View Full Version : Modern Warfare 2: Take two.

November 13th, 2009, 02:35 PM
Just spoken to Snafubar and got permission to make this thread.
First sign troubles brewing and i will lock the thread so let's try and keep it civilized.
I noticed not many people talked alot about the multiplayer side of MW2 and hardly anyone acknowledged the new unlock system.
I personaly find the new kill streak and death streak unlock system fairly interesting and a nice touch.
The accolades and title thing seems tricky to figure out especialy the title thing.
Those who are still butt hurt over lack of certain features for the pc version and wish to cause trouble are kindly asked to leave the thread or keep their rage to themselves thanks.
E: FFF could a moderator move this to the tech section i could have sworn i posted it there...

November 13th, 2009, 02:38 PM
Multiplayer was pretty frustrating first time I played it. The map design is very, very different compared to MW1. At least 75% of my deaths have come from getting shot in the back, since every part of every map seems to have at least 5 entrances.

That said, I feel like everyone's enjoyment of the game will grow as people learn all the maps. My only real complaint is the obnoxious and unnecessary exclusion of party chat from social playlists like Team Deathmatch.

November 13th, 2009, 02:41 PM
Multiplayer was pretty frustrating first time I played it. The map design is very, very different compared to MW1. At least 75% of my deaths have come from getting shot in the back, since every part of every map seems to have at least 5 entrances.

That said, I feel like everyone's enjoyment of the game will grow as people learn all the maps. My only real complaint is the obnoxious and unnecessary exclusion of party chat from social playlists like Team Deathmatch.
Same here thats my only real complaint other than players being able to control a helicopters guns, i was in a game earlier and had some guy chasing me around the map for the entire time he had the helicopter out.

November 13th, 2009, 02:59 PM
Played through the majority of the campaign on the 2nd hardest difficulty yesterday afternoon. There were some damn cool situations, but only loosely tied. No storyline, but I didn't get my hopes up too much. It was really short too v_V

November 13th, 2009, 03:07 PM
Played through the majority of the campaign on the 2nd hardest difficulty yesterday afternoon. There were some damn cool situations, but only loosely tied. No storyline, but I didn't get my hopes up too much. It was really short too v_V
I would have to disagree, no offense but i personaly felt MW2 had quite a bit of story line its just it wasn't portrayed across as good as possible, it definently had more than say Portal for instance and many people enjoy that even when there is little storyline in that.
I must say i loved the final level in the boat going through the rapids.

November 13th, 2009, 03:37 PM
Played through the majority of the campaign on the 2nd hardest difficulty yesterday afternoon. There were some damn cool situations, but only loosely tied. No storyline, but I didn't get my hopes up too much. It was really short too v_V

I'd say it's only a little shorter than CoD4.

November 13th, 2009, 03:39 PM
I have 2 problems with the multiplayer.

- unable to use party chat
- getting spawn camped by faggots in AC130s

November 13th, 2009, 04:05 PM
- unable to use party chat

blame people cheating on search and destroy and shit like that.

I'd say it's only a little shorter than CoD4.
Well COD4 was short as fuck. And only a little shorter than shorter than fuck is pretty short.

November 13th, 2009, 04:27 PM
Wait wait wait...go back.

Are you telling me players can control weapons from Cobra attack copters and AC-130 gunships? That's completely retarded.

November 13th, 2009, 04:34 PM
Wait wait wait...go back.

Are you telling me players can control weapons from Cobra attack copters and AC-130 gunships? That's completely retarded.

And they can control the predator drones missiles for exact precision strikes.

November 13th, 2009, 04:35 PM
blame people cheating on search and destroy and shit like that.

Well COD4 was short as fuck. And only a little shorter than shorter than fuck is pretty short.

It's still longer than gaylo 3. >_>

November 13th, 2009, 04:37 PM

And they can control the predator drones missiles for exact precision strikes.

Oh cool, that give me a legitimate reason to not want to play this game.

November 13th, 2009, 04:40 PM
Oh cool, that give me a legitimate reason to not want to play this game.It's not bad at all, Predator Missles require a 5 kill streak (I believe) and the AC130 needs 11. So far I haven't seen the aircraft yet, but it wouldn't be that hard to take it down with an AT4. Predator Missles aren't so bad either, you just need to notice your radar, see if a missle is inbound, and hide from it.

November 13th, 2009, 04:58 PM
Oh cool, that give me a legitimate reason to not want to play this game.

With you on that. I hate vehicles in FPS games. Just having dudes and guns seems so much more fair.

It's not bad at all, Predator Missles require a 5 kill streak (I believe) and the AC130 needs 11. So far I haven't seen the aircraft yet, but it wouldn't be that hard to take it down with an AT4. Predator Missles aren't so bad either, you just need to notice your radar, see if a missle is inbound, and hide from it.

Regardless, this sort of system is exactly why I don't like COD4 multiplayer. Why do you give bonuses to the people who are already kicking ass? Instead, I think its better to do like TF2 or halo have done, and boost their ego rather than their score. Halo's killing streak medals (double kill, triple kill and so fourth) or tf2's domination system are much better IMO.

November 13th, 2009, 05:00 PM
I'm playing the campaign right now. Mediocre.

November 13th, 2009, 05:08 PM
The campaign had its highs and lows. Multiplayer is frusturating right now, since all everyone does is camp.

November 13th, 2009, 05:13 PM
Gotta admit I'm loving everything about this game. (also your guy in MP is completely vulnerable when you're controlling a copter's guns or whatever)

November 13th, 2009, 05:34 PM

I just

I don't

Nerf throwing knives.

November 13th, 2009, 05:39 PM

I just

I don't

Nerf throwing knives.

Oh my fucking knife spammers. BAN THEM ALL!

November 13th, 2009, 05:43 PM
What a crock of bullshit. :|

November 13th, 2009, 05:50 PM
Listen to that quality voice chat right there guys!

November 13th, 2009, 07:36 PM
Gotta admit I'm loving everything about this game. (also your guy in MP is completely vulnerable when you're controlling a copter's guns or whatever)
Yeah thats what i like, the fact that although you can use a AC130's guns you are still just as vulnerable if not more so.
The last level i enjoy quite a bit in campaign where your steering the boat through rapids.

November 13th, 2009, 08:51 PM
The campaign had its highs and lows. Multiplayer is frusturating right now, since all everyone does is camp.This is my major problem right now. Most of the levels are city streets or open areas with patches of grass here and there, a crashed airplane here, etc. It just makes for easy camping from the roofs/buildings, or the grass.

November 13th, 2009, 09:17 PM
i dont understand this... why during the whole EMP thing does the ACOG stop working? isnt the pride of the ACOG that it DOESNT depend on electricity or tech? all it uses is fiberoptics if i remeber correctly

November 13th, 2009, 09:33 PM
i dont understand this... why during the whole EMP thing does the ACOG stop working? isnt the pride of the ACOG that it DOESNT depend on electricity or tech? all it uses is fiberoptics if i remeber correctly
How does the light that powers the scopes fiber optics get its power then? :raise:

EMP bursts short out any circuitry. From things as simple as lights to as complex as super computers and satellites.

November 13th, 2009, 09:45 PM
thats the thing. the acog is praised because it requires no power source. it uses a fiberoptic cable to take in surrounding light

November 13th, 2009, 09:52 PM
Hmm, good question. I could have sworn the ACOG scope had an internal light source that ran off of electricity. Seems I was wrong. It has a tritium self powered light source for low light conditions.

November 13th, 2009, 10:19 PM
All I gotta say on the subject:

November 13th, 2009, 10:24 PM
All I gotta say on the subject:

You're about 10 posts late.

November 13th, 2009, 10:28 PM
uhh.. look up like 5 posts.

November 13th, 2009, 10:28 PM
I know! XD I was just re-iterating it. There's nothing else that needs to be said!!!

Also, I saw on Kotaku how the majority of people in the boycott group were playing MW2. Kind of funny :)

November 13th, 2009, 10:53 PM
I'd be fully willing to bet that group is not an "invite only" deal. All the people actually playing MW2 in that group might not have boycotted the game in the first place.

I'm still holding my stance...but I'm weakening. If someone can tell me honestly that the PC version has minimal lag (or there are dedicated servers in the works), I might just be tempted. I feel like such a whore D:

November 13th, 2009, 11:16 PM
you know you want it jean. YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT :downs:

November 14th, 2009, 12:12 AM
I'm still holding my stance...but I'm weakening. If someone can tell me honestly that the PC version has minimal lag (or there are dedicated servers in the works), I might just be tempted. I feel like such a whore D:So far I've only had a few games where it lag spikes...or that might be because me and my brother play it for hours at at time, switching off every two hours. It works fine if you have a good connection, there's not much to whine about aside from the inability to kick players. Then again, I haven't run into any assholes, yet.

November 14th, 2009, 12:52 AM
This game is fun. I like it more than Cod4.

Also, stop complaining about ever spot having 5 entrances. Stop camping. Camping is for fags.

Also, AC130s kick ass. Imo, MW2 is more fast pass than Cod4 and its harder to get longer kill streaks. On occasion there are exceptions. I got a 24 kill streak (dammit so close to nuke) and when your operating equipment like the AC130, your limited to I think 8 kills or 10 kills and if you killed while operating it from the ground its done. You can also shoot down almost all aircraft (haven't tried AC130 or Stealth Bomber). Harriers are 1 shot with a stinger.

November 14th, 2009, 12:35 PM
My 360 just melted my fucking disc.

November 14th, 2009, 12:41 PM
oshi its still works :O

November 14th, 2009, 12:41 PM

This continued for about 3 hours then we did BTD on CoD4.

November 14th, 2009, 01:11 PM
I'm still holding my stance...but I'm weakening. If someone can tell me honestly that the PC version has minimal lag (or there are dedicated servers in the works), I might just be tempted. I feel like such a whore D:
Messing with the config files to edit what the bars next to the name in Multiplayer stand for, the average ping has been determined for most people (who aren't currently hosting the match) is about 150-200.

November 14th, 2009, 01:19 PM
Messing with the config files to edit what the bars next to the name in Multiplayer stand for, the average ping has been determined for most people (who aren't currently hosting the match) is about 150-200.
Here's irony for you: There is a ping counter in the xbox version in the lobby before you start a playlist.

November 14th, 2009, 01:20 PM
I'm still holding my stance...but I'm weakening. If someone can tell me honestly that the PC version has minimal lag (or there are dedicated servers in the works), I might just be tempted. I feel like such a whore D:

You shouldn't keep yourself from playing it. The multiplayer is absolutely epic this time around. The unlock system (if that's your kinda thing) is expanded to involve every weapon in the game, and on top of that, pretty much all the shit that made the original MP frustrating is gone. No martyrdom. 203's fall faster, and have a smaller blast radius (which, granted, doesn't prevent someone good with them from owning). No deep impact perk, it's now an attachment for your weapon called "FMJ". The maps are diverse and well suited to 6v6, although some of them are a tad on the large side for smaller games. They have default classes that have advanced equipment for the new players who started playing late, and it really levels the playing field. It's totally possible to kill a high rank player as a Private. As far as lag goes, I've yet to see it. The matchmaking system is superb, matching me to other players within five seconds usually. It's rare to find a time when the system can't match you, and in that case, you try again and get one. I have never been unable to play in a match just because of lag, since the new host migration system changes hosts if 50% of the players' pings are higher than 175ms. If you ARE the host, then it has a minimal toll on performance (IE 80 fps to 78 fps) and you have no lag whatsoever. I honestly think MW2 has the best, most fleshed out multiplayer experience on the market today. The singleplayer is...well a bit short to be honest, but there are seven or eight setpiece battles which are insane and fun to be part of. The vistas you see in the game, plus the sheer fun of some of the situations, makes it worth a playthrough on normal, and a playthrough on veteran. (Which I might add, is rather difficult)

Bottom line is; ignore all the naysayers who judge the game before they play it. If you liked the original's gameplay in any way, I guarantee you you'll find it multiplied in this one.

November 14th, 2009, 02:02 PM
fuuuuck it just gets better (http://www.examiner.com/x-29839-Tallahassee-Video-Games-Examiner~y2009m11d13-Call-of-Duty-to-launch-PaytoPlay-pricing) and better (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=227204?cid=OTC-RSS&attr=CVG-News-RSS')!

November 14th, 2009, 02:05 PM

November 14th, 2009, 02:07 PM

November 14th, 2009, 02:12 PM
Guess which version this is?

November 14th, 2009, 02:18 PM
Guess which version this is?


November 14th, 2009, 02:19 PM
I see what you did there.

November 14th, 2009, 02:30 PM
"Our gamers are telling us there's lots of services and innovation they would like to see that they're not getting yet. From what we see so far, additional content, as well as all the services Blizzard is offering, is that there is demand from the core gamers to pay up for that," he said.

Looks like they'll be asking you to pay for features they should have had in the first place...

November 14th, 2009, 02:56 PM
Looks like they'll be asking you to pay for features they should have had in the first place...Explains dedicated servers? Anyone?

November 14th, 2009, 03:14 PM

November 14th, 2009, 03:35 PM
played this game last night at my friends... its fucking great you're all just haters

November 14th, 2009, 04:13 PM
he mad

November 14th, 2009, 04:58 PM



November 14th, 2009, 05:27 PM
Fuck this. Fuck it all!

November 14th, 2009, 05:36 PM
Guess which version this is?
http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/8748/1258228058324.jpgSir, there is nothing wrong. You only photoshopped in a cursor onto a screenshot of your 360 copy of the game. No fooling us :downs:

.What the fuck is this shit?.

November 14th, 2009, 08:28 PM
ATTN: Modacity.
Load up museum and press the shiny red button at the kiosk.
Oh and dont forget to grab a pistol or two...

November 14th, 2009, 09:54 PM
Played a bunch more MP with friends last night. This game is really fun, way more so than MW1. All you haters need to get over yourselves. As for the people whining about campers, you just need to learn to play smart. There's a reason we have LMGs, grenades, and noob tubes.

November 14th, 2009, 09:57 PM
Played a bunch more MP with friends last night. This game is really fun, way more so than MW1. All you haters need to get over yourselves. As for the people whining about campers, you just need to learn to play smart. There's a reason we have LMGs, grenades, and noob tubes.
yeah. I've gotten over the AC130 faggotry. I've got myself Stinger missiles. :neckbeard:

November 14th, 2009, 09:59 PM
yeah. I've gotten over the AC130 faggotry. I've got myself Stinger missiles. :neckbeard:

Stingers are AWESOME. In my first game after unlocking them I downed 2 harriers and a Pave low. <3 Stingers.

November 14th, 2009, 10:29 PM
Sir, there is nothing wrong. You only photoshopped in a cursor onto a screenshot of your 360 copy of the game. No fooling us :downs:

.What the fuck is this shit?.

I see what you did thar.

Stingers are AWESOME. In my first game after unlocking them I downed 2 harriers and a Pave low. <3 Stingers.

Do you actually get rewarded for shooting aircraft down every time? Because I hated how you get a one time +250 exp for shooting down a chopper in COD4 but then you got nothing for shooting something down, other than to stop that annoying heli from shooting you.

November 14th, 2009, 10:37 PM
I see what you did thar.

Do you actually get rewarded for shooting aircraft down every time? Because I hated how you get a one time +250 exp for shooting down a chopper in COD4 but then you got nothing for shooting something down, other than to stop that annoying heli from shooting you.
Pretty sure you get more every time since you get a "long shot kill" bonus every time you kill some one from a distance.

November 14th, 2009, 11:05 PM
Yes, you get exp for killing aircrafts and such, obviously varying depending on what you're shooting down.

November 14th, 2009, 11:17 PM
Of course, since there does seem to be varying levels of difficulty for shotting down aircraft. Ex. Ac-130 vs. Harrier. One is moving around more than the other.

Do aircraft other than the AC-130 drop flares?

November 14th, 2009, 11:29 PM
Do aircraft other than the AC-130 drop flares?Not that I've seen so far, I think the AC130 is the only to pop flares.

November 15th, 2009, 04:18 AM
Even if they drop flares, they can still be shot down.

November 15th, 2009, 03:47 PM
Pav lows take 2 stinger missiles same with the ac130.

November 15th, 2009, 04:06 PM
fuuuuck it just gets better (http://www.examiner.com/x-29839-Tallahassee-Video-Games-Examiner~y2009m11d13-Call-of-Duty-to-launch-PaytoPlay-pricing) and better (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=227204?cid=OTC-RSS&attr=CVG-News-RSS')!

"According to the Activision CFO, there is a demand from its core fanbase to pay for additional services."




November 15th, 2009, 04:23 PM


Sadly there are some people who would actualy pay for features that used to be part of the normal standard a few years back....:smith:

November 15th, 2009, 04:24 PM
Lol you can't make a map pack cost money on the PC. We have hacks.


November 15th, 2009, 04:32 PM
Speaking of hacks, I hear tell dedicated servers are in the works for this week :-3
Never underestimate PC Gamers.

November 15th, 2009, 04:39 PM
Lol you can't make a map pack cost money on the PC. We have hacks.

Who ever said anything about map packs?
I said features that were the standard few years back and i don't ever remember map packs being the normal standard back then let alone free.
you would be a little bit fucked if they distributed the map packs through steam and the other games download app, isnt that one map by activision as well?
Man, i miss psygonosis.

November 15th, 2009, 06:10 PM
Who ever said anything about map packs?

I did. Map packs and DLC have been pretty standard features on consoles lately. Almost all online games and even mostly single player games are getting DLC now.

I said features that were the standard few years back and i don't ever remember map packs being the normal standard back then let alone free.

Incorrect. On the PC, Call of Duty 4's 1.6 updated added 4 new maps FOR FREE. Maps that cost like 15 bucks on XBL.

you would be a little bit fucked if they distributed the map packs through steam and the other games download app, isnt that one map by activision as well?

They distributed the game through steam. I'm already playing spec ops with pyong on the game. And I definitely didn't have steam running when I did it.

Man, i miss psygonosis.


November 15th, 2009, 06:52 PM
Game play sucks. Why are there noobs with shields blocking off hall ways an fags dual wielding p90s?
also dedi servers.
pc gamers got fucked
can i have my 60 bucks?

November 15th, 2009, 06:59 PM
Game play sucks. Why are there noobs with shields blocking off hall ways an fags dual wielding p90s?
also dedi servers.
pc gamers got fucked
can i have my 60 bucks?
Get off the damned bandwagon.
I thought you got banned already or something.

November 15th, 2009, 07:07 PM
Get off the damned bandwagon.
I thought you got banned already or something.

It's not a bandwagon if its true.

November 15th, 2009, 07:09 PM
It's not a bandwagon if its true.
It's well known he's just saying it to be a troll.
The gameplay isn't as bad as it might sound, there are plenty of ways to to dow what you need to do in MP, for instance you have a AC130 flying around pull out a stinger and shoot the bugger down.

November 15th, 2009, 07:14 PM
It's well known he's just saying it to be a troll.

that must always mean it isnt true right

November 15th, 2009, 07:30 PM
that must always mean it isnt true right
Since when i did i say that?
Stop trying to put words in peoples mouth's.
So far everyone that i know who has played it, has enjoyed the game even inferno has admitted hes enjoyed it.
Last i heard server browsers dont affect gameplay only the choice of which server you join.

teh lag
November 15th, 2009, 07:53 PM
Easy now, dudes.

E: And to make sure everyone is clear,

Heads up:

Yes, MW2 sucks. We all know.

However, don't think that, just because of that, it's a free ticket to boast about or recommend pirating it.


November 15th, 2009, 09:30 PM
I don't get it.

Anyways, I've played through...well I don't' know how much of the campaign, but I can say that I'm enjoying it, but not thoroughly. The plot is all over the place and it seems kind of random, especially when America gets invaded. No real surprises for me either except when you found out who the prisoner was.

November 15th, 2009, 09:36 PM
I just played the MP for a few minutes. Noob tube still dominates like crazy. :saddowns: Fucking IW listen to your fanbase next time and don't include fucking tubes.

Also famas is win.

November 15th, 2009, 09:40 PM
Yesterday I beat the campaign on regular and today i got all of the intel and then beat it on veteran. The campaign is a lot easier now since they don't have respawning enemies anymore.

November 15th, 2009, 09:41 PM
The campaign is a lot easier now since they don't have respawning enemies anymore.

But I actually like it.

Pyong Kawaguchi
November 15th, 2009, 09:57 PM
Atleast imho, the mp isn't as laggy as people say, It is quite playable, and fun.

November 15th, 2009, 10:25 PM
The campaign is a lot easier now since they don't have respawning enemies anymore.That was one thing I noticed about Modern Warfare 1... I was always wondering if it was respawning characters... or if nearby dudes were just saying "Oh look, our chaingun placement is dead.. I guess I'll just cap some noobs"... It's kinda hard to tell whether there's new people respawning... or whether I just didn't kill everyone yet and there's a bitch load of people.

November 15th, 2009, 10:44 PM
One little thing I'd like to ask. What. the FUCK IS THIS SHIT?


I've seen better skyboxes in games from 2003. that's just plain embarassing (and more importantly, immersion-breaking) :smith:

Edit: I'm not trying to start a flamewar with this, just an observation.

November 15th, 2009, 11:31 PM
I agree, many of the skyboxes are either pixellated or so plainly fake that it is almost embarrassing.

November 16th, 2009, 12:30 AM


i fucking told you guys this shit would set up a precedent for inferior games, superior pricing, oh and that the whole iw.net shit was to get accounts ala wow.

for love of god people please dont support these decisions OR THEY WONT BE A DECISION NEXT TIME.
4.6 million sales though, so what can i do... console fags fuck everything up i swear to god.

November 16th, 2009, 12:41 AM
i fucking told you guys this shit would set up a precedent for inferior games, superior pricing, oh and that the whole iw.net shit was to get accounts ala wow.

for love of god people please dont support these decisions OR THEY WONT BE A DECISION NEXT TIME.
4.6 million sales though, so what can i do... console fags fuck everything up i swear to god.
With respect, it's only been 6 days. I won't get concerned about them "setting a precedent" unless other developers follow suit. As for them considering "pay-to-play" Modern Warfare 3, I'll wait to see if they ACTUALLY do it (and if anyone is retarded enough to accept it). If they do, fuck 'em. As far as Modern Warfare 2 goes...I still don't know. I was fortunate enough to get the game for $20 and it's certainly worth that...but there's no way the game deserves more than a $40 price tag (on ANY system).

I'll just sit in the corner and wait for the onslaught of -rep now.

November 16th, 2009, 12:48 AM
Well after having been playing the game for almost a week now, it feels nothing like COD4 and far to many of the maps play out like fuckin china town from COD4. It's fun, but pisses me off sometimes...meh, still can't stop playing though :saddowns:

November 16th, 2009, 12:49 AM
Pav lows take 2 stinger missiles same with the ac130.

You can kill a P low with only 1 stinger if you get close enough to bypass its flares. Also, I've seen an AC-130 shake 3 of the damn things.

November 16th, 2009, 12:56 AM
My bro jsut took an ac130 down with 1 stinger

November 16th, 2009, 12:58 AM
Yeah, it seems to have as much to do with luck as anything else (and also how many missiles other people have already fired at it).

November 16th, 2009, 12:59 AM
my fav gun is the FAMAS
it's like a instant 3 round burst of death. especially a headshot or chestshot.

November 16th, 2009, 01:13 AM
my fav gun is the FAMAS
it's like a instant 3 round burst of death. especially a headshot or chestshot.
So it's basically the M16 from COD4?

November 16th, 2009, 01:13 AM
So it's basically the M16 from COD4?

Yeah, and the M16 itself returns in identical form as well.

November 16th, 2009, 01:16 AM
With respect, it's only been 6 days. I won't get concerned about them "setting a precedent" unless other developers follow suit. As for them considering "pay-to-play" Modern Warfare 3, I'll wait to see if they ACTUALLY do it (and if anyone is retarded enough to accept it). If they do, fuck 'em. As far as Modern Warfare 2 goes...I still don't know. I was fortunate enough to get the game for $20 and it's certainly worth that...but there's no way the game deserves more than a $40 price tag (on ANY system).

Look when it comes to defending what is acceptable and worthwhile sacrifices have to be made.
wether it be products
unions or otherwise

if you want to take a stand you have to be prepared to sacrificing something, if we dont want these cunts to up the price on there games, to have regional pricing, to have pay per play systems and significantly reduced features, options and replayability YOU the consumer have to ignore the product, you have to point out it's flaw and above all else you dont play it.

you idiots dont understand that what your doing is influencing the gaming industry to be worse for the next generation of gamers.
We had a golden run, great features and mod ability and if we sit by idly and allow this bullshit to happen we perpetrate these "features" and degrade the that which we took for granted.

for gods sake people wake up and realize theres fucking more at stake then being able to play a sweet 6 hour campaign. this is gaming future thats at fucking state and i will call you on your shit as i see fit.
DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES take a pay cut, pay more for lower quality service, support a company that is prepared to cut you for just that little bit more.

if we dont do something we will fuck the next generation of gamers.

November 16th, 2009, 01:17 AM
So it's basically the M16 from COD4?
I wouldn't know this is my first COD game.
All I know is i was playing at my friends house with this gun and my first game I went 17 and 5 (i was abusing the helicopter after i was told how to do it...)

anyways. so yeah what should I get it for PC or 360?

§partan 8
November 16th, 2009, 01:18 AM
I bought the game and is definitely not worth $60. But MP is really fun to play. I like their maps.

November 16th, 2009, 01:19 AM

November 16th, 2009, 02:18 AM
i fucking told you guys this shit would set up a precedent for inferior games, superior pricing, oh and that the whole iw.net shit was to get accounts ala wow.

for love of god people please dont support these decisions OR THEY WONT BE A DECISION NEXT TIME.
4.6 million sales though, so what can i do... console fags fuck everything up i swear to god.That's the problem though, chances are if you play PC games you follow news and shit because you're at the PC. That's about 10% of the console community though, the 90% just see the trailer on tv or whatever and go fuckkk yeah MW2 is here and buy it. :smith:

November 16th, 2009, 02:35 AM
That's the problem though, chances are if you play PC games you follow news and shit because you're at the PC. That's about 10% of the console community though, the 90% just see the trailer on tv or whatever and go fuckkk yeah MW2 is here and buy it. :smith:
Which isn't to say that PC gamers can't have an effect...it's just the console audience WAY outweighed us this time (not to mention over a million PC gamers purchased the game anyway). At this point, Activision & Infinity Ward have raked in more profits in the first week than anyone's wildest expectations. We lost the fight on this game, and the very best thing anyone can do is to move their efforts away from Modern Warfare 2 and onto something more viable. Admirable as the intent may be, there is nothing any of us can do or say now that will prevent Modern Warfare 2 from being a success.

E: Thinking about it, I should clarify what I mean: When it's become obvious that you've lost, there are two routes you can take. The first is to deny that you've lost in the hopes you can still make a difference. There's a chance that would work, but it's very slim. The second is to admit defeat, analyze why you lost, and use the experience to fight back all the stronger next time. As the old saying goes: "They may have won the battle, but they shall not win the war."

November 16th, 2009, 04:14 AM
This shits fun yo. I just went 54 and 3. Called in my AC130 3 times on High Rise. ohshi the other team was fuckin pissed..... I was on 24 kill streak when some n come up behind me and threw his fuckin knife at me! can you believe that? I almost nuked his ass.

November 16th, 2009, 04:46 PM
I wouldn't know this is my first COD game.
All I know is i was playing at my friends house with this gun and my first game I went 17 and 5 (i was abusing the helicopter after i was told how to do it...)

anyways. so yeah what should I get it for PC or 360?


E: Thinking about it, I should clarify what I mean: When it's become obvious that you've lost, there are two routes you can take. The first is to deny that you've lost in the hopes you can still make a difference. There's a chance that would work, but it's very slim. The second is to admit defeat, analyze why you lost, and use the experience to fight back all the stronger next time. As the old saying goes: "They may have won the battle, but they shall not win the war."

Don't you see? If you still buy the product, regardless of what it cost, or how many people already bought it, you are giving in to Activision. Giving them money supports them. The game just came out, as you said, but if we let up on the pressure now, then our efforts so far have been for naught. We must continue to fight for our rights as a gamer, not to be sold mediocre games for a premium price and in the hopes that they will give PC gamers the standard features we deserve. We cannot wait until it's too late to fight back. This is no war, but a revolution. On the internet, there is no such thing as regrouping to reassess your strategy as you have thousands of other gamers that can spend the time to help the cause.

You either support the gamers or you sell out to the corporations. You can't help both sides.

Prime example that not even console gamers are worth shit to them after they have your money:

So, I registered on Infinity Ward forums in order to make a few complaints about some of their more idiotic design decisions in the Xbox 360 version. After posting in a few threads (no more than 6 posts) I recieved a message that I had been permanently IP banned for 'spam'. You can go onto their forums and look up my horrible, horrible posts if you like (assuming they didn't delete all my posts too). Username is friedmetroid.

This is simply disgusting behavior. I reviewed 3 seperate threads (just in the Xbox 360 section), each hundreds of pages long, asking Infinity Ward to rethink some of their decisions. Each one was well thought out and well structured. Not one had a singly reply or acknowledgement from IW. It's become clear to me that IW don't give a shit about console gamers, any more than they do about PC gamers. Anyone who doesn't register on their forums to gush over their game, or call people n00bs for whining about the tube, can go fuck right off.

They have our money now, we're not worth shit to them. Personally, I'll never be purchasing an Infinity Ward product again. Not their next game, not any of their DLC. With Modern Warfare 2, I really thought that community opinion had a chance to make a difference. I was wrong.

They have your money now...

November 16th, 2009, 06:41 PM
Don't you see? If you still buy the product, regardless of what it cost, or how many people already bought it, you are giving in to Activision. Giving them money supports them. The game just came out, as you said, but if we let up on the pressure now, then our efforts so far have been for naught. We must continue to fight for our rights as a gamer, not to be sold mediocre games for a premium price and in the hopes that they will give PC gamers the standard features we deserve. We cannot wait until it's too late to fight back. This is no war, but a revolution. On the internet, there is no such thing as regrouping to reassess your strategy as you have thousands of other gamers that can spend the time to help the cause.

Admittedly it was selfish of me to purchase the game, no matter how cheap but that wasn't the point I was trying to get across. Refusing to purchase the game didn't work as the game still smashed sales records. Now, even though we all just gained experience in this matter and learned that our boycott didn't work...why are we still putting so much faith in the notion that if we continue to do it, we'll somehow achieve a result? The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. All I'm saying is that we need to change our tactics.

Here's a couple ways we could try:
1) Given the PC communities incredible resourcefulness, chances are we'll be seeing fan-made dedicated servers fairly soon. If a massive percentage of the PC fanbase makes the jump away from IWNet (which Infinity Ward pays for), that's another chance to show them that we know what's best.

2) Expose the flaws in IWNet. We could try and show them (with video evidence) all the different hacks that can be put into the game, along with the fact that the very nature of matchmaking means that we can't efficiently ban players who cheat.

These are just ideas of course, but please just take into consideration the possibility that our original course of action was a failure.

November 16th, 2009, 07:19 PM
every little bit helps, and hey lack of online players kills games just as well as poor sales.

November 16th, 2009, 08:17 PM
Admittedly it was selfish of me to purchase the game, no matter how cheap but that wasn't the point I was trying to get across. Refusing to purchase the game didn't work as the game still smashed sales records. Now, even though we all just gained experience in this matter and learned that our boycott didn't work...why are we still putting so much faith in the notion that if we continue to do it, we'll somehow achieve a result? The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. All I'm saying is that we need to change our tactics.

Here's a couple ways we could try:
1) Given the PC communities incredible resourcefulness, chances are we'll be seeing fan-made dedicated servers fairly soon. If a massive percentage of the PC fanbase makes the jump away from IWNet (which Infinity Ward pays for), that's another chance to show them that we know what's best.

2) Expose the flaws in IWNet. We could try and show them (with video evidence) all the different hacks that can be put into the game, along with the fact that the very nature of matchmaking means that we can't efficiently ban players who cheat.

These are just ideas of course, but please just take into consideration the possibility that our original course of action was a failure.

1) I agree completely with those points. However, unless a lot of us are clever programmers that can crack the game, all we can do is wait. Still, I disagree with your choice to give them any money at all. Although, I do agree that I feel that the Singleplayer and Spec-Ops together is worth $20. Multiplayer can suck my dick, though. That was enough reason not to support them. Not what was presented to us in the physical game, but the public response to it by Infinity Ward.

It was like going from a stab in the chest from the announcement of reduction of PC features to the stab in the face when Robert Bowling plainly lied to our faces just last week. He said that the stuff that seemed like it was taken away is really there...in IWNET. How could you possibly justify that? Look at the following article and then tell me that:


2) Well, that's what we mean. Use proof to show that their logic is off. So far it hasn't really worked because they're insolent fucks. Sorry, I should have clarified in my previous post that I meant using hard evidence to show them, not the mindless rampaging, 4Chan style.

Also, check this out. An early form of dedicated servers exists: http://bashandslash.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=803&Itemid=111

E: Holy fuck. Check out that AC-130 in the video posted in the link above.

November 16th, 2009, 08:29 PM
Since you guys seem to think you can make such a good game. Make one. And stop complaining.

ps. This shit fun yo. just went 34 and 7

November 16th, 2009, 08:36 PM
Since you guys seem to think you can make such a good game. Make one. And stop complaining.
This isn't, nor has it ever been a valid argument.

November 16th, 2009, 08:40 PM
Since you guys seem to think you can make such a good game. Make one. And stop complaining.

ps. This shit fun yo. just went 34 and 7

You have no place in this thread and never did. Your statements make no sense as they don't address anything we've said so far. Get the fuck out of this thread.

November 16th, 2009, 08:53 PM
You have no place in this thread and never did. Your statements make no sense as they don't address anything we've said so far. Get the fuck out of this thread.

^ Pretty much this. Stop shitposting/trolling.

November 16th, 2009, 09:11 PM
You have no place in this thread and never did. Your statements make no sense as they don't address anything we've said so far. Get the fuck out of this thread.
you don't even know how much i admire you

November 16th, 2009, 09:49 PM
Contrary to Modacity, I find Modern Ware 2 to be a decent game (Xbox). I understand that most people are butt hurt about the PC version. You have all the right to, Infinity Ward did bad on most counts, eg dedicated servers, mods, whatever you complained about. But what I don’t understand is your consistent, quite irritating, bitching about something that you literally cannot control. Your input may be valid, it may be correct, but when it comes down to it, it doesn’t matter. Go ahead and list all the games that communities helped keep alive. That shit doesn’t matter. It sucks that pay-to-play possibly is coming, but I think that you will see an increasing amount of PC games like that in future. You can thank Xbox and Xbox Live for that.

My opinion of the game(Xbox):
I found the game to be fun. I enjoyed the campaign and I enjoy the multiplayer. The campaign provided a good amount of twist to keep me interested in the next mission. Though I called the plot after the fourth mission, I did not expect events to unfold the way they did. Though it was short, the varieties of missions were interesting. You fight all across the world in several well constructed environments. Like Halo, I think a multiplayer heavy game will only have a short, decent story. Some of the new features implemented into the campaign provided for some interesting gameplay; for example the door breaching. There are several instances where you perform such an act. Though highly unrealistic, it still adds an interesting component to the Campaign gameplay.

The multiplayer, in my opinion, is better than Call of Duty 4. The game plays the same, but MW2 allows the user much more customization with their user. The ability to unlock and change kill streaks, upgradable perks, and changeable titles and emblems are all way the user can customize their player profile. There is a sizable map list that came with the shipped title. They offer a variety of gameplay, most of which have been well thought out. Like any game, there are some maps that don’t fit a players playing style and therefore aren’t favorable. For me, I’m not a fan of Derail or Invasion. Also, with the implementation of host migration allows the game to continue if the host quits. There has also been a lot less lag related issues I think with the game.

I haven’t really messed around with Spec Ops yet, so I can’t really talk about what I like. I’ve played about half the missions. They are ok, but I think that they are just a bad attempt at an online co-op. Each mission is basically just a recreation of the campaign. I’m not sure why Infinity Ward didn’t put online co-op in the game, but Spec Ops seems like a last minute attempt to.
Overall, I think that the game (Xbox) was worth what I paid for. I have already played 26 hours and I think that the multiplayer will provide more than enough to satisfy my online needs.

Oh yeah, ps. This shit is fun yo. I just went 24 and 3. AC130 FTW

November 16th, 2009, 09:51 PM
Now that is what I call a valid post. Something that actually relates to the thread.

November 16th, 2009, 10:34 PM
paladin what the fuck are you doing to consistently get such ridiculously high KD ratios? my kills are rarely higher than my deaths.

November 16th, 2009, 10:42 PM
Now that is what I call a valid post. Something that actually relates to the thread.

Regardless that he is right in every way.

Your convictions may be just, right, and have a heavy amount of effort behind them, but in the end they are meaningless against those with absolute power and control.

November 16th, 2009, 11:06 PM
Regardless that he is right in every way.

Your convictions may be just, right, and have a heavy amount of effort behind them, but in the end they are meaningless against those with absolute power and control.

Dont take this the wrong way, but you could take me for a night...

November 16th, 2009, 11:16 PM
I'll give you a call.

November 16th, 2009, 11:17 PM
Don't you see? If you still buy the product, regardless of what it cost, or how many people already bought it, you are giving in to Activision. Giving them money supports them. The game just came out, as you said, but if we let up on the pressure now, then our efforts so far have been for naught.

Oh, I forgot your opinion is the only one that matters. I like how you're trying to speak from the standpoint of everyone, using "we" as in "but if we let up on the pressure now, then our efforts so far have been for naught." You're acting as if Activision is like becoming a Nazi and killing all the jews.

We must continue to fight for our rights as a gamer, not to be sold mediocre games for a premium price and in the hopes that they will give PC gamers the standard features we deserve.

We deserve? As anything that was removed is concerned, no law states you must put dedicated servers into the game. Dedicated servers is a privelige, not a right. I do still agree that it was a bad move but does that HONESTLY ruin a game so bad that there has to be a huge argument over it?

We cannot wait until it's too late to fight back. This is no war, but a revolution. On the internet, there is no such thing as regrouping to reassess your strategy as you have thousands of other gamers that can spend the time to help the cause.

Yes! It's going to be the activision revolution. I'm not even going to try to fight this. Use your brain, man! Do you honestly think something like this is going to happen?

You either support the gamers or you sell out to the corporations. You can't help both sides. Prime example that not even console gamers are worth shit to them after they have your money:
They have your money now...

Again, I agree that if you give them money thenn you can't do anything about it, but that doesn't necessarily mean you cant "help both sides". Apparently taking a "I want to find out if it was a waste of money or not myself" is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad bad BAD! I'm sorry massa, I thought it was a free world. Let's just have SnaFuBAR move to the back of the bus."


November 16th, 2009, 11:53 PM
I dont understand the nature of the topic or the discussion.
i have no comprehension of the big picture.

laugh at me as i try to engage in the debate
cool sssssstory brrrrro

Regardless that he is right in every way.

Your convictions may be just, right, and have a heavy amount of effort behind them, but in the end they are meaningless against those with absolute power and control.
That does not mean we should bend over the nearest chair and present a throbbing with anticipation anus to them.

November 16th, 2009, 11:59 PM
Look at me change a valid opinion around too look like im right

No ones making you buy the game. If you dont like it. Dont buy it. If you havent played it. Dont say its a bad game.

Also, I do understand the big picture. YOU don't. You fail to realize your endless bitching will do nothing. Just because I voice a different opinion other than the modacity hate bandwagon, doesn't mean its wrong.

MW2 is a good game, In my opinion. If you think otherwise, good for you, I could give a fuck. Don't tell me im wrong for having an opinion, or Ill be forced to call you a Nazi.

paladin what the fuck are you doing to consistently get such ridiculously high KD ratios? my kills are rarely higher than my deaths.

I dunno. I use my M4A1 with Red Dot, Scavenger Pro, Stopping Power Pro (Cold-blooded now until challenge complete), Semtex, Stuns, and Stinger. Having the right Kill streak rewards is important. I use Predator Missile (5), Precision Air Strike (6) and AC130 (11). Once I get the Predator, I can pretty much get the AC130 without firing another bullet. After the AC130 you're looking at at least 16 kills for that life. I also only use this class and I only play Headquarters.

e: Headquarters also gives you the best xp payload. I average 6-7k a game. Easy leveling for lower levels.

November 17th, 2009, 12:04 AM
thats not whats at stake here you narrow minded sheep.

The gaming industry standards are.
not a 6 hour campaign.

selfish, ignorant, arrogant fucks will be the death of standards. and you aint helping.

November 17th, 2009, 12:13 AM
thats not whats at stake here you narrow minded sheep.

The gaming industry standards are.
not a 6 hour campaign.

selfish, ignorant, arrogant fucks will be the death of standards. and you aint helping.

Standards change. Get over it.

November 17th, 2009, 12:18 AM
so you like to pay for more, to receive less?

what a glorious little gem you are.

November 17th, 2009, 12:21 AM
I'm interested in acquiring the game to see what you kids are babbling about. You guys are good marketing for them, stop posting!

November 17th, 2009, 12:25 AM
so you like to pay for more, to receive less?

what a glorious little gem you are.

BY my book, the game was worth $60. In fact, to make you more butt hurt, ive purchased 2 copies so far. The only expectation I had for the game was a slight increase in graphics and MP gameplay, and a new SP. All of which were held. Its not anyone's fault you had higher expectations other than yourself.

E: Did Infinity Ward ever one promise or say MW2 would have dedicated servers at some point in their development?

November 17th, 2009, 12:33 AM
E: Did Infinity Ward ever one promise or say MW2 would have dedicated servers at some point in their development?yes they did.

November 17th, 2009, 12:51 AM
Show me a valid source and I'll half tolerate you endless complaining.

November 17th, 2009, 02:01 AM
Alright you petulant children that's quite enough. Should game developers/publishers adopt this little trend Acti/IW has started, then the rest of them can enjoy their prices drop if the gaming community is competent enough to not buy their games.

...Oh wait.

No it isn't a pleasant prospect Bod but what in Gods holy kingdom are you really going to do about it?

Human beings are greedy and gluttonous and stupid, the chances of the entire gaming community banding together to NOT buy a game just for the sake of some petty features over what makes it look pretty is slim to fucking none.

No shit it was a blow to the goddamn stomach, but would you stop your insistent bitching already? Nothing will change, nothing really ever does when it comes to human nature.

November 17th, 2009, 02:18 AM
You can't use real-life logic on this bunch. It doesn't penetrate their bitch-world bubble.

November 17th, 2009, 04:55 AM
Alright you petulant children that's quite enough. Should game developers/publishers adopt this little trend Acti/IW has started, then the rest of them can enjoy their prices drop if the gaming community is competent enough to not buy their games.

...Oh wait.

No it isn't a pleasant prospect Bod but what in Gods holy kingdom are you really going to do about it?

Human beings are greedy and gluttonous and stupid, the chances of the entire gaming community banding together to NOT buy a game just for the sake of some petty features over what makes it look pretty is slim to fucking none.

No shit it was a blow to the goddamn stomach, but would you stop your insistent bitching already? Nothing will change, nothing really ever does when it comes to human nature.

makes perfect sense if you count out the countless times in history that we fucking have.
you of all the people on this forum should understand that teekup.

you ever want to get the same rights, freedoms and benefits as hetero couples? or you just gunna shut up and take that shit because hey, nothing will change and we'll still have bigoted intellectually inept cock heads.
and as you said human beings are greedy, gluttonous and stupid but are you just gunna give up and take what you can get because of them? you just gunna let that prop 8 slide and not fight it, not even resist it or openly shout against it? are you gunna allow yourself to sink to their level just because your out numbered?
Fuck no.

grow a spine, because afterall
we are in this together people. Lets try to look out for one another.

November 17th, 2009, 06:04 AM
makes perfect sense if you count out the countless times in history that we fucking have.
you of all the people on this forum should understand that teekup.

you ever want to get the same rights, freedoms and benefits as hetero couples? or you just gunna shut up and take that shit because hey, nothing will change and we'll still have bigoted intellectually inept cock heads.
and as you said human beings are greedy, gluttonous and stupid but are you just gunna give up and take what you can get because of them? you just gunna let that prop 8 slide and not fight it, not even resist it or openly shout against it? are you gunna allow yourself to sink to their level just because your out numbered?
Fuck no.

grow a spine, because afterall
we are in this together people. Lets try to look out for one another. I think you are misconstruing humanistic rights with a product you will not pay for because it's unsatisfactory. Unfortunately for you, it's a hard case to go around trying to change every product/company that doesn't sell things you like. :ohdear:

If 90% of a market agree the product is good and will buy it, the 10% that don't...who cares? Numbers and $$$ are all that matter. They really don't care if you agree with changes to their product if they are making full sales with or without you and the naysayers and neither do the people that bought the game anyway.

November 17th, 2009, 07:54 AM
Fuck it, thank's to bod's and several others ignorance the thread has been shitted up again by the exact smae shit that fucked the last thread.
Thank's for yet again showing that even some of the staff cannot have a civilized discussion on a multiplatform game without shitting it up with platform wars.
It's been stated several times to drop the whole fucking argument but very few have listened.
There is a very large line between human rights and product specification.
Human rights affect peoples live's, product specifications do not you dont like it then don't buy it simple as that.
you want to make a impression on activision? go work for them.