View Full Version : Nerds in love? say it isn't so!
October 14th, 2009, 11:38 AM
Well folks most of us here have had to deal with that pesky word, some of us still do. Now I know I know, nerds having girlfriends will upset the balance of the universe but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. So use this topic to just spew out what you feel about this emotion called love. Have you ever been in love? are you currently in love? what has love done for you? And remember women are good for other things besides making sammiches (just kidding ladies)
I for one have been with my girl for years now and sometimes she knows how to give me heart attacks just ask snaf or jean lol, But I do know that I love her and that she's my world. And if it wasn't for her I really wouldn't be where I am today. So I want to hear about what you guys have to say on the subject.
Remember it doesn't need to be positive, love does suck sometimes so feel free to post whatever you want on the subject.
Llama Juice
October 14th, 2009, 11:41 AM
You probably gave her all your passwords to stuff too didn't you?
She checks your email and your facebook messages to make sure you aren't cheating on her.
October 14th, 2009, 11:42 AM
You're probably not the best person for titles bro
also yeah, love, tis great man
October 14th, 2009, 11:44 AM
Love and insanity are very simular in some respects, some people will live for it others will die for it.
October 14th, 2009, 11:46 AM
Warlord, You're way of thinking sometimes really surprises me. I don't mean that in a bad way. Llama, you're good.
October 14th, 2009, 12:03 PM
Love and insanity are very simular in some respects, some people will live for it others will die for it.
Dieing for love is the most stupid thing anyone could do please do not suggest it
not only would it break the heart of the person you do it for you're also fucking DEAD
Llama Juice
October 14th, 2009, 12:06 PM
Llama, you're good.
Glad to know she trusts you.
October 14th, 2009, 12:07 PM
Warlord, You're way of thinking sometimes really surprises me. I don't mean that in a bad way. Llama, you're good.
If only you knew half of me you would probably understand my thought process a bit better, im not trying to be an ass but really my thought train is odd but then the way i see it, normal is very boring indeed.
Thus why Tural and co really did hate me.
What i ment by was, some people will throw their lives away just for one person but at the same time that one person might be the reason they get up in the morning.
A friend of mine tried topping himself a while back and was in a very bad state, i traveled 30 miles to see them and saw the kinds of things that can happen to someones mind when things go very wrong, luckly after several hours of just talking i managed to calm them down a bit and got them to think a bit more straight, im the kind of person you wont understand untill you actualy sit down and talk to.
Rob Oplawar
October 14th, 2009, 12:26 PM
I was gonna make a Data (ST TNG) reference, but instead I'll say this:
If I can't have it, then it must suck anyway. Fuck love. Who needs it.
October 14th, 2009, 12:26 PM
Too distracted with school to find the time to find someone.
October 14th, 2009, 12:55 PM
I suggest a thread title change to "Come here to get depressed."
Kidding. As for me, I don't have enough motivation to try to get a girlfriend. Its sad, I know.
Llama Juice
October 14th, 2009, 12:57 PM
^is a virgin.
it's cool bro, we all were at one time.
October 14th, 2009, 01:16 PM
You call it love....
October 14th, 2009, 02:18 PM
I'm stuck in this love triangle right now. Its a battle I wont win but it will be worth it showing my feelings for her.
October 14th, 2009, 02:22 PM
Love hurts. :smith:
had a girlfriend for like 3 months, and all of sudden she barley talks to me now. still haven't figured out why. (though Ive gotten an indication that some girl told her something and that girl likes me)
October 14th, 2009, 02:33 PM
Love hurts. :smith:
had a girlfriend for like 3 months, and all of sudden she barley talks to me now. still haven't figured out why. (though Ive gotten an indication that some girl told her something and that girl likes me)
Oh man have I been there. Happened with my first gf, except it was after 7 months, not 3. 2 Weeks after that she dumped me, I was even so careing for her I helped her find a new bf to make her happy again.
October 14th, 2009, 03:04 PM
What what? You twitterpated fools....
October 14th, 2009, 03:24 PM
You're probably not the best person for titles bro
also yeah, love, tis great man
yeah, and it sucks.
October 14th, 2009, 03:31 PM
no heathen, she sucks, you fuck, everyone is happy... (sorta)
October 14th, 2009, 03:51 PM
I'm stuck in this love triangle right now. Its a battle I wont win but it will be worth it showing my feelings for her.
No it won't. Believe me, I've been there. Twice, and it fucking sucks (and not in a good way).
October 14th, 2009, 03:58 PM
love? Is that the American way of spelling lust?
t3h m00kz
October 14th, 2009, 04:01 PM
I personally see a deep friendship to be more "love" than just wanting to bone the shit out of somebody.
October 14th, 2009, 04:05 PM
I had a few girlfriends through Jr. High (lol pre-teen relationships) and High school, but it was pretty much like the following:
So I gave up.
Alwin Roth
October 14th, 2009, 04:37 PM
Love is a strong, I wouldn't use it unless I've talked the person for a while, however
there's a really beautiful girl that sits behind me in algebra II, Don't know her name nor her grade, but I really do wish I had a conversation with her, too bad I don't know how to start it out.
October 14th, 2009, 04:51 PM
I'm a sophomore in HS and I've never had a girlfriend. Sometimes I'm just to afraid, sometimes I'm too embarrassed, and sometimes I'm just to pissed to ever want a girlfriend. Plus the fact that I'm the kind of guy that no matter what it is, I want it to be exactally how I want it or I don't want it at all.
There's also the fact that it seems a lot of people don't really understand me and I look totally different from the outside then I am on the inside kind of thing.
October 14th, 2009, 05:00 PM
it's cool bro, we all were at one time.
NOT ME :maddowns:
Lol, love is cool, as long as you tell her beforehand you don't play that relationship game bullshit like in high school and just treat her equally.
I personally see a deep friendship to be more "love" than just wanting to bone the shit out of somebody.
I feel the same way.
I'm a sophomore in HS and I've never had a girlfriend. Sometimes I'm just to afraid, sometimes I'm too embarrassed, and sometimes I'm just to pissed to ever want a girlfriend. Plus the fact that I'm the kind of guy that no matter what it is, I want it to be exactally how I want it or I don't want it at all.
There's also the fact that it seems a lot of people don't really understand me and I look totally different from the outside then I am on the inside kind of thing.
:-3 your a fatty aren't you?
October 14th, 2009, 05:06 PM
right now I'm going with the disregard women acquire currency thing.
October 14th, 2009, 05:06 PM
I have been in love. But, I'm single now. Having a hard time finding someone.
Guys apparently don't like nerdy girls. :(
October 14th, 2009, 05:15 PM
Guys apparently don't like nerdy girls. :(
Say that on the internet why don't you.
October 14th, 2009, 05:22 PM
I'm a sophomore in HS and I've never had a girlfriend. Sometimes I'm just to afraid, sometimes I'm too embarrassed, and sometimes I'm just to pissed to ever want a girlfriend. Plus the fact that I'm the kind of guy that no matter what it is, I want it to be exactally how I want it or I don't want it at all.
There's also the fact that it seems a lot of people don't really understand me and I look totally different from the outside then I am on the inside kind of thing.
Same here, I'm a sophomore and I've never had a girl. The things is that every girl that has liked me or that I've liked has a drug and/or a drinking problem. I just can't seem to find a good girl.
October 14th, 2009, 05:24 PM
I have been in love. But, I'm single now. Having a hard time finding someone.
Guys apparently don't like nerdy girls. :(
How 'bout The Boys and I fly up there and treat you right. :realsmug:
October 14th, 2009, 05:34 PM
Been in love, never had a GF.
There is this girl I saw at school last year, and she's really cute but I haven't done anything to get close to her. I have a week left of school now and a whole week of chances to talk to her. I look at her a lot,I don't know if I'm creeping her out or not. I think I saw her this morning, not sure. I think she's avoiding me if that was her, because instead of hanging out in the lounge doing her homework she was down the hall behind a wall that stands in the middle of it. I'm only 19, and she's probably 30.
I've been in love in the past, and rejection made me cry. Not anymore, I don't get so attached. I was leaving class to go to lunch one day in High School and saw this guy grabbing this girls behind, as they walked down the stairs to lunch. Having Asperger's, I love and hate being touched and realized thats what I wanted (not the butt grabbing though, the touching). I fell in love with a girl, and I swear she liked me. I fell out of love when her BF was a complete asshole to me. I don't want sex, but I love orgasms.
Everyone at that school was an asshole to me that year. The treatment I got from that school and that girl left me hurt for the next year. I didn't want love. I hate that guy and that girl now, I don't know why I hate her, I don't remember. I also hate that fucking school. That school has left me with serious pschological problems for years afterward.
I'm over that now. I thought she liked me, and being the desperate guy that I am I liked her. I become paranoid that girls like me, and that desperation kicks in. For the first 2 years of HS I thought I was ugly or something, no one could love me. Then I started hearing people say I was "hot" and it boosted my ego so much! I get paranoid that girls like me simply because I think that I am still a pretty boy. I get paranoid, I think, I try, but I still never know if a girl likes me. I try to be less desperate now. There was a really cute/hot girl at my job whose phone number I got. I never hanged out with her, or asked her out. She moved to another city recently.
I guess I just didn't care anymore. I don't get so attached to people anymore. I haven't had more than two crushes in the past two years. I think its cause of those serious psychological problems but what do I know? I just feel lax, like whatever. If I don't get to know her, who cares? I can barely even get a fucking boner anymore anyway. Can't barerly even feel anything when I jack off anymore anyway. Fuck it all.
So there it is, my complete heart. For you to read.
October 14th, 2009, 05:43 PM
Been in love. Worst 4 years of my life. Im pretty happy to be back to my smug and confident self. :realsmug:. Have interests now, just not entirely sure I want to risk getting stuck in the same bad situation
Guys apparently don't like nerdy girls. :(
False. Those are my favorite kind. In fact, their the only kind I let ruin my life.
October 14th, 2009, 05:46 PM
Been in love once. Took me fucking ages to get over it. In fact, since last saturday, it has been exactly one year since we've been together :(
Alwin Roth
October 14th, 2009, 05:50 PM
Love can be a bitch, I come back from switzerland, I used at least a good 200 francs on clothing/souvenirs for a girl friend I had, BAM, I'm home and she dumps me... over the internet.
October 14th, 2009, 05:54 PM
I'm a sophomore in HS and I've never had a girlfriend. Sometimes I'm just to afraid, sometimes I'm too embarrassed, and sometimes I'm just to pissed to ever want a girlfriend. Plus the fact that I'm the kind of guy that no matter what it is, I want it to be exactally how I want it or I don't want it at all.
There's also the fact that it seems a lot of people don't really understand me and I look totally different from the outside then I am on the inside kind of thing.
dont feel bad. i was a sophomore last year and i didnt have a GF until 3 days before school let out for summer. excuse me for making such an assertion, but i think youre pretty similar to me. iv always been an angry guy and iv been self conscious about people knowing whats going on in my life. it makes me not even want to be near my girlfriend in public because shes always trying to hug me in public. its not that i dont like her, its just that im self concious about the whole thing.
my advice is not to worry about not having a gf. you dont have one, and there is almost no chance that youre going to go anywhere with a highschool girlfriend. if youre a computer guy like me, then youll be better off enjoying what you like to do now before you get into a relationship.
believe me man i understand how much it hurts to not be in a relationship when it seems like everyone else is. i liked this one girl for 8 years in a class of 18 and i literally never said more than 200 words to her in those 8 years. give it time and eventually somebody will see that side of you that nobody else sees.
October 14th, 2009, 05:55 PM
right now I'm going with the disregard women acquire currency thing.
why not just get money, fuck bitches, and smoke trees?
E: Love...idk if I believe in love in the crazy "meant to be" sort of way.
I don't think anyone was made perfectly compatible for someone else.
What I do think, however, is that two people can be so incredibly compatible that its overwhelming and that could be considered being "soulmates."
Right now I feel like that. So by my interpretation, I am in "love."
October 14th, 2009, 05:56 PM
I'm not in love right now, more of a 'in like'. Been in love many a time, and many of those times i've had my heart broken. First girlfriend I had went out with me, just because her friends had a dare to see who could get a boyfriend the fastest. Ever since then it's been a downhill trip to fucksville.
I'm probably never going to ask this girl out, just because of one stupid event. Thanks love, you're the best! /sarcasm
MetKiller Joe
October 14th, 2009, 05:59 PM
why not just get money, fuck bitches, and smoke trees?
Wisdom. /shitpost of the month
October 14th, 2009, 06:09 PM
Love is a strong, I wouldn't use it unless I've talked the person for a while, however
there's a really beautiful girl that sits behind me in algebra II, Don't know her name nor her grade, but I really do wish I had a conversation with her, too bad I don't know how to start it out.
Nigtip: Talk with your cock , hth
October 14th, 2009, 06:16 PM
:-3 your a fatty aren't you?
6'1" 235lbs around 20% body fat. Not obese but not skinny.
October 14th, 2009, 06:25 PM
6'1" 235lbs around 20% body fat. Not obese but not skinny.
:saddowns: now I feel like a meanie.
Thats not terrible by any rate though.
Some people say I am too skinny, never girls though so its cool.
I am 5'10" 127Ibs.
Nigtip: Talk with your cock , hth
Oh god we need a nigtip of the week from now on
October 14th, 2009, 06:29 PM
Middle school was easy. But high school for me is a different story. Everytime I feel that I'm in love with a girl and talk to her for several days at a time to get to know her, she is already going out with someone. Fuckin crist, this happens to me all the time. I thought they were single but they actually arn't, I mean what the fuck!? Blah, whatever atleast I have a whole bunch of hot girls that are my friends. Just have to wait for the day when they break up with their BF. The only problem is that this is my last year of fucking high school. Whatever no one feels my pain.
October 14th, 2009, 06:29 PM
There was a point in my life where I thought I actually felt love. You know, the kind that your heart just simply cannot stop racing when she's on your mind kind of love. The kind where you just want to hold onto her and never let go. The kind of love that you would take a bullet to the heart to save their life.. I was perfectly happy with her. Hell, I actually smiled around here. (You know I don't change facial expressions right?) We were polar opposites. I wouldn't say I'm a nerd / geek but more of a laid back guy who spends most of his time on his computer playing games, but she was like the super popular scene chick. We ended up getting in a fight and broke up. Can't quite say I've been the same since then. It's been about 6 months or so and I haven't really hit it off as well as I did with her. Do I miss her? Yes and no. I don't want to, but I do. Haven't spoken a single word to her since our last fight either. So do we 'nerds' really feel love? Can't quite answer that because I don't know if what I felt was truly love or not.. but I know I haven't felt the same since. I'll say this though: you never truly know what you have till it's gone.
October 14th, 2009, 06:31 PM
thanks for the updates guys
i almost had a meltdown not being in the know about internet kiddies' personal lives!!
October 14th, 2009, 06:34 PM
Some of you guys like, but wont try to talk to them. I used to be like this.
You want an ice-breaker?
Take your dick out and lay it over your wrist, then walk up to them and say "Do you have the time? I cant find my watch..."
October 14th, 2009, 06:34 PM
Some of you guys like, but wont try to talk to them. I used to be like this.
You want an ice-breaker?
Take your dick out and lay it over your wrist, then walk up to them and say "Do you have the time? I cant find my watch..."
Or you could just, you know, stick it in a box. And make her open it. JUST MY DICK IN A BOX
October 14th, 2009, 06:42 PM
A thread on modacity going to shit? Who woulda thunk it?
October 14th, 2009, 06:53 PM
There was a point in my life where I thought I actually felt love. You know, the kind that your heart just simply cannot stop racing when she's on your mind kind of love. The kind where you just want to hold onto her and never let go. The kind of love that you would take a bullet to the heart to save their life.. I was perfectly happy with her. Hell, I actually smiled around here. (You know I don't change facial expressions right?) We were polar opposites. I wouldn't say I'm a nerd / geek but more of a laid back guy who spends most of his time on his computer playing games, but she was like the super popular scene chick. We ended up getting in a fight and broke up. Can't quite say I've been the same since then. It's been about 6 months or so and I haven't really hit it off as well as I did with her. Do I miss her? Yes and no. I don't want to, but I do. Haven't spoken a single word to her since our last fight either. So do we 'nerds' really feel love? Can't quite answer that because I don't know if what I felt was truly love or not.. but I know I haven't felt the same since. I'll say this though: you never truly know what you have till it's gone.
A tale of Romance and love, I call it "The Scene Girl Who Stopped My Heart"
Scene girls are fucking dumb, they'll hop on anyones dick.
October 14th, 2009, 07:01 PM
A thread on modacity going to shit? Who woulda thunk it?
I woulda think it.
teh lag
October 14th, 2009, 07:36 PM
A thread on modacity going to shit? Who woulda thunk it?
It doesn't have to.
Please don't make it do so.
October 14th, 2009, 07:38 PM
Disregard women, acquire currency. I've got the former totally covered, but not so much the latter.
October 14th, 2009, 08:08 PM
Disregard women, acquire currency. I've got the former totally covered, but not so much the latter.
Pretty much this. I really could not give a fuck. see what I did there
October 14th, 2009, 08:38 PM
^is a virgin.
it's cool bro, we all were at one time.
Maybe I should take a drive on up to Full Sail and we can hit a few parties? :realsmug:
But anyways, once again, :effort:
I could easily go to some party and hook up with a random chick, but is that really what I want to do? That's not really one of the top things I care about in life. I'm perfectly happy with life as is, so I don't see any reason to go chasing girls at this point.
October 14th, 2009, 08:51 PM
and losing your virginity should probably mean something more than "i got drunk and i cant remember who i fucked"
just saying :eyesroll:
October 14th, 2009, 08:57 PM
Next time your gf gives you that hardon and tells you to pin her to the wall with her legs spread ask her what she thinks on having sex at an early age. :realsmug:
October 14th, 2009, 09:01 PM
Next time your gf gives you that hardon and tells you to pin her to the wall with her legs spread ask her what she thinks on having sex at an early age. :realsmug:
what do you consider an early age?
October 14th, 2009, 09:07 PM
Oh that was a story bout his gf, me, I believe sex should be with someone special, but 16+ would be fine in my eyes, though it may seem a bit slutty.
October 14th, 2009, 09:20 PM
Disregard women, acquire currency.
I've pretty much been doing this all my life. Mostly without intent. Right now its kind of in full force
October 14th, 2009, 09:35 PM
I'm in an odd phase right now. :| Almost like Arteen's but I could probably go out with some girls. The problem is: I can't find a job anywhere to make having a relationship at least somewhat practical.
( I am a gentlemanly gentleman )
English Mobster
October 14th, 2009, 09:36 PM
Love. Don't get me started on love.
Love is heaven and hell existing simultaneously.
I've loved many a girl in my time. I love one right now, although our one-month relationship has been rocky and I haven't quite told her that I love her yet.
And sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you will be shot through the heart. Love can mend your life but love can break your heart, to quote The Police.
And occasionally, you may need to shoot someone you care about through the heart.
Recently I've had to do the latter, and just the other day when she came back out of spiteful revenge, I unleashed a pack of wild and protective girls on her. Actually, it was just my current girlfriend and her best friend, but they had the same effect.
Once you fall in love, you will realize that every song ever written about love is 500% true, both the good ones as well as the bad ones.
Be warned that some females are batshit insane. If none of your friends nor your family like her, you should seriously think about your current relationship with her. I wish I had listened to my friends when I was in my last relationship, I really do. And because I didn't, I was stuck in an abusive relationship, putting my heart in and getting hate spat out for 17 months straight. Be warned that you can never tell when you are in an abusive relationship until it's over, although everyone around you can.
Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. It isn't "oh i wanna fuck that girl so badly she so FINE", and a relationship should never be based completely around the attractiveness of the other person. It's caring about the safety of the other person than your own. Love contradicts itself all the time, it's the feeling that you would protect that person no matter what even if sometimes you feel as if she wouldn't return the favor.
When a loved one ignores you, even unintentionally, it burns like no pain ever has before. When a loved one loves you, it is ecstasy like you've nothing you've ever felt before.
Love is the ability to write huge paragraphs about someone and talk endlessly about them to the point where people want to throttle you.
As for those who like a girl but haven't told her yet, let me offer you some advice:
When Lando invited Han to dinner in The Empire Strikes Back, Han thought he was going to get a good meal, some wine, a good time with his old buddy Lando and a night with her hotness Princess Leia. However, when he opens the door, he sees Darth Vader. Now, Han doesn't look incredulously at Lando, no, he doesn't run away, no. What does he do?
He takes out his blaster and shoots at the bastard.
Be like Han.
Worst that can happen is she says "No". If she does, just nod your head and make sure you guys can still be friends (you will, don't worry).
October 14th, 2009, 09:46 PM
Love's too expensive. I've ignored a many obvious signals because of this fact. Some chick I've never even met even wrote me a poem that was passed down to me by 20 other friends. I regret being a dick about all my incidents, but the truth is I'm too dirt poor to even consider it. O well...
October 14th, 2009, 09:48 PM
I must spread rep but when I do man your gettin some, excellent post.
That was to english mobster
October 14th, 2009, 10:12 PM
God, does anyone even read my posts? Or do you all have my on ignore or something?
October 14th, 2009, 10:22 PM
Dude im not even kidding I had no idea you even made a post, and I rescanned the topic and i didnt see your name pop up once
October 14th, 2009, 10:25 PM
God, does anyone even read my posts? Or do you all have my on ignore or something?
I like this thread. I've read every one in it:neckbeard:
October 14th, 2009, 10:36 PM
Love. Don't get me started on love.
Love is heaven and hell existing simultaneously.
I've loved many a girl in my time. I love one right now, although our one-month relationship has been rocky and I haven't quite told her that I love her yet.
And sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you will be shot through the heart. Love can mend your life but love can break your heart, to quote The Police.
And occasionally, you may need to shoot someone you care about through the heart.
Recently I've had to do the latter, and just the other day when she came back out of spiteful revenge, I unleashed a pack of wild and protective girls on her. Actually, it was just my current girlfriend and her best friend, but they had the same effect.
Once you fall in love, you will realize that every song ever written about love is 500% true, both the good ones as well as the bad ones.
Be warned that some females are batshit insane. If none of your friends nor your family like her, you should seriously think about your current relationship with her. I wish I had listened to my friends when I was in my last relationship, I really do. And because I didn't, I was stuck in an abusive relationship, putting my heart in and getting hate spat out for 17 months straight. Be warned that you can never tell when you are in an abusive relationship until it's over, although everyone around you can.
Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. It isn't "oh i wanna fuck that girl so badly she so FINE", and a relationship should never be based completely around the attractiveness of the other person. It's caring about the safety of the other person than your own. Love contradicts itself all the time, it's the feeling that you would protect that person no matter what even if sometimes you feel as if she wouldn't return the favor.
When a loved one ignores you, even unintentionally, it burns like no pain ever has before. When a loved one loves you, it is ecstasy like you've nothing you've ever felt before.
Love is the ability to write huge paragraphs about someone and talk endlessly about them to the point where people want to throttle you.
As for those who like a girl but haven't told her yet, let me offer you some advice:
Worst that can happen is she says "No". If she does, just nod your head and make sure you guys can still be friends (you will, don't worry).
October 14th, 2009, 10:36 PM
You should.
October 14th, 2009, 10:41 PM
Love made me (someone who can't write long shit at all) write this for my girlfriend.
We've got something here that people envy;
we've got a bond stronger than Krazy Glue. ♥7months &+ countingg♥
Forever; Promise.
Brandon was here, 12:22am October 2nd 2009
To my Wonderful Suzannah,
Seven months, Two weeks, and now Three days ago I picked you up at 9:30 in the morning on February Fifteenth Two Thousand and Nine and oh my god was I nervous but trying to impress you at the same time. I remember driving the GTP almost as fast as I could to get to my house. I remember getting off the ramp @ orange ave and wondering if the Pontiac was going to slide off the road because i did that WAY too fast. However, we didn't die and we got to my house and we were home all alone. I had lost everything on my computer the previous day so I was struggling to get it all working again that night before you came to my house so we could use it. Well I didn't get everything back but I got enough stuff on there where we could at least use the thing. We first started watching Aqua teen Hunger Force and after a couple of seasons non stop and a quick 20 minute nap for me we to a break for lunch. Being the polite person I am, not to mention I was trying to impress you I asked you if you would like a soda, and... well you remember your reaction when you saw them all. Then after I made us an awesome pizza we played Guitar Hero III (Legends of Rock) until our hand and fingers were sore as hell. Evening was approaching and I still wanted to spend the whole night with you still but we only had till 8. I was laying next you on the couch watching comedy, (if there was anything I couldn't remember about that day it would be that guy's name on the DVD) and I looked at you in the eyes for a few seconds and talked about how my little brother has always had crushes on my other two girlfriends and you were like..."girlfriend?" and I told you, "Well, it half your choice if you want to be girl." You thought about for a second, and before you said anything I kissed you and you gave out the biggest giggle ever, then I kissed you two more times, I'd never been so happy with my life.
Fast forward to when I told you goodnight in your driveway and drove home. I drove home kinda fast so I could get home and talk to you on the phone, I wasn't even half way home and you called me crying, I told you it would have to wait until I get home. I get home and I talk to you on the phone and you tell me whats going on and how difficult they are trying to make it for you and me. I talked to you that night until neither of us could stay awake any longer. The next morning while you are asleep you lose your cell phone and computer because of me. You call me again in them morning , crying telling me what just happen but even though we met the day before you didn't get mad and leave me like a normal girl would, that's when I started really taking notice that you were different.....You cared.
A month and a half later. You've had your cell back for a while and I'm working on your computer for you to see what I can do about it for you. Later we realize it's a lost cause and I give you a much newer computer....Anyway back to the reason for this paragraph... You cared about me and I knew it. You told me that we needed to talk, so one day while were laying in my bed watching movies you told me that you would be moving. I felt like someone had shot me in the heart with a spear-gun. Then you told me something that made me happy even though I hit an all time low. You told me that you would never leave me, no matter what the distance. I kept asking you if you were sure. I myself wasn't sure if you could handle me being far, me being the difficult person that I am. You assure me that you will stay with me and stay loyal to me. You just made the promise of your life.
June Sixth and Seventh. Our birthdays came, You got me the best hat I've ever seen in my life, a game I had been wanting a very long time, and you MADE me a wonderful picture frame with "I ♥ U" at the top and a picture of us inside of it. I was too excited to wait to give you your presents so one at a time during the day I gave you your presents, your Necklace, which was PEACE&LOVE. Your DCs, I was worried that you wouldn't like them, and your Fuji Finepix 10 megapixel camera. Was excited when I found out you loved all of the presents. I was so glad I made you that happy. That night we went to the movies and saw the new "night at the museum" movie and I slept in the SHO being eaten by bugs in a church parking lot. The next morning I awoke with a black woman banging on my window. I get to your house at what I would guess was 7:45ish and Take a shower and get dressed. It is now officially your birthday. So your birthday was pretty much a normal day for most of the day and you were borderline of tears and I didn't know what to do to make it better but I reminded you we were heading to red lobster that night with your parents and you hugged me. We got to red lobster and Debbie had amazing surprises, for both of us! You got sparkling necklace with diamonds in it and she got me a really awesome watch, I've never had someone else's parents give something to me before. We got back to your house and there was yet another surprise in store for us. Pretty much your entire Florida family was there for you and me and a birthday cake with both of our names on it :) . However the night still ended in tears when I said goodbye because we both knew what was coming in the next few days.
June 8th we couldn't see each other and June 9th you were packing, June 10th would be the last day I could hold you and kiss you that night. I called your dad up on the 9th while i was at work and told him I NEEDED to see you and take you out to dinner one more time before you were gone. He was reluctant because you were packing but agreed. I went home from work, showered as quick as I could and drove as fast as I could without getting busted, got to your house, rang the doorbell and you jumped on me in shock then I told you I would be taking you to Sonny's for dinner. We had an amazing dinner and I came back again on the 10th after work to be with you for one final night together. We listened to our album that night and Debbie let me stay a little later because of the situation (Debbie if you ever see this, thank you) I kissed you, got in the SHO and told you I would see you bright and early in the morning.
June 11th is here now, It's 7:15 and I'm standing outside waiting for you and dad to pull up. I see you coming down the road and I just burst into tears. You get out of the truck and run to me, your wearing my jacket and my BOD spray. I give you my old soccer ball since I kicked yours on a stranger's roof and I only get about MAYBE 2 minutes to tell you goodbye. I walk you back to the truck and you get in and put on your seat belt. I lean in to kiss you but something happens and I don't get to. You tell me you have to go now and you will see me again soon. You and your dad drive away and all I can see is the back of the U haul trailer. I'm completely crushed inside. I call you the next day and you are with your mom and dad inside of the ranger, I tell you news about my life getting even worse. I just lost my job.
112 days go by, We are now at October Second Two Thousand and Nine. We've had our share of arguments and disagreements, and yet we are still the perfect couple, even though we are 1,404 miles away from each other. I know we've been together for what seems like a long time now, but baby we are just in the beginning of our lives together, and when we are in each others arms again every night life will be amazing. After all this time being away from you, you're still the one I love baby. After all this time you're still mine, still truly in love with me just how I am in love with you, you still believe in us and always will. Baby you are so amazing. You never cheat on me or hurt me,you know you could have anyone else out there and you could see them a lot more often than me but you dont care. The one that you want is me, and remember that promise you made? The one where you stay with me and always stay loyal to me, you've kept it and never broken it. I've never wanted anything so bad in my life. I want a happy and long future with you. And with the way things have always been for us, I am positive that it will happen for us, I've never thought about my life without in it since I've had you. Do you know why? I couldn't exist without you, I couldn't handle life without you being my other half.
That's our story baby, 228 days ago we started our forever, and there are still many and many story's about our lives together that have yet to unfold. I love you and I always will.
I don't care if you guys hate it, she loves it. Also, protip: It doesn't matter what your friends think of what you do for your girl, as long as she loves it.
October 14th, 2009, 10:48 PM
That was so sweet bro, best of luck to the both of you =)
October 14th, 2009, 10:53 PM
Thanks, 8 months for us in 7 minutes :)
October 14th, 2009, 11:16 PM
Love is gay, fuck bitches instead.
I'm a sophomore in HS and I've never had a girlfriend. Sometimes I'm just to afraid, sometimes I'm too embarrassed, and sometimes I'm just to pissed to ever want a girlfriend. Plus the fact that I'm the kind of guy that no matter what it is, I want it to be exactally how I want it or I don't want it at all.
There's also the fact that it seems a lot of people don't really understand me and I look totally different from the outside then I am on the inside kind of thing.
Scene girls are fucking dumb, they'll hop on anyones dick.
True story.
I have been in love. But, I'm single now. Having a hard time finding someone.
Guys apparently don't like nerdy girls. :(
I'll give you what you're not getting at home.
October 14th, 2009, 11:28 PM
Love is a burning thing
And it makes a fiery ring
Bound by wild desire
I fell into a ring of fire
Just felt like posting it.
I kinda want a gf but I can't be arsed to go get one.
I'm also a shut in kinda person. I like being left alone.
October 15th, 2009, 01:46 AM
Got a Gf.
she walked through my bed room door and was like sup.
i was all come ere.
and that was it.
I like her alot, been with her a month and a half now.
she's 17 and i'm twenty so i was a bit weirded off at the start but i made it clear i wasnt gunna be playing that high school romance bullshit such as ringing her 15 times a day, knowing exactly where she was at all time ect.
she was a bit :O at first
then i just explained i was trying not to be a clingy annoying dipshit and we've been fine ever since.
never had a fight or an argument with her, because i dont play those games.
only told her last night that i'm actually in love with her, even though she asked me a couple of months ago.
just told her that it was impossible for me to feel that way after such a short time, because i just cant know the real you.
Feels good man.
October 15th, 2009, 02:58 AM
i found my girl in the train on my way to work
i used to have a 2 hour commute every day, 2 hours forth, and 2 hours back.
one day, she opposite of me, while i was asleep. i used to take a nap in the train back in those days, because i had to get up at 6:00 to be able to be at work at 9:00.
anyway, i woke up, and saw her. i thought holy shit.
i'm not sure why i thought that, something about her just struck me. in the face. like a cargotrain or something. maybe it was the scarf she was wearing, maybe it was her pink & black skullcandy headphone, maybe her long black coat. in any case, i couldn't stop thinking about her the rest of the day.
i looked at her via the reflection in the window, she did the same. the good old exchanging glances trough a reflective surface. i was in love.
(here comes what she told me afterwards)
she saw me, and thought i was a very cute guy, but she shrugged it off, thinking it was just another random train-flirt. she dropped it there.
the next day we didn't see eachother, i was bummed that i didn't get to see her.
on my way home that day though, i saw her on the train boarding platform, standing at my usual spot. i walk over there and lean against a pillar there. the train arrives, we both get in it, and stand in the same standing-up-compartiment. exchanging glances via reflective surfaces.
that went on for like 2 weeks, we saw eachother each morning in the train. (i figured out which station whe got on the train, and where she usually stood to get in) looking at eachother shyly, but never exchanging words. (i was fucking terrified)
then on the friday of that 2nd week, on the way back from work, right before the train stopped at her station, she walked up to me, and told me her name, and gave me her msn adress. it was awkward as hell, but i was in the clouds.
about 3 months later, i more or less moved in with her (in her parent's house)because it cut about 4 hours of travelling out of my day. less than 6 months later after we first saw eachother, we bought a house together. to this day, i'm still head over heels in love with her, and she is with me. nerdy-me and my nerdy-girl.
we take the good with the bad. and even though we're got a sortof hard economical situation, we're inseparable, taking the good with the bad.
sure, she's got her issues, and so do i, but everyone does.
in all honesty, i believe there is a perfect someone for everyone, and i'm pretty sure i've found her. for a whole lot of reasons which i didn't post here, because this post ended up being fucking long already.
love, tis gedw.
some call me crazy for buying a house with someone i dont know half a year, i call it the best damn move i ever made.
October 15th, 2009, 03:58 AM
Had my babe for almost 5 months now. She's my first everything (and I'm her 7th :lol:) but I'm the longest she's been with anyone and she's never felt anything near what she does for me/been anywhere near as serious/been anywhere near as good with (i'm mates with a few of her ex's but I only really noticed her this year vOv). Things only started getting really serious about a month ago and we're yet to have much of a fight at all so we'll see how that goes when it does.
I told her I loved her after only ~1 month, she said the same and it's to this day her favourite moment ever. Moving a few hours north next year (going to uni) but she's coming to see me any chance she can so if we survive that I'm p sure we'll get through anything.
Even so, highschool relationship, my first time...
October 15th, 2009, 04:58 AM
I tutored my gf in high school. I was a sophomore and she a senior. I was a year ahead of her in math >.>.
October 15th, 2009, 06:43 AM
Love...what a word...I've never had a girlfriend, since I've always been rejected by the girl before even asking her...And once she rejected me 3 times without me ever having asked her once. That was really hard. And then I start to fall for another girl, but then that doesn't start, for reasons I won't say here.
In the end, do what you can, and the time will eventually come when it's your turn to find love.
October 15th, 2009, 07:35 AM
Love made me (someone who can't write long shit at all) write this for my girlfriend.
We've got something here that people envy;
we've got a bond stronger than Krazy Glue. ♥7months &+ countingg♥
Forever; Promise.
Brandon was here, 12:22am October 2nd 2009
To my Wonderful Suzannah,
Seven months, Two weeks, and now Three days ago I picked you up at 9:30 in the morning on February Fifteenth Two Thousand and Nine and oh my god was I nervous but trying to impress you at the same time. I remember driving the GTP almost as fast as I could to get to my house. I remember getting off the ramp @ orange ave and wondering if the Pontiac was going to slide off the road because i did that WAY too fast. However, we didn't die and we got to my house and we were home all alone. I had lost everything on my computer the previous day so I was struggling to get it all working again that night before you came to my house so we could use it. Well I didn't get everything back but I got enough stuff on there where we could at least use the thing. We first started watching Aqua teen Hunger Force and after a couple of seasons non stop and a quick 20 minute nap for me we to a break for lunch. Being the polite person I am, not to mention I was trying to impress you I asked you if you would like a soda, and... well you remember your reaction when you saw them all. Then after I made us an awesome pizza we played Guitar Hero III (Legends of Rock) until our hand and fingers were sore as hell. Evening was approaching and I still wanted to spend the whole night with you still but we only had till 8. I was laying next you on the couch watching comedy, (if there was anything I couldn't remember about that day it would be that guy's name on the DVD) and I looked at you in the eyes for a few seconds and talked about how my little brother has always had crushes on my other two girlfriends and you were like..."girlfriend?" and I told you, "Well, it half your choice if you want to be girl." You thought about for a second, and before you said anything I kissed you and you gave out the biggest giggle ever, then I kissed you two more times, I'd never been so happy with my life.
Fast forward to when I told you goodnight in your driveway and drove home. I drove home kinda fast so I could get home and talk to you on the phone, I wasn't even half way home and you called me crying, I told you it would have to wait until I get home. I get home and I talk to you on the phone and you tell me whats going on and how difficult they are trying to make it for you and me. I talked to you that night until neither of us could stay awake any longer. The next morning while you are asleep you lose your cell phone and computer because of me. You call me again in them morning , crying telling me what just happen but even though we met the day before you didn't get mad and leave me like a normal girl would, that's when I started really taking notice that you were different.....You cared.
A month and a half later. You've had your cell back for a while and I'm working on your computer for you to see what I can do about it for you. Later we realize it's a lost cause and I give you a much newer computer....Anyway back to the reason for this paragraph... You cared about me and I knew it. You told me that we needed to talk, so one day while were laying in my bed watching movies you told me that you would be moving. I felt like someone had shot me in the heart with a spear-gun. Then you told me something that made me happy even though I hit an all time low. You told me that you would never leave me, no matter what the distance. I kept asking you if you were sure. I myself wasn't sure if you could handle me being far, me being the difficult person that I am. You assure me that you will stay with me and stay loyal to me. You just made the promise of your life.
June Sixth and Seventh. Our birthdays came, You got me the best hat I've ever seen in my life, a game I had been wanting a very long time, and you MADE me a wonderful picture frame with "I ♥ U" at the top and a picture of us inside of it. I was too excited to wait to give you your presents so one at a time during the day I gave you your presents, your Necklace, which was PEACE&LOVE. Your DCs, I was worried that you wouldn't like them, and your Fuji Finepix 10 megapixel camera. Was excited when I found out you loved all of the presents. I was so glad I made you that happy. That night we went to the movies and saw the new "night at the museum" movie and I slept in the SHO being eaten by bugs in a church parking lot. The next morning I awoke with a black woman banging on my window. I get to your house at what I would guess was 7:45ish and Take a shower and get dressed. It is now officially your birthday. So your birthday was pretty much a normal day for most of the day and you were borderline of tears and I didn't know what to do to make it better but I reminded you we were heading to red lobster that night with your parents and you hugged me. We got to red lobster and Debbie had amazing surprises, for both of us! You got sparkling necklace with diamonds in it and she got me a really awesome watch, I've never had someone else's parents give something to me before. We got back to your house and there was yet another surprise in store for us. Pretty much your entire Florida family was there for you and me and a birthday cake with both of our names on it :) . However the night still ended in tears when I said goodbye because we both knew what was coming in the next few days.
June 8th we couldn't see each other and June 9th you were packing, June 10th would be the last day I could hold you and kiss you that night. I called your dad up on the 9th while i was at work and told him I NEEDED to see you and take you out to dinner one more time before you were gone. He was reluctant because you were packing but agreed. I went home from work, showered as quick as I could and drove as fast as I could without getting busted, got to your house, rang the doorbell and you jumped on me in shock then I told you I would be taking you to Sonny's for dinner. We had an amazing dinner and I came back again on the 10th after work to be with you for one final night together. We listened to our album that night and Debbie let me stay a little later because of the situation (Debbie if you ever see this, thank you) I kissed you, got in the SHO and told you I would see you bright and early in the morning.
June 11th is here now, It's 7:15 and I'm standing outside waiting for you and dad to pull up. I see you coming down the road and I just burst into tears. You get out of the truck and run to me, your wearing my jacket and my BOD spray. I give you my old soccer ball since I kicked yours on a stranger's roof and I only get about MAYBE 2 minutes to tell you goodbye. I walk you back to the truck and you get in and put on your seat belt. I lean in to kiss you but something happens and I don't get to. You tell me you have to go now and you will see me again soon. You and your dad drive away and all I can see is the back of the U haul trailer. I'm completely crushed inside. I call you the next day and you are with your mom and dad inside of the ranger, I tell you news about my life getting even worse. I just lost my job.
112 days go by, We are now at October Second Two Thousand and Nine. We've had our share of arguments and disagreements, and yet we are still the perfect couple, even though we are 1,404 miles away from each other. I know we've been together for what seems like a long time now, but baby we are just in the beginning of our lives together, and when we are in each others arms again every night life will be amazing. After all this time being away from you, you're still the one I love baby. After all this time you're still mine, still truly in love with me just how I am in love with you, you still believe in us and always will. Baby you are so amazing. You never cheat on me or hurt me,you know you could have anyone else out there and you could see them a lot more often than me but you dont care. The one that you want is me, and remember that promise you made? The one where you stay with me and always stay loyal to me, you've kept it and never broken it. I've never wanted anything so bad in my life. I want a happy and long future with you. And with the way things have always been for us, I am positive that it will happen for us, I've never thought about my life without in it since I've had you. Do you know why? I couldn't exist without you, I couldn't handle life without you being my other half.
That's our story baby, 228 days ago we started our forever, and there are still many and many story's about our lives together that have yet to unfold. I love you and I always will.
I don't care if you guys hate it, she loves it. Also, protip: It doesn't matter what your friends think of what you do for your girl, as long as she loves it.
tl;dr again. You see, I am madly in love with my girl that I have been dating for a year, and I act completely like that when we're alone, and I do everything I can for her, but she and I just find it awkward to do more then hold hands and kiss in public for other people, and if you notice people really don't want to hang around you in general if you are all Shakespearean love sonnet 24/7. I know what love is, and I can easily have it in one sentence.
Love is everything, I don't need to explain it, because that is exactly what you feel.
October 15th, 2009, 01:07 PM
I like her alot, been with her a month and a half now.
only told her last night that i'm actually in love with her, even though she asked me a couple of months ago.
just told her that it was impossible for me to feel that way after such a short time, because i just cant know the real you.
MetKiller Joe
October 15th, 2009, 01:20 PM
First girl I liked/loved I was a complete ass to, but the reason I was was.. complicated to say the least. That was 9 years ago, and she didn't talk to me since, but meh, it be the past.
As for now, I think I know what I want from a relationship (it clicked a couple of weeks ago), but I haven't met anybody that I'd like to be with yet. So I wait.
October 15th, 2009, 01:49 PM
What is it you're looking for? YOU HAVE TO TELL MOD-A-CITY!
MetKiller Joe
October 15th, 2009, 01:56 PM
Alwin Roth
October 15th, 2009, 03:17 PM
i found my girl in the train on my way to work
i used to have a 2 hour commute every day, 2 hours forth, and 2 hours back.
one day, she opposite of me, while i was asleep. i used to take a nap in the train back in those days, because i had to get up at 6:00 to be able to be at work at 9:00.
anyway, i woke up, and saw her. i thought holy shit.
i'm not sure why i thought that, something about her just struck me. in the face. like a cargotrain or something. maybe it was the scarf she was wearing, maybe it was her pink & black skullcandy headphone, maybe her long black coat. in any case, i couldn't stop thinking about her the rest of the day.
i looked at her via the reflection in the window, she did the same. the good old exchanging glances trough a reflective surface. i was in love.
(here comes what she told me afterwards)
she saw me, and thought i was a very cute guy, but she shrugged it off, thinking it was just another random train-flirt. she dropped it there.
the next day we didn't see eachother, i was bummed that i didn't get to see her.
on my way home that day though, i saw her on the train boarding platform, standing at my usual spot. i walk over there and lean against a pillar there. the train arrives, we both get in it, and stand in the same standing-up-compartiment. exchanging glances via reflective surfaces.
that went on for like 2 weeks, we saw eachother each morning in the train. (i figured out which station whe got on the train, and where she usually stood to get in) looking at eachother shyly, but never exchanging words. (i was fucking terrified)
then on the friday of that 2nd week, on the way back from work, right before the train stopped at her station, she walked up to me, and told me her name, and gave me her msn adress. it was awkward as hell, but i was in the clouds.
about 3 months later, i more or less moved in with her (in her parent's house)because it cut about 4 hours of travelling out of my day. less than 6 months later after we first saw eachother, we bought a house together. to this day, i'm still head over heels in love with her, and she is with me. nerdy-me and my nerdy-girl.
we take the good with the bad. and even though we're got a sortof hard economical situation, we're inseparable, taking the good with the bad.
sure, she's got her issues, and so do i, but everyone does.
in all honesty, i believe there is a perfect someone for everyone, and i'm pretty sure i've found her. for a whole lot of reasons which i didn't post here, because this post ended up being fucking long already.
love, tis gedw.
some call me crazy for buying a house with someone i dont know half a year, i call it the best damn move i ever made.
I'm very interested, you got pics?
October 15th, 2009, 03:25 PM
My boyfriend dumped me 4 days after we got home from our beach vacation. 2 days after I told him I loved him.
4 months.
Love is grand.
October 15th, 2009, 03:45 PM
Ice never had a GF yet, but its not that i can't get one..
Freshman year i liked this one girl a lot, but she didn't like me
And then theres a bunch of other girls who did inbetween now (junior year) and then, but they just weren't right.
I just recently found out that the girl i liked freshman year likes me now, but im not interested at all anymore, i'm far more intrested in this other girl that thinks im hot, but i am taking it slow, we hung out a few times so far.
October 15th, 2009, 04:23 PM
tl;dr again. You see, I am madly in love with my girl that I have been dating for a year, and I act completely like that when we're alone, and I do everything I can for her, but she and I just find it awkward to do more then hold hands and kiss in public for other people, and if you notice people really don't want to hang around you in general if you are all Shakespearean love sonnet 24/7. I know what love is, and I can easily have it in one sentence.
Got a mate like that and it's disgusting :ugh:
October 15th, 2009, 05:34 PM
Like a lot of others in this thread, I too am terrible when it comes to starting conversations with potential interests. My solution: don't. If it happens, it happens. I'm busy with maintaining a 4.0 GPA in college and finding a job right now, so romance is very low on my list of priorities. If I end up in a relationship, great; if not, more money for me.
October 16th, 2009, 12:04 PM
My boyfriend dumped me 4 days after we got home from our beach vacation. 2 days after I told him I loved him.
4 months.
Love is grand.
: ( *hug*
October 16th, 2009, 08:00 PM
I love when people think they are in love. They throw the word around like limp spaghetti. I dont even speak the word unless Ive dated the woman for 1+ years. Honostly, it takes that long to develop a true relationship and feelings for/with someone.
October 16th, 2009, 08:17 PM
Love is different for everyone but I agree 1+ years is around the time you really start to love the person.
October 16th, 2009, 08:18 PM
My boyfriend dumped me 4 days after we got home from our beach vacation. 2 days after I told him I loved him.
4 months.
Love is grand.
5 days, how owned are you
October 16th, 2009, 09:42 PM
found my last 1 @ the movie theater, 2 months later shes leik lol sup i have issues ok bye!
October 16th, 2009, 11:21 PM
yeah fuck relationships until you're like 25-ish
that said i ran into a mate from school on the train yesterday and he's married and has a kid w/ his girlfriend he had while in school so vOv
English Mobster
October 17th, 2009, 12:37 AM
Females scare the living shit out of me;
They can care less, as long as someone will bleed.
So darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose;
Maybe she'll leave you alone, but not me.
One thing about girls: As soon as you think you got 'em figured out, they change on you. And then they'll change back as soon as you forget what you had figured out last time and begin to try to figure out what they had changed to.
My girl is VERY protective of me, to the point where she doesn't want to hang out with me because she's afraid she might say something which will hurt me (I tried to no avail to point out the hole in that logic). The bright side: if someone fucks with me, I tell her and she gets ALL UP ON THEIR ASS. It's funny.
I'm just hoping she, well, figures out that there is a logical hole there.
Some pictures of her:
October 17th, 2009, 09:38 AM
Females scare the living shit out of me;
They can care less, as long as someone will bleed.
So darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose;
Maybe she'll leave you alone, but not me.
I haven't heard that song in forever :-3
Oh and don't worry too much about a protective girl, she still lets you hang with your guy friends right?
October 17th, 2009, 01:31 PM
Love is gay, fuck bitches instead.
True story.
I'll give you what you're not getting at home.
holy fuck wisdom please listen to this guy
October 17th, 2009, 06:49 PM
long ago when i was a fool i lowered my defenses to a woman....
it was fun
but only if they go to a different school and what not. then its hell you know
also what does it mean if a girl keeps touching your hair.... caz its confusing me
October 17th, 2009, 07:59 PM
also what does it mean if a girl keeps touching your hair.... caz its confusing me
It means she likes your hair!:allears:
Edit, I think we should a who has the best looking gf contest. Aerowyn can be judge.
October 17th, 2009, 08:02 PM
Grr nvm
October 17th, 2009, 08:03 PM
long ago when i was a fool i lowered my defenses to a woman....
it was fun
but only if they go to a different school and what not. then its hell you know
also what does it mean if a girl keeps touching your hair.... caz its confusing me
She's probably rubbing fecal matter into it.
October 17th, 2009, 08:03 PM
Damn, this thread is insanely cynical. Or maybe I'm just idealistic and romantic. I believe in love, man. :iamafag:
Not that I've had a whole lot of luck myself. But I hold out hope.
October 17th, 2009, 08:03 PM
I think we should a who has the best looking gf contest. Aerowyn can be judge.
October 17th, 2009, 08:29 PM
(though Ive gotten an indication that some girl told her something and that girl likes me)
Go for the ones without friends or you can pretty much guarantee this will happen. Seriously, one girl is fine but as soon as you put them in a group they're fucking vicious.
That said, if they actually listen to what jealous bitches tell them and accept it without so much as asking you if it's true, they're probably a bitch themselves somewhere deep inside and the relationshit wouldn't have lasted anyway
October 17th, 2009, 09:05 PM
I love when people think they are in love. They throw the word around like limp spaghetti. I dont even speak the word unless Ive dated the woman for 1+ years. Honostly, it takes that long to develop a true relationship and feelings for/with someone.
October 17th, 2009, 09:43 PM
Love is a strong word and a powerful emotion. In my opinion, it's not the length of time you spend with a person alone that makes you love a person. Love can cause real upheavals in a person's life, but at the same time it can carry you through undesirable times in your life.
Love is prideful and boastful, and a person would go through anything to express love or be loved or even to have a notion of what it is. Because of all that, it's a damned confusing emotion, for sure.
For me, I love a person when they demonstrate that they are willing to put themselves through as much as I am for them. Love should be demonstrated, not just spoken.
October 18th, 2009, 11:58 AM
Love is a strong word and a powerful emotion. In my opinion, it's not the length of time you spend with a person alone that makes you love a person. Love can cause real upheavals in a person's life, but at the same time it can carry you through undesirable times in your life.
Love is prideful and boastful, and a person would go through anything to express love or be loved or even to have a notion of what it is. Because of all that, it's a damned confusing emotion, for sure.
For me, I love a person when they demonstrate that they are willing to put themselves through as much as I am for them. Love should be demonstrated, not just spoken.
Best Description Posted ^^^
Also is the trust thing. A lot of people in relationships don't understand that trust is letting the person you love go into those situations where they could make the wrong choices but yet they don't. You can't make people be who you want them to be. You have to compromise with each other.
There is however a big difference between young girls and older women. Younger girls always seem to be looking for the BBD (Bigger Better Deal). Meaning what do you have and how popular are you. Where older girls are looking for someone whom can support themselves and be able to communicate in a relationship.
In a small note, I've been with my girl for 11 years now. We have a great relationship. She calls me her Loving Geek. :) We talk through our problems and find compromise. The hardest part is putting yourself in your partners shoes and trying to see it from there stand point also. Example: (This one time my girl came home from a night of dancing out with the girls and she seemed depressed and distant. So I asked her if we could talk about it. She said she kissed her ex-boyfriend and it was bothering her alot. I asked her if she had feelings for him still and she said no. I said "do you want to be with him?" she replied, " No, he was just telling me alot of those "remember whens" and I got confused." I said, "don't you feel better for getting that off your chest" She couldn't believe how understanding I was about that situation and it made us stronger.
My girl is 9 years younger than me. She is the love of my life and we look out for each other.
October 18th, 2009, 12:00 PM
I hope she comes in peace. :ohdear:
October 18th, 2009, 12:25 PM
October 18th, 2009, 06:04 PM
How old is Matooba O_o
October 18th, 2009, 07:06 PM
Be nice lol
October 18th, 2009, 07:40 PM
Yesterday I was talking with my ex and she didn't belive any of the stuff I told her last week. She believed that I just wanted to have sex with her. That is complete bullshit.
October 18th, 2009, 07:42 PM
I'm have a pretty big crush on a girl on campus. It's been an uphill battle so far, not because she doesn't like me (as far as I know), but because she's so busy it's hard to find time to do anything. The other day I decided to be romantic and got her some flowers. Might not be love, but she seemed pretty happy, and I felt pretty good about myself.
October 18th, 2009, 08:22 PM
Yesterday I was talking with my ex and she didn't any of the stuff I told her last week.
Rob Oplawar
October 18th, 2009, 09:32 PM
October 18th, 2009, 09:51 PM
Wow you guys need to find less stuck up chicks.
Mine's a total dork (like me), loves pokemon, playing with makeup and Fallout 3. She acts the same in public as she does in private (except her cockteasing is more subtle and that just makes it worse ><) and she's just fun to be around, no complaints at all tbh (but she doesn't like pumpkin :gonk:)
October 18th, 2009, 11:20 PM
if I could find a girl like me, oh my god. >:l
October 18th, 2009, 11:31 PM
Wow you guys need to find less stuck up chicks.
Mine's a total dork (like me), loves pokemon, playing with makeup and Fallout 3. She acts the same in public as she does in private (except her cockteasing is more subtle and that just makes it worse ><) and she's just fun to be around, no complaints at all tbh (but she doesn't like pumpkin :gonk:)
Pumpkin is for squares.:downs:
October 19th, 2009, 12:01 AM
Pumpkin is for squares.:downs:
Or starwars.
October 19th, 2009, 10:34 PM
Love is gay, fuck bitches instead.
True story.
I'll give you what you're not getting at home.
October 19th, 2009, 11:04 PM
I want to beat the person who owns that car.
October 19th, 2009, 11:07 PM
If they own that car they sure need to work on the "get money" part.
October 19th, 2009, 11:24 PM
Love is a strong, I wouldn't use it unless I've talked the person for a while, however
there's a really beautiful girl that sits behind me in algebra II, Don't know her name nor her grade, but I really do wish I had a conversation with her, too bad I don't know how to start it out. Got a smooth way. Turn around, Say hi, Say your name. Turn back.
October 19th, 2009, 11:37 PM
Lol @ that car.
October 20th, 2009, 08:40 AM
If they own that car they sure need to work on the "get money" part.
I honestly don't really care much at the moment. Anyone who knows me well enough will probably be able to tell you I'm still soppy as a truckload of monkeys for my ex, but I see zero hope there. I guess I'll just wait until a nice girl who's interested or could be swayed into interest turns up (I'm pretty sure I had a chance with this one chick in uni, but of course I am a huge moron and didn't realise until after I'd dropped out). I'm a cynical dick but it doesn't mean I wouldn't like to have a girlfriend, it's just not top priority right now (especially with me headed to Kapooka in three weeks).
October 20th, 2009, 09:16 AM
October 20th, 2009, 08:26 PM
post, pics~
seriously thought this was freelancer for a minute.
October 20th, 2009, 08:40 PM
I want to beat the person who owns that car.
I want to own that car.
October 20th, 2009, 10:47 PM
Since I got some spare time and figured what the heck:
Ah love, there's no better feeling than that... The worst feeling though is having that taken away from you. Really felt good and really hurt twice the past two years. Was close once to having a girl friend last year, things didn't work out due to a number of reasons (I'll just say it was mostly on me, not to worry there weren't any fights and all), we're still really good friends. Right now I'm crushing on someone right now. Yes she does know and we were flirting with each other during the summer but due to a undisclosed reason, we felt that being friends would be the best thing right now. Recently she just got a boyfriend and I can honestly say it hurts a little bit haha. Despite that, I'm being a good friend to her and I think she appreciates me being cool about it even though I still have a thing for her... While I can't be hers at this point (or possibly ever if it comes down to that), being a friend to her is the next best thing in my book. Personally though, the inner asshole in me wants a break-up and would like nothing more than to beat the hell out of the guy haha.
Well I'm glad I got that off my chest... Can't post anything emotional on facebook since my parents and other family members decided to get accounts. :gonk:
October 20th, 2009, 11:31 PM
Falling in love is like getting on a ship you know is gonna sink.
Now ask the folks on the Titanic if they would have gotten on knowing...
October 21st, 2009, 05:57 AM
the friend-zone...
protip: Don't get pussy whipped, whip dat pussy!
October 21st, 2009, 07:21 AM
Well thanks to snaf, I now know what my wedding and engagement ring will look like and we are due for everything to go down in December. And I really need to hurry up and post those pics of MW2 and X3....
October 21st, 2009, 10:54 AM
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