View Full Version : How to add more than 6 vehicles=?
October 4th, 2009, 03:32 AM
Hey i have searched about it.. and ust found that can be added more than 6 vehicles by scripting... but wtf?
How do i script... with wich program does i script?
plz help
if there is another way with HEK plz help me!
Invader Veex
October 4th, 2009, 08:11 AM
Hey i have searched about it.. and ust found that can be added more than 6 vehicles by scripting... but wtf?
How do i script... with wich program does i script?
plz help
if there is another way with HEK plz help me!
plz tlk liek a n0rmal.
Search the Halomaps database before asking for anything, ok?
October 4th, 2009, 09:59 AM
ummmm... il read maybe it help if i understand it... THANKS!......
October 4th, 2009, 10:09 AM
Hey I read... but i still havig... one problem that confuses so ill script until i have cleared it...
ok the thing that confuses me is that in the tutorial says like
__________________________________________________ ______________
(script startup vehiclespawn
(object_create_anew warthog1)
(object_create_anew warthog2)
(object_create_anew rockethog1)
(object_create_anew rockethog2)
(object_create_anew jet1)
(object_create_anew jet2)
(object_create_anew pwnmobile1)
__________________________________________________ _____________
when someone put
object_create_anew warthog1
object_create_anew warthog2
thats mean than he put 2 warthog in the map???
October 4th, 2009, 10:43 AM
I think it only means that it's only going to respawn those two veh's
October 4th, 2009, 11:40 AM
Hey darkes. I want to remind you that there are millions of terrible box maps filled with vehicles ripped from coldsnap and hugeass and the likes.
If you want to make something good try designing a good death match or CTF multiplayer map that's about medium size and fun to play with 4 to 8 players. Something like beaver creek or damnation. Maybe even something like corrupted or immure. These maps only have the standard vehicles and yet they are tons of fun. You don't need a bunch of ripped content and vehicles spammed all around the map.
Good map design comes from balanced layout, not gimmicky vehicles. Just remember that before you go and make your map.
October 4th, 2009, 02:50 PM
yeah... but i dont think all maps.. are good... if somewant wants to put like threes and do like a forest and mist... thats was some of my ideas... for some maps ... and add only terrain vehicles....
and someone know how to add mist...?
October 4th, 2009, 03:04 PM
yeah... but i dont think all maps.. are good... if somewant wants to put like threes and do like a forest and mist... thats was some of my ideas... for some maps ... and add only terrain vehicles....
and someone know how to add mist...?
For the love of science type like a regular person.
Your post should be like this.
Yeah but I don't think all maps are good. I had the idea to make a misty forrest map and have just ground vehicles. But I don't know how to do mist.
October 4th, 2009, 05:58 PM
ok... sorry for my gramatic... ,but my language isnt english so i do the best i can!
October 6th, 2009, 09:18 AM
For the love of science type like a regular person.
Doh he isn't American...isn't that obvious?
Maybe you should type in your native language so we can help you?
October 6th, 2009, 09:48 AM
Doh he isn't American...isn't that obvious?
Maybe you should type in your native language so we can help you?
Since when were Americans normal?
October 6th, 2009, 03:46 PM
Since when were Americans normal?
We set the standard :)
anywho, Why doesn't he just speak in spanish...I'd make more sense of his jibberish if he did..via google translate of course XD
October 6th, 2009, 04:05 PM
We set the standard :)
anywho, Why doesn't he just speak in spanish...I'd make more sense of his jibberish if he did..via google translate of course XD
Must be a low standard then :p
October 6th, 2009, 04:10 PM
that could... be... but are us sure that it is best on google traductor... i have used for english to spanish.. and is not really good but for the next time ill do!!... and see if this works
October 6th, 2009, 04:48 PM
...porque no simplesmente hablas español con nosotros?...
October 6th, 2009, 11:02 PM
va ps........ lo que pasa q siento q me bloquean el thread o post... xq soy "noob" en este forum... y como la mayoria no sabe español y el forum es ingles... x eso mismo... tambien
October 7th, 2009, 08:07 AM
His Spanish is just as bad as his English...
Muestra algunas fotos de tu mapa...talvez entonce van a ajudar.
October 7th, 2009, 09:38 AM
If you're going to post in spanish, post the english translation with it, as you are required to post in english here.
Si usted va a comentar en español, publicar la traducción al Inglés con ella, ya que están obligados a colocar en Inglés aquÃ*.
October 9th, 2009, 08:31 PM
You must learn your native language, and how to formulate sentences before attempting to create content for Halo:)
Usted debe aprender tu idioma nativo, y la manera de formular frases antes de intentar crear contenido para Halo:)
October 9th, 2009, 09:02 PM
No sabes ingles bien?, ademas tus preguntas son muy para novatos, te recomiendo que vayas mejor a
You do not know English well?, Plus your questions are for beginners, I recommend you better go
~snaf edit
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