tempting to get alot of points but in the long run its safer to let them come to you

try to use VISR, i do this only to spot invisible enemies before they napalm the fuck out of advancebo

October 4th, 2009, 02:23 PM
or you could have a friend pre board it so you dont accidentally baord it yourself

try to use VISR, i do this only to spot invisible enemies before they napalm the fuck out of advancebo

Then you wont be able to pilot the wraith.

haw :realsmug:

October 4th, 2009, 03:39 PM
You misspelled wrath wrong meester :realsmug:

October 4th, 2009, 03:42 PM
You misspelled wrath wrong meester :realsmug:

Who :eng101:

October 4th, 2009, 06:25 PM
You, mr "oh no, a wrath!"

October 5th, 2009, 05:18 AM
Feel the wrath.

October 5th, 2009, 10:47 AM
To kill you, it will take one of these things:

10+ sticky grenades in a row.
7 shots from Fail Rod
Multiple blasts from Hunter cannon. HOWEVER, Hunters will ignore you for the most part, as they seem to treat you as if you were fighting them on foot. They realize they can't damage you by meleeing, so they get close and stare at you menacingly, dodging any attempts to ram them. They WILL fire if they get in range, however.
Drones. Drones drones drones drones drones. Get a turret gunner. Those buggers will beat the SHIT out of you.

You forgot to mention, if you exit the Wraith at any time it will explode and become unusable.

October 5th, 2009, 04:59 PM
Then you wont be able to pilot the wraith.

haw :realsmug:
no it works with it, i mean if you can do it to board an AA wraith in halo 3 then the method applies to ODST (hopefully)

my method is this:

*kill wrath gunner
*have a friend board the wraith and then you melee the hatch off
*hold RB while crouch and melee the brute pilot, since your friend will have boarded the vehicle you wont accidnetly board it yourself

worse case scenario is you board it and it blows up in you're inside the carcas or you board it succesfully and your friend is hanging on still as if hes trying to board you

October 5th, 2009, 08:57 PM
Thing is, you can only do the glitch and actually get in the driver seat if you're the connection host.

Pyong Kawaguchi
October 5th, 2009, 09:01 PM
That makes no sence whatsoever, considering the game uses lock-step, and thus should be the same for everyone, as it essentially functions as online splitscreen where other players are controlled online and the other screens aren't rendered.

October 5th, 2009, 10:07 PM
Whenever I tried it in Halo 3's campaign (The Covenant), it never let me get in the driver seat, it just exploded. But when my friend, who was usually always the host tried it, it worked for him. Same goes for ODST, I was able to do the glitch with the AA wraith on Coastal Highway since I was the host, but my friend could not get in it.

October 10th, 2009, 12:12 AM
Added some new stuff.
Trying to figure out a new stratagy for more maps.

October 10th, 2009, 12:28 AM
Windward, stay inside the spawn room and camp the 3 doors.

October 10th, 2009, 02:47 AM
Windward, stay inside the spawn room and camp the 3 doors.

Untill a Chieftan comes out and kills you all.

October 10th, 2009, 04:16 AM
Untill a Chieftan comes out and kills you all.

Hide, assassinate, points. :realsmug:

October 10th, 2009, 12:32 PM
Hide, assassinate, points. :realsmug:
hide behind those glas wallsw, they are pretty dfumb and will try to attack you through them

October 10th, 2009, 03:54 PM
hide behind those glas wallsw, they are pretty dfumb and will try to attack you through themJudging by the errors in your post, it would be safe to say that you tried to attack them back...

October 10th, 2009, 07:45 PM
Judging by the errors in your post, it would be safe to say that you tried to attack them back...ha ha very funny i made a few spelling errors >.> stop being an ass about it

October 11th, 2009, 08:54 AM
Windward, stay inside the spawn room and camp the 3 doors.
^^ Thats what we did for achievement. Popped outside to check whats going on obviously. You can also jump down to the stairs and assassinate any dudes coming up.