View Full Version : Two year old boy is youngest to join the mensa.
October 14th, 2009, 07:35 AM
A child with the same IQ as Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking has become the youngest boy in Britain to be accepted into Mensa.
Oscar Wrigley, 2, has been awarded an IQ of at least 160.
Holy crap....
October 14th, 2009, 07:39 AM
October 14th, 2009, 07:48 AM
I will never believe in any test developed by man to correctly measure..."intelligence"
The other day he said to me, 'Mummy, sausages are like a party in my mouth'."
Oh really...pedo bear would have a field day with you :nom:
Llama Juice
October 14th, 2009, 08:03 AM
Oscar Wrigley, 2, has been awarded an IQ of at least 160.So... he didn't take a test or something, they just handed it to him, said congratulations and let him slobber on the mic for a while?
The usage of the word Awarded bothers me. :P
Assessors at the Gifted Children's Information Centre ( in Solihull say he is one of the brightest children they have every come across.Should of had the kid spell check your article..
October 14th, 2009, 08:24 AM
So... he didn't take a test or something, they just handed it to him, said congratulations and let him slobber on the mic for a while?
The usage of the word Awarded bothers me.
Should of had the kid spell check your article..
I doubt it was "awarded" but more of tested and found he is extremely bright.
Any 2 year old who is able to explain the reproduction cycle of a animal has to be pretty fucking smart.
I say congrats to him and hope he finds his potential, i will laugh my arse off though if this site is still arround in 14 years time and he end's here and some fool calls him stupid.
I would say masters would still be here working on CMT SPv2 but he's banned so...maybe he will help snaf getting delta ui finished.:realsmug:
October 14th, 2009, 08:26 AM
How the heck did he learn things stuff then? If its parents didnt teach him it.
October 14th, 2009, 08:30 AM
How the heck did he learn things stuff then? If its parents didnt teach him it.
I can easily answer that.
He probably searched online for any information and documents to feed his mind.
"bright" individuals tend to have a "crave" for information because their mind is usualy running pretty quick and so if their not doing anything intelectual they become very bored and very restless.
Yes i am well aware the kid is two years old, but if he can tell you how a penguin produces offspring its not that stretch of imagination to say he knows how to use the basics of a pc.
MetKiller Joe
October 14th, 2009, 09:00 AM
Let's see what he does with this gift of his.
October 14th, 2009, 09:56 AM
I'll bet anyone that he goes on to become Britain's finest deadbeat.
October 14th, 2009, 10:09 AM
bunch of horseshit, close the thread
October 14th, 2009, 10:14 AM
I'll bet anyone that he goes on to become Britain's finest deadbeat.
I doubt that.
I doubt mensa would just sit back and let him waste his mind.
It's good he has been recognised early though.
Going by what i've seen personaly those who are a little brighter than the rest do tend to get a bit of support to try and get them to reach their potential though they do tend to get bullied alot.
The kid has a long road ahead of him but when he is done with school and is in college at the age of 17 he will know school was childs play and those who bullied him are probably stuck in a dead end job.
October 14th, 2009, 10:17 AM
I doubt that.
I doubt mensa would just sit back and let him waste his mind.
It's good he has been recognised early though.
Going by what i've seen personaly those who are a little brighter than the rest do tend to get a bit of support to try and get them to reach their potential though they do tend to get bullied alot.
The kid has a long road ahead of him but when he is done with school and is in college at the age of 17 he will know school was childs play and those who bullied him are probably stuck in a dead end job.
What the fuck is this? Your logic is terrible, stop trying to act like you have a PHD in human pysch.
PS: I was in College at the Age of 15 , hth
October 14th, 2009, 10:20 AM
What the fuck is this? Your logic is terrible, stop trying to act like you have a PHD in human pysch.
PS: I was in College at the Age of 15 , hth
I wasn't acting like anything.
Don't assume as such.
Im going by personal experience.
I dont particulary care if you was at college at 15 or not, so were many of my class mates, its called a volintary NVQ the school i went to did it for Joinery, Blacksmith and various other subjects.
While i was at school it was found i had quite a scientific mind but also had a flair for 3d art, at the time we only had clay to use instead of CGI 3d, because of that i was given as much help as i needed to further my skills on the subjects.
However as you may notice i may not beable to explain my thoughts as good as i maybe should be able to due to a condition called Dyspraxia which makes it a little hard to convey my thoughts all to clear for others, i can easily look at a machine and build the machine just by that one image if given the parts and it will work first time, but i cannot explain how i did it without physicly showing it.
Oh and about the psych thing, i know 2 people with PHD's in human psychology and 3 people who are at university right now studying sociology i am well aware i do not know everything on those subjects as i chose not to do that instead i went into electronics engineering isntead.
TL'DR: Inteligence intimidates but inteligence wins in the end.
October 14th, 2009, 10:38 AM
This kid will die of aids, alone, in a gutter. Most likely somewhere in Tunisia. Also, War, learn to use paragraphs like the rest of us. Starting a new line for every sentence is retarded.
October 14th, 2009, 10:42 AM
TL'DR: Inteligence intimidates but inteligence wins in the end.
I'm slashing everything else that's wrong with your "paragraph" just to point this out. I hope to God you're trolling :ugh:
lol woodworking
October 14th, 2009, 10:44 AM
This kid will die of aids, alone, in a gutter. Most likely somewhere in Tunisia. Also, War, learn to use paragraphs like the rest of us. Starting a new line for every sentence is retarded.
Yes, well i preffer to avoid giant walls of text and as such i make a new line for a different subject i talk about.
I know full well how to make paragraphs but when the person you are talking to would not provide the same kind of decency why should i to them?
Reaper Man
October 14th, 2009, 10:59 AM
Warlord, your logic (and spelling) is terrible. Cut the crap guys.
October 14th, 2009, 11:16 AM
Let's see what he does his parents do with this gift of his.
FTFY. And you know it's the truth.
That kid is never going to have a choice of his own. His parents are going to try and make his every move for him because they'll want to live through him.
It's really a shame.
October 14th, 2009, 11:44 AM
The kids smart, so what? Do we make a big deal when a stupid kid comes along? He's not my kid so why should I care what he does with his potential. I mean I'm happy that he's smart and all but unless he invents something that changes my life I really couldn't care less.
October 14th, 2009, 11:45 AM
The kids smart, so what? Do we make a big deal when a stupid kid comes along? He's not my kid so why should I care what he does with his potential. I mean I'm happy that he's smart and all but unless he invents something that changes my life I really couldn't care less.
It's the fact a two year old currently has an IQ of 160, with time his knowledge and understanding can only go up from here.
MetKiller Joe
October 14th, 2009, 11:46 AM
That kid is never going to have a choice of his own. His parents are going to try and make his every move for him because they'll want to live through him.
I expect this, but I hope for the sake of the kid's happiness that he is given liberty over his own decisions.
I'm with you Tru.
October 14th, 2009, 11:47 AM
It's the fact a two year old currently has an IQ of 160, with time his knowledge and understanding can only go up from here.
Well when it does and he actually does something to benefit the world then I will care. But as of right now its not really a big deal.
October 14th, 2009, 11:53 AM
I say we stick this kid in a cage, and force him to come up with cures for obscure illnesses and shock him with an electro-cattle prod when he falls asleep.
October 14th, 2009, 12:37 PM
Bean from Ender's Game irl.
October 14th, 2009, 01:07 PM
I say we stick this kid in a cage, and force him to come up with cures for obscure illnesses and shock him with an electro-cattle prod when he falls asleep.
I'm all for this, recording it, and posting it on youtube as well.
October 14th, 2009, 01:15 PM
IQ is bullshit. Your intelligence should be based of real-world knowledge and experiences and how you preform them, not a piece of paper telling you that your intelligence is a number.
October 14th, 2009, 01:16 PM
This is dumb.
October 14th, 2009, 01:23 PM
If he wasn't tested, this is a load of shit. It doesn't take a genius to regurgitate shit you read.
October 14th, 2009, 01:50 PM
/not impressed
October 14th, 2009, 02:53 PM
lol woodworking
but :o
October 14th, 2009, 03:17 PM
See what his parents do with his life? He'll be dead of a brain tumor or something of that sort before he turns ten.
October 14th, 2009, 03:24 PM
I kind of think this is bullshit.
October 14th, 2009, 06:55 PM
I will never believe in any test developed by man to correctly measure..."intelligence"
I agree, theres really no accurate way to measure intelligence... or define it even
October 14th, 2009, 06:57 PM
Let's see what he does with this gift of his.
My god, he could invent the Hyper Drive! or proper Cryo Stasis! :iamafag:
October 14th, 2009, 08:05 PM
Let's see what he does with this gift of his.
Id place my money on the fact that he'll get bullied in school for being a super nerd and then commit suicide. :suicide:
October 14th, 2009, 08:19 PM
'Mummy, sausages are like a party in my mouth'."
There's a party in your mouth and everyone's coming.
This is going to suck for him though, his parents are probably going to expect him to be all perfect, and since he has such a high IQ they might treat him all special. I don't get why they signed him up for "mensa" to get his potential achievement, instead of normally leaving him alone =/, he's freaking 2.
October 14th, 2009, 08:33 PM
I'm sure he'll contribute alot.
October 14th, 2009, 09:37 PM
October 15th, 2009, 02:39 PM
I will never believe in any test developed by man to correctly measure..."intelligence"
Oh really...pedo bear would have a field day with you :nom:No... MENSA, not NAMBLA.
October 15th, 2009, 06:13 PM
Wow, I love how nearly everyone in this thread has no idea what this could mean. You all obviously have no fucking idea what mensa is and what they do.
Is this a big thing? Yeah, it is. He may not have used his remarkable skills in yet, but that is why they've let him join mensa, so he can learn and use his knowledge in a good way, instead of just letting him waste away and do nothing useful for the rest of us.
The kids smart, so what? Do we make a big deal when a stupid kid comes along?
Um yeah, hense all the videos on Youtube like "hey check this idiot falling off his skateboard".
October 15th, 2009, 07:47 PM
Sure its great that this kid passed an IQ test, but I don't think you'd have to be a genius at Mensa to see it prudent to wait until he matures a little first.
Also, it should be noted that a great number of people on the Mensa list lead menial careers anyway. How do we know this won't be another genius who'll eventually fall through the cracks and end up cleaning toilets later on.
And sorry, in any case, I agree with Kornman. All doing good on an IQ test means is that you're good at IQ tests.
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