View Full Version : I have lost faith in Humanity
November 10th, 2009, 07:39 PM
I have tried so hard to keep my optimism about people and the world I live in but its getting to be a bit much lately. I am afraid I have finally lost all faith in humanity and have lost the ability to reassure myself. This is why:
Everyday there is a new show on television like Ghost Labs, Ghost Hunters, and things like this all surviving on the fact that people actually believe that ghosts exist. Now, movies are coming out like "The Fourth Kind" and "Paranormal Activities" playing themselves off as real. How can anyone be that stupid? Dont even get me started on all of this 2012 bullshit and the stupid movie spawned from it. There have been more than a hundred predictions of the end of the world that have already passed. This is the third Apocalypse I will have witnessed. January 1, 2000; June 6, 2006; Now we have December 21, 2012.
When will people wake up and realize that you cant blindly believe everything on television and everything people claim they know is true?
Whateva, I'm moving to Canada.
November 10th, 2009, 07:41 PM
why canada
November 10th, 2009, 07:42 PM
it's the best country obviously
teh lag
November 10th, 2009, 07:43 PM
faith in humanity
There always have been and always will be loonies out there. They're going to be louder than you are, so you'd best get used to it and get a nice, strong set of earplugs.
November 10th, 2009, 07:44 PM
I know someone in Canada. He is a silly little cake baking homo with silly hair.
November 10th, 2009, 07:46 PM
become a buddhist
if you are serious
November 10th, 2009, 07:51 PM
Idiots are born with bigger vocal chords and an obsession to proclaim how stupid they are at any possible time.
the problem is the kids with a brain have not been hulk-smashing their pathetic reasoning into the ground and have instead been smiling politely and not bothering.
thats why shit like faux and all that other rubbish is getting ratings because people arn't systematically picking it to pieces as we should be.
stupids had the mic for far too long and it's time we told him to sit the fuck down.
November 10th, 2009, 08:06 PM
the problem is the kids with a brain have not been hulk-smashing their pathetic reasoning into the ground and have instead been smiling politely and not bothering.
thats why shit like faux and all that other rubbish is getting ratings because people arn't systematically picking it to pieces as we should be.
Who says we should be? Really, why should it matter that people out there like watching these shows? It doesn't affect us in the least until we talk about general stupidity. Even then, what can we do about it? You can't hulk-smash everyone's reasoning.
Idiots are born with bigger vocal chords and an obsession to proclaim how stupid they are at any possible time.
I know you're exaggerating a bit, so don't take me totally literally when I ask: what's the difference with people on the other end of the spectrum?
November 10th, 2009, 08:23 PM
There at the other end. :downsrim:
November 10th, 2009, 09:21 PM
You know what they say: ignorance is bliss.
It's not hard to understand why so many people become cynical/complacent with the world, mainly because when it comes right down to it, they don't matter. If anything they have to say was ever going to matter, they wouldn't be wondering about it.
By the time they hit thirty, I'm sure that the above was going through their heads.
The sudden, and complete realization that they're not worth a damn.
*turbo devils advocate post.
November 10th, 2009, 09:32 PM
Who cares, and the Canadians fear the dark, lol!
Neuro Guro
November 10th, 2009, 09:39 PM
November 10th, 2009, 09:41 PM
Lol. Humans.
We suck and we know it.
November 10th, 2009, 09:56 PM
There is good reason for an American to fear the dark. The dark rob liquor stores and sell crack.
November 10th, 2009, 09:58 PM
There is good reason for an American to fear the dark. The dark rob liquor stores and sell crack.
Ha ha well said.
November 10th, 2009, 10:07 PM
I know someone in Canada. He is a silly little cake baking homo with silly hair.
I want to see his hair
November 10th, 2009, 10:13 PM
There always have been and always will be loonies out there.
^. It just so happens that there are forms of communication now that make these things instantaneous. Where as before, things traveled very slowly and thus had time to die out. Usually along with the person who started it thanks to shorter life expectancies too.
Welcome to the Transition Era. Survive and adapt or be sucked under.
(that being said, no place on earth, especially Canada, will save you. try Mars)
November 10th, 2009, 10:15 PM
Whateva, I'm moving to Canada.
You know lolicon is illegal in Canada, right? Aside from that, what would make Canada better? There are stupid people no matter where you go in the world.
November 10th, 2009, 10:23 PM
There always have been and always will be loonies out there.
well of course if he's moving to canada
English Mobster
November 10th, 2009, 10:34 PM
There was an open forum in my U.S. History class today, so I decided to take a stand against the idiot majority in the classroom.
The topic was Creationism vs. Evolution. There were a total of 3 students, counting myself, as well as the teacher who believed in evolution.
I knew it probably wasn't going to change much, but I decided to take the stand, as I've ( become ( ( ( on ( ( (
After the class and a lengthy debate where I shot down each and every creationism argument and followed with a vicious counter, a (formerly Creationist) girl came up to me and told me that I had convinced her that she needs to sit down and seriously rethink her views on her religion.
A small victory, yes, but it was still a victory. What it proved was more important: people who are ignorant can still be taught.
And I apologize to any Christians who get upset by me using Christianity as an example of idiocy, but IN GENERAL Christians tend to be the ones who cause people to lose faith in humanity the most, especially the die-hard ones.
November 10th, 2009, 10:45 PM
Personally, I think the movie 2012 is secretly a big trole on all the "believers." :v:
November 10th, 2009, 10:46 PM
There was an open forum in my U.S. History class today, so I decided to take a stand against the idiot majority in the classroom.
The topic was Creationism vs. Evolution. There were a total of 3 students, counting myself, as well as the teacher who believed in evolution.
I knew it probably wasn't going to change much, but I decided to take the stand, as I've ( become ( ( ( on ( ( (
After the class and a lengthy debate where I shot down each and every creationism argument and followed with a vicious counter, a (formerly Creationist) girl came up to me and told me that I had convinced her that she needs to sit down and seriously rethink her views on her religion.
A small victory, yes, but it was still a victory. What it proved was more important: people who are ignorant can still be taught.
And I apologize to any Christians who get upset by me using Christianity as an example of idiocy, but IN GENERAL Christians tend to be the ones who cause people to lose faith in humanity the most, especially the die-hard ones.
What kind of arguments did the creationists use?
Rob Oplawar
November 10th, 2009, 11:06 PM
Where do you guys keep getting these smileys?
I love them. :neckbeard:
November 10th, 2009, 11:13 PM
Whateva, I'm moving to Canada.
lol you hate america so you're moving to america lite? gj
fake edit: try scandinavia
English Mobster
November 10th, 2009, 11:35 PM
Among them:
Well, obviously all this EXISTS, we're all here, so there must be a God that created it. How else could we get here?
Counter: Introduction to theory on origin of life through comet/single-cellular organisms, introduce scientific evidence from NASA that there is a high likelihood we all came here from a comet long, long ago.
In the beginning, the Bible says that God created everything, and created man in his image. This must obviously be true since Bible is the word of our Perfect God. :downs:
Counter: Point out circular reasoning in that statement, prove that God is NOT perfect as he was not watching and thus allowed the "original sin" to happen, then ask where Cain's wife came from (THAT ONE stumped them). Follow up with asking how Kangaroos managed to get to Australia from Noah's Ark, and ask how Earth's tremendous diversity of species managed to get out from one continent to the others. Point out how massively BIG the ark would have to be, as there are 100,000,000,000+ different species on this planet, meaning that there would be over 200 BILLION species of animals on the ark.
Also, Dinosaurs.
There is no such thing as genetic mutations, it is all science fiction.
Counter: Point out the tribe in Africa which only allows mating with members of the same tribe, causing MASSIVE interbreeding and having mutations such as "rhinoceros horn" and "hoof feet". Also point out that the genetic mutations make you... YOU.
Jesus said that his Father created man to be just like him blah blah blah blah blah JESUSSSS
Counter: Jesus was a liar. Don't believe me? Jesus said, in the Bible, that if you prayed for something, God would answer it, correct? (queue nods) Did he ever say that "Oh, God will only answer it if he's not busy," or "God will only do it if he FEELS like it,"? No, he didn't. He said he ALWAYS will answer your prayers. If 100 MILLION people, all devout Christians, prayed to God tomorrow to move Mount Sinai to Chicago, Illinois tomorrow, would it happen?
No, it would not.
So Jesus lied.
But that would take away free will! God cannot prove he exists, for that would deny faith.
Counter: How many people saw Jesus rise from the dead on the third day? Quite a few, according to the Bible. So what's stopping him from visiting now? Free will? (Several nods) So did Jesus take away free will from those who saw him rise from the dead the third day?
Yes, he did, and thus he proved that he was divine. He gave evidence, and that took away free will. So obviously, violating free will is not an issue for Jesus, as several HUNDRED saw him rise from the dead.
So what's stopping him from appearing tomorrow?
OK. Let's say we have 300 people all praying for the same thing. 100 pray to Zeus from Greek mythology.
100 pray to Ra, from Egyptian Mythology.
100 pray to Yahweh, the Christian God.
You will find that the prayer will be "answered" at equal (or near-equal) rates for every single one of the "gods".
If one of the Gods actually EXISTED, than there SHOULD be a statistical increase in prayers answered for that particular God.
You cannot prove that God doesn't exist.
Right next to me, right now, is an invisible unicorn. You can't see it, hear it, or touch it, but it's there. Prove to me that that unicorn does not exist. You can't, can you?
Prove to me that the Egyptian Gods Ra or Osiris don't exist.
Prove to me that Zeus, Hermes, Hades, or what have you don't exist.
You can't.
You also can't prove that they do exist.
But the Bible!
The Greeks had their own "Word of God". So did the Egyptians.
Those religions were fake, correct? (Nods) Then how is Christianity different than those other religions?
But Christianity's the TRUTH.
How do you know?
Etc, etc.
November 11th, 2009, 12:10 AM
All the gods of the heathen are demons, but the Lord made the heavens.
November 11th, 2009, 12:22 AM
Wait so you're losing faith in humanity because some people believe in ghosts?
November 11th, 2009, 12:25 AM
Who says we should be? Really, why should it matter that people out there like watching these shows? It doesn't affect us in the least until we talk about general stupidity. Even then, what can we do about it? You can't hulk-smash everyone's reasoning.
I do.
Because as a society we are allowing dis-information to retard the populace to a point where deductive reasoning is not as important as it should be. We are slowly becoming stupider as a whole and this is a major problem, how can we progress as a society if our intelligence goes backwards...
What we can and should have done right from the get go is ridiculed the idiots, backed the people up that called them on their bullshit and not given a fuck if we hurt their feelings when we popped the bubble they'd been living in. to actively discourage this shit is the only course of action to stop it becoming perpetually worse, especially when these brain dead, ignorant, arrogant fucks have the ability to VOTE on issues and fuck us up with their incompetence. prop 8 anyone?
If we where all better informed, stupidity was frowned upon and torn apart a rusty chainsaw and we took a more active part in encouraging intelligence we'd truly live in a better world.
If we sit back on our hands, ignore the stupid and smile politely for fear of hurting their precious feelings we will continue our backwards slide with ever increasing momentum.
Catering for the lowest common denominator LOWERS THE STANDARDS FOR EVERYONE.
I know you're exaggerating a bit, so don't take me totally literally when I ask: what's the difference with people on the other end of the spectrum?
what you mean the top intellectuals? When was the last time you heard of one of them getting up, making a demonstration and calling people out on their idiocy.
November 11th, 2009, 12:29 AM
There was an open forum in my U.S. History class today, so I decided to take a stand against the idiot majority in the classroom.
The topic was Creationism vs. Evolution. There were a total of 3 students, counting myself, as well as the teacher who believed in evolution.
I knew it probably wasn't going to change much, but I decided to take the stand, as I've ( become ( ( ( on ( ( (
After the class and a lengthy debate where I shot down each and every creationism argument and followed with a vicious counter, a (formerly Creationist) girl came up to me and told me that I had convinced her that she needs to sit down and seriously rethink her views on her religion.
A small victory, yes, but it was still a victory. What it proved was more important: people who are ignorant can still be taught.
And I apologize to any Christians who get upset by me using Christianity as an example of idiocy, but IN GENERAL Christians tend to be the ones who cause people to lose faith in humanity the most, especially the die-hard ones.
a beacon of light for us all.
November 11th, 2009, 01:09 AM
an idea i had for a few years now:
make our own country, where people can apply for residence.
if they prove to be idiots, they shall be expelled.
the government shall be a fair shared (chosen) dictatorship, like a council of elders.
bureaucracy shall be minimal, and common sense shall rule.
November 11th, 2009, 01:31 AM
Dear americans: Is mobster's stupid typical of your country or is that stereotype unfounded?
November 11th, 2009, 01:33 AM
Speaking as a Canadian, yes, they are that stupid. For the most part.
November 11th, 2009, 01:34 AM
Dear americans: Is mobster's stupid typical of your country or is that stereotype unfounded?
Depends if you're calling EM stupid or the Christians stupid. If it's the latter, yeah we've got a lot of idiots out here.
November 11th, 2009, 02:22 AM
I meant the THIS IS ARE COUNTRY christians.
English Mobster
November 11th, 2009, 02:47 AM
I was about to say, I thought we were buddies, Noob. :saddowns:
The northwestern end of the US tends to be "smarter", hence why we have the major "smart people" companies base in the Northwest (Microsoft, Apple, Pixar). Most of the people around this area are white, liberal Democrats who agree 100% with Darwin and science.
As we move further south, towards L.A., we run into the illegal Mexican immigrant majority.
The majority of these illegals are Catholic and devoutly religious. From L.A. southward, there tends to be far more religious people who denounce the "evils" of evolution.
I live midway between L.A. and San Diego, and I used to live a lot closer to L.A. The illegals tend to move towards the bigger cities, so you'll see much more devout Catholicism near L.A. or San Diego than you would right smack in the middle.
As far as my particular school goes, I've noticed that the ones enrolled in AP (Advanced Placement, basically a college course you take in High School) and those in the Marching Band tend to have more of an atheist/agnostic viewpoint and a more logical approach to things with a higher IQ overall, which is why Band Geeks make wonderful girlfriends (I recommend a violinist, drummer, or a clarinet. Trumpets have bad tempers, flutes are waaaay too hyperactive/insane, and saxophones are potheads).
Due to a problem with my schedule, I'm not in my normal AP classes this year, and thus I am forced to sit in the classroom full of kids who really don't give a shit about what the teacher is saying.
These are the types who tend to be religious.
You can tell how "retarded" an area is, of sorts, by seeing which way a particular state votes.
Republicans, for some strange reason, tend to hate evolution and everything to do with it with a burning passion. These are the rich landowners, the ones who have owned everything for generations, and their viewpoint is that anything goes as long as God is still good and businesses make lots 'o money.
George W. Bush was a PRIME example of how most Republicans act.
Democrats tend to be the people who use the internet daily, make webcomics, join online discussion forums, etc. I'm sure you guys are familiar with them, they are mostly agnostic or atheist and believe in the sciences. These tend to be the CEOs of major corporations, and believe in abortion and stem cell research.
Now that explaining party tendencies is out of the way, let's show you the map of how the U.S. votes, shall we?
Blue is Democrat, Red is Republican.
In other words: Blue = Evolution, Red = Creationism, a.k.a THIS IS ARE COUNTRY Christians.
The United States IS, indeed, as bad as Noob thinks it is.
E: Also, for those wondering:
The numbers in the states are how many votes a state gets in the "Electoral College". The people themselves don't vote directly for a candidate, rather they vote for which way their state will vote in the electoral college. The more people in a state, the more votes it gets.
While occasionally a state may give up one or two of its electoral votes to the other candidate, most of the time, the state gives all of its votes to the same candidate.
What this means is that each state is only allowed to pull a certain amount of weight, so even if EVERYONE in Alaska all voted Democrat, the Democratic party would only get 3 votes in the college.
California and Florida tend to be "swing" states, as the balance of Democrats to Republicans is pretty equal. As such, things go either way in elections, although Florida tends to favor Republicans and California tends to favor Democrats.
The problem with the electoral college is evidenced by the 2000 presidential election.
Gore won the popular vote. More people in the United States voted for Gore than voted for Bush.
Bush won the electoral vote. The states with the most power in the electoral college voted for Bush.
November 11th, 2009, 02:54 AM
The United States IS, indeed, as bad as Noob thinks it is.
I think you might be putting a little too much faith in generalizations.
English Mobster
November 11th, 2009, 03:01 AM
I saw that map and I was surprised, myself.
Generalizing I may be, but it's no secret that the U.S. is DEVOUTLY religious. It always has been.
We only began to teach evolution in school in the late 1950's, when Sputnik launched. Suddenly, people began to realize that we were behind in Science, so they legalized the teaching of evolution in school.
Yes, LEGALIZED. It was ILLEGAL to teach human evolution in schools prior to the late 1950's, and a teacher caught doing so would be fined ~$1000 in today's money.
November 11th, 2009, 03:04 AM
Lotta smugging up in here.
English Mobster
November 11th, 2009, 03:10 AM
November 11th, 2009, 03:28 AM
I do.
Because as a society we are allowing dis-information to retard the populace to a point where deductive reasoning is not as important as it should be. We are slowly becoming stupider as a whole and this is a major problem, how can we progress as a society if our intelligence goes backwards...
What we can and should have done right from the get go is ridiculed the idiots, backed the people up that called them on their bullshit and not given a fuck if we hurt their feelings when we popped the bubble they'd been living in. to actively discourage this shit is the only course of action to stop it becoming perpetually worse, especially when these brain dead, ignorant, arrogant fucks have the ability to VOTE on issues and fuck us up with their incompetence. prop 8 anyone?
If we where all better informed, stupidity was frowned upon and torn apart a rusty chainsaw and we took a more active part in encouraging intelligence we'd truly live in a better world.
If we sit back on our hands, ignore the stupid and smile politely for fear of hurting their precious feelings we will continue our backwards slide with ever increasing momentum.
Catering for the lowest common denominator LOWERS THE STANDARDS FOR EVERYONE.
Who's to blame? Is it the creators of this false information, the people who believe it, or the people who let others believe it? Common sense may seem pretty rare these days, but it's the stories of idiocy that stand out like no other. I wouldn't venture to say that society is slowly going through intellectual devolution. That just seems like another exaggeration to me from someone speculating on prominant stories. I'm just playing devil's advocate here and saying that the problem may not be as bad as you think it is. Instead, I'm asking who should be taking responsibility.
Anyone who fabricates mis-information has a goal in mind; politicians, companies, and media all use it for obvious reasons. I think that blaming them is just additive to this society of blame. People need to take responsibility themselves without having to rely on others to tell them they're wrong and that they should change. Ideally, the outsiders shouldn't have to do a thing because it's not their responsibility. If you want to argue a mutual social responsibility for others, then I feel that weakens the individual and leaves them open to the same problem. Besides, it would never work. I don't feel bad at all that others have fallen into these traps because it's not relevant to me. It shouldn't be relevant to me because we should all be responsible for our own lives only. Yes, others influence my life, but I'll give a fuck when these idiots actually do something that affects me. I can argue from this stance because of my views on the issue as a whole.
We can't solve this problem of yours with a clash of views. Can we solve it at all? Propose some realistic methods that don't involve ridiculing and shunning the stupid, because that's morally questionable. Education is the better option and as education systems grow better over time the problem will lessen. It's almost naive to say that intellectuals are going to step up and fix it themselves. IMO as individuals there's nothing we can do but try to enjoy the ride. It's not because we don't want to hurt the feelings of others, it's because we either don't have the power to make the large-scale changes or these issues aren't relevant to us.
what you mean the top intellectuals? When was the last time you heard of one of them getting up, making a demonstration and calling people out on their idiocy.
I think what you meant in your OP was that these idiots are always trying to make a point about something and it gets on our nerves when they don't stop. I know smug intellectual bastards just as I know rambling idiots, but I also know mature intellectuals and humble idiots. The former tend to stand out the most, so IMO that's just something we have to live with. It's not as overwhelming as you may think it is.
November 11th, 2009, 03:58 AM
I think you might be putting a little too much faith in generalizations.
Well I don't think you're all a bunch of complete morons (I hang out on a US based forum after all :downs:) but its just funny that in the modern world a lot of people in your country take such pride in being as backwards as possible and forcing it down people's throats wherever possible. vOv
(I know there are a lot of conservatives who don't go pushing whenever they can but you have to admit the ratio is a lot higher in the US than a lot of other western countries).
November 11th, 2009, 06:30 AM
And tio break the ice im sure atleast someone may find this amusing.
They've shot their own sign what are they going to do to us?
Rob Oplawar
November 11th, 2009, 12:52 PM
In 2008 Colorado flipped to blue. But that's not to say we're a blue state now; I'd call us more of a purple. The two-party system sucks right now because both the Democratic and Republican parties suck. The republican party sucks because although it has good ideas it has god-awful implementation half the time and acts entirely hypocritical the other half, and the democratic party sucks because they leap to broad generalizations and grandiose plans but don't have the balls to stick by anything.
For the record, if a well-spoken, experienced, and reasonable Republican runs in 2012, I will vote for him/her.
A lot of intelligent and reasonable people I know are Republicans. I'm just saying, if you're trying to defend against the stereotype that all Americans are fat dumb bible-thumpers by saying that only Republicans are like that, you're a massive hypocrite.
November 11th, 2009, 01:01 PM
I think you might be putting a little too much faith in generalizations.
I mostly agree with this. The most intelligent people that I've found are neither conservative nor liberal; they're in the middle. People who can look at an issue, make their OWN decision, and then decide if they're liberal or conservative on an issue by issue basis.
On the flip side, people who make decisions based purely on the fact that they are liberal/conservative seem to make the biggest idiots/sheep. That's my experience anyway.
November 11th, 2009, 02:18 PM
an idea i had for a few years now:
make our own country, where people can apply for residence.
if they prove to be idiots, they shall be expelled.
the government shall be a fair shared (chosen) dictatorship, like a council of elders.
bureaucracy shall be minimal, and common sense shall rule.
welcome to rapture.
teh lag
November 11th, 2009, 04:31 PM
Ok, this is probably futile, but since I get the feeling that we're teetering on the edge of this:
Personally attack a member ("you're a stupid fuck!!!") in this thread and you'll get an infraction.
You've all been warned. This discussion will be civil.
I think you might be putting a little too much faith in generalizations.
Yeah, really.
In other words: Blue = Evolution, Red = Creationism, a.k.a THIS IS ARE COUNTRY Christians.
...No comment. You're an interesting one.
November 11th, 2009, 04:45 PM
welcome to rapture.
must spread rep before giving it to blind again. dammit.
English Mobster
November 11th, 2009, 05:26 PM
Again, maybe I'm being waaay too general there.
My posting has just been bad recently, I'm not being very clear with my ideas.
Republicans come from the richer families which are more bound by traditions and whatnot.
Their families tend to be closer together and more bound by tradition. These traditions tend to be more centric around religion than around science. Growing up in a religious household, religion is all they've ever known. As such, their families tend to discourage science, telling them that God is the answer to all their problems. Their kids grow up and dispense this same advice onto THEIR kids, et cetera. Republicanism focuses moreso on "family values", those values associated closely with the Christian religion. Republicans try to force bans on gay marriage, for example, just because the Bible tells them to preserve the sanctity of marriage.
While this does not hold true for ALL Republicans, it does reflect the reason for the bias that they have towards Christian values.
November 11th, 2009, 05:34 PM
welcome to rapture.
November 11th, 2009, 05:57 PM
Again, maybe I'm being waaay too general there.
My posting has just been bad recently, I'm not being very clear with my ideas.
Republicans come from the richer families which are more bound by traditions and whatnot.
Their families tend to be closer together and more bound by tradition. These traditions tend to be more centric around religion than around science. Growing up in a religious household, religion is all they've ever known. As such, their families tend to discourage science, telling them that God is the answer to all their problems. Their kids grow up and dispense this same advice onto THEIR kids, et cetera. Republicanism focuses moreso on "family values", those values associated closely with the Christian religion. Republicans try to force bans on gay marriage, for example, just because the Bible tells them to preserve the sanctity of marriage.
While this does not hold true for ALL Republicans, it does reflect the reason for the bias that they have towards Christian values.Wut?
I think you're confusing a political party for something else bro.
Become independent! :realsmug:
November 11th, 2009, 06:22 PM
And now the only thing that kept me happy, which was trolling around on youtube, has been killed by the comment limit.
t3h m00kz
November 11th, 2009, 06:55 PM
see Humanity doesn't have faith in itself so they shift their faith into religious shit that tells them they're gonna die in 2012
November 11th, 2009, 07:12 PM
What the hell happened to my post?
November 11th, 2009, 07:18 PM
see Humanity doesn't have faith in itself so they shift their faith into religious shit that tells them they're gonna die in 2012The 2012 thing isn't due to religion, it's due to:
A. Dumb people
B. Pseudoscience
C. The internet
November 11th, 2009, 07:21 PM
The 2012 thing isn't due to religion, it's due to:
A. Dumb people
B. Pseudoscience
C. The internet
Actualy its because the mayan calendar stops at 2012.
E: mayan aztec which ever its 01:35 and im going to bed.
November 11th, 2009, 07:25 PM
Actualy its because the aztec (lolMayan) calendar stops at 2012.Obviously, but it never says it's the end of the world. That part, was brought on by what I said.
The calender simply ends.
Misinterpretation of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar ( is the basis for a New Age ( belief that a cataclysm will take place on December 21, 2012 ( December 20, 2012 is simply the last day of the 13th b'ak'tun, which began September 18, 1618 (1,728,000 days from the beginning of the calendar). Any scientist who studies the Mayans and the long count calender will tell you there is no prophecy. And all the other pseudoscience explanations are easily debunked as well. The only one that has barely any plausibility would be a pole shift, but the date 12/21/2012 has no relevance to such an event.
/end threadjack
November 11th, 2009, 07:27 PM
Actualy its because the aztec calendar stops at 2012.
teh lag
November 11th, 2009, 07:33 PM
What the hell happened to my post?
"You guys are epic fail" is not the kind of post that sets these threads down good roads. Moreover, it was setting the thread down the wrong road, as warlord replied with a post of equally-questionable quality. Either make meaningful input that says something of substance or don't bother.
November 11th, 2009, 07:36 PM
yo didnt the mayans all not wear clothes, kill themselves and believe in sun gods?
y we listenin to them again XD?????
November 11th, 2009, 07:38 PM
Obviously, but it never says it's the end of the world. That part, was brought on by what I said.
The calender simply ends. Any scientist who studies the Mayans and the long count calender will tell you there is no prophecy. And all the other pseudoscience explanations are easily debunked as well. The only one that has barely any plausibility would be a pole shift, but the date 12/21/2012 has no relevance to such an event.
/end threadjack
Meh, the mayan calendar thing is usualy what sets people off, misconceptions and all that hoolah.
Personaly i think we have more chance of snapping twigs and nuking ourselves in a massive war than some half baked conspiracy theorist proposed propthesy.
November 11th, 2009, 07:48 PM
yo didnt the mayans all not wear clothes, kill themselves and believe in sun gods?
That was Aztec. Mayans were actually very civil... Don't believe the movies (Apocalypto etc)
y we listenin to them again XD?????
Same reason 2 billion people listen to a pope.
November 11th, 2009, 08:57 PM
and if anyone remembers, they disappeared. Or maybe they got tired of making a fucking calendar.
November 11th, 2009, 09:14 PM
Umm all those things you mentioned in the first post are for ENTERTAINMENT purposes. Movies and TV shows. People see them to be entertained.
I'm way more concerned about serious things like government incompetence and religious fanatics.
November 12th, 2009, 03:50 AM
Again, maybe I'm being waaay too general there.
My posting has just been bad recently, I'm not being very clear with my ideas.
Republicans come from the richer families which are more bound by traditions and whatnot.
Their families tend to be closer together and more bound by tradition. These traditions tend to be more centric around religion than around science. Growing up in a religious household, religion is all they've ever known. As such, their families tend to discourage science, telling them that God is the answer to all their problems. Their kids grow up and dispense this same advice onto THEIR kids, et cetera. Republicanism focuses moreso on "family values", those values associated closely with the Christian religion. Republicans try to force bans on gay marriage, for example, just because the Bible tells them to preserve the sanctity of marriage.
While this does not hold true for ALL Republicans, it does reflect the reason for the bias that they have towards Christian values.
i retract my previous statement.
November 14th, 2009, 03:04 PM
Umm all those things you mentioned in the first post are for ENTERTAINMENT purposes. Movies and TV shows. People see them to be entertained.
I'm way more concerned about serious things like government incompetence and religious fanatics.
Yeah, I'm not saying that those things are bad, just that its ridiculous that people that go see these things are going to see what happens out of fear. Not all of them but I know of quite a few. Hell, I went see the movie. It was alright too. I just hate that these doomsday theories gain that much popularity because of peoples stupidity.
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