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View Full Version : Portal Problem

November 26th, 2009, 10:24 AM
Lodex and I have been working on this BSP for a while for a project and it's starting to get VERY odd. I recently got a new build of a bsp ingame, and started re populating it becuase it needed to be moved to a new location (please note; the old build did NOT have portals) and this time it had portals as well. I was doing some scenery population, and after a while, at exactly 48 objects, shit starting going down hill. When I would put a new scenery down, you couldn't see the marker nor would it render. We had this problem before when testing our old portals, but that time It was with AI, not scenery. Now, its both. When you spawn an AI without the 48 objects, it'll show up. When its over, he'll spawn (you can hear the assult rifle ready sound and him talking) but won't render so you can't see him. Were postive this is a portal error, becuase without them it works fine. I'd really like to get this fixed soon.

Does anyone know? Or could someone try remaking the portals for the bsp? (since mine aren't very good probally)

editz0r: NVM we fixed it :) :) :)