View Full Version : Summer Courses vs. Summer Job

November 6th, 2009, 09:03 PM
So I'm looking at the courses needed for my major, and all I can think is "wow, these classes are not only stupid, but they waste time I need practicing for my jury." So, I was considering knocking them all out this summer. However, I'm thinking about getting a job, mostly because being broke when a game comes out is a :smith: feeling. It'd be nice to save up for something important in the future, whatever that may be (probably some audio equipment). So, wise Modacity members: What would you do?

Oh, a few details on the courses, if it makes any difference:
Recital Attendance: 6 semesters of this total, not a big deal, just show up to concerts (which are almost always good). 1 of 2 sanity checks.
Web Programming and Design: Sanity check #2. Stuff like HTML, CSS, UNIX servers, client/server-side programming and other little things like tightening the graphics. This is actually going towards a comp sci minor, so it's not among the uselessness below.
Intro to Sociology: I'm not entirely sure what's in this course exactly, but either way, I'm dating a sociology major. Shouldn't be a big deal.
"The Short Story": And here, ladies and gents, is where the shit begins. I'm a journalist type, so I can write lengthy bullshit, but changing the narrative is going to suck.
Intermediate Spanish: Eh, I know Spanish to some degree. Just a lot of writing essays about stupid bullshit, like going to the mall and stuff like that.

Feel free to post your own experiences with this kind-a stuff, any (useful) advice should expect +rep.

November 6th, 2009, 09:28 PM
Can't ya keep a part time job and take classes too? Maybe only do a few of the courses if all of them would be too much time. Honestly though, the sooner you get through college, the sooner you get into a true job and start making serious money. So, I'd suggest courses before a summer job.

November 6th, 2009, 09:45 PM
Get a job, those classes suck.

November 6th, 2009, 09:48 PM
Take 2/3 classes and get a part-time job. Then just finish the rest next summer.

November 6th, 2009, 10:15 PM
It's a bit hard for me to get a part-time job, for a number of reasons:
1. I live between 2 states. They're probably going to want to hire someone they can keep for more than 1 summer, which I can't guarantee if I'm working down here. At home, I can pretty much guarantee full-time for summer and the holiday season, at the very least.
2. There are billions of others willing to work full-time.
3. The next summer (or that semester, whenever it'll be) will be filled with business courses... :gonk:

If I lived here year-round, part-time would have been an easy choice. Also, yes, the classes suck, that's why I'd like to get them out of the way.

November 6th, 2009, 11:01 PM
do what you'd like. but getting an internship or a part time job in your eventual field of choice can open up doors down the line. even if it's bitch work, or grunt work, like getting people coffee, just working in that area is something that employers do look for. then again, getting courses done in the summer can lighten normal semester loads.

both are good ideas, you just have to weigh the pros and cons.

November 6th, 2009, 11:50 PM
Do you feel that you could use a break from classes and that you'd feel fresher after a few months off doing something else? If so, I guess do the job.

I kind of know how it feels - just getting started with college but they make us take a lot of "meh" liberal arts stuff that doesn't really relate to what I'm doing but "broadens my horizons" or whatever their cheesy excuse is. Also, 5 years to get my major D:.

I'm personally going to try and just get everything done asap - take classes over the summer, etc. I just want to get the meh classes over with and get to the fun upper level stuff. If that's what you're trying to do it might not be a bad idea to take summer classes, even if they are kind of meh. Although the web prog and design isn't bad.