View Full Version : Yoyorast Island v2 Movie/Trailer Contest Poll
November 30th, 2009, 08:37 PM
From Yoyorast:
K guys, the countdown has ended, till now you cannot enter the contest anymore. I wanna thank you all very much for your participation. Sorry again for the last minute little rule change… I also feel sorry for those who worked hard on their vid and won't see the money… I should have given 3 prices (like I did for the old V1 contest) like 180$ for the 1st place, 40 for the 2nd and 30 for the 3rd for example… I know you told me that at the beginning Free… but too late now… or maybe the winner will be generous, who knows… please don't blame him if he's not…
I'm very pleased with the general quality of the Vids, each have their own strength and weakness… I will make some detailed critics soon… *don't hesitate to explain why you voted for one vid and give your thoughts on all the ids if you feel like it… always interesting…
K, now time to vote guys ! Please watch them all and elect the one you like best. But Take your time please, you have till the 6th of december (22:00 GMT) to vote. We'll only know the Winner at this time.
Here are the links with they author's names in alphabetical order :
C0reInside (
DPeDroiA (
Ganon (
Kenshin (
Lateksi (
Rosco (
Siliconmaster (
t3h mookz (
tythespy (
Thanks again for the yoyoV2 visibility you gave on youtube guys, showing the map to it's best was what I wanted… Maybe the best of you win! Good luck to everyone !
I still have to check if polls are possible at halomaps, if yes, the modacity poll results will be added to the ones at halomaps, then we'll have our winner and classification.
Ps : due to the last minute rule change bout the lengh of the vids, plz try not to consider the lengh of the vids as your first criteria when judging, especially if you find the vid is a bit too long... Thks ;)
Alwin Roth
November 30th, 2009, 08:42 PM
Never knew there was a spartan laser, so far it's either Ganon or lateksi... need to think a bit more.
Lateksi it is.
November 30th, 2009, 08:45 PM
Edit: Ah, there it is.
November 30th, 2009, 09:04 PM
ganon or lateksi but who but who :(
November 30th, 2009, 09:05 PM
Some of these are very nice montages, but I think Ganon's really did the job as a map trailer.
November 30th, 2009, 09:09 PM
Thks for posting ghost.. Can some post the same poll thread at halomaps for me plz? :)
November 30th, 2009, 09:13 PM
Halomaps can't do polls. Maybe if you ask Dennis he could do something, but it doesn't normally have polls.
November 30th, 2009, 09:13 PM
Just link to the thread?
November 30th, 2009, 09:37 PM
Very nice video Freelancer, I'd vote for it.
Great music and video, but i don't like all the transitions.
November 30th, 2009, 10:11 PM
Ganons is fucking great IMO.
And I like the fast music with smooth camera work. Contrasts nicely IMO.
Lateskis was really good too.
November 30th, 2009, 10:12 PM
Uh, tythespy... You're not supposed to vote for your own video, that's a given... lol
Thanks for the comment though!
:saddowns: all the people voting for the video that didn't follow the rules!
t3h m00kz
November 30th, 2009, 10:15 PM
As well as using unprotected assets, like a greenscreen version of the map.
The released map is protected.
November 30th, 2009, 10:19 PM
Uh, tythespy... You're not supposed to vote for your own video, that's a given... lol
Thanks for the comment though!
:saddowns: all the people voting for the video that didn't follow the rules!
it's awful that we couldnt see yours lancer Im sure it is great :)) :) : ) P: ) ))
As well as using unprotected assets, like a greenscreen version of the map.
The released map is protected.
ganon aimbotted in his trailer, also who the fuck cares?
t3h m00kz
November 30th, 2009, 10:21 PM
Since when does this community promote things like ripping? There has been no greater drama than people accessing tags and digging into people's protected work.
I promote open source and making stuff for the public's use, but I don't go around modifying protected content for my own benefit.
Had I really wanted to I could have grabbed an unprotected version from a certain ripper's website but I have some dignity.
November 30th, 2009, 10:23 PM
it's awful that we couldnt see yours lancer Im sure it is great :)) :) : ) P: ) ))
Anyways, I seriously have no idea why YouTube is being such a dick and refusing to accept my video. Yoyorast, do you remember that "intro" I showed you awhile ago on YouTube? That was rendered in exactly the same way so I'm completely stumped.
Edit: I finally got my video uploaded via FTP by the way, anyone interested can download it and view it, but I don't expect to be a contest entrant at this point (would be nice though).
[Download Freelancer's Yoyorast Island V2 Video Contest Entry Here] (
Maybe someone with a better understanding of video codecs and encoding and such can download it and tell me YouTube won't accept it.
Have fun!
Some people said they couldn't hear any audio in the video, no idea why since this same encoding method has worked before for YouTube, as well as worked on multiple friends computers.
November 30th, 2009, 10:24 PM
I gave him a unprotected build.
All you had to do is ask. :ugh:
November 30th, 2009, 10:24 PM
Have fun!
I'm not downloading a fucking 250mb file go upload to youtube
also mooks!
[23:21] nyuu: can you please tell mookz my exact words
i never ripped the map, it was a beta version that I had that was unprotected (kinda like 90% of all the other betas). And that I also never used a modified version of the map, I used the same thing everyone else did
[23:22] nyuu: and seriously
[23:22] nyuu: can u not tell that i didnt use greenscreen anyway
[23:22] nyuu: it would be rather obvioius
November 30th, 2009, 10:27 PM
Since when does this community promote things like ripping? There has been no greater drama than people accessing tags and digging into people's protected work.
Are you seriously trying to bring that argument into this thread just to try and change the way people vote? That's pathetic. I'm not sure who used an unprotected map, but from what I can gather, it seems as if Ganon did. Inferno gave out multiple Yoyo V2 Beta maps that were unprotected (even though I told him multiple times to protect them). Technically, it's not ripping. All he did was use an unprotected version of the map to aid in the creation of a video, it's not like he is actually using the assets in another map without permission.
I promote open source and making stuff for the public's use, but I don't go around modifying protected content for my own benefit.
Had I really wanted to I could have grabbed an unprotected version from a certain ripper's website but I have some dignity.
Not enough dignity to keep this drama out of the thread, and certainly not enough dignity to not even bother with knowing where to get ripped assets. As I said above, Inferno basically gave out unprotected builds to quite a bit of people. It's not his fault that he got his hands on an unprotected build and you did not.
t3h m00kz
November 30th, 2009, 10:28 PM
I don't care.
I'm out.
November 30th, 2009, 10:29 PM
Actually it is my fault for handing out unprotected builds.
November 30th, 2009, 10:31 PM
I'm not downloading a fucking 250mb file go upload to youtube
Funny, I've been trying and failing to do just that for 3 days now, YouTube is gay.
Btw, the video plays with audio just fine on my server which is a P4 2.4Ghz, 1GB memory, and a GeForce 4ti graphics card. No additional codecs installed either... Those of you saying audio didn't come through on your PC must be doign something wrong.
November 30th, 2009, 10:45 PM
I'll be fair for once to you lancer, the video wasn't half bad, but it wasn't anything that would rival lateksi's or ganon's.
Too bad you're too dumb to upload things to youtube properly though :)
November 30th, 2009, 11:01 PM
I voted for Lateski.
Let's go with elimination first. Who did over 5 minutes?
I will give Pros and Cons to improve on :downs:
DPeDroiA- I can't vote for myself. Even if I did, no way anyone else would vote for me.
Obviously wasn't made specifically for the contest, because it was made so early.
Pros: Good Intro. Song fits well. Felt like a trailer. Showed gametypes. Not all kills being shown. Felt into it.
t3h mookz0-
Pros: Surprised no votes. Good intro. Good scenes.
Cons: Maybe a better song?
Pros: Great kills... more like amazing.
Cons: Need an intro. Seems like some of the video should be more of a trailer than a montage though.
November 30th, 2009, 11:19 PM
I'll be fair for once to you lancer, the video wasn't half bad, but it wasn't anything that would rival lateksi's or ganon's.
I completely agree.
Too bad you're too dumb to upload things to youtube properly though :)
November 30th, 2009, 11:43 PM
You should have posted it publicly for all to use in the contest. While I know you would have been happy to give it to people who asked for it, not everyone thinks to ask (either going without or finding other ways to get it). You inadvertently gave Ganon a boost over the competitors.
While it normally isn't a big deal in most "contests" I see around the communities, what's different here is that $250 is at stake. You may have well just sent the money to Ganon at the start of the contest.
November 30th, 2009, 11:49 PM
You should have posted it publicly for all to use in the contest. While I know you would have been happy to give it to people who asked for it, not everyone thinks to ask (either going without or finding other ways to get it). You inadvertently gave Ganon a boost over the competitors. While it normally isn't a big deal in most "contests" I see around the communities, what's different here is that $250 is at stake. You may have well just sent the money to Ganon at the start of the contest.
If they did that they may as well have just not bothered protecting the map in the first place.
Also I seriously doubt having acess to the pinup images made ganon's video infinitely better than everyone elses, I'll tell you what did though, it was his experience from doing this on a regular basis.
November 30th, 2009, 11:59 PM
Yoyorast also posted decent quality images of the pinups on multiple occasions before the map was released. Those could have been used by anyone.
November 30th, 2009, 11:59 PM
Regardless of extra resources or not, I feel Ganon represented the map and constructed his trailer in a very methodical way. It looks well thought out and kept me watching. I think I watched it a few times LOL It used key wording, showed the map in great definition, outlined gameplay, showed key features, camera angles seemed right on que, and that ending roller coaster ride just got me pumped to go play it.
E: I thought the extra content was shots from yoyorast website.
December 1st, 2009, 12:05 AM
Since when does this community promote things like ripping? There has been no greater drama than people accessing tags and digging into people's protected work.
I promote open source and making stuff for the public's use, but I don't go around modifying protected content for my own benefit.
Had I really wanted to I could have grabbed an unprotected version from a certain ripper's website but I have some dignity.
Did you pay for that copy of Vegas that you used for editing? Did it give you an edge over other contestants who used Movie Maker?
December 1st, 2009, 12:21 AM
oh man this thread.
Gannons was pretty hot :O
seen silliconmasters mooks, lateksi's and now gannon. gotten better everytime so far :P
December 1st, 2009, 01:22 AM
I wonder how much money Ganon has promised to give away? Must be a lot judging by this poll, especially since his video is only 3 minutes long!
December 1st, 2009, 01:26 AM
I'm reposting what I posted because I felt the need to delete my input on the videos, to prevent my opinion swaying others. Plus I edited it like 50 times to fix my wording, and want to address a couple things.
I gave him a unprotected build.
All you had to do is ask. :ugh:
You should have posted it publicly for all to use in the contest. While I know you would have been happy to give it to people who asked for it, not everyone thinks to ask (either going without or finding other ways to get it).
I realize that Ganon didn't make his video with any manipulated content. However, admitting to giving him an unprotected map raises questions and arouses suspicion; just look what happened in here! While it normally isn't a big deal in most "contests" I see around the communities, what's different here is that $250 is at stake. You, a creator of the map, giving a contestant access to things not everyone has readily available, is almost like sending the money to them at the start of the contest.
Also I seriously doubt having acess to the pinup images made ganon's video infinitely better than everyone elses, I'll tell you what did though, it was his experience from doing this on a regular basis.
Yoyorast also posted decent quality images of the pinups on multiple occasions before the map was released. Those could have been used by anyone.Ok, ok, I stand corrected on what I originally said.
Goddamn, this is why we don't do much around here. The community attempts to organize something fun to do, and all of a sudden tempers flare, accusations are made, and I need to make tough decisions and type as if I'm tiptoeing through a goddamn minefield. Maybe we shouldn't make the mistake of offering prizes.
December 1st, 2009, 01:32 AM
Basically Ganon cheated in multiple ways and his video shouldn't count in this contest, yup!
December 1st, 2009, 01:39 AM
Basically Ganon cheated in multiple ways and his video shouldn't count in this contest, yup!
Joking or not, knock it off. It's coming off as butthurt whining.
I swear to god, in addition to what I just said if it were up to me, I would call off the contest because of all the fucking DRAMA it's generating.
December 1st, 2009, 01:42 AM
It's more like trolling, since this contest is basically a joke, and has been since they started changing rules after it had started.
Hell, Yoyorast even said he should of taken my advise and split up the winnings instead of one lump sum to the winner. Honestly, this should of been thought out more, a poll should of been created beforehand asking for opinions on the rules. Then the rules should of been laid down and not changed.
That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it. It also has nothing to do with the fact that YouTube fucked me over so I couldn't enter.
t3h m00kz
December 1st, 2009, 02:16 AM
Did you pay for that copy of Vegas that you used for editing? Did it give you an edge over other contestants who used Movie Maker?
I've given myself time to reflect, and you actually have a bit of a point. Here I am, and I told myself I wouldn't try to make any money off of any software without owning a license.
I'm pretty disgusted with myself now. like, honestly.
Not that it matters but I'm backing out of this contest. I don't want to win. As much as I could honestly use the money (unemployed, hospital bills, college, etc) I feel now that I've been cheating in an attempt to get money. Take my name off of the poll.
I still entirely disagree with the way the contest has been held. Unprotected builds out there, and the last minute change of the minimum length. I see the sudden demand for the change as disrespectful to the rules, and disrespectful to the members who actually followed the original rules, which clearly stated to try to make the movies at least 4 mintues long.
Though I have to say, I'm also pretty sure I'm not the only one who had a program they didn't have a license for. I doubt every single one of the entries was made using a legit copy of whatever it is they used. Making money off of a program you don't have a license for is a pretty big deal. I see your point, it's like stealing a sports car to win a race for cash and prizes. If one decides to steal a program, trying to make money off of the program is just digging themselves in deeper into illegal activity. And to be honest I'm not even sure if the contest itself is 100% legal, knowing Microsoft. But I won't get into that because I don't know any details.
So yeah. Bottom line, sorry for being a bit of a dick lately. I've been under a lot of stress lately, between bills, not getting called into work last week, not getting any calls back for any job apps I put in, not getting any word back from a college I'm trying to get into, then watching Cheesie's "video entry," etc, etc baww, baww, my vagina's been leaking blood everywhere.
December 1st, 2009, 04:21 AM
I'm proud to say that my video was created using programs with legitimate licensing! Thank god I got in on that school site license of Master Collection CS3 when they offered it!
December 1st, 2009, 05:31 AM
Pros: Great kills... more like amazing.
Cons: Need an intro. Seems like some of the video should be more of a trailer than a montage though.
I plan on re-editing it later and uploading, I agree it was put together incorrectly, Only had enough time to trim and place the clips. I didn't really have time to record the things i wanted and to use the vintage 360, But I'll get them for the yoyorast v2.1 contest.
I'm proud to say that my video was created using programs with legitimate licensing!
But you pirate everything else, and use crap to edit =-/
December 1st, 2009, 07:40 AM
I'll let the audience judge my and others' videos, I'm not gonna vote for anything. However, I'll give crit to some of the entries for all the hard work you put into em.
Mookz' video was pretty good but the length, music and effects weren't for my taste. And you deleted the video anyway.
Ganon's video was very professional, I liked the music and it really felt like a trailer. I don't mind the length if that's a rule change Yoyo himself made. And it was great that short too.
Siliconmaster's video would've been great without the gaps. You got in hurry too I guess.
Tythespy's video felt more like a montage, good music, many amazing kills and you showed all parts of the map but I would have cut it from the middle.
December 1st, 2009, 08:02 AM
Guys, i never sent any material to anyone.
God Mookz, i cant believe you removed your vid.. When people started complaining bout the lengh rule, i said i was ok to change the rule if thosr who respected the rule were ok... You answered you were neutral if i remember well...
Dam, man plz put it back, yoir vid was really worth it.. I may have voted for you sincerely.. Still unsure but may have.. Still got to watch them all again on a real comp..
December 1st, 2009, 08:52 AM
This is why I did not participate. Once money is involved every human being acts the same. Sorry about your contest yoyo.
December 1st, 2009, 08:59 AM
This is why I did not participate. Once money is involved every human being acts the same. Sorry about your contest yoyo.
Ye maybe i shouldn't have proppsed so much.. The truth is that i wanted to give like 150usd at start.. But the day i announced the contest i won a bit less than 100€ with a loto like game.. This money was not mine, falling from the sky.. So i decided to add it to the price i initially wanted to give...
But i wanted a maximum of people to participate.. In the end, Im a bit disapointed with the number of participents.. At start there was like more than 2 times more people saying/wishing to enter the contest.. In the end just a few.. So how many people would have participate with no price?
December 1st, 2009, 09:01 AM
This is why I did not participate. Once money is involved every human being acts the same. Sorry about your contest yoyo.
I agree, and its one of the reasons why I havent entered the contest, other reason is because I'm mega busy.
I'll probably be releasing my own trailer in a month or so, just to show off the map and the ideas I had to show case it for this contest.
I'll be posting my comments about all the videos later today :D and casting my vote!
December 1st, 2009, 09:37 AM
You guys are real angels for not entering because of the money... Hard to believe but anyway... One more guy to tell me he didnt enter for the same reason and im making a second contest with no money to win !
December 1st, 2009, 10:06 AM
Will definitely participate :P Had some clips already done.
December 1st, 2009, 10:41 AM
Dont have a method for receiving the money or i would have entered. Now finals are rolling around, you might as well do yoyo v2.2 and then redo the contest.
December 1st, 2009, 10:53 AM
Siliconmaster's video would've been great without the gaps. You got in hurry too I guess.
Thanks. It's too bad I didn't have a chance to finish it. Ah well- all for the fun anyway.
December 1st, 2009, 11:18 AM
Just a word of thanks to those who voted for me.
I really appreciate that some people enjoy the work I did. <3
December 1st, 2009, 12:19 PM
You guys are real angels for not entering because of the money... Hard to believe but anyway... One more guy to tell me he didnt enter for the same reason and im making a second contest with no money to win !
I guess I'll be entering that one with my failed trailer then.
Just do what I've been suggesting since you decided to change the rules mid-contest.
Start a poll asking the community what they think the rules should be, let it run for a week or two... After that, post a thread stating the contest rules and leave it, don't change it no matter what anyone said, they had a chance to vote earlier. Won't be so much of a joke if you do that.
@Siliconmaster: I agree with Lateski, 100%
December 1st, 2009, 12:46 PM
Ganon's mastered the flow of what a trailer is... Rosco's could done better if it was more like a trailer.
Oh well, the videos for the most part, were all really good. Props to all who put effort into the contest!
E: For a trailer, unless you use the pictures of the women to your advantage like Ganon did, they are very distracting in the filming and, to be honest, take away from the theatrical effect of the previews. Very distracting from what the film-maker would want the user to focus on.
In future trailers, I recommend either using the distracting sections to your advantage or trying to ignore them 100% in your videos. Just a couple of things I would like to point out.
E2: In fact, if we have another version of YoYo, I would suggest removing the women. They don't add much, if anything to the map itself.
December 1st, 2009, 01:02 PM
Hard decision between Ganon's and Lateks'. They both had weak and strong points. I chose Ganon's though.
December 1st, 2009, 01:38 PM
Well, since the guys put effort into the making of the videos, I thought I'd put effort into commenting on their work. Top 3 comments are in order I thought they came in, ones after are in any order.
Wish I could vote for more than 1, top 3 were great.
Firstly, I had a basic set of requirements, that I thought would make a great video.
Introduces the map well.
Good overview shots of map.
Explains all gametypes.
Not too fancy with effects.
Fitting music, i.e. no heavy rock mixed with slow, gentle camera action.
Shows off new vehicles/weapons/gameplay elements.
Feels like a map trailer.
My winning vote goes to Ganon, it was a tough decision, Lateksi your video was fantastic too, Rosco yours was great also. If I could, I'd make you all winners.
Loved how you introduced the map by showing different areas of map
Great use of the pinup girls, regardless of how you acquired them. Great idea.
Fantastic way of showing the 3 game types.
Camera movement was stunning throughout.
Great text.
Music worked well
Showed new gameplay
No link to website, but had halomaps in description
Wasnt over the top with effects which was good.
Made me want to actually play the map, felt like a real trailer to a map.
Fabulous shot of the map straight away.
Very informative, loved it.
Showed previous map which I liked alot, showed progression.
Advertised Halo CE, always good.
Visuals looked awesome, did you put post video effects on it or something?
Shows footage of different gametypes.
Shows off the new vehicles
Shows off new gameplay elements.
Had website, not who made it.
Good intro.
Great camera angles
Shows off new vehicles
Shows off different gametypes
I feel there was too many video effects.
Music fitted nicely
Had chat text, BUT did remove the hud on bits, which I liked alot.
No website and no credits which was a bit annoying.
Very informative, talked about new features
Liked it alot.
Great intro
Music fitted brilliantly.
Fantastic camera angles
Talked about new features
Massive shame it wasnt fully finished, would have been an outstanding video.
Rather short and to be honest didnt introduce map well at all.
It only had one angle of the map, which most of the time was blocked by a banshee, I know you tried your best without dev, couldnt you have gone back to 1.08 temporarily?
Music didnt fit with what was going on.
No mention of gametypes
Pretty basic.
Partly introduces map with a bit of history.
40 secinds in and the video effect is still on, wasnt really too happy about that
Text was basic
Stood onto of the tower for too long.
Music didnt really fit.
It did show off different bits of game play.
Had an overview of map
Music didnt really fit.
Didnt introduce the map
Didnt show a website link
Rough credits in video (showed the credits walll)
Didnt show gametypes
Was pretty basic.
First shot of a map in video, and it wasnt even Yoyorast Island....
Clearly stated gametypes available.
Showed new gameplay features.
Good aerials of map
Had a link to the website
Music suitted pretty well.
Overall it was good.
No real intro
Too much slayer, 6 minutes worth.
It did show alot of game types though but wasnt even in time
Had website name
Singular, wtf did you mean by that?
Felt like more of a montage than a map
Credits say you used halo no text, yet I saw a TON of text, wtf?
Too much video effects
Whined too muchWithdrew from contest, hense the short review.
December 1st, 2009, 01:43 PM
Camera movement was stunning throughout.
You can't really talk about camera movement there but yeah it looked nice. :iamafag:
December 1st, 2009, 01:46 PM
You can't really talk about camera movement there but yeah it looked nice. :iamafag:
If your implying he used an app for it. Then thats even better. Love it when people use apps for things, especially when I helped on it :P
December 1st, 2009, 01:49 PM
Well I'll repost my reviews again since others are anyway...
C0reInside - Sorry man, you didn't put any effort into it at all. A good trailer needs more than just a jerky 30-second view of the island.
DPeDroiA - More of a montage of random kills than a trailer highlighting the map. The jerky camera, awkward direction, video filters, and 8 minute length made it hard to watch.
Ganon - This was exactly the kind of thing I was looking for in a trailer. Good clips, good music, great camera work and direction, gives what's needed without excess.
joLTYGUY - No direction, just a bunch of random clips thrown together with random music. While it shows off the map, it just doesn't do it very well.
Kenshin - Pretty good stuff, just feels like there isn't enough... while I applaud the idea of the bumper-cam on the warthog, it just doesn't work with Halo.
Lateksi - "Right here. Right now." is definitely a great tagline for v2. The direction, music, and quality was great, unfortunately it was too much like a ownage montage.
rec0 Rosco - The beginning what with fading to and from v1 and v2 was trippy and fuckawesome. Unfortunately, subtitles. Videos can't really multitask that well, it felt like you were trying to explain the map while showing us a not-really-ownage montage.
Siliconmaster - This had potential. Yet it's unfinished. Ouch.
t3h mookz - Your final iteration feels too much like four videos slapped end-to-end, and the second two videos feel too much like ownage montages. Yes, yes, we know you're MLG dawg.
tythespy - Sorry man, I can't even watch vimeo on this shitbox. :(
December 1st, 2009, 02:35 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments
Limited, I seen the word Singular and seen the def- extrordinary, remarkable, unusual, different. The meaning of the word is great for the video, but yet it didn't fit into the title that well. I used halonotext while filming my gameplay for the first week (some footage shown) and while using fly cam (mid-intro). I'll get it cleaned up.
I plan on re-editing this video and making a second video for the next yoyorast video contest. I had fun doing this video and I'll push more people to make their videos.
December 1st, 2009, 02:39 PM
Why not offer runner ups a few modacity perks? Like maybe a slightly larger sig, some rep or something like that?
December 1st, 2009, 02:41 PM
Very awesome video's guys! Congrats on finishing.
I liked Ganon's and Lateskis trailer. Both very good, I even had some trouble deciding which one to choose even though I was in Ganon's :)
Ganon's :
Cool animations in the beginning (though it got a bit boring during the posters moment :ugh:)
Nice camera angles, and showing alot parts of the maps.
Synced very well with music
Showed all gametypes perfectly.
Nice choice of music, made me look it up becuase I've never heard it.
Made we want to go play the map.
Suggestion : Add more fp clips.
Lateski :
VERY NICE intro. I simply love all of it, and especially when he says "CTF" when your in the hog and the gameplay starts.
Nice choice of music, made me look it up as well.
Clips were nice, but sometimes they got boring. (I think this could have been fixed by having some flycam work during action parts.)
Overall nice and showed lots of parts in the map
Both were very well done. My vote went to Ganon. Sorry Lateski ;)
December 1st, 2009, 02:47 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments
Limited, I seen the word Singular and seen the def- extrordinary, remarkable, unusual, different. The meaning of the word is great for the video, but yet it didn't fit into the title that well. I used halonotext while filming my gameplay for the first week (some footage shown) and while using fly cam (mid-intro). I'll get it cleaned up.
I plan on re-editing this video and making a second video for the next yoyorast video contest. I had fun doing this video and I'll push more people to make their videos.
Fair enough, I just personally see the word singular as meaning 1, single. And obviously, this is version 2, but yeah I see what you mean.
December 1st, 2009, 03:09 PM
Ganon's mastered the flow of what a trailer is... Rosco's could done better if it was more like a trailer.
Oh well, the videos for the most part, were all really good. Props to all who put effort into the contest!
It would of done better if this community played the map more buddy.
Thanks p0lar, I loved working on the intro, shame I couldn't really finish it off which is why the next song is sloppy.
Also, subtitles. These motherfuckers were such a difficult decision. I wanted to do a voice over but I don't have the stuff to record on pc. The gameplay in the second song was just a general fight scene, I wasn't trying to do a montage :)
I used about 4 effects in that video.
Also on another note - my buddy and I are going to do a series of reviews soon, so if you'd like to see some subscribe on this channel:
December 1st, 2009, 04:32 PM
Siliconmaster - This had potential. Yet it's unfinished. Ouch.
:-3 There just to show effort. :P Yoyo convinced me to show it, and I'm glad I did.
December 1st, 2009, 05:31 PM
I hope you finish it eventually, it really looks like a good view!
December 1st, 2009, 05:37 PM
thx Limited and p0lar_bear for the reviews, because i needed to know all the wrong stuff with my video.
December 1st, 2009, 05:43 PM
Definately a tie between Ganon and Lateski.
Leaning more towards Ganon right now but I dunno.
December 1st, 2009, 05:47 PM
Wow Limited, polar and guys thks for your deep reviews.. Very cool to have your imput.. I would really like to give mine on each vids but rewatching the vids and writing on the iphone is a nightmare.. Hope i get my imac before the end of the week.. thats why i did not comment nor been voting yet..
December 1st, 2009, 05:50 PM
Definately a tie between Ganon and Lateski.
Leaning more towards Ganon right now but I dunno.
I'd vote for Lateski, he followed the contest rules and didn't use anything except for the map to create his video. If you read through this and the other thread it will point out that Ganon used other content not included in the map to make his video, his video is also under the original time requirement and is therefore not even a real entry imo.
December 1st, 2009, 05:59 PM
I'd vote for Lateski, he followed the contest rules and didn't use anything except for the map to create his video. If you read through this and the other thread it will point out that Ganon used other content not included in the map to make his video, his video is also under the original time requirement and is therefore not even a real entry imo.
my god will you stop. its just getting annoying now and everyone has seen your point. you either hate ganon or something, but no one cares, stop influencing there opinions, and it was stated earlier that everything he did was ok. maybe not by your regulations, but by the guy thats actually holding this contest, it was.
December 1st, 2009, 06:02 PM
Ganon used other content not included in the map to make his video
Or he took screenshots of the pinup girls, put them in Photoshop and cut each one of them out. He's been getting good at cutting things out in PS, I can guarantee that. And how are they not included in the map? They're big, bold, and there's at least 10 of them in the map, you can't miss them.
We get it, you hate Ganon's video. We understood this about 20 posts ago.
December 1st, 2009, 06:11 PM
Next one to argue about videos not meeting some "requirements" gets banned for a day!
We're getting tired of the thread derails here.
December 1st, 2009, 06:21 PM
Fuck, I didn't want to. I wanted to give it to lateksi, but ganon stole my heart.
teh lag
December 1st, 2009, 07:19 PM
holy shit fuck ass fucking assshit you guys are dumb
I have nothing against Ganon (except for the fact that he gets away with extreme amounts of AUP violations)
yeah that's why he's not in detention right now for them oh, wait
okay bad posts gone and goat's promise carried out now let's uh not do that anymore
December 1st, 2009, 08:20 PM
Ganon won~
(Though several of the other videos were really good, Ganon's just fitted the "trailer" theme so much better but I'm sure you know who I mean!)
December 1st, 2009, 08:24 PM
December 1st, 2009, 08:31 PM
Congrats to all but Ganon has the cake. Which, is really.... a lie
December 1st, 2009, 08:55 PM
the poll isn't over guise.
December 1st, 2009, 09:54 PM
Lateski was good. Ganon was better.
End of thread.
Oh and stop cheating Ganon you don't deserve to win.
December 1st, 2009, 10:13 PM
Guys, don't make fun of lancer now that he isn't here.
That's kind of spineless. :v:
December 1st, 2009, 11:57 PM
A major winning factor for Ganon's is I can actually watch it again, and again.
The music was excellent, and the video went at a perfect speed.
December 2nd, 2009, 04:14 PM
this is what happens when you go debug_camera_load
December 3rd, 2009, 05:47 PM
These are not like reviews of the videos but more positive and negative thoughts that came to me when watching... I mean some times there's a lot of "+" that doesn't mean the vid is better than one with less "+" because sometimes I'm pointing little details I liked...
Anyway, in the end, I'm not very original... my vote goes to Ganon :neckbeard:
Be prepared for next video contest guys :haw: Nothing to win than glory this time :neckbeard: ...and beat Ganon if he wins this time and make another vid next time :p
+ Off course I LOVE the music...
- but this does not make the vid a good trailer… too basic, too short…
- Not my style of music… :)
- too many effects
+ but pretty addictive in the end.
Image too dark sometimes.
+ I liked the action at panic room lol.
+ Amazing intro
+ Amazing music
+ Amazing ending
+ Amazing clean camera work
+ Show the map at it's best
- Missing some good action (you can feel the action is done with 2 guys only); the music is so cool and frenetic that it would have been perfect to add some like more frenetic action with more people… also missing some 1st player view action...
- Not a trailer, just gameplay
- no camera view
+ I liked the 1st music
+ some actions are great
+ good "epic" music
+ I simply LOVE the hog pursuit view from the back of the custom hog, just amazing, really AMAZING... like if raged dogs were running after you !
+ some good actions
+ Liked how it ends with the guy passing the tele then the rocket explosion...
- Camera movements not as smooth as they could be at the begining…
- A little bit short, I mean the map is partly shown...
+ LOVE the music and the blurred sequence after the V2 model pics also the transition to the 1st action sequence in custom hog when it says "capture the flag" : Amazing feeling!
+ good "frenetic" action
+ Love when the beat goes boom boom at 3:15
+ Liked the first camera plan on the island...
- but when the images start to Fad/mix… not showing very well…
- Don't like the surrounding of the screen
- Too much red screen
+ Pretty good music
+/- Nice idea of the V1/V2 mix at start but could have been better done, I mean the matching between the 2 maps footage could have been better.
+ the video effect/sound when it pass from V1 to V2 is very good.
+ love the discontinued focus on the guy at danube sniper tower roof...
+ Too bad you didn't finished, very big potential
+ Epic intro
+ Loved the 2 musics
- I think you could have find more good looking letters to write what you have to write.
t3h mookz
- I can't see your vid anymore, too bad I only can comment from what I remember…
+ I liked the 3 musics
+ some very good action with some "epic" moments (thks to action and music…)
+ good editing and some good effects if I remember
I had some more negative points but can't remember enough to say...
+ good music
+ I like how the hog fly in the very 1st sequence.
+ Maybe the Best "frenetic" Action sequences of the contest.
+ Action Action Action
- Action Action Acton
- ALmost only 1st view
- A bit repetitive and long
Just a word on the too late Freelancer's vid
+ some good action
+ pretty good music
+ love the 1st rotating sequence
+ love the split screens a la 24
+ Love the last sequence in credit room
- Too many "crappy" (no offense) basic video transitions
December 3rd, 2009, 10:15 PM
Although I feel Ganon's was the best, I decided to vote for Kenshins, because I think he deserved to get at least one vote. What he had there was pretty good. Ganons pretty much got it in the bag already so there's no point for me to vote for him.
The cool hog chase scenes in his vid would be awesome if combined with ganons, that would just about make it perfect.
December 6th, 2009, 02:32 PM
K guys time has come to name the winner of this contest, there's no suspens, no surprise, Ganon blow away everyone else with his vid :haw:
Some other vids were really good but you guys decided Ganon really deserved to win... Your vid was really good man, congratulations ! :neckbeard:
Now PM me your email man, I'll send you what you know (10 cents each week till the end of the days, hahaha, I never said I'd give the entire thing at once lol.. joke) make sure you have a paypal account (taht works with this email).
Thanks guys. I'll make a new thread soon for a new yoyoV2 promo video contest... now for fun and no money in the equation...
What do you think of 2 to 4 mintues ; limit time to upload your vids to youtube : 6 of january ; no rule change possible... what else ?
December 6th, 2009, 05:25 PM
Just place a minimum time limit, no reason to cap it if people think they can actually make a captivating video that will last a long time.
December 10th, 2009, 09:38 PM
For anyone wondering, I donated $30 of this. You all win, sorta!
December 11th, 2009, 11:12 AM
Ganon my new raw model!
December 11th, 2009, 02:17 PM
meh i voted gannon for Yyv2o9mcw
but no his movie by far had the most originality and creativity. and it just flowed.
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