View Full Version : Your Zombie Survival Plan

October 16th, 2009, 09:19 PM
I was disappointed when i didn't see this but it must be asked: what is YOUR Zombie Survival plan?

(Yes I know it's done to death)

Responses should be in the following format:

Place of Hiding:
Preferred weapons set:
Number of people your plan can sustain:
Length of time you can last without any restocking of food/water:
Reasoning for it all:

I'll start this off:

Place of Hiding: Any building that has 2 or more floors plus an easy-to-access roof.

Weapons: I prefer a machete + 2 shotguns. If I had any automatics, I want to be able to reload them easily, and have 2 or more clips.

Zombie-type: My plan can be adapted to L4D zombies however I find that it would be best suited for the slower zombie types.

Number of people my plan can sustain - 3 people with difficulty, 5-7 people are ideal, however depending on the kind of store I could probably have anywhere from 3-15 people hiding out with me.

LoT: Under my plan, with 5-6 people, I'd guess we could last about... 5-10 days without restocking. It all depends on the amount of water the place stores that's not in a "tap"

Reasoning: If I was hiding out in, say, a hotel I would take everything large that those with me can, and block off all the easy-access doors while we go and get food from the kitchen. A hotel usually has a generous amount of food in their kitchen, a lot of it is "Just add water" And to add to that, there are ice machines all over the hotel, so even if the water goes out you have a bunch of ice you can drink. A lot of Hotels even have water bottles stored up too. Just load up an elevator and send a person up with it to shove all the food to that floor.

(this is given the Hotel is empty, if not, force those people to work or die. Preferably die, less mouths to feed)

Given we've slowed the zombies down enough to get enough food to last for a day or so, break into the rooms and shove a bunch of furniture down the stairs to keep them from getting into the 2nd or other floors.

Your turn now mb?

October 16th, 2009, 09:29 PM
Man, I just LOVE the search feature on Vbulletin. Seriously, it's the best.

Want to know why?

I typed in your exact words in the title: Zombie Survival Plan

And I got two threads ALREADY made!



Love these kind of topics :D

October 16th, 2009, 09:30 PM
Hey I don't know if you know this but zombies aren't real, well, hope this helps..

October 16th, 2009, 09:36 PM
kill you and masterz, then hide in the modacity server house

October 16th, 2009, 09:48 PM
Place of Hiding: Anyone with a functioning brain would remain on the move.
Preferred weapons set: I have a whole arsenal at my disposal. Literally. Probably a Steyr with a GLA, few hand grenades too, and a 66 rocket (just in case). Ideally, I'd cobble together a section-sized group, so we could pack a pair of Minimis with us, too.
Zombie-type: Again, anyone with a functioning brain would plan for the worst kind (something just short of Flood level, basically) so that if they get shamblers, it's piss.
Number of people your plan can sustain: Probably a section or two.
Length of time you can last without any restocking of food/water: Not all that long, because carrying too much kit would be dangerous as hell and so would barricading yourself in with it. Ideally you'd be able to locate and restock from various points - stores, warehouses, factories, stashes, whatever.
Reasoning for it all: Barricading is really dumb. Seriously. So is trying to go it alone.

Since I'm in a moderately built-up area, I'm pretty fucked; doubly so because I'd probably get called in the moment the Army got involved. That said, I'd obviously be well-armed and when things get too disorganised I'd just take a section or two with me and find some transport before heading out towards the more rural areas on the outskirts of Newcastle. Less people, but still enough supplies, shelter, and plenty of other places to go. Depending on the rapidity of spread and whether I'd heard anything or not, I might try and pick up friends and family along the way; my parents should be right as they live on a farm.

Hey I don't know if you know this but zombies aren't real, well, hope this helps..
b-but... :smith:

October 16th, 2009, 09:57 PM
kill myself duh

October 16th, 2009, 09:58 PM
@ Kyon: Is it really too much to ask for some lighthearted conversation on a fun topic?

kill myself duh

One less person to be infected.

@ Codebrain: 1st thread: 2 years old. 2nd Thread: ~7 months old

October 16th, 2009, 10:04 PM
I came up with a better idea, strap on some TNT and cover myself in brains.

October 16th, 2009, 10:08 PM
As an added note, I'd rather something with more stopping power than the Steyr, as good a rifle as it is (the point being that stopping power is lord god king when it comes to zombies). An AK would be perfect, but guess what? No access to any. Steyr it is.

October 16th, 2009, 10:14 PM
took me forEVER to dig this bad boy back up.


Alwin Roth
October 17th, 2009, 12:56 AM
Place of Hiding: Switzerland, Near Mountain area where it's cold.
Preferred weapons set: Shotgun, silenced Sub machine guns.
Zombie-type: Slow dumb ass zombies...
Number of people your plan can sustain: 2-4
Length of time you can last without any restocking of food/water: a month, there's a restaurant built up in the mountain region that has some good fondue...
Reasoning for it all: It's cold, zombies freeze a bit, which helps kill them off and cover your scent .

October 17th, 2009, 02:41 AM
Place of Hiding: Bargain City - Has enough supplies minus food to protect yourself for months.
Preferred weapons set: Revolver, Thompson SMG
Zombie-type: Anything that isn't a tank.
Number of people your plan can sustain: Depending on how much food/water we have, up to 10, but it'd be better to have 6.
Length of time you can last without any restocking of food/water: Right across the street there are a few restaurants with food and water, and the Bargain City has it's own water fountain. Considering the small population of the area, it would be relatively easy to get from the BC to any one of the restaurants as long as someone is posted on the roof as lookout.
Reasoning for it all: Bargain City has pretty much everything except weapons and food. There's hundreds of tools, camping supplies, beds, etc. It is not too big, and there are not many entrances, so it'd be easy to keep watch. There are no trees or tall buildings near by that could cause potential means of entry through the roof. There's good visibility from all angles of the store, and it has low low prices!

October 17th, 2009, 03:25 AM
How many of you actually have access to rifles, let alone anything automatic? :allears:

October 17th, 2009, 06:43 AM
Place of Hiding: AM PM (or the gun store that's right next to it)
Preferred weapons: Pump action shotgun, axe, an M-4 and a mini gun.
Zombie type: Resident Evil type of zombies. But no frankenstien arm poses. That's gay.
Number of people your plan can sustain: 15
Length of time you can last without any restocking of food/water: Assuming I don't have a bunch of fat asses on my team then at least 4 weeks.
Reasoning for it all: AM PM has shitloads of food and drinks there plus some of them carry small medical supplies. (and the one I would go to is very close to a gun shop.)
I would carry a pump action shotgun to blow zombies heads off and an axe to hack small zombies to bits and an M-4 for the occasionall fast zombie. I would use the mini gun simpily because they're cool.

October 17th, 2009, 06:59 AM
M4 against a fast zombie?

If something stronger than 5.56x45 is available, use it.

October 17th, 2009, 07:02 AM
How about a battle rifle?

October 17th, 2009, 10:25 AM
I'd do nothing. It's about to get below freezing where I live, by the time the outbreak reached where I live it would be into the harsh Winter, and all the zombies here would freeze. I'd have nothing to worry about.

Llama Juice
October 17th, 2009, 10:54 AM
^Poor zombies, give em scarves and mittens! :D

Anyhow. I'd just give the zombies cookies or somethin. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqCrwZxUtlM)

October 17th, 2009, 12:21 PM
How many of you actually have access to rifles, let alone anything automatic? :allears:
i have access to my delicious .308 m1a from the Springfield Armory, my plinker (.22), and if i can find the one part for my m1 garand tanker, i should be fine.

October 17th, 2009, 08:38 PM
South Korea just sent a whole metric shit-ton of Garands back, flooding the market - spare parts shouldn't be an issue anymore :haw:

October 17th, 2009, 08:57 PM
South Korea just sent a whole metric shit-ton of Garands back, flooding the market - spare parts shouldn't be an issue anymore :haw:
news to me :neckbeard:

October 17th, 2009, 09:23 PM
Yeah, they had loads of surplus Garands and M1 Carbines so they decided to get rid of them

October 18th, 2009, 12:36 AM
I'd do nothing. It's about to get below freezing where I live, by the time the outbreak reached where I live it would be into the harsh Winter, and all the zombies here would freeze. I'd have nothing to worry about.


October 18th, 2009, 01:33 AM
It's supposed to get cold up here soon.

Probably band up with some other people and head for rural areas. I'm not much of a leader and have never fired a weapon, so I'm not exactly the best candidate for a survivor, but I'd probably learn one or the other really fast if I had to.

Getting the hell away from populated areas is probably the best idea. Avoid them until they starve. Or freeze.

Oh, and don't go to Mercy hospital, it has terrible reviews. (http://kotaku.com/5384097/no-mercy-in-left-4-dead-hospital-reviews)

October 18th, 2009, 01:50 AM
It's supposed to get cold up here soon.

I hate winters here :smith:

Alwin Roth
October 18th, 2009, 01:36 PM
You guys sound like this is actually going to happen...

October 18th, 2009, 03:27 PM
here's my plan

zombies don't exist

October 18th, 2009, 03:35 PM
Why is it when a hypothetical situation is presented, there are always an onslaught of buzzkillers? :ugh:

Lighten up guys. I'm talking about the ones who actually think anyone is taking this seriously

October 18th, 2009, 03:53 PM
You guys sound like this is actually going to happen...

You know it will.

Zombies don't exist right now... but the day will come! And you will die while others who prepared for that day live.

October 18th, 2009, 09:27 PM
You guys sound like this is actually going to happen...
MW2 release date

October 19th, 2009, 12:53 AM
How many of you actually have access to rifles, let alone anything automatic? :allears:

I wish I could get a thompson. I'm just dreaming. :3

I have three revolvers and like 2 or 3 rifles. I can't remember what kind they are though. :> I'd have to take them down from my cabinet, which is quite a task.

October 19th, 2009, 02:14 PM
here's my plan

zombies don't exist

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.


How many of you actually have access to rifles, let alone anything automatic? :allears:

Its not that hard to modify a semi-automatic rifle, especially an AR 15, to full automatic spray. :golfclap: And you can pick one up for $700-1000, depending on where. (legally that is)

October 19th, 2009, 04:51 PM
modifying a semi-automatic weapon, so that it fires at full automatic, is very, very illegal.
edit:there are loopholes etc. but it's just not worth the hassle. just shell out the cash for the tax and legal purchase.

October 19th, 2009, 05:32 PM
modifying a semi-automatic weapon, so that it fires at full automatic, is very, very illegal.
edit:there are loopholes etc. but it's just not worth the hassle. just shell out the cash for the tax and legal purchase.

I never said it was legal. I said it would be easy to do. Honestly, would the police even care if there was a zombie apocalypse?

October 19th, 2009, 05:39 PM
I never said it was legal. I said it would be easy to do. Honestly, would the police even care if there was a zombie apocalypse?
touche. my mistake for not better comprehending your post.
edit* head is a fucking fog today...

October 19th, 2009, 05:40 PM
Its k. I knew what you talking about. :allears:

October 19th, 2009, 08:44 PM
Its not that hard to modify a semi-automatic rifle, especially an AR 15, to full automatic spray. :golfclap:
I know (or rather, my dad does from previous experience while we lived in Canada and he had a pair of ARs :allears:) e: it was actually legal at the time from what I recall as he had to sell them later, but are you going to do that now and risk getting busted (in areas where that's highly illegal) or do it once the shit's hit the fan and risk getting swarmed before you're done? I know I'm good for all the automatic weaponry my little heart could desire, but if for some reason the base was devoid of weapons I'd be fucked. My parents live 4 hours by road from here, and even they only have a .22, a .22-250, and a .410 coach gun (with both rifles being bolt-actions). Not exactly the ideal zombie apocalypse equipment.

October 19th, 2009, 11:53 PM
My *blank* has two AR 15s, both of which are fully automatic. Sure it's 7-15 year prison sentence, but that doesn't stop people (I even think in Idaho, you can have fully automatic weapons). Plus, this is a zombie apocalypse thread. I doubt legality will come into play when our country is infested with flesh eating meat suits.