View Full Version : Pissin' Me off.

November 21st, 2009, 12:14 AM
What the fuck? is DDR2 not good enough anymore? everybody brags about how you can't reach decent overclock without some good DDR3 RAM and DDR2 is outdated.

Can someone please let me know for fact whther or not my system is still overclock worthy? I'm going to be buying a Phenom II 965 125W 3.4GHz within 2 weeks and I want to Overclock to AT LEAST 3.8GHz

This is my RAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231194

Also, if you could let me know how anyone managed to calculate this? +rep is in it for you, not like it's tempting, but it's definately a plus, yes?

November 21st, 2009, 12:23 AM
DDR3 is superior for OC because it has lower voltages. This correlates to less heat and less power used.

That being said, your system is plenty overclockable right now. You are using one of those AM2+/AM3 motherboards, so that is bottlenecking your ability to use DDR3, but that shouldn't hold back your CPU. All you are trying to do is squeeze 400MHz out of the CPU, which is nothing by today's standards (i7 going from 2.66 to 4.0 anyone?). People have been getting bigger OCs with DDR2 for ages. I would be less concerned with memory and more concerned about cooling that 125W monster.

How did I calculate? Educated guess really. I don't know any equations, I just OC be trial and error; just don't push too far, and by too far, don't shoot for a 1GHz OC from the outset...take baby steps. It's just common sense, and you probably already know this.

November 21st, 2009, 12:55 AM
Thank You. :downs:

November 21st, 2009, 10:39 AM
and just because you read somewhere that someone with the same hardware overclocked to X, doesn't mean you will be able to.

OC'ing is very hit or miss, you'll either get a great oc or a shitty one, my pc can't oc for shit and people on the webs are able to push the same hardware pretty far, luck of the draw.

like warsaw said, the only way to find out is through trial and error.

November 21st, 2009, 10:50 AM
and just because you read somewhere that someone with the same hardware overclocked to X, doesn't mean you will be able to.

OC'ing is very hit or miss, you'll either get a great oc or a one, my pc can't oc for and people on the webs are able to push the same hardware pretty far, luck of the draw.

like warsaw said, the only way to find out is through trial and error.

Not really. The people who overclock have 800W+ power supplies, and beast cooling systems. come to think of it, I need some new fans...

November 21st, 2009, 11:03 AM

November 21st, 2009, 11:29 AM
Not really. The people who overclock have 800W+ power supplies, and beast cooling systems. come to think of it, I need some new fans...:ugh: - it's u

Having high end hardware and cooling doesn't mean you'll get a good overclock. You can get impressive clocks on stock cooling if you're lucky, and you can get downright awful clocks on 3000 dollars of hardware...

November 21st, 2009, 03:18 PM
OC'ing is very hit or miss, you'll either get a great oc or a shitty one, my pc can't oc for shit and people on the webs are able to push the same hardware pretty far, luck of the draw.

like warsaw said, the only way to find out is through trial and error.

Trudat, me and my friend cheese used to have nearly identical rigs and he couldnt OC it for shit. Whereas I've pushed mine pretty far and it's remained stable. I suppose it's comparable to a body accepting a doner organ. Then again most people who believe they know how to OC, honestly know anything about achieving a stable OC or making a noticeable difference in performance. Sometimes it's just a matter of hitting the sweet spot though.

November 21st, 2009, 06:12 PM
If you see my system specs, I o/ced my PII 720 BE to 3.6ghz with my awesome DDR3. With a black edition it is veeeeery easy. Just up the multi. Using FSB its a little bit more complicated.