October 19th, 2009, 10:06 PM
ff_landslide Public Beta
I slightly updated the map, I noticed the grunts with fuel rods weren't spawning, so I fixed that and made a minor change to the respawn script.
I've spent a total of about 12 days working on this, and am releasing a beta, if only for the map to be verbally destroyed so I can rebuild it from the ground up bigger and better.
What is ff_landslide? It's a firefight map taking place on the landslide area of the level Halo for CE and Xbox.
You start with 7, 5, or 3 lives (shared between plays in coop) on Easy/Normal, Heroic and Legendary difficulty respectively. Lives are displayed in the bottom right corner, and once you lose your last life, you lose.
You fight through 5 rounds, compromised of 7 waves each. Each wave is compromised of 10-30 enemies (approximately), and the makeup of the waves is roughly the same between round (Round 1 Wave 2 has almost the same enemies as Round 2 Wave 2). Enemies are dropped by 2 Spirits, and come from the pathways opposite the spawn area. Waves progress when about 80% of enemies from previous wave are killed, rounds progress when all enemies in previous round are killed. Each Round after the 1st has special attributes:
Round 1 - Normal
Round 2 - Enemies throw more grenades, and always drop grenades upon death
Round 3 - Enemies have more health and sheild (between 1.5 and 2 times)
Round 4 - Player has no motion tracker, and invisible enemies are much more common
Round 5 - Combination of the other attributes
You spawn with an AR and a Pistol, both with full ammo, as well as 4 Frag grenades and 2 Plasmas. When you respawn you have an AR and Pistol with 1/2 ammo, and 1 of each grenade type. If you die holding a weapon, it will disappear After each round there is a 10 second period before the next starts, this is when weapons, ammo, and healthpacks are restocked and you have a chance to set up a new defensive position. Weapons for each round are as follows:
Round 1,2,3 - AR (120 total rounds), Rocket Launcher (1 round), 2 Healthpacks, 4 Frag grenades, Rocket Ammo, 2 Pistol Ammos, 1 AR Ammos
Round 4 - Above + Shotgun (72 total rounds)
Round 5 - Above + Sniper (24 total rounds)
http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/1383/41478290.th.png (http://img196.imageshack.us/i/41478290.png/)
http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/2336/17272928.th.png (http://img21.imageshack.us/i/17272928.png/)
http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/4286/orsm2.th.png (http://img21.imageshack.us/i/orsm2.png/)
http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/3667/soab2.th.png (http://img23.imageshack.us/i/soab2.png/)
http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/7756/soab5.th.png (http://img196.imageshack.us/i/soab5.png/)
http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/2566/firefight16.th.png (http://img14.imageshack.us/i/firefight16.png/)
http://s3an.serveftp.net/Firefight/Screenshots (ftp://s3an.serveftp.net/Firefight/Screenshots/)
Silv3rFlam3 - Broest of bros, testing, ideas, etc
nintendo9713 - Testing, ideas, screenshots
Juggalo 420 81- Testing
Satan - Eternal life and infinite power
Inferno - AI, hud displays, respawn system
CtrlAltDestroy - respawn system
CLuis - Arsenic, ideas
Bungie - Making some video game or something
Map is not protected, feel free to use anything from it as long as it stays unprotected
Keep in mind, this is a beta, pretty much everything is subject to change, I'm really just looking for feedback about what could be improved/removed/added.
Use map_name ff_landslide to load the map in CE
I slightly updated the map, I noticed the grunts with fuel rods weren't spawning, so I fixed that and made a minor change to the respawn script.
I've spent a total of about 12 days working on this, and am releasing a beta, if only for the map to be verbally destroyed so I can rebuild it from the ground up bigger and better.
What is ff_landslide? It's a firefight map taking place on the landslide area of the level Halo for CE and Xbox.
You start with 7, 5, or 3 lives (shared between plays in coop) on Easy/Normal, Heroic and Legendary difficulty respectively. Lives are displayed in the bottom right corner, and once you lose your last life, you lose.
You fight through 5 rounds, compromised of 7 waves each. Each wave is compromised of 10-30 enemies (approximately), and the makeup of the waves is roughly the same between round (Round 1 Wave 2 has almost the same enemies as Round 2 Wave 2). Enemies are dropped by 2 Spirits, and come from the pathways opposite the spawn area. Waves progress when about 80% of enemies from previous wave are killed, rounds progress when all enemies in previous round are killed. Each Round after the 1st has special attributes:
Round 1 - Normal
Round 2 - Enemies throw more grenades, and always drop grenades upon death
Round 3 - Enemies have more health and sheild (between 1.5 and 2 times)
Round 4 - Player has no motion tracker, and invisible enemies are much more common
Round 5 - Combination of the other attributes
You spawn with an AR and a Pistol, both with full ammo, as well as 4 Frag grenades and 2 Plasmas. When you respawn you have an AR and Pistol with 1/2 ammo, and 1 of each grenade type. If you die holding a weapon, it will disappear After each round there is a 10 second period before the next starts, this is when weapons, ammo, and healthpacks are restocked and you have a chance to set up a new defensive position. Weapons for each round are as follows:
Round 1,2,3 - AR (120 total rounds), Rocket Launcher (1 round), 2 Healthpacks, 4 Frag grenades, Rocket Ammo, 2 Pistol Ammos, 1 AR Ammos
Round 4 - Above + Shotgun (72 total rounds)
Round 5 - Above + Sniper (24 total rounds)
http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/1383/41478290.th.png (http://img196.imageshack.us/i/41478290.png/)
http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/2336/17272928.th.png (http://img21.imageshack.us/i/17272928.png/)
http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/4286/orsm2.th.png (http://img21.imageshack.us/i/orsm2.png/)
http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/3667/soab2.th.png (http://img23.imageshack.us/i/soab2.png/)
http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/7756/soab5.th.png (http://img196.imageshack.us/i/soab5.png/)
http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/2566/firefight16.th.png (http://img14.imageshack.us/i/firefight16.png/)
http://s3an.serveftp.net/Firefight/Screenshots (ftp://s3an.serveftp.net/Firefight/Screenshots/)
Silv3rFlam3 - Broest of bros, testing, ideas, etc
nintendo9713 - Testing, ideas, screenshots
Juggalo 420 81- Testing
Satan - Eternal life and infinite power
Inferno - AI, hud displays, respawn system
CtrlAltDestroy - respawn system
CLuis - Arsenic, ideas
Bungie - Making some video game or something
Map is not protected, feel free to use anything from it as long as it stays unprotected
Keep in mind, this is a beta, pretty much everything is subject to change, I'm really just looking for feedback about what could be improved/removed/added.
Use map_name ff_landslide to load the map in CE