View Full Version : Is there any change in service when sending a 360 off for repair in the UK?

November 14th, 2009, 04:19 PM
(Title is ment to say change , i did a typo T_T)

Hey all , i has sad news from me :(

My 360 Elite broke down the other day and wont read any disks , i tried cleaning it abit , and its not working still , it wont read some of the 40+ games i own , and its really annoyed me alot , anyway like any normal person i register it to be fixed with MS , but its been 5 days now , no ones come to collect it like they used to , and i have not seen head nor tail of a Coffin box at my door step , which is the usual thing that goes on , just wondering if anyone from the UK could reply and tell me if anything similar has happened to them , and what they did , cause all i can think of at the moment is ringing Microsoft up about it.

November 14th, 2009, 05:06 PM
I don't live in the UK, but last time I sent mine in (which was the second time), you had to put it in your own box, with a printed out slip taped onto it, then mail it at your post office. They changed it since the first time, where they sent out a box to put it in. It is, however, much faster than the original method. It only takes about a week and a half to two weeks to get it back, apposed to the original three or more weeks.

November 14th, 2009, 05:41 PM
I just sent mine in for repairs, and I was given a dropdown menu which had multiple options. It basically came down to two things: do you have your own box for it, or do you want them to ship you one, and do you have your own address label for it (self-printed) or do you want them to ship you one.