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November 16th, 2009, 10:25 PM
So I'm thinking of buying my first DSLR. The two camera's I'm looking at are the Nikon D90, and the Canon EOS Rebel XTi. Which would you get, why and, list any thing else I should know. Suggestions are welcome.

I just want to take pictures of Landscapes and Cars :woop:

So I was gonna get the appropriate lens, like a 35-70mm or 50-200mm to start with.

November 16th, 2009, 11:21 PM
Canon EOS Rebel XTi

I have and love it. I have this lens (http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelInfoAct&fcategoryid=150&modelid=11922) (older model though)

MetKiller Joe
November 17th, 2009, 12:25 AM
I'd try to get something old and beat up (relatively).

I got my Minolta 6D for 300 bucks w/a 30 mm lense. It does the trick if I need textures or just feel like taking some better looking point and shoot pictures.

November 17th, 2009, 10:00 AM
I'd try to get something old and beat up.

November 17th, 2009, 10:37 AM
I plan on getting a used one, they are only $350-$450 on Ebayz

November 17th, 2009, 10:51 AM
I'd recommend buying just a regular point and shoot or something and learning the basics before upgrading to something that expensive.

If you already know the basics, well, are you having issues with whatever camera you are using? Ex. Your camera doesn't work very well in low light due to x?

November 17th, 2009, 03:06 PM
I have a few point and shoots, a Fuji Finepix s2000, and a Canonpowershot, and now I want something more. I want full controll over everything, so DSLR here I come.

November 17th, 2009, 03:37 PM
My parents are paying for part of a T1i for Christmas. Getting that model because I do shoot video fairly often.
First DSLR I've owned, but I have experience with a Nikon D60 and a canon film slr.

November 20th, 2009, 09:47 PM
So it's a toss up between the Rebel XTi or the Rebel XT. Anyone think I'll notice the two MP difference?

November 20th, 2009, 11:50 PM
So it's a toss up between the Rebel XTi or the Rebel XT. Anyone think I'll notice the two MP difference?
There are more important differences between the two than the MPs. Read the summary of changes section here (http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canoneos400d/).

November 21st, 2009, 04:36 PM
I have an XTi, and it's pretty good. Depending on how big the price gap is, I'd definitely go for the XTi. Dust removal, 14 more photos in a burst, bigger screen, lower noise, more AF points, etc.

Reaper Man
November 21st, 2009, 04:44 PM
D90. Much more of a camera, more professional and useful features, see:
2 control dials
Info LCD on top

The XTi is nice and small, but it feels like a toy when I use it, as it lacks the two above features.

Those two are very useful features. I shot a D80 for 2 and a half years, and loved it, now I have a D300 and I love it more :P

Also, Timo, you're wrong about the lower noise on the Canon camera, the second gen Nikons a-la the D90 etc, have better noise management than the Canons.

November 21st, 2009, 07:38 PM
From the two that he asked about, the XTi has lower noise. I wasn't comparing the XTi to every DSLR in the market %-).

Reaper Man
November 21st, 2009, 11:57 PM
From the two that he asked about, the XTi has lower noise. I wasn't comparing the XTi to every DSLR in the market %-).

Also, the XTi is old, that's a comparison with the new XSi (450D)

November 22nd, 2009, 02:15 PM
Gah, took you photofags long enough to post :P

Anyways, I'm still waiting to decide. I mean this would be my first dSLR and If I pick Nikon, I'll stick with it forever and vice-versa with Canon. My problem is the only thing I can afford (or want to afford) are:

Nikon D40
Canon Rebel XT
Canon Rebel XTi

And only the last two really appeal to me.

So I think I'll chill till after christmas to make a choice.

November 22nd, 2009, 03:08 PM

Also, the XTi is old, that's a comparison with the new XSi (450D)

So it's a toss up between the Rebel XTi or the Rebel XT. Anyone think I'll notice the two MP difference?

I'm pretty sure he doesn't mention Nikon in that post???

November 22nd, 2009, 03:12 PM
So do you guys think I'd be happy with a XTi, and a 35-70mm lens?

all I really want to do is take pictures of cars and landscapes.... I have a PaS if I want to do crappy macro's.

November 22nd, 2009, 03:18 PM
If you're wanting big sweeping landscape photos you might want to consider a wider angled lens. www.the-digital-picture.com has great reviews on canon lenses. Something like this: http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/Canon-EF-S-17-85mm-f-4-5.6-IS-USM-Lens-Review.aspx would probably be great.

November 22nd, 2009, 03:21 PM
I have a D40x. It's done very well for me.

Reaper Man
November 22nd, 2009, 09:44 PM
Just get this, it's only $25,000

November 22nd, 2009, 09:57 PM
Just get this, it's only $25,000
edit: the 60MP is 42 grand :gonk:

Reaper Man
November 22nd, 2009, 10:09 PM
edit: the 60MP is 42 grand :gonk:
Welcome to the world of medium format photography:neckbeard:

November 22nd, 2009, 10:41 PM
What would you possibly need that for, and how would that ever pay for itself?

November 22nd, 2009, 11:09 PM

Reaper Man
November 22nd, 2009, 11:46 PM
What would you possibly need that for, and how would that ever pay for itself?
High end studio photography - namely advertising and fashion. Normally studios buy them for their employees to share, not many individuals buy them themselves.

November 25th, 2009, 06:46 PM
I've got my own question relating to DSLR cameras, maybe you guys could help me out... I hate to thread jack as well, a mod can slit this post from here if you'd rather have separate threads!

Here's the situation, in a few months my family and I are going on a Caribbean cruise and my father is vaguely interested in purchasing a new camera or camcorder for the trip. All we currently have is a decent quality digital point-and-shoot, in addition to a couple cheap digital point-and-shoots. I'm trying to convince my father to purchase a DSLR before we go on this trip so I can show him much better they are, his last experience with a good camera was an old Canon A-1 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canon_A-1) (which we still have, somewhere).

Here's the catch, he REALLY has this urge to take little video clips using our current cameras and as you can imagine they turn out horribly due to the poor point-and-shoot quality. So what I'm looking for is a good quality DSLR that can take video at something like 720p or higher, Canon preferred because I've worked with their stuff for years at school (used Canon Rebel's for three years at school, plus some very nice Canon Professional HD Camcorders).

From what I can tell the Canon EOS 5D Mark II (http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelInfoAct&fcategoryid=139&modelid=17662) would be an awesome DSLR, and it can shoot video at 1080p which is a huge bonus. I recently read a couple articles on it that said it was an amazing camera. However this would be the top of our price range, meaning no extra cash to spend on lenses, flashes, etc... Would the standard lens that comes with this camera be sufficient until we find out what other types of lenses we would like?

This also screams "extremely professional camera", it tells me that I won't even scrape the surface of it's potential if I'm still fairly new to DSLR cameras...

The EOS T1i (http://www.usa.canon.com/consumer/controller?act=ModelInfoAct&fcategoryid=139&modelid=18385) also looks like a great camera and it's $1,900 cheaper so we could put some of that towards lenses or whatever. It does 1080p just like the 5D Mark II though it does it at 20 FPS instead of 30 FPS (is 10 FPS a $1,900 justification?)... I'm honestly looking at this for a more practical sense at the moment.


November 25th, 2009, 07:11 PM
Looking at that money is obviously no worry for you, but i'd recommend getting a really nice point and shoot. It'll still take a really nice photo, but is much nicer to travel with. If you're just wanting to document the trip you don't want to be lugging around a massive dslr and its lens everywhere. Having something that fits in your pocket and is easy to use would be a much better option.

November 25th, 2009, 07:15 PM
We're not really buying it just for the cruise, we'll do as you say for that. However I'd really like to take it with me in the Jeep when we go hunting and off-roading, there's always really neat shots that I just can't pull off with point-and-shoots.

My father just came in and told me he was researching the Rebel T1i today as well, he was talking to a sales guy somewhere today and was directed towards the T1i... Coincidence?

November 25th, 2009, 07:18 PM
The Canon EOS 5D Mark II as far as I know is one of the most expensive cameras out there, so it's probably the best. If it comes with kit lenses, i'd assume they'd be of decent quality. My $100 or so kit lens for my XTi is still my main lens.

e:As you can understand it's you can't really budget someone a camera when their first option is something top of the line v_V

November 25th, 2009, 07:24 PM
Sorry, I mis-stated that I think.

At the moment we're considering the T1i over the 5D Mark II, I was just saying that I really like the 5D, from a technical standpoint. I doubt we'll get it do to the price difference, I'm just looking for information on what makes the 5D so much more expensive and better than the T1i, what justifies the price difference?

November 25th, 2009, 07:29 PM
Freelancer, just buy the damn thing if you have the cash... In this market you get what you pay for (somewhat)

November 25th, 2009, 07:38 PM
All I know is that the 5D will have vastly superior noise control allowing you to shoot in low light, high ISO environments. www.dpreview.com normally does really in-depth reviews on most cameras. There'll be a bunch more reasons that 5D is superior.

Since this is your first DSLR and you don't seem to want to use the camera to its full potential i'd get the T1i body and a nice lens. Check out www.the-digital-picture.com for good reviews on Canon lenses.

http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/Canon-EF-S-17-55mm-f-2.8-IS-USM-Lens-Review.aspx is the lens i've always wanted. Kicks my lenses ass for the clarity and definition of the photos my kit lens takes. It has really high image quality, IS, USM, and a great zoom range. It's expensive, though. Not that it matters >.>

November 25th, 2009, 08:11 PM
Okay, my father said he was looking at this exact kit:

Thoughts? I'm researching the extra lens now.

Reaper Man
November 25th, 2009, 08:35 PM
If you don't wanna pay through the nose for the 5D, take a look at the 7D. Is it truly worth it for you though? Will you fully utilize the camera and learn how to use it, or will it be a glorified point and shoot? If so, you may as well get a quality compact camera and not waste your money.

November 25th, 2009, 08:39 PM
Will you fully utilize the camera and learn how to use it, or will it be a glorified point and shoot? If so, you may as well get a quality compact camera and not waste your money.

Pretty much what i'm thinking here.

I never use my 55-200mm lens that came with my camera. It didn't have IS, and was pretty slow so it was useless at trying to capture anything that wasn't in full sunlight and stationary. My primary lens is the same as that one, without IS. All of my wideangle photos are shot with that lens.

November 25th, 2009, 09:05 PM
I thought I already said that I have three years of experience using DSLR's, I've just never owned my own. When I was in high school I took three years of multimedia (using DSLR's and professional quality camcorders), and I also took a year of communication technology which focused specifically on the Canon Rebels that we were using. I plan to use it as it's designed to be used, and I'll always play with it to further my photography experience.

If we actually owned one of these, I would of been doing photography as a hobby for quite awhile already, I'm sure!

By the way, I have a vaguely related comment... Do any of you photography nuts have any experience with waterproof casings? If we get this camera, my dad asked me to look into a waterproof housing for the cruise... I think he'd like to take it on the SCUBA trips and stuff we go on... I have absolutely no idea where to start when it comes to this request.

November 25th, 2009, 09:06 PM
You can buy waterproof housings for most DSLRs.


If you google "canon underwater housings". They're pretty damn exp- nevermind. They're pretty tricky to use. I doubt your dad would pick it up fast if the last decent camera he used was an SLR.

Using a camera at school when you have to isn't really experience in my opinion. If you'd actually enjoyed photographing i'm sure you would've endeavored when you started that course to buy your own camera, instead of one later on down the line.

November 25th, 2009, 09:09 PM
Freelancer... are you the next Buckshot or something?

Reaper Man
November 25th, 2009, 09:10 PM
SCUBA housings for DSLRs cost about as much as the camera themselves, this is not including a housing for the lens. I, too, am a SCUBA diver (PADI Rescue Diver), and would love a housing, but it's so much cheaper to get a housing for a compact camera. That way, with the money you save, you can get a strobe.

Freelancer... are you the next Buckshot or something?
Welp, he's already adapted his posting style :v:

November 25th, 2009, 09:26 PM
Buckshot posting? I'm not quite following...

Also, I didn't just use the Rebels at school for projects, I borrowed them from the school quite often and took them home to play with. I was one of the more talented students in both classes and I would of loved to have a camera like that at the time, but I couldn't justify the cost at the time. Since my father is now wanting a DSLR as well I figured I'd help him out as much as possible, which brings me to my next question...

Memory cards... The T1i uses SDHC memory cards, and I've always been of the opinion that SDHC memory cards all function pretty much the same. When dealing with DSLR's, does it really matter what type of SDHC card you get? For example, here are three different 16GB cards and I assume the difference in price is attributed to the read/write speeds, but does it really matter which I get?

Sandisk Extreme® III 30MB/s Edition SDHC Card, 16GB (http://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/PID-MX21899%28ME%29.aspx) - $179.99
Sandisk Ultra II SDHC Card, 16GB (http://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/PID-MX20406%28ME%29.aspx) - $99.99
Sandisk SDHC Card, 16GB (http://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/PID-MX25005%28ME%29.aspx) - $74.99

Reaper Man
November 25th, 2009, 09:29 PM
Don't go for big cards, it's much better to use two 8 gigs, rather than one 16 gigabyte card. If something goes wrong with one, you only lose one card's worth of photos. I've had this happen before, luckily only a few shots were corrupted, and I rectified it by reformatting the card after getting what I could off it.

Generally it is best to get a card with a fast write speed, but it really doesn't matter unless you do stuff like I do - event photography, where you'll be shooting at 6fps regularly.

Also, less talking about how great you are; let's see some of this stuff that you shoot.

November 25th, 2009, 09:35 PM
Don't go for big cards, it's much better to use two 8 gigs, rather than one 16 gigabyte card. If something goes wrong with one, you only lose one card's worth of photos. I've had this happen before, luckily only a few shots were corrupted, and I rectified it by reformatting the card after getting what I could off it.

Generally it is best to get a card with a fast write speed, but it really doesn't matter unless you do stuff like I do - event photography, where you'll be shooting at 6fps regularly.

Also, less talking about how great you are; let's see some of this stuff that you shoot.
Oh trust me, the stuff I've shot is horrible compared to what some of you guys have done. I was just saying that "compared to the other students, I was one of the best", which isn't really saying much. Trust me, I have lots of work to do before I can shoot anywhere near the quality of your stuff.

I may do some action shots, though the T1i only shoots at 3.4 FPS from what I've read. With that in mind, would I be better off getting a mid-range card (second link above) or just stick with the cheapo ones (bottom link above)? I'll get two 8GB ones, through we already have a couple 4GB and 1GB cheapo SDHC cards.

Reaper Man
November 25th, 2009, 10:14 PM
I would recommend getting transcend cards, because they seem quite reliable and they're damn cheap. Get yourself some class 6 SDHC cards, then you wont have to worry about write speeds at 3.4fps.

November 25th, 2009, 10:25 PM
I just bought this a couple days ago - http://www.amazon.com/Canon-Digital-18-55mm-55-250mm-Accessory/dp/B0029O4I9O/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&s=photo&qid=1258751675&sr=1-11

It'll be here by Dec. 4th, I can tell you how good the kit is if you're interested.

November 25th, 2009, 10:35 PM
I would recommend getting transcend cards, because they seem quite reliable and they're damn cheap. Get yourself some class 6 SDHC cards, then you wont have to worry about write speeds at 3.4fps.
Can't seem to find anywhere that carries those locally, at least they aren't listed online. I don't really want to buy a couple of memory cards online unless I can find some with free shipping.

I just bought this a couple days ago - http://www.amazon.com/Canon-Digital-18-55mm-55-250mm-Accessory/dp/B0029O4I9O/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&s=photo&qid=1258751675&sr=1-11

It'll be here by Dec. 4th, I can tell you how good the kit is if you're interested.
That's basically exactly what we're looking at getting, my dad has a case and battery and such all picked out. Let me know what it's like! If you can record some 720p/1080p video and upload it to me so I can see what that's like, I'd be really happy!

Reaper Man
November 25th, 2009, 10:43 PM
That's basically exactly what we're looking at getting, my dad has a case and battery and such all picked out. Let me know what it's like! If you can record some 720p/1080p video and upload it to me so I can see what that's like, I'd be really happy!

DPreview, you should use it. Never heard of it? Well, now you have.
Sample vids there.

November 25th, 2009, 10:55 PM
You guys are shitting up my thread. :(

November 25th, 2009, 11:02 PM
You guys are shitting up my thread. :(

I hate to thread jack as well, a mod can slit this post from here if you'd rather have separate threads!


DPreview, you should use it. Never heard of it? Well, now you have.
Sample vids there.

Those help, and I've seen some others as well, but it's always good to see different users filming different shots to compare what's going on.

November 25th, 2009, 11:09 PM
Still you know what you can do Freelancer? Buy me, or donate to my lens fund for my XTi. Thanks. :)

November 25th, 2009, 11:15 PM
Still you know what you can do Freelancer? Buy me, or donate to my lens fund for my XTi. Thanks. :)
Uh, why would I do that when we're buying our own DSLR? :ugh:

These things are such money pits! :maddowns:

Reaper Man
November 25th, 2009, 11:21 PM
Still you know what you can do Freelancer? Buy me, or donate to my lens fund for my XTi. Thanks. :)
No, but you both can donate to my fun for a Leica M6 and 50mm f/1.4 Summilux or 50mm f/2 Summicron. Thanks. :downs:

Man, I want a Leica so bad.

November 25th, 2009, 11:25 PM
s my d

So yea.. pretty much decided on the XTi, mostly cause I can't afford a D90 or XSi.

November 30th, 2009, 08:36 PM
Just out of curiosity, has anyone here played with some of the newer Nikon's and Canon's in person? I went to a local camera store and played around with both the Nikon D5000 and Canon T1i (aka 500D), the sales guy kept trying to tell me that the Nikon was better build quality but I couldn't feel or see much of a difference. Do you think he was just trying to up-sale me (the Nikon was a little pricier) or does he actually have some weight behind the build quality "issues"?

What are your experiences with Canon vs Nikon build quality?

The only thing I really liked more about the Nikon was the adjustable live view screen, however it's been my experience that those are just another thing to break...

November 30th, 2009, 09:00 PM
Nikon does have a few features over Canon but it really just comes down to personal preference.

November 30th, 2009, 11:54 PM
Alright, do any of you know of any basic-intermediate video tutorials on camera operation? Something like the following:

Not for me! I'll most likely just learn via trial and error as well as written material, however something like this would make camera use easier to understand for my parents...

December 1st, 2009, 12:01 AM
Just let them use auto mode (or programmable auto so they'll be shooting in raw) - it essentially becomes a point and shoot.

December 1st, 2009, 12:53 AM
Just let them use auto mode (or programmable auto so they'll be shooting in raw) - it essentially becomes a point and shoot.
Good point, good point...

Reaper Man
December 1st, 2009, 01:02 AM
Well, from what I know, the Nikon D90 has better build quality, with a metal chassis, rather than a plastic one, hence it being heavier. I took my D80 through rain and a snow storm, with no problems. My D300 has been hit by several waves, banged on a cliff while abseiling, dropped on a wet rock at the bottom of said cliff, been through relatively heavy rain, no problems. But in the end it's up to you - will you be putting your camera through extremes like I do, for my work?

E: The 500D has a metal chassis too, well a really tiny one http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canoneos500d/page4.asp *shrug*

December 1st, 2009, 01:09 AM
I doubt it'll go through anything like that, and if I'm moving from one spot to another in a way that may cause harm to the camera I'm sure it'll be put away in a carry bag or something to protect it.

I think we're pretty much sold on the T1i at this point though, I was even able to make an impression on my grandparents that we need a new one, since the Canon AE-1 we have was "new" when they bought it for my dad WAAAAAAAY back when! My grandfather had actually just read a big article that happened to be in the newspaper the day I went over to talk to them about it, so they may actually end up pitching in some money, kind of like a Christmas present.

Either way, it won't be till later in December that we decide on what to purchase. I am liking the included software that comes with the Canon Rebel T1i, controlling the camera from a PC always has its uses!

Reaper Man
December 1st, 2009, 01:14 AM
Alright, cool. I'm sure you'll enjoy any SLR you get, they're all pretty much the same nowadays.

December 1st, 2009, 01:21 AM
For now I guess I'll just take 40 Megapixel shots with my shitty old Canon AE-1 SLR!


Actually no, we have no film :(

Reaper Man
December 1st, 2009, 01:56 AM
Go get yourself some of these films:

Color Slide
Velvia 50 or 100 (I recommend 50, but you may find it too slow a film)
Provia 100 or 400
Ektachrome 100VS

Black and White
Ilford Delta 100 or 400

I don't use color negative films, though I should, I have yet to try any beyond cheap junk you can get anywhere (Kodak Gold 200)

December 2nd, 2009, 07:54 PM
My 500D came in yesterday; I'll put up some sample shots and videos tomorrow.
It feels very solid, but it does have a plastic casing.

December 2nd, 2009, 08:37 PM
My 500D came in yesterday; I'll put up some sample shots and videos tomorrow.
It feels very solid, but it does have a plastic casing.
Could you try something for me on a clear night? Tripod mount your camera (or do something to make sure it doesn't move during the picture) and take a low ISO (100-400?), 20-30 second exposure picture... You might have to play around, and it might not work so well if there's lots of light pollution from where you live.

Basically I want to see how well the T1i/500D takes shots like:

Reaper Man
December 2nd, 2009, 08:51 PM
For the love of god, stop being so picky and buy the goddamned camera. If a 20D can take that photo (which it did - 30 seconds at ISO 1600, because anything lower would require a much much longer exposure) with an old as hell sensor, then I'm sure the 500D is more than capable.

December 2nd, 2009, 08:52 PM
Definitely won't be able to get a shot like that, I don't live in the city but I'm not that far way from it.
I'll try to find my telescope and use the tripod from that.

December 2nd, 2009, 09:14 PM
For the love of god, stop being so picky and buy the goddamned camera. If a 20D can take that photo (which it did - 30 seconds at ISO 1600, because anything lower would require a much much longer exposure) with an old as hell sensor, then I'm sure the 500D is more than capable.
We've decided to get the T1i, just not quite sure when yet. Probably next week, possibly in January!

I'm just one of those people that likes to get as much information and stuff as possible before buying something. Seeing the capabilities in action is always nice as well.

Reaper, I assume you took some photography courses? Or are you self taught?

Reaper Man
December 2nd, 2009, 09:19 PM
I am self taught, and have taught photography classes - because of this I am exempt from the photographic foundations classes at college.

I, too, get as much information as possible, but you're going overboard.

December 2nd, 2009, 09:33 PM
Freelancer, don't expect to get a shot like that unless you're in a really dark location. The camera and kit lens can do it given the right conditions.

December 2nd, 2009, 10:00 PM
I like the Sony a200 myself. Got it for really cheap at Best Buy, and it gives me photos like these:


I took all of those pictures using one hand (and no tripods).

Reaper Man
December 2nd, 2009, 10:21 PM
I took all of those pictures using one hand (and no tripods).


December 2nd, 2009, 10:31 PM
Unless i'm taking landscape photos or panoramas or shit in low light I normally take photos hand held (always two though).

e:oh i thought you were implying that you should never shoot handheld, nevermind

December 2nd, 2009, 11:28 PM
that is awesome

Reaper Man
December 2nd, 2009, 11:31 PM
that is awesome
Haha, I made it a while ago, but nobody noticed :saddowns:

December 2nd, 2009, 11:38 PM
Still deciding...

I'm one of those people who get addicted to new things, I'm not sure I'm ready to go big...

December 3rd, 2009, 12:05 AM
Go big, duh!

Haha, I made it a while ago, but nobody noticed :saddowns:

I just noticed it wasn't an emot and fixed that for you.

Reaper Man
December 3rd, 2009, 12:18 AM
Go big, duh!

I just noticed it wasn't an emot and fixed that for you.

December 3rd, 2009, 12:26 AM
Yes, IS lenses makes taking images using only your hands extremely easy now, I also hold SLR's/DSLR's just like that pic Reaper posted. The only reason I mentioned the tripod is because no human could get a night shot like that, because you're inevitably going to move slightly if you're trying to be perfectly still for 20-30 seconds.

@InnerGoat - I go far outside of the city to a ranch in the middle of nowhere many times during hunting season, and I go to remote areas while off-roading and camping during the summer quite a bit. I'll make a trip out to do this specifically one weekend when it gets warmer, unless I get an excuse to go out before then sometime at night.

Reaper Man
December 3rd, 2009, 12:28 AM
Yes, IS lenses makes taking images using only your hands extremely easy now, I also hold SLR's/DSLR's just like that pic Reaper posted. The only reason I mentioned the tripod is because no human could get a night shot like that, because you're inevitably going to move slightly if you're trying to be perfectly still for 20-30 seconds.
Yeah, uh, I don't think anybody was questioning your use of a tripod, I think that sdavis was just giving information on the shots he took.

December 3rd, 2009, 12:32 AM
Yeah, uh, I don't think anybody was questioning your use of a tripod, I think that sdavis was just giving information on the shots he took.
Just the way he typed it, made it look like he was trying to point out that you don't need a tripod for the photos I was describing.

December 3rd, 2009, 04:10 PM

On the day I took those pictures my left arm was in a cast.

My sister stole the camera and I haven't had a chance to take any pictures with it the proper way.

Reaper Man
December 7th, 2009, 06:55 PM
This is how you hold it got damn~

(I rented a 70-200 f/2.8 VR, so now I gotta post about it.)

December 15th, 2009, 05:35 PM
Awesome lens there!

I got my Canon T1i!

Okay, well I might not actually have the camera yet, but I've got the cash! Canadian money is the coolest!

Don't try and come to my house and rob me either, it's already been deposited into my bank!

December 15th, 2009, 05:37 PM
Nice monopoly money lol

December 15th, 2009, 05:55 PM
Better than boring faded green American money!

However it's not as cool as Australia's (I think) plastic money...

December 15th, 2009, 11:01 PM
Rainbow money says you gay.

December 15th, 2009, 11:34 PM
Awesome lens there!

I got my Canon T1i!

Okay, well I might not actually have the camera yet, but I've got the cash! Canadian money is the coolest!

Don't try and come to my house and rob me either, it's already been deposited into my bank!

Who's that guy on the front of the 10? Did he invent the igloo?

December 15th, 2009, 11:53 PM
Who's that guy on the front of the 10? Did he invent the igloo?
yea basically

December 16th, 2009, 12:11 AM
Is it just me or does it say "10 DIX" on the front of the 10 dollar bill...


December 16th, 2009, 07:44 PM
Canada is a Bilingual Country in case you didn't know. (http://translate.google.ca/?hl=en&tab=wT#en%7Cfr%7Cten)

Oh and I actually got my T1i:












December 16th, 2009, 07:48 PM
Those are some nice pictures of the box.
Let's see some stuff in your gallery

and thats a huge card reader

December 16th, 2009, 07:58 PM
Yea, got the card reader (58 in 1? I didn't know there was even 58 formats :S) for free, and I saved about $200 on the camera. Added some more unboxing pics, no pics from the actual camera until later tonight or tomorrow because the battery is charging, lol

December 16th, 2009, 09:44 PM
It only takes a few hours to charge to full so get ready to shoot aaaa

December 17th, 2009, 12:43 AM
Yea, charged already (lol two hours) but this camera is also supposed to be a Christmas gift from my grandparents, mother, and myself, to my dad and myself... The only reason they actually brought me into the loop was so we could get staff discounts from friends of mine at stores.

tl;dr: Need to keep it hidden from my dad till Christmas, will play with it later tonight after he goes to bed!

P.s. Wow this card reader (58 in 1 seriously why).

Edit - Started taking some pictures and I think I've got some dust on my mirror or sensor:



Very center of each image, dust I assume, how to clean?

Here's a few images that I've taken while playing around, nothing special, just some auto-everything shots:




December 17th, 2009, 12:57 AM
Freelancer those are dead or hot pixels and they're really common. Put the lens cap on and take a shot for 30 seconds at iso 1600 if you wanna find more :-3

December 17th, 2009, 01:20 AM
Oh so, no way to get rid of them?

Going to go out tomorrow and shoot lots of things.

December 17th, 2009, 01:24 AM
You don't notice them 98% of the time, and if you do you can just photoshop the 2 or 3 spots out.

December 17th, 2009, 02:22 AM
Put the lens cap on and take a shot for 30 seconds at iso 1600 if you wanna find more :-3
Neat,! I assume the less pronounced "grainy" stuff is camera noise/dust?
(Yes that's a 2.305 Megabyte, 4752x3168 pixel image of black)

Guess it's good to keep one of these around in case I ever need to know where they are so I can get rid of them!

Reaper Man
December 17th, 2009, 09:22 AM
Those look like dead pixels, not hot spots to me. Usually a hot spot is surrounded by magenta spatters of noise.

December 17th, 2009, 11:55 AM
That is so much better than what my XS does lmao

December 17th, 2009, 04:51 PM
Those look like dead pixels, not hot spots to me. Usually a hot spot is surrounded by magenta spatters of noise.
It's nothing to worry about though is it? It's just something that all DSLR's have to varying degrees?

December 17th, 2009, 06:09 PM
Yes, don't worry about it.

Reaper Man
December 17th, 2009, 10:34 PM
Welp, I haven't seen any on my D300, so. *shrug*