View Full Version : President Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize
October 9th, 2009, 10:31 AM
Wait, what? (
I don't quite understand
October 9th, 2009, 10:34 AM
I do. In my opinion, he definitely deserves it.
October 9th, 2009, 10:36 AM
As much as I like Obama, I started questioning who gets the Nobel after Al Gore got one. Someone please explain, in detail, exactly why Obama deserves it, especially at this current point in time.
October 9th, 2009, 10:37 AM
Bit early imo, if he carries on what hes doing, for a few more years then yes he should get it. But he hasnt even been in office for a year and his changes havent come into effect yet.
October 9th, 2009, 10:39 AM
he shouldn't of gotten it this early, considering he hasn't done much of anything yet. however, he did managed to convince the world that there is hope for a greater sense of peace. sadly, we probably won't see the effects of his "efforts" until many years after his presidency.
October 9th, 2009, 11:15 AM
Just like with the other Nobel prizes...they have gotten way to commercial. Poor Alfred.
MetKiller Joe
October 9th, 2009, 11:23 AM
Just like with the other recenet Nobel prizes...they have gotten way too commercial political. Poor Alfred.
October 9th, 2009, 11:31 AM
Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.
Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future.For those wondering why he got the prize.
October 9th, 2009, 11:38 AM
hope for a better future.
It sounds like he's been given it based on the assumption that he will do something to deserve it. To me it seems too early. If I recall correctly, I think I read that he was only in office two weeks before the nominations closed. This may be jumping the gun.
October 9th, 2009, 11:38 AM
Yes but the deadline for nominations was 1st febuary meaning he was nominated literaly days after he was sworn in....
October 9th, 2009, 11:47 AM
Yes but the deadline for nominations was 1st febuary meaning he was nominated literaly days after he was sworn in....
Obama doesn't deserve shit. I can see it happening for a President at the end of his term, who has had a great many accomplishments, but this is just ridiculous.
October 9th, 2009, 11:50 AM
racism is great, especially when its the reverse of how it has been in the past.
October 9th, 2009, 11:57 AM
I'm hoping for a better future too. Where's my award?
The Noble Peace Prize is becoming the awards teachers hand to their students for getting good grades or helping the class out.
Actually, I can't say that. The awards given to 8-year-olds are worth more because they are given for actual achievements. They earned it.
October 9th, 2009, 12:05 PM
Just like with the other Nobel prizes...they have gotten way to commercial. Poor Swedes.
October 9th, 2009, 01:06 PM
Obama has more hype for his presidency than any G4-plugged game I can think of. Amazing.
So Sweden: I'm thinking of using the podcast to bring the world together to appreciate games and technology. That'll be $1.4M please.
October 9th, 2009, 02:17 PM
You will get a call from Good ol Swedish Monarc..And he will kick yer ass for even mentioning this... SWEDEN AINT GIVIN MODACITY SHIT..YET!:D
October 9th, 2009, 02:59 PM
Since when did they start giving these out to complete fucking d-bags?
Sorry for the rant But seriously, this was once something that was actually Nobel that Nobel people got. Now they seem to be giving it away to people who don't get the picture and aren't doing what's best.
I wish I got A's in school just for saying I'll do my homework.
October 9th, 2009, 03:04 PM
Yeah not really. No matter who it would've been about, that was a completely unconstructive post. Try to keep it somewhat intelligent in here.
October 9th, 2009, 03:18 PM
"I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many transformative figures that have been honored by this prize," he said. I actually agree with Obama for once.
October 9th, 2009, 03:23 PM
Since when did they start giving these out to complete fucking d-bags?
I actually see this as a legitimate question, being that Al Gore was awarded this one year ago.
October 9th, 2009, 03:33 PM
Yeah. Obama doesn't deserve this yet. Anybody can just say shit. Its actually making it happen that deserves recognition.
Its people like this guy who actually deserve it.
October 9th, 2009, 03:35 PM
Meanwhile, in the thread that's relevant to the topic:
Obama hasn't done anything to warrant the awarding of the NPP. End of story.
His handling of Iran, and Russia has not been good enough to even warrant a hearty slap on the back, let alone a Peace Prize.
October 9th, 2009, 03:42 PM
since when did they start giving out awards to d-bags?
Your so lucky I recently + repped you.
But I agree, and am glad that he is saying he doesn't deserve it.
October 9th, 2009, 03:47 PM
You too.
He's put too much frosting on those words for me to believe it.
October 9th, 2009, 03:48 PM
Ignoring Horns's post (as most people should)...
Good to see he's aware of the peculiar logic in their decision. Like people have been saying, he definitely deserves it if he keeps it up throughout his presidency.
October 9th, 2009, 04:16 PM
This ridiculous... comical almost.
I thought winners were supposed to accomplish something, not promise to do something.
Also, I'm loving the totally bias poll on
October 9th, 2009, 04:26 PM
you're a bunch of whiners, be happy for the man. its not his FAULT he won a damn prize.
jesus christ people, get a grip.
feel free to suggest people to whom it should have gone instead
October 9th, 2009, 04:33 PM
you're a bunch of whiners, be happy for the man. its not his FAULT he won a damn prize.
jesus christ people, get a grip.
feel free to suggest people to whom it should have gone instead
No one said that we weren't happy for him. We were just pointing out that he doesn't deserve it. Learn to grasp the relevant points of a discussion.
October 9th, 2009, 04:34 PM
someone who has done something.
October 9th, 2009, 05:00 PM
you're a bunch of whiners, be happy for the man. its not his FAULT he won a damn prize.
jesus christ people, get a grip.
feel free to suggest people to whom it should have gone instead
No one was saying it was his fault for winning the prize, they were just speaking their opinion saying he didn't deserve it and saying the people who give the prize are stupid.
October 9th, 2009, 05:51 PM
Meanwhile, in the thread that's relevant to the topic:
Obama hasn't done anything to warrant the awarding of the NPP. End of story.
His handling of Iran, and Russia has not been good enough to even warrant a hearty slap on the back, let alone a Peace Prize.
Beats hell out of 'STEP OUTTA LINE AND WE'LL INVADE YOU' in my book.
I still say you guys were morons for impeaching Clinton though
October 9th, 2009, 05:54 PM
Beats hell out of 'STEP OUTTA LINE AND WE'LL INVADE YOU' in my book.
I still say you guys were morons for impeaching Clinton though
Define "you guys" plz. That's too broad.
October 9th, 2009, 05:55 PM
he was never impeached
October 9th, 2009, 05:57 PM
he was never impeached
Yes he was.
October 9th, 2009, 06:12 PM
Clinton was impeached.
"Impeachment itself brings the charges against the official."
October 9th, 2009, 06:28 PM
Define "you guys" plz. That's too broad.
Well shit, if I knew the name of every American who was involved, by God I'd list them.
October 9th, 2009, 06:28 PM
oh, well he was never removed from office is what i'm getting at
October 9th, 2009, 06:54 PM
oh, well he was never removed from office is what i'm getting at
There are two parts to the impeachment process. Evidence is produced against an official, a vote is taken, and then they move on to the second phase. The charges can either be disproved or the figure can be expectorated. If they're found guilty, they'll be removed from office. This is a gross over simplification, but it's pretty much what goes down.
October 9th, 2009, 07:08 PM
For those wondering why he got the prize.
Yeah, all things American should have done along time ago...
To be fair, I've only heard of 3 the winners in the past 10 years. And thats because they all wanted/became president of the united states.
The prize has lost its integrity over the past couple of years.
October 9th, 2009, 07:18 PM
I'd like to insert something into what is quickly becoming an anti-US thread:
Every country has their pitfalls.
Every country has their differences.
Every country deals with ups and downs.
Do not blame the people of one area, for the majority of the next area. Remember: we are a nation of fifty states. We do not always get along, and we do not always see eye to eye. It was difficult in the 1800's, and it is difficult now. Pennsylvania does not always agree with Texas. You MUST understand this.
October 9th, 2009, 07:32 PM
Just because the US gets criticized does not mean we are being anti-US :ugh:
i dont think he deserved it.
October 9th, 2009, 07:32 PM
I'd like to insert something into what is quickly becoming an anti-US thread:
Every country has their pitfalls.
Every country has their differences.
Every country deals with ups and downs.
Do not blame the people of one area, for the majority of the next area. Remember: we are a nation of fifty states. We do not always get along, and we do not always see eye to eye. It was difficult in the 1800's, and it is difficult now. Pennsylvania does not always agree with Texas. You MUST understand this.
Its the fact your head of state can't get on with anyone, Americas international politics was laughable, luckily Obama is changing that. I still think it's too early and fact nominations end in Feb make me question motives.
October 9th, 2009, 07:40 PM
Americas international politics was laughable
I find this statement to be laughable.
October 9th, 2009, 07:55 PM
Yo Obama im real happy for ya bro and imma let yo finnish but steven hawking had the best awards of all time!
October 9th, 2009, 09:36 PM
Steven Hawkings isn't a very important figure in the scientific community. He's basicly only a public figure.
Also this is utter bullshit. Obama does not deserve this shit.
October 9th, 2009, 09:44 PM
Steven Hawkings isn't a very important figure in the scientific community.
October 9th, 2009, 09:47 PM
Steven Hawkings isn't a very important figure in the scientific community. He's basicly only a public figure.
You are literally retarded. Please google who he is.
October 9th, 2009, 09:53 PM
While I agree that Obama doesn't deserve it, I heard one disgruntled caller while they were discussing this on the talk show I listen to daily:
"They're just saying, Obama, good job fucking up the country, keep up the good wo-" and he was cut off.
hey obama fix what bush did to the economy instantly
additionally, fuck off
E: got ninja'd
Steven Hawkings isn't a very important figure in the scientific community. He's basicly only a public figure.
please direct yourself in the direction of the nearest cliff and walk in that direction
October 9th, 2009, 10:08 PM
You are literally retarded. Please google who he is.
There's a documentary on him and in the documentary. They asked physicists about the top 10 most influential physicists. Hawking wasn't even listed. Yes he contributed, yes he's famous, but isn't as influential. Most of the people listed weren't even very well known publicly. They were only known by people in the field.
Edit: I worded my statement earlier wrong. yeah...sorry you guys got the wrong idea.
October 9th, 2009, 10:27 PM
Wow, because some physicists didn't list him as one of the top 10 most influential people, that means he isn't influential?
October 9th, 2009, 10:49 PM
Wow, because some physicists didn't list him as one of the top 10 most influential people, that means he isn't influential?
You have to think that this is their living, they may have read pieces you've never seen in your life before that revolutionize the field. You can ask producers about what was the most influential movie to special effects ever and will not get one that isn't even close to the public's choice (and one that differs from the effect arts'). I rather take the word of those qualified in the field about how influential a figure of that field is than the public's choice, who may not know how it revolutionize the field.
Yes he is influential, but the amount he contribute may be significantly lower than others (which I'll dismiss due to communication and other complications b/c of his ALS) or isn't extremely revolutionary (in terms of changing ways of thinking about a topic of the field).
Ok. Back to Obama and his "peace prize" for future peace acts that may or may not happen.
October 9th, 2009, 10:50 PM
There's a documentary on him and in the documentary. They asked physicists about the top 10 most influential physicists. Hawking wasn't even listed. Yes he contributed, yes he's famous, but isn't as influential. Most of the people listed weren't even very well known publicly. They were only known by people in the field.
Edit: I worded my statement earlier wrong. yeah...sorry you guys got the wrong idea.
stop posting just shutup :eng101:
October 10th, 2009, 02:06 AM
You have to think that this is their living, they may have read pieces you've never seen in your life before that revolutionize the field. You can ask producers about what was the most influential movie to special effects ever and will not get one that isn't even close to the public's choice (and one that differs from the effect arts'). I rather take the word of those qualified in the field about how influential a figure of that field is than the public's choice, who may not know how it revolutionize the field.
Yes he is influential, but the amount he contribute may be significantly lower than others (which I'll dismiss due to communication and other complications b/c of his ALS) or isn't extremely revolutionary (in terms of changing ways of thinking about a topic of the field).
Ok. Back to Obama and his "peace prize" for future peace acts that may or may not happen.
"because the public opinion matters, is why the public opinion doesn't matter"
October 10th, 2009, 04:23 AM
There's a documentary on him and in the documentary. They asked physicists about the top 10 most influential physicists. Hawking wasn't even listed. Yes he contributed, yes he's famous, but isn't as influential. Most of the people listed weren't even very well known publicly. They were only known by people in the field.
Edit: I worded my statement earlier wrong. yeah...sorry you guys got the wrong idea.
Steven hawking is much more influential than one man who spends most of his time saying it's time for's time for change we want change, it's time for change.
October 10th, 2009, 11:39 AM
Steven hawking is much more influential than one man who spends most of his time saying it's time for's time for change we want change, it's time for change.
Yup he is. If Obama is getting a prize for talking about change. Hawking should get one doing advance math in his head and only about to express his theory through others writing it for him and having progressive ALS.
Why not give Hollywood one for advancing illogical physics for great onscreen scenes. And those not so great...
October 10th, 2009, 11:46 AM
It was a swipe at George bush.
October 10th, 2009, 11:57 AM
It was a swipe at George bush.
Yeah... I think he won the prize for not being George Bush.
teh lag
October 10th, 2009, 12:36 PM
It was a swipe at George bush.
Thinking pretty much the same thing. It's a shame the prize gets used like that though but I guess the international community couldn't resist lifting just one more middle finger to double-u.
Maybe Obama could legitimately deserve it in 3 years or 7 years or whenever but definitely not now. Not when he's barely had 9 months in office, and certainly not when nominations were in February.
shoutout to heathen
October 10th, 2009, 02:08 PM
Thinking pretty much the same thing. It's a shame the prize gets used like that though but I guess the international community couldn't resist lifting just one more middle finger to double-u.
Maybe Obama could legitimately deserve it in 3 years or 7 years or whenever but definitely not now. Not when he's barely had 9 months in office.
dont forget nominations were turned in on feb it wasn't 9 months, it was like....a few days.
I dont think he deserves it, but at least he doesnt think he deserves it.
October 10th, 2009, 10:20 PM
I'm going to be very blunt but hardly anyone in this topic knows that they are talking about. The nobel peace prize is not for only ACHIEVING GOALS, but for making the movement or grass root movement towards change to better the world. Please look at at least 4 other people who won it without achieving anything, 1984 Desmond Tutu for attempting to destroy problems in south africa...didnt happen till 10 years after he got the award. 1935, They gave it to a German journalist who wrote about domestic opposition in order to get rid of hitler, Yet, hitler was still in power years after, Or how about former president carter who got it for attempting to establish peace in the middle east? Which didn't even happen to this day. The NPP isn't given to people who accomplish anything all the time, sometimes its given to recognize the efforts put forth by someone, And Mr.Obama 6 months after he announced he was running and was still in the preliminaries was still affecting the world with his speeches and giving the world hope that America isn't the idiot nation people thought we were. He did so much for this country before even being president, so those who say he doesn't deserve it and those who say he doesn't deserve it yet, Please just open your minds a little more or just stop posting on the matter entirely, If you are up for a debate I am more than welcome as long as you can keep your fanboy attitudes away and not agree or disagree with someone due to party affiliation, I for one am and independent cause anyone who votes for anyone just cause they belong to a group of people with strict ideas is a moron. Learn to take what you like from all angles and then make your decision.
Please people stop being so ignorant.
Edit: Stephen Hawking is one of the most influential theoretical physicists to ever lived. No offense but whoever stated otherwise is a complete moron.
Edit: Woodrow wilson won the award for his peace treaties which promised to prevent all future wars. We all know how that worked ok. I hope I made my point.
October 11th, 2009, 03:05 AM
Yeah that post basically just wrecked all of your collective shit, he's dead right
October 11th, 2009, 03:12 AM
October 11th, 2009, 08:08 AM
The peace prize is one big controvercy compared to the other prizes and really unfair. This prize is given to people for current and/or future activities while the prizes for science, lit are given for work that were published/completed 2-3 years prior.
A little fun fact: Hitler and Stalin were both nominated for a Nobel peace prize =\
October 11th, 2009, 08:17 AM
Yes, but given by your statement, he was given the prize for things said whilst running for president. We ALL know how politicians, bend the truth with what they say, they make bold statements just so they can get backers and win. I'm not doubting whether Obama will or will not make change, thats irrelevant, I'm just saying they shouldnt base the winner on things they said during a time when in the past, people have been known to lie and make false claims.
October 11th, 2009, 09:40 AM
Then what your saying is that Desmond, the journalist, woodrow, carter and numerous others don't deserve the award. Back in 07 Obama was talking about creating a world without nuclear weapons and providing the means on which to go about it. Please don't say he did nothing before the nominations in order to receive the award because that is the biggest load of crap ever. Remember he did get elected president due to the very fact the he inspired people to do better for their country and the world. And also if you are an American be proud that your president just won the award. I can pull speeches and numerous visits the president made to various countries long before he was president.
The NPP isn't for people who achieve anything all the time. Sometimes it recognizes effort and gives the person who got the award motivation to keep going and follow through with said promises. Its for whoever does their best to bring peace to the world and 2 years ago we were the laughing stock of the world, while running against Hilary Clinton he was already lifting the global relations of the US and people started telling us, the people, to vote for Obama. If you think he did nothing for America or for the world before he became president, I want you to find a video (I've seen it) of the reactions of ALL the people around the world when he was elected president. Don't tell me someone gets that recognition for not doing anything. And if you are here to argue who the NPP should go to or on what circumstances it should be given I suggest you pick it up with Norwegian Nobel Committee, I take your statement offensively because not only are you arguing the reasoning behind this NPP but your are arguing and questioning those of others who have done far more for this world that you or me could ever dream of doing. And also you are lying, in my previous post I said nothing of what Obama did during his presidency, all the things I said he did were while he was still running in caucuses and the primaries. Which is from back in 07.
The peace prize is one big controvercy compared to the other prizes and really unfair. This prize is given to people for current and/or future activities while the prizes for science, lit are given for work that were published/completed 2-3 years prior.
A little fun fact: Hitler and Stalin were both nominated for a Nobel peace prize =\
Though I understand where you are coming from, you have to understand that science and lit are very cut and dry. You can't really get that prize for saying you can make the cure for AIDS, and I know you are going to shoot back saying "THEN WHY DOES OBAMA GET IT FOR SAYING HE WANTS PEOPLE TO STOP KILLING EACH OTHER LUL!>!?!", The reason Obama gets it is because unlike science and literature, you don't really have a physical product or achievement to show, For example, you can't really sell someone peace for a day, But while Obama was in office look what happened Sept. 21st, The entire world (yes including Al-queda and the Taliban) agreed to a temporary cease fire, meaning for one day, no one died to due war. Something that George Washington didn't even do because he went and killed people on Christmas Eve. You don't hear about that though, that doesn't make for good ratings on FOX or CNN. But as I said, the NPP isn't given to people because they have a certain invention or product, its given sometimes for mass effort I mean that's how its always been. Why are we complaining about it now that our President received it? Are we seriously that upset that the world things our President is actually doing something to better the world? I swear when I saw the GOP cheer and I mean really roar when they heard Chicago wasn't going to hold the Olympics I seriously almost cried, How un-patriotic of you. Even if the Olympics were held in Little Havana (I'm Hispanic and that is not a racist statement, its just a bad place to live and thats why I'm using it as an example) I would be so proud of my country and of my President who tried his hardest to get it there. So many people want to see him fail, and that is whats unfair. Now someone might say well people wanted Bush to fail, Well I don't mean to be rude but he was fucking up this country from even before 9/11, And people really started getting on his case only after Iraq.
By the way, "Adolf Hitler[/URL] was nominated in 1939 by Erik Brandt, a member of the Swedish Parliament. Brandt retracted the nomination after a few days. ( Other infamous nominees included Joseph Stalin and Benito Mussolini[URL=""] ( However, since nomination requires only support from one qualified person, all nominations do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Nobel committee itself."
Oh and also to the person who mocked a users post who said they found our international relations to be laughable when bush was in power. I have this to say to you
I find this statement to be laughable.
You're right, it wasn't laughable, it was disgusting.
Have a good day.
October 11th, 2009, 10:40 AM
I swear when I saw the GOP cheer and I mean really roar when they heard Chicago wasn't going to hold the Olympics I seriously almost cried, How un-patriotic of you. Even if the Olympics were held in Little Havana (I'm Hispanic and that is not a racist statement, its just a bad place to live and thats why I'm using it as an example) I would be so proud of my country and of my President who tried his hardest to get it there. So many people want to see him fail, and that is whats unfair.
I agree with you completely but please do not bring the olympics into this.
I live in Chicago and like most Chicagoans know that our local government is completely incapable of hosting the games in any way that is not catastrophic. Our mayor is an urban emperor and we have maybe the worst political machine still running in a large American city; we've had numerous scandals in which City Hall has always chosen its friends and affiliates (hired truck scandal.) We have a tax loophole called a TIF in which the city can set a limit on the amount of money from taxes that enters the public coffer and anything above that collected can be spent on anything the mayor desires. We have a philosophy on our lake front called "forever open, clear, and free" (this is what has allowed our city to be nicer than say, Toronto) which would be breached by the Olympic plans. Our corrupt governor refused to raise taxes to the level necessary to simply sustain the existing infrastructure. There are thousands of homeless and starving people all over our city even with one of the nation's largest food banks. We cannot handle the Olympics and thank god we avoided spending a trillion dollars on wrought iron (Daley's fetish.)
And back on the topic of the prize, anyone who can even start to pull our reputation out of Bush's crater deserves a medal.
October 11th, 2009, 10:49 AM
T'was an example on how we should have recognized his efforts to bring the
Olympics to America. But to cheer that it wasn't hosted in America is shameful which was the point to that statement.
And your last statement made me smile =)
October 11th, 2009, 12:31 PM
I like this guy.
You make a lot of sense.
October 11th, 2009, 12:35 PM
T'was an example on how we should have recognized his efforts to bring the
Olympics to America. But to cheer that it wasn't hosted in America is shameful which was the point to that statement.
And your last statement made me smile =)
Truelife, the whole "patriotism" is pretty much the same thing what got japan having its ass kicked, they call it honor you call it patriotism, it was probably better for the olympics to be hosted else,though it might suck for those who got rejected but they should hold their heads high in the hope that one day they will meet the level the olympic commision is looking for and that although one place lost another won and so its best to be happy for those who won, a sore loser is just as pathetic and a sore winner.
teh lag
October 11th, 2009, 12:44 PM
Truelife, the whole "patriotism" is pretty much the same thing what got japan having its ass kicked, they call it honor you call it patriotism, it was probably better for the olympics to be hosted else where it might suck for those who got rejected but they should hole their heads high in the hope that one day they will meet the level the olympic commision is looking for and that although one place lost another won and so its best to be happy for those who won, a sore loser is just as pathetic and a sore winner.
you make no sense
October 11th, 2009, 01:06 PM
you make no sense
Fine il reformat it all and try and make it make more sense but at the moment.
Patriotism=honor= failure on a massive scale.
What im saying is, instead of saying people should be ashamed for being happy someone else other than themselves won something do the same and try to improve your standards to meet the requirements of what is expected in order to win what ever your bidding for, in this case hosting the olympics.
October 11th, 2009, 01:19 PM
warlord, at the moment im on my girls phone so i cant give my defense to your post so i ask you to do me a favor. if your statement is being used to show me that having the olympics held anywhere in the US and beung patriotic about it, is the same as the jap emp. pride of believing his naton is the only one that should be on the face of the earth then i ask you to please revise your statement to actually make sense because your comparing apples and monkeys and trying to make a connection that isnt there.
and thank you to all the members who made valid posts and supported my posts in the efforts to destroy ignorance.
October 11th, 2009, 01:34 PM
Patriotism=honor= failure on a massive scale
Patriotism is what defeated the Japanese. It also put Obama in office.
October 11th, 2009, 01:46 PM
warlord, at the moment im on my girls phone so i cant give my defense to your post so i ask you to do me a favor. if your statement is being used to show me that having the olympics held anywhere in the US and beung patriotic about it, is the same as the jap emp. pride of believing his naton is the only one that should be on the face of the earth then i ask you to please revise your statement to actually make sense because your comparing apples and monkeys and trying to make a connection that isnt there.
and thank you to all the members who made valid posts and supported my posts in the efforts to destroy ignorance.
How did you make sense of any of that? I couldn't understand a single thing he wrote. :gonk:
@Warlord: I'm going to use Trulife's explanation of what you're trying to say since I can't make sense of it myself.
What's wrong with pride in one's nation? There isn't (as long as you're not ignorant and view things with an open mind).
The downfall of the japanese empire (1868–1945) was the lost to America in WWII. Americans came in and helped japan reorganize their constitution, and de-militarized them. Japan adopted a parliament-based political system as a result of the American occupation. (If you're talking about ancient Japan: they fell to the west because of isolated peace. They had no need for weapon advancements and were technologically disadvantaged against guns.)
October 11th, 2009, 01:50 PM
Patriotism is what defeated the Japanese. It also put Obama in office.
Patriotism is just the name america calls for national pride.
Same thing Japan calls honor.
I've already explained to truelife what i mean by what i said now i've had my caffine boost so it would be most appreciated if we moved on from what i said and if you really wish to know what i ment, PM me and i will send you what i sent to truelife.
October 11th, 2009, 02:00 PM
October 11th, 2009, 02:52 PM
I think warlord is getting at the idea that
Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.
October 11th, 2009, 03:03 PM
I think warlord is getting at the idea that
Thank you arteen someone realised what i was saying.
Same fucking immaturity of "im the king of the castle and your the rotten raskle".
October 11th, 2009, 03:30 PM
I always lol when I see some soldier in the news that "died defending his country".
It should be "died preserving mankind against he efforts of a tyrant". Not that fighting for your country is wrong, but they say that for every dead person. Can you not fight a war without having your nationalistic pride being your main motivation? Sure your country is the one that gave you the gun and tools to battle, so I guess it's ok for them to say that. No different than automobile advertising, money and power is where its @.
October 11th, 2009, 03:37 PM
Wait, so did Obama actually DO anything to get this prize? Yea he "found" loose nuclear warheads while he was a senator, but that's it. Did he do anything else that I'm just missing?
October 11th, 2009, 03:47 PM
Wait, so did Obama actually DO anything to get this prize? Yea he "found" loose nuclear warheads while he was a senator, but that's it. Did he do anything else that I'm just missing?
He was nominated 11 days into his presidency and because of all the hype someone wanted to award him for not being a complete and total chimpanzee.
October 11th, 2009, 09:29 PM
I always lol when I see some soldier in the news that "died defending his country".
It should be "died preserving mankind against he efforts of a tyrant". Not that fighting for your country is wrong, but they say that for every dead person. Can you not fight a war without having your nationalistic pride being your main motivation? Sure your country is the one that gave you the gun and tools to battle, so I guess it's ok for them to say that. No different than automobile advertising, money and power is where its @.
Better yet, "died looking out for his mates". In most cases that's what it comes down to, even if their intention upon joining was otherwise. I'm not kidding, I've only been in the Reserves for four months but the guys in my platoon are already like family. I wouldn't think twice about shooting any cunt who tried to harm them, but I would certainly think about whether we were stomping the right tyrant for the right reasons or not (if only for my own peace of mind). That said, I don't see why a little patriotism is so bad, as long as it's the right kind. I miss both Canada and the UK (although I'm told the latter has gone downhill at an exponential rate since, both by dudes here and my old nextdoor neighbour who writes every now and then), and I like it here (despite the best efforts of Stephen Conroy, Michael Atkinson and the OFLC to make me want to move elsewhere). If someone invaded, then yes, I would certainly do my utmost to get them the fuck out of my country because guess what? My family live here, my friends live here, I live here, and I like things the way they are. Similarly, if someone gets into government and starts fucking things up enough, I'd want them out.
October 11th, 2009, 10:38 PM
Wait, so did Obama actually DO anything to get this prize? Yea he "found" loose nuclear warheads while he was a senator, but that's it. Did he do anything else that I'm just missing?
Your missing the point behind the NPP ok seriously I can't dumb this down any more so here is my last effort for those of you that just do not understand the NPP.
Its doesn't go to people who do anything ALL the time, it is sometimes given out to those who put forth the effort to make a change in the world. Seeing as the mans motto and who's premise behind his entire campaign was change not only for the U.S. but for the world, I'm pretty sure he is more than qualified for the award. I mean there really is no more room for discussion you are trying to argue a fact here. And warlord that is something saved for another topic it is far too late for me to engage in a discussion about Japanese politics cause that's on another level of complexity.
Obama deserves it for inspiring millions in hope that one day this world will be what we all want it to be. Peaceful.
End of story now plz?
October 12th, 2009, 05:47 AM
I can be inspiring, someone send me a NPP.
October 12th, 2009, 06:10 AM
Trulife, There have been people all over the world who have tried to bring peace and have done alot more than obama in trying to bring said peace about, as much as his campaign was basedd on bringing peace, we all know, politicians will say anything the public want's to hear in order to get that final decisive vote even if they have to lie about it.
The only thing sp far that i've seen him do that i feel needs taking note off was he managed to get guarntamino bay closed but that didn't last that long though did it?
Im not talking entirely about japanese politics, im saying nationalism is as futile as trying to draw blood out of a rock and just as remarkably stupid as saying the earth is flat.
If you have a invader attacking your friends and family and you decide to fight back, that is not patriotism that is guarding and protecting those who you love and cherish it is not "fullfilling your obligation to your country".
I will admit this, people must be really desparate for change if the mass majority have put aside their differences to vote obama in.
Let's just hope he dosn't become too popular and end up like JFK, Dead.
I personaly won't put too much bias into barrack untill his first term is over as that will be the time to take notes of what has happened.
We had a leader a few years back who promised alot of change and reforms and he ended up as a international joke with his aeroplane wing sized ears and stupid grin.
Which in my opinion shows no matter what is promised it is action that speaks louder than words and if obama fullfills even half of the things he has said he will then i congratulate him but im not sticking all my eggs into the obama basket just yet.
October 12th, 2009, 06:55 AM
righto as some of you have missed the point (myself included before some history of the peace prize was explained by our good friend trulife) i think it's time to put this matter to rest.
trulife gave an excellent review of the process Here (
and a couple more times through out the thread.
i suggest you guys read them again.
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