View Full Version : A Rant About Verizon...

November 8th, 2009, 01:38 AM
Okay, so when I first purchased my phone (The Motorola RIZR Z6TV) I had zero problems with it... that I was aware of. But I started noticing that my phone would actually fully power down if I tried to answer my phone when someone was calling, or it would power down if I tried to call someone (only ringing once, then shutting off). So last week, I went to a Verizon store in a nearby town, after talking to the woman working there, she told me they had had one other guy there who had the exact same problem. She handed me a number for customer support, she told me to tell them what I told her, and that I would have a replacement phone. Perfect I though... When I called I got a nice woman, we laughed at the silly defects out there for phones (like one that wouldn't let you transfer contacts in the 'P' and 'W' sections) she had me troubleshoot and everything, but she needed my mom to confirm that I could be ordering the phone. My mom, not being home at the time, showed up several hours. I called again, talked to yet another nice person. He did the same thing, and I finally got my phone ordered.

I received my phone. :smith:

What I don't understand, is why would a store that sold you a faulty product, send you a phone that's in worse condition to replace it? I understand the whole "like-new". But I mean, flat out worse? The keypad is all torn to hell, the buttons hardly press in, and it doesn't even have the same little pictures on the buttons on the screen area. I'm extremely pissed and irritated that I've gone from a semi-not working phone, to even worse of a phone. And it makes me especially nervous because even if I send the phone I have now back, I won't have anything if this new one is a flop too. So I'm not really sure what to do. Do I complain to Verizon for sending me a shitty phone? Or should I just let it slide because no matter what I'm going to lose out? Saving money for a new phone seems like it's going to take time with gas, a truck, and Christmas coming up...

Thanks for reading Modacity, had to get that out here somewhere... :maddowns:

November 8th, 2009, 02:29 AM
It's cheaper for manufacturers to send out refurb parts as replacements then it is for them to actually repair the phone you send in and send it back. The last owner of that phone probably royally fucked it up and sent it back. Always a really bad sign if they didn't even bother cleaning up the keypads and stuff.

I'd start looking for a new phone before this one kicks the bucket.

I've really grown weary of refurbished products...they're always designed to last just long enough for your warranty to go away.

Seagate used to be great with returns - when my 80GB IDE Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 or 8 died I was given a brand new drive as a replacement. Complete 360 in recent years - they've cut their warranty by 2 years, their drives are failing all over the place and they are sending out refurb drives that frequently aren't even fixed...it's nasty.

When they start charging repair fees and sending you refurbished crap is when I draw the line. At that point it's better to spend the money on something new that won't fail.