View Full Version : Hey modacity how to u compile more than one sprite page or "bitmap"?

October 17th, 2009, 06:54 AM
okay im working on custom sprites and this one is for a paticular particle,I noticed that some of bungies particle bitmaps have more than one texture or sprite page for ex: Charge C Energy has bitmap 0 and bitmap 1.

So my question is how can I compile 2 or more pages or sprite sheets together cuz tool always makes them seperate bitmaps I dont know how to make them together?

I already know how to make them,but not how to compile more than one together:maddowns:

October 18th, 2009, 07:52 PM
I believe that's under sprite processing in the bitmap tag.

October 19th, 2009, 05:21 AM
-Ok first, get your sprite bitmaps:
(Note, you are welcome to use these)

http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc292/Advancebo/Multi%20Sprites/sprite1.jpg http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc292/Advancebo/Multi%20Sprites/sprite2.jpg

-Next, paste them into one bitmap, then resize it so it fits all the sprites together vertically, but with 1 pixel of pure blue (B:255) around the border, and 1 pixel in between each sprite.


-Then compile your bitmap.
-Then in Guerilla, open the bitmap up, and set the "type" to "sprites", and "format" to "explict alpha".
-Then scroll down to "Sprite Processing", and set the sprite budget size to a size larger than 1 of ur sprites. So in this case, I would set it to 128x128 or 256x256.
-Then set the sprite budget count to any number, depending on how many sprites you have, and how large your sprite budget is. In this case, I would set it to 1, since I only have 2 sprites.
-Save the tag, and recompile through tool.


To reference a certain sprite from the multi sprite bitmap, you would need to count it in Photoshop, starting at 0, to the certain sprite you want.


So if I wanted to use the first sprite, I would set whatever tag is referencing it to "0".


Heres a view of it in Guerilla: