November 10th, 2009, 06:23 PM
So I was jsut enjoying a hearty game of Halo Custom Edition this evening, when I enter Lancers Edge. I start pwning, getting some headshots and then I called him a fag or something and he kicked me (I was aliasing). I reenter with my proper name [HIV]blindz and resume pwnage. On his team was some random named Jaundice or something and the culprit himself. On my team was -X1 Donut or something and myself.
We were raping shit, Freelancer kept accusing him of botting and then said something along the lines of "Faggot cheaters are bad".
He admitted that he had not sightjacked because he did not have version changer, and the next thing I knew.. I was banned.
Freelancer u mad? LOL
We were raping shit, Freelancer kept accusing him of botting and then said something along the lines of "Faggot cheaters are bad".
He admitted that he had not sightjacked because he did not have version changer, and the next thing I knew.. I was banned.
Freelancer u mad? LOL